Letter from Anthony Trollope


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Page 1

line 1: Dear Sir. The matter is
line 2: written that you may, if you
line 3: please send it to New York.
line 4: It comes after what passed
line 5: yesterday I should not have
line 6: written on the matter, at present,
line 7: to anyone but yourself. It is
line 8: however material that there
line 9: shall be no delay.
line 10: If the firm in New York
line 11: do not like the series – or
line 12: the name – I do not wish
line 13: to publish them monthly.

Page 2

line 1: My last letter ?? have
line 2: last the unpublished
line 3: series.
line 4: Yours faithfully
line 5: Anthony Trollope
line 6: January 31- 1860

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