Letter from George Walter Thornbury to Messrs Sampson Low & Son


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Page 1

line 1: 5 Furnival's Inn
line 2: Thursday
line 3:
line 4: Gentlemen
line 5: The proofs shall now be returned
line 6: hot & fast as you like
line 7: I should be glad with the money as soon as
line 8: convenient – I have generally been paid for
line 9: books on sending in the whole copy
line 10: Believe me Gentlemen
line 11: Yours truly
line 12: Walter Thornbury
line 13: Messrs Sampson Low & Son

Page 2

line 1: With W Thornbury's Compliments
line 2: Messrs Sampson Low & Co
line 3: Publishers
line 4: Ludgate Hill