Letter from William Henry Prowse to Sampson Low Junr


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Page 1

line 1: Text obscured by glued down page
line 2: glass or two of ?? are
line 3: to luncheon He recommends
line 4: me the seaside in preference
line 5: to a sea voyage, and as
line 6: soon as I have the wounds
line 7: healed up I can either have
line 8: the joint opened and the
line 9: diseased bone cut away, by
line 10: which means I should get
line 11: the partial use of the joint
line 12: again, or submit to have a
line 13: stiff joint.

Page 2

line 1: I hope you are deriving
line 2: benefit from your sojourn
line 3: at Brighton and shall
line 4: be glad to hear of any
line 5: improvement. The widow
line 6: came to Liverpool on a
line 7: visit to her friends but I
line 8: did not see her, no fear
line 9: of me in that quarter
line 10: Ever my dear Low
line 11: Yours very sincerely
line 12: William. H. Prowse
line 13:
line 14: Sampson Low Junior Esq