Letter from Paul Cullen to Messrs Sampson Low & Co


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line 1: Palace Dublin
line 2: 7 March/1860
line 3: The Archbishop of Dublin sends
line 4: the enclosed to Messrs
line 5: Sampson Low & Co as a curiosity.
line 6: It contains 1st the original edition
line 7: of a Roman. Catholic. Tract, which was
line 8: withdrawn from public circula=
line 9: =tion when its morality was
line 10: exposed; & 2nd the Tract in a
line 11: new form substituted for the
line 12: former (as if it were the same
line 13: much abused Tract) –
line 14: A person who had got a
line 15: supply of the original before its
line 16: withdrawal, got the two
line 17: sewed together, with a short
line 18: explanatory preface – in the

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line 1: form now sent to Messrs
line 2: Low to be able to show
line 3: others something of the
line 4: Duplex morality sanctioned
line 5: text obscured by glue
line 6: one of the few copies now
line 7: extant & cannot be had
line 8: at the shops – but there is
line 9: nothing to prevent the
line 10: whole (in both editions) being
line 11: reprinted in America –
line 12: if Messrs Low should think
line 13: well of the suggestion –
line 14:
line 15: Messrs Sampson Low &Co
line 16: Publishers