Letter from Thomas Percival Bunting to Sampson Low



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line 1: Register & Enclose £15
line 2:
line 3: 32 Mosley St
line 4: Manchester
line 5: September 25th 1857
line 6:
line 7: Sir,
line 8: Mr Milburn wishes me to
line 9: remit the enclosed, to be placed to
line 10: his credit. Please acknowledge
line 11: receipt.
line 12: I want Peter Cartwright's life
line 13: I think either you or Heylin publish it.
line 14: Can you send it me, & I will
line 15: remit postage stamps?
line 16: Yours truly,
line 17: T. Percival Bunting
line 18:
line 19: Mr Sampson Low