Letter from Ellen Wood to Messrs Sampson Low & Son


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line 1: 14 Warwick Gardens East
line 2: Kensington W
line 3: April 23rd 1862
line 4:
line 5: Gentlemen,
line 6: I have received a letter
line 7: from Messrs Harper of New
line 8: York, enclosing a draft account for
line 9: you for 10£ - which draft
line 10: I sent to your house today.
line 11: The Messrs Harper state
line 12: that they have empowered
line 13: you to make me an offer
line 14: for the advance sheets of
line 15: my "forthcoming serial" I
line 16: am not quite sure whether
line 17: they allude to the story which
line 18: is following "The Channings" in
line 19: the ?-ier "Mrs Halliburton's
line 20: Troubles", or whether they
line 21: speak of a story by me which
line 22: has been announced to appear
line 23: later in Once a Week, "Verner's
line 24: Pride."
line 25: I have already had
line 26: three or four offers for both

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line 1: these stories from America,
line 2: and on my own part I had
line 3: previously offered the one to
line 4: one of the publishers, and Mr
line 5: Cassell, for me, had offered
line 6: the other. I am not sure
line 7: that these offers will be
line 8: accepted; should they not
line 9: be, I have no objection to
line 10: give Messrs Harper the
line 11: preference. Perhaps you
line 12: will be so kind as let me
line 13: know whether they have
line 14: made any specific offer
line 15: for the advance weekly
line 16: sheets: and, if so, what it is.
line 17: I cannot but regret
line 18: that they did not accept
line 19: my offer of the advance
line 20: monthly sheets of "the Shadow
line 21: of Ashlydyat." It is an
line 22: excellent story and has yet
line 23: twelve months to run in
line 24: Collinson's New Monthly Magazine.
line 25: I was sorry not to be
line 26: able to give you the

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line 1: publication of "The Channings",
line 2: but, as it was brought out
line 3: in a 3 volume form, similar
line 4: to "East Lynne", I could not
line 5: wish to leave Mr. Bentley.
line 6: Had it been published in a
line 7: cheaper form, it would have
line 8: been different.
line 9: We have changed our
line 10: residence from Upper Sherwood
line 11: to Kensington – which please
line 12: take notice of when you
line 13: write.
line 14: Believe me
line 15: very sincerely yours
line 16: Ellen Wood
line 17:
line 18: Messrs. Sampson Low & Son