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Dr Fiona Gleed

Profile summary


More than just sandbags: a review of temporary and demountable flood barrier choices and complications (2024-04-16)
Booth, Colin A. and Gleed, Fiona M.
In: Lamond, Jessica; Proverbs, David and Battacharya Mis, Namrata eds. Research Handbook on Flood Risk Management (pp. 112-131)
ISBN : 9781839102981 | Publisher : Edward Elgar Publishing

Home owner/occupant property flood protection (2024)
Gleed, Fiona; Booth, Colin A.; Silva, Quésia D.; Santana, Ricardo G. and Melo, Silas N.
In: Ahadzie, Divine Kwaku; Proverbs, David; Soetanto, Robby and Oladokun, Victor Oluwasina eds. Handbook of Flood Risk Management and Community Action: An International Perspective (pp. 115-128)
ISBN : 9781032324708 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon, Oxon, UK