Letter from Robert Chambers to Messrs Sampson Low, Son & Marston


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Page 1

line 1: St Andrews, October 27, 1865
line 2:
line 3: Dear Sirs
line 4: I am glad to find,
line 5: from a prospectus which has reached
line 6: me, that you are about to publish
line 7: Mr Simson's History of the Gypsies.
line 8: I knew and esteemed the author,
line 9: and remember the interest which his
line 10: papers excited when they appeared
line 11: in Blackwood's Magazine. The work
line 12: will, I believe, be pronounced one of
line 13: great industry, and thoroughly ex-
line 14: haustive in its character, and I
line 15: sincerely hope that it will prove
line 16: remunerative to all parties con-
line 17: cerned.

Page 2

line 1: When ready, please let me have
line 2: a copy for W. & R. Co. Paternoster
line 3: Row, where it will be paid for
line 4: on showing this note.
line 5: Your faithful servant
line 6: R. Chambers
line 7:
line 8: Messrs Sampson Low, Son, & Marston,
line 9: London.
line 10:
line 11: Chambers R
line 12: Oct 27th
line 13: 1865