Letter from Unknown - G Maland?



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line 1: 28 May 1853
line 2:
line 3: Many thanks, Dear Sir, for your
line 4: affectionate note. I do not see the
line 5: possibility of even shaking your hand
line 6: as I leave London on Monday next,
line 7: please the Lord.
line 8: To that Lord therefore I commend
line 9: both you Sir, & your dear family.
line 10: Do consider attentively what says the
line 11: Apostle St John, his Epistle V, 9-13, &
line 12: do never say that you hope only to be
line 13: saved, but depending simply on God's
line 14: grace and witness, give thanks for your
line 15: salvations, complete in Jesus, & sway,
line 16: with a sure hope of being answered, to
line 17: be sanctified.
line 18: May every blessing, Dear Sir,
line 19: rest upon you and yours!
line 20: G Maland