Letter from John Brown


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line 1: 23 Rutland Street
line 2: Edinburgh 24 January
line 3: 1862
line 4: My dear Sirs. I have to thank
line 5: you for your letter & the Book.
line 6: I have looked through it, &
line 7: though there is "pith & marrow"
line 8: in it – there is much that is
line 9: not pleasant to my taste
line 10: either in thought or expulsion.
line 11: I am sure if I was to excise
line 12: all that I dislike, it would
line 13: be not worth your printing –
line 14: besides I don't think these
line 15: books do much good & they
line 16: do some evil - we talk &
line 17: write & read far too much
line 18: in our days. Consequently I

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line 1: must ask your professional
line 2: pardon! it is as bad as to tell
line 3: your friend the Brewer that
line 4: the world drinks too much
line 5: beer. With much regards
line 6: & best thanks, yours ever truly
line 7: J. Brown
line 8:
line 9: "The ?? of ??" on any
line 10: find & that is a very queer
line 11: page of slang. Consequently I adhere
line 12: to my declination.