Letter from Robert Montgomery


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Page 1

line 1: 51 Torrington Square
line 2: Monday
line 3:
line 4: My dear Sir
line 5: Accept my best
line 6: thanks for your kind attention
line 7: for the 6th, not the
line 8: 3rd edition of "Luther" –
line 9: Tell Mr Low I am always
line 10: at home before 12 each
line 11: day; & if he feels
line 12: inclined to call
line 13: on me any day

Page 2

line 1: next week, I shall be
line 2: glad to receive his proposal;
line 3: The man wanted is
line 4: one who can afford
line 5: both spirit & energy
line 6: on this work – It has
line 7: received the very highest
line 8: reactions - & only
line 9: requires to be
line 10: re-published with

Page 3

line 1: vigour. The publisher
line 2: who does this – will
line 3: identify himself
line 4: with Smith and Protestantism
line 5: Yours faithfully
line 6: R Montgomery