Letter from John Lothrop Motley


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line 1: 17 Arlington St
line 2: January 17th 1870
line 3:
line 4: Dear Sir
line 5: In reply to your
line 6: note of January 15th I beg to
line 7: say that I have received
line 8: a letter from Mrs Fletcher
line 9: notifying me that the
line 10: package of which you
line 11: speak, as been sent to
line 12: me, but it has not yet
line 13:
line 14: Sampson Low Esq

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line 1: been received. As soon
line 2: as it arrives I shall
line 3: have much pleasure
line 4: in forwarding it to
line 5: you
line 6: I am
line 7: Very truly yours
line 8: J L Motley

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