Letter from Paul Methuen, 1st Baron Methuen to Sampson Low


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line 1: Corsham House
line 2: April 12 1830
line 3:
line 4: Sir
line 5: I beg to assure you that the delay
line 6: of my grateful acknowledgement for the very
line 7: handsome present I received from you of
line 8: "The Iris" has not arisen from want of
line 9: courtesy or attention, but from my
line 10: not having had an opportunity, till this
line 11: moment, of getting a frank to convey
line 12: my thanks and to assure you how
line 13: much flattered I was with the offering
line 14: as well as pleased and amused with
line 15: its contents.
line 16: I think, judging from this

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line 1: specimen, there is very little doubt of
line 2: the Iris continuing to live among
line 3: the annuals, and to claim merit
line 4: above them, and I shall be happy
line 5: to fund you, an other year, availing
line 6: yourselves of the wish I feel to con-
line 7: tribute my mite to your success
line 8: I remain Sir
line 9: Your very faithful servant
line 10: Paul Methuen
line 11:
line 12: Sampson Low Esq

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