Investigating the benefits of online peer mentoring for student confidence and motivation (2018)
Fayram, Jo; Boswood, Nel; Kan, Qian; Motzo, Anna and Proudfoot, Anna
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 7(4) (pp. 312-328)
The Language Exchange Programme: plugging the gap in formal learning (2017)
Beaven, Tita; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Motzo, Anna
In: Kan, Qian and Bax, Stephen eds. Beyond the language classroom: researching MOOCS and other innovations (pp. 127-140)
Publisher :
Evaluating the effects of a ‘student buddy’ initiative on student engagement and motivation (2016-01-24)
Motzo, Anna
In: Goria, Cecilia; Speicher, Oranna and Stollhans, Sascha eds. Innovative language teaching and learning at university: enhancing participation and collaboration (pp. 19-28)
ISBN : 978-1-908416-31-5 | Publisher : | Published : Dublin, Ireland, Voillans, France
Dyslexia in modern language learning: a case study on collaborative task-design for inclusive teaching and learning in an online context (2015-01-15)
Motzo, Anna and Quattrocchi, Debora
In: Borthwick, Kate; Corradini, Erika and Dickens, Alison eds. 10 years of the LLAS elearning symposium: case studies in good practice (pp. 89-102)
ISBN : 978-1-908416-22-3 | Publisher : | Published : Dublin
The Linkedup Project: an online repository for language teachers (2013)
Motzo, Anna
In: Beaven, Ana; Comas-Quinn, Anna and Sawhill, Barbara eds. Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (pp. 45-56)
ISBN : 978-1-908416-09-4 | Publisher : | Published : Dublin
Designing OERs to teach Italian pronunciation in an open educational environment: a case study (2013)
Calvi, Anna; Motzo, Anna and Silipo, Sandra
In: Beaven, Ana; Comas-Quinn, Anna and Barbara, Sawhill eds. Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom (pp. 70-82)
ISBN : 978-1-908416-09-4 | Publisher : | Published : Dublin
MOOCs for language learning – opportunities and challenges: the case of the Open University Italian Beginners’ MOOCs (2017-06-28)
Motzo, Anna and Proudfoot, Anna
In : MOOCs, Informal language learning and Mobility (20-21 Oct 2016, The Open University) (pp. 85-98)