Letter from Florence Nightingale to Messrs Sampson Low & Co


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Page 1

line 1: 30 Old Burlington St
line 2: W
line 3: November 3/1860
line 4:
line 5: Gentlemen
line 6: May I beg that
line 7: you will forward
line 8: my best thanks
line 9: to Mr J.G. Palfrey
line 10: for the copy of the
line 11: 2nd Vol of his
line 12: important work,
line 13: the History of New
line 14: England, which he
line 15: was kind enough

Page 2

line 1: to lend me through
line 2: you, as I see by
line 3: your letter dated
line 4: Oct 11.
line 5: And may I
line 6: ask you to forward
line 7: to him the
line 8: accompanying (three)
line 9: little works of
line 10: mine, as a feeble
line 11: proof of my
line 12: gratitude for his
line 13: attention.
line 14: If you will do

Page 3

line 1: me the favour to let
line 2: me know the cost
line 3: of forwarding them,
line 4: I should wish to
line 5: pay it immediately.
line 6: I remain
line 7: Gentlemen
line 8: Yours faithfully
line 9: Florence Nightingale
line 10:
line 11: Messrs S. Low & Co