Letter from Jane Porter to Louis Theodore Ventouillac


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Page 1

line 1: E?? – September 12th 1829
line 2:
line 3: Sir
line 4: I trust that the sad apology of a continued
line 5: sickness in my family, will obtain your
line 6: pardon for having delayed my answer
line 7: to your obliging letter of the 11th Nov instance of the current month.
line 8: the reason you give for the omission
line 9: of my contribution is Mr Dale's new
line 10: work, this season, is quite satisfactory
line 11: to me; and therefore shall be equally
line 12: pleased to see it in his "Iris" pages
line 13: for the next. – I do not decline
line 14: the time you mention for its re-
line 15: numeration, (next November) because these
line 16: little sums have always their allotment
line 17: with me.

Page 2

line 1: With my best wishes for the success of the
line 2: new offspring, I remain, Sir,
line 3: Your obedient servant
line 4: Jane Porter
line 5: ??
line 6: L. J. Ventouillac