Letter from Benjamin Humphrey Smart



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line 1: Messrs Sampson Low & Co
line 2: 37 Wyndham St W
line 3: Feb.ruary 14. 1860 ~
line 4: Gentlemen,
line 5:
line 6: I am gratified in
line 7: acquainting you with the safe receipt
line 8: of Dr Worcester's new Dictionary of
line 9: the English Language, and feel much
line 10: obliged by your agreeing in the matter.
line 11: Of course I do not content myself with
line 12: this acknowledgement, but shall com-
line 13: municate my direct thanks to Dr
line 14: Worcester. Pray is the following the
line 15: proper address?
line 16: Reverend Prof.essor Christmas
line 17: Cambridge Massachusetts
line 18: U.S
line 19: enclosing to
line 20: J. E. Worcester Esquire
line 21: L.L.D. ??
line 22: Should the above be correct, you
line 23: need not take the trouble to answer
line 24: I am Gentlemen
line 25: Your Obedient Servant
line 26: B. H. Smart