Letter from Henry Moseley to Thomas Kerslake


1 2 3

Page 1

line 1: 29 Nov 1862
line 2: Gentlemen
line 3: I shall be obliged
line 4: if you will obtain
line 5: for me copies of
line 6: my two books
line 7: republished in
line 8: America entitled

Page 2

line 1: "The Mechanical
line 2: Principles of Engi-
line 3: neering and Archi-
line 4: tecture" (Wylly
line 5: and Halsted New
line 6: York) and
line 7: "The Illustrations

Page 3

line 1: of Mechanics"
line 2: Your obedient servant
line 3: Henry Moseley
line 4: Messrs Kerslake
line 5: Bristol