Letter from Thomas Jones, 7th Viscount Ranelagh


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line 1: 3 Bolton Row
line 2: 8 December 1843
line 3:
line 4: Sir
line 5:
line 6: I trust you will not think
line 7: me remiss in not having thanked
line 8: you for the little book you were
line 9: so kind to send me, the reason I
line 10: have not done so sooner is on
line 11: account of my having mislaid
line 12: your letter – Should you have a spare
line 13: half hour any morning before 12
line 14: it would afford one great pleasure
line 15: if you would give one a call, being
line 16: at the present moment engaged

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line 1: in drawing up some plans for
line 2: the advantage of the poorer
line 3: classes. Your knowledge and
line 4: experience on this subject would be
line 5: of the greatest service to me.
line 6: Should it be inconvenient for you
line 7: to call I will endeavour to pay you a
line 8: visit some day in the ensuing
line 9: week.
line 10: I am
line 11: Your most obedient servant
line 12: Ranelagh

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