Letter from John Hewitt to Sampson Low Esq
1 2 3 Page 1
line 1: 48 Camden St. N.W.
line 2: February 16. 1860
line 3:
line 4: Dear Sir,
line 5: I have this day determined
line 6: to withdraw finally from the
line 7: candidature for the directorship
line 8: in the London Life Association,
line 9: and so give you the earliest
line 10: information. On a fuller reflection
line 11: I have come to the conclusion
line 12: that even if elected I could
line 13: ill afford the time required
line 14: for a satisfactory performance Page 2
line 1: of the rules. In taking this
line 2: step I have the satisfactory
line 3: reflection that I have done
line 4: some good service to new Proprietors
line 5: and that these services are
line 6: then what they may have been
line 7: fully appreciated by not
line 8: a few of the body.
line 9: I am
line 10: Dear Sir
line 11: Yours very truly
line 12: John Hewitt ??
line 13:
line 14: Sampson Low EsqPage 3
line 1: