Letter from Ashton Oxenden


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line 1: A.M.
line 2: Montreal
line 3: May 29 1872
line 4:
line 5: My dear Sir
line 6: I was very glad to hear
line 7: from you that my book on the
line 8: Psalms commends itself to
line 9: you & I am thankful to
line 10: you for being so good as to
line 11: write & tell me your

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line 1: suggestion about numbering the
line 2: verses I quite approve of & will
line 3: forward it to Messrs Hatchard.
line 4: I have found Mr Dawson a
line 5: most respectable man of business
line 6: & full of intelligence.
line 7: I do not at all regret
line 8: having come here, but I find

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line 1: my past one of usefulness &
line 2: happiness, though it has its share
line 3: and difficulties.
line 4: Yours very faithfully
line 5: A Montreal