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Team Organisers

Bayer Ledgerkusen Paul Lewis paul.j.lewis
Curio City Brandon Cook brandon.cook
DSA No Stars Ed Daynes, Richard Willmoth edward.daynes, richard.willmoth
Editoreal Madrid Jonathan Weeks jonathan.weeks
FASHLEY Young  Kathryn Young kathryn.young
I Scott the Sherriff Daniel Ellis daniel.ellis
Jeux Sans Frontières Nick Ikin nick.ikin
Perry Venables Andy McDermott andrew.mcdermott
People St. Germain Jo Booth, Kate Hardie joanne.booth;kate.hardie
Restartelona George Booden george.booden
STEMK Dons Anton Lindley DeCaire anton.lindley-decaire
The Unaccountables Anwar Halari anwar.halari
What er State Pete Dazley peter.dazley

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