I hold the position of Professor of Planetary Geoscience in the School of Physical Sciences at the Open Unversity. My research interests are mainly in Mars geology and geomorphology and the geology of Mercury (although I hope one day to return to my PhD topic: the geology of Venus).
I spent a lot of my early career trying to understand dust devils on Earth and Mars - the picture above is of me in the back of my trusty Toyota, just before I "sampled" a dust devil. I've also been involved in a lot of martian cryosphere and aeolian research and more recently (well, in about 2013...) I started working on landing site selection for the ESA ExoMars Rover mission and joined the instrument team for PanCam, the Rover's main camera. I am now deputy PI of PanCam and much of my research in the past 5-7 years has been centred on the ExoMars Rover mission in one way or another.
I also lead the Planetary Environments research group - a talented and dedicated group of PhD students and researchers - at Open Unversity, and have done for more than 10 years. During that time I have supervised (or co-supervised) 18 students to completion and currently supervise a handful more. I have been lucky enough to have supervised or managed 8 postdocs or research fellows over the years, all of whom were appointed on competetively awarded grant income.
Supervising students and postdocs is an important and rewarding part of my role, and my aim is to make our research group as welcoming and nurturing as it possibly can be.
2021-ongoing Professor of Planetary Geoscience, School of Physical Sciences, Open University, UK.
2013 - 2021 Senior Lecturer, Open University, UK
2009 - 2013: UK Space Agency Aurora Fellow, Open University, UK.
2006 - 2015: Research Scientist (Senior Research Scientist from 2011), part-time, Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, USA.
2005 - 2009: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, paret-time, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Open University, UK.
2005: Postdoctoral Researcher, Departement des Sciences de la Terre, Univ. Paris-Sud, Paris, France.
2004 - 2005: Postdoctoral Researcher, Planetary Science Institute, Tucson.
2003 - 2004: Post Doctoral Research Assistant, part-time, University of Oxford, UK.
2003 - 2004: Post Doctoral Research Associate, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK.
2001 - 2003: Post Doctoral Research Associate, Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA.
The multiple, part-time positions I held between 2005 and 2012 reflect two parallel mid-career paths, one in the USA at the Planetary Science Institute, the other in the UK at Open University.
My research interests in planetary geomorphology and geology include:
Martian aeolian processes and landscapes, including sediment transport, large ripple-like bedforms and dust devils. A recent paper on this topic can be found here
Martian fluvial processes and landforms, including lakes and valley networks, and especially inverted fluvial systems. For examples see here or here
Glacial and periglaical Mars. A recent paper discussing melting of martian glaciers can be found here
The application of machine learning to remote sensing of planetary surfaces. A paper describing the NOAH-H deep-learing system can be found here
Ongoing studies of the ExoMars landing site in Oxia Planum, Mars. Examples of this work can be found here and here
Mercury mapping and geology. Here are some examples of maps and science studies
2023-2027 Fluvial History of Noachis Terra and Hellas Basin, Mars. UK Space Agency funded.
2021-2023 Preperations for ExoMars Rover Operations and PanCam Deputy PI support. UK Space Agency.
2020-2023 Deep Learning Analysis of Planetary Surfaces. STFC funded.
2019-2023 Martian Aeolian Processes and Landforms at the ExoMars Rover Site in Oxia Planum. UK Space Agency funded.
2018-2021 Planetary Mapping. EU Horizon 2020 funded.
2014-2021 Identification, characterisation and Scientic evaluation of ExoMars Rover landing sites. Several UK Space Agency funded grants.
2022-ongoing S841 production team: "Level 4 project module" (currently in production)
2019 SXPS288 module team meber: "Practical Science"
2015-2017 S141 module team chair: "Investigative and Mathematical Skills in Science".
2013-2015 S141 module team member: "Investigative and Mathematical Skills in Science".
2011 S288 topic specialist: I was topic specialist for both the "Remote Sensing" (GIS) and "Planetary Formation and Habitability" topics.
2012-2013 S288 production team: "Planetary Formation and Habitability". I conceived and designed the Mars Online Viewer (MOV) tool (although the hard coding work was done by Andy Sutton from LTS!), I wrote course materials for investigation 4 of the topic, and also wrote the TMAs.
Examples of recent public engagement activities include:
2023 Wycombe Astronomical society, "Mars Geology" lecture
2022 Shropshire Geological society, "Mars Geology" lecture
2022 UK Space Agency 'Mars Day' panel member
2021 Interview, BBC news and BBC news channel
2021 Geological Society of London Invited lecture “The Geology of Mars” (link)
Name | Type | Parent Unit |
Centre for Earth, Planetary, Space and Astronomical Research (CEPSAR) | Centre | Faculty of Science |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Apr 2020 | 31 Jul 2023 | STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council |
STFC Planetary Science Consolidated grant - details to be entered here. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Lead | 01 Oct 2019 | 31 Dec 2023 | UKSA UK Space Agency |
A project to study the effects of wind as a geological process at the ExoMars Rover landing site. The project included in-situ, remote sensing, climate/windflow modelling and fieldwork. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Lead | 01 Oct 2018 | 30 Sep 2019 | UKSA UK Space Agency |
ExoFIT is a Mars rover trial for ESA, organised by Airbus Defence and Space. Balme has been invited to be Mission Scientist for this activity. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Lead | 01 Mar 2018 | 28 Feb 2019 | ESA (European Space Agency) |
A small project to "label" (identify) areas of the proposed ExoMars landing sites to support ESA machine learning technology development. The labelling “trains” the system to recognise different landform types. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Aug 2017 | 30 Sep 2018 | STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council |
The funding from the STFC under their Impact Accelerator account is being used to strategically focus on translating our space research, developing new opportunities and providing support to foster entrepreneurialism among our academics and researchers. The funding from the 2017 STFC IAA will support projects aimed at: 1. Developing techniques to produce higher resolution remote sensing of surface temperature. 2. Production of a Digital Correlated Double Sampling (DCDS) instrument. 3. Developing techniques to determine the characteristics of ice. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Lead | 01 Jun 2017 | 31 May 2021 | UKSA UK Space Agency |
Support sought for possible Guest Investigator role on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. Case fro TGO GI is already submitted to ESA, but support is sought from UK SA. Yes/no from ESA will be announced in late summer 2016, but UK SA have said that cases for support will still be required by the UK SA Aurora deadline. The proposed GI project has two parts part 1 aims to use TGO CASSIS camera data to study a region of mars called Arabia Terra. part 2 aims to use TGO CASSIS data to monitor dust devils. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Lead | 01 Jun 2017 | 31 May 2020 | UKSA UK Space Agency |
Continuation of current UK SA funding to investigate ExoMars landing sites. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Lead | 01 Apr 2017 | 31 Mar 2018 | UKSA UK Space Agency |
Work organising UKSA-funded Mars Analogue Rover mission |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Apr 2017 | 31 Aug 2017 | UKSA UK Space Agency |
CLUPI (Close UP Imager) is an instrument being developed for ESA’s ExoMars rover mission that will provide close-up images of the martian surface. With this grant the CEI is developing a hardware and software emulator for the CLUPI instrument than can be used in rover field trials to train rover operators in CLUPI operation prior to the flight instrument being developed. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Dec 2016 | 31 Jul 2017 | STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council |
The funding from STFC under their Impact Accelerator Account is being used to stragically focus on translating our space research, developing new opportunities and providing support to foster entrepreneurialism among our academics and researchers. This project is building on current work to develop new techniques to produce higher resolution remote sensing of surface temperature data based on the principle of downscaling using additional datasets. The project is working in collaboration with Geoger Ltd to develop a software tool with commercial applications to provide specialist technical information at new spatial and temporal scales. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Oct 2015 | 30 Sep 2020 | STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council |
STFC DTG Quota 2015-16 AMS record for students starting on or after 01/10/2015 |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Lead | 01 Oct 2014 | 30 Sep 2018 | NERC - British Geological Survey (BGS) |
This project will study the ‘hidden hazard’ posed by melting of shallow ground-ice in mountainous areas. The study is a combination of field measurements and remote sensing observations. The first part of the project is to investigate the ~500 000 m3 Móafellshyrna slide that was caused by melting of perched ice-rich sediments. The next step will be to apply these results to inhabited locations with similar ice-rich debris/mountainous settings. We will combine field geophysical measurements with remote sensing and modelling to investigate specific sites, and produce new empirical models to identify other ‘at-risk’ zones and determine the level of risk. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Oct 2014 | 31 Mar 2018 | UKSA UK Space Agency |
This grant supports a PhD studentship to perform atmospheric global and mesoscale modelling studies of small and medium scale dust events with relevance to ExoMars EDM and Rover entry, descent and landings. The student will investigate the behaviour of dust lifting parameterizations in the models that simulate the effect of small, convective vortices (dust devils) and lifting by large-scale near surface wind stress. The dependence on both local time of day, time of year and model resolution will be investigated. Results will be validated against past spacecraft entry, descent and landing data, with the aim of making improved predictions for future events. |
Role | Start date | End date | Funding source |
Co-investigator | 01 Apr 2014 | 31 Mar 2017 | STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council |
The aim of our programme in Astronomy & Planetary Science at the Open University (APSOU) is to carryout detailed investigations of the origin and evolution of galaxies, stars and planets with a special emphasis on our own Solar System through a combination of observation, simulation, laboratory analysis and theoretical modelling. Our research is divided into two broad areas, reflecting the historical research strengths. This research programme is well-matched to both nationally- and internationally-agreed research imperatives. In its final report, A Science Vision for European Astronomy2, Astronet’s Science Working Group identified four broad areas of strategic importance; our research covers major topics within each of these areas. APSOU projects also map onto two of the four Science Challenges that form STFC’s Road Map3 for science (‘How did the universe begin and how is it evolving?’ and ‘How do stars and planetary systems develop and is life unique to our planet?’). The present APSOU programme comprises 20 projects (labelled A to T), of which 6 are for consideration by the Astronomy Observation (AO) panel, 1 for Astronomy Theory (AT), and 13 for the Planetary Studies (PL) panel. The AO projects cover the breadth of the 7 themes recognised as UK strengths in the report of STFC’s Astronomy Advisory Panel (AAP), whilst the 13 PL projects are directed towards answering questions raised in two of the three themes identified as UK strengths in the roadmap of STFC’s Solar System Advisory Panel (SSAP)4. |
Repeated and Long‐Lasting Fault Activation on Amazonian Mars as Demonstrated by Tectonically Induced Landslides (2024-05-16)
Woodley, S. Z.; Fawdon, P.; Balme, M. R. and Rothery, D. A.
Geophysical Research Letters, 51, Article e2023GL107757(9)
A Geostratigraphic Map of the Rachmaninoff Basin Area: Integrating Morphostratigraphic and Spectral Units on Mercury (2024-02-13)
Wright, Jack; Zambon, Francesca; Carli, Cristian; Altieri, Francesca; Pöhler, Claudia M.; Rothery, David A.; van der Bogert, Carolyn H.; Rossi, Angelo Pio; Massironi, Matteo; Balme, Matthew R. and Conway, Susan J.
Earth and Space Science, 11, Article e2023EA003258(2)
Periodic Bedrock Ridges at Oxia Planum and Chryse Planitia, Mars: Evidence for widespread aeolian erosion of an ancient surface by regional paleowinds (2024-01-15)
Favaro, Elena A.; Balme, Matthew R.; Mcneil, Joseph D.; Fawdon, Peter; Davis, Joel M.; Grindrod, Peter M. and Lewis, Stephen R.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 626, Article 118522
The high-resolution map of Oxia Planum, Mars; the landing site of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover mission (2024)
Fawdon, Peter; Orgel, Csilla; Adeli, Solmaz; Balme, Matt; Calef, Fred J.; Davis, Joel M.; Frigeri, Alessandro; Grindrod, Peter; Hauber, Ernst; Le Deit, Laetitia; Loizeau, Damien; Nass, Andrea; Quantin-Nataf, Cathy; Sefton-Nash, Elliot; Thomas, Nick; Torres, Ines; Vago, Jorge L.; Volat, Matthieu; De Witte, Sander; Altieri, Francesca; Apuzzo, Andrea; Aramendia, Julene; Arana, Gorka; Bahia, Rickbir Singh; Banham, Steven G.; Barnes, Robert; Barrett, Alexander M.; Benedix, Wolf-Stefan; Bhardwaj, Anshuman; Boazman, Sarah Jane; Bontognali, Tomaso R. R.; Bridges, John; Bultel, Benjamin; Ciarletti, Valérie; De Sanctis, Maria Cristina; Dickeson, Zach; Favaro, Elena A.; Ferrari, Marco; Foucher, Frédéric; Goetz, Walter; Haldemann, Albert F. C.; Harrington, Elise; Kapatza, Angeliki; Koschny, Detlef; Krzesinska, Agata M.; Le Gall, Alice; Lewis, Stephen R.; Lim, Tanya; Madariaga, Juan Manuel; Man, Benjamin James; Mandon, Lucia; Mangold, Nicolas; Martin-Torres, Javier; McNeil, Joseph D.; Molina, Antonio; Moral, Andoni G.; Motaghian, Sara; Nikiforov, Sergei; Oudart, Nicolas; Pacifici, Andrea; Parkes Bowen, Adam; Plettemeier, Dirk; Poulakis, Pantelis; Putri, Alfiah Rizky Diana; Ruesch, Ottaviano; Sam, Lydia; Schröder, Christian; Statz, Christoph; Thomas, Rebecca; Tirsch, Daniela; Toth, Zsuzsanna; Turner, Stuart; Voelker, Martin; Werner, Stephanie C.; Westall, Frances; Whiteside, Barry J.; Williams, Adam; Williams, Rebecca M. E.; Wright, Jack and Zorzano, Maria-Paz
Journal of Maps, 20, Article 2302361(1)
Widespread small grabens consistent with recent tectonism on Mercury (2023-10-02)
Man, Benjamin; Rothery, David A.; Balme, Matthew R.; Conway, Susan J. and Wright, Jack
Nature Geoscience, 16(10) (pp. 856-862)
Geology of the Neruda quadrangle (H13), Mercury (2023-09-14)
Man, Benjamin; Rothery, David A.; Balme, Matthew R.; Conway, Susan J.; Wright, Jack; Pegg, David L.; Lennox, Annie R. and Buoninfante, Salvatore
Journal of Maps, 19, Article 2256353(1)
The internal structure of a debris-covered glacier on Mars revealed by gully incision (2023-09)
Butcher, F. E. G.; Arnold, N. S.; Conway, S. J.; Berman, D. C.; Davis, J. M. and Balme, M. R
Icarus, 419, Article 115717
Map of tectonic shortening structures in Chryse Planitia and Arabia Terra, Mars (2023-08-28)
Woodley, Savana Z.; Fawdon, Peter; Balme, Matthew R. and Rothery, David A.
Journal of Maps, 19, Article 2251514(1)
Ancient alluvial plains at Oxia Planum, Mars (2023-01-01)
Davis, Joel M.; Balme, Matthew R.; Fawdon, Peter; Grindrod, Peter M.; Favaro, Elena A.; Banham, Steven G. and Thomas, Nicolas
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 601, Article 117904
Oxia Planum, Mars, classified using the NOAH-H deep-learning terrain classification system (2023)
Barrett, Alexander M.; Wright, Jack; Favaro, Elena; Fawdon, Peter; Balme, Matthew R.; Woods, Mark J.; Karachalios, Spyros; Bohachek, Eleni; Sefton-Nash, Elliot and Joudrier, Luc
Journal of Maps, 19, Article 3112777(1)
Geology of the Derain quadrangle (H10), Mercury (2023)
Malliband, Christopher C.; Rothery, David A.; Balme, Matthew R.; Conway, Susan J.; Pegg, David L. and Wright, Jack
Journal of Maps, 19, Article 2112774(1)
Rapid megaflood-triggered base-level rise on Mars (2023)
Ahmed, Joshua; Peakall, Jeffrey; Balme, Matthew R. and Parsons, Daniel R.
Geology, 51(1) (pp. 28-32)
Eskers associated with buried glaciers in Mars' mid latitudes: recent advances and future directions (2023)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Arnold, Neil S.; Balme, Matthew; Conway, Susan J.; Clark, Christopher D.; Gallagher, Colman; Hagermann, Axel; Lewis, Stephen R.; Rutledge, Alicia M.; Storrar, Robert D. and Woodley, Savana Z.
Annals of Glaciology, 63(87-89)
Mawrth Vallis, Mars, classified using the NOAH-H deep-learning terrain classification system (2023)
Barrett, Alexander M.; Fawdon, Peter; Favaro, Elena A.; Balme, Matthew R.; Wright, Jack; Woods, Mark J.; Karachalios, Spyros; Bohacek, Eleni; Gerdes, Levin; Sefton-Nash, Elliot and Joudrier, Luc
Journal of Maps, 19, Article 2285480(1)
Hydrological History of a Palaeolake and Valley System on the Planetary Dichotomy in Arabia Terra, Mars (2022-12)
Dickeson, Z. I.; Grindrod, P. M.; Davis, J. M.; Crawford, I. and Balme, M.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, Article e2021JE007152(12)
The impact of a shadows scheme on a Mars mesoscale climate model (2022-08)
Foley, Lori-Ann; Balme, Matthew; Lewis, Stephen R.; Steele, Liam and Holmes, James
Icarus, 382, Article 115036
Jezero crater, Mars: application of the deep learning NOAH-H terrain classification system (2022-08)
Wright, Jack; Barrett, Alexander M.; Fawdon, Peter; Favaro, Elena A.; Balme, Matthew R.; Woods, Mark J. and Karachalios, Spyros
Journal of Maps, 18(2) (pp. 484-496)
NOAH-H, a deep-learning, terrain classification system for Mars: Results for the ExoMars Rover candidate landing sites (2022-01-01)
Barrett, Alexander M.; Balme, Matthew R.; Woods, Mark; Karachalios, Spyros; Petrocelli, Danilo; Joudrier, Luc and Sefton-Nash, Elliot
Icarus, 371, Article 114701
Planetary polar explorer – the case for a next-generation remote sensing mission to low Mars orbit (2022)
Oberst, Jürgen; Wickhusen, Kai; Gwinner, Klaus; Hauber, Ernst; Stark, Alexander; Elgner, Stephan; Grott, Matthias; Fanara, Lida; Hussmann, Hauke; Steinbrügge, Gregor; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew; Maugeri, Maurizio; Diolaiuti, Guglielmina; Karlsson, Nanna; Johnsson, Andreas; Ivanov, Anton and Hiesinger, Harald
Experimental Astronomy
Rivers and Lakes in Western Arabia Terra: The Fluvial Catchment of the ExoMars 2022 Rover Landing Site (2022)
Fawdon, Peter; Balme, Matthew; Davis, Joel; Bridges, John; Gupta, Sanjeev and Quantin‐Nataf, Cathey
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, Article e2021JE007045(2)
Surface topographic impact of subglacial water beneath the south polar ice cap of Mars (2022)
Arnold, N. S.; Butcher, F. E. G.; Conway, S. J.; Gallagher, C. and Balme, M. R.
Nature Astronomy, 6 (pp. 1256-1262)
Mounds in Oxia Planum: The Burial and Exhumation of the ExoMars Rover Landing Site (2022)
McNeil, Joseph D.; Fawdon, Peter; Balme, Matthew R.; Coe, Angela L. and Thomas, Nicolas
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, Article e2022JE007246(11)
The geography of Oxia Planum (2021-11)
Fawdon, Peter; Grindrod, Peter; Orgel, Csilla; Sefton-Nash, Elliot; Adeli, Solmaz; Balme, Matt; Cremonese, Gabriele; Davis, Joel; Frigeri, Alessandro; Hauber, Ernst; Le Deit, Laetitia; Loizeau, Damien; Nass, Andrea; Parks-Bowen, Adam; Quantin-Nataf, Cathy; Thomas, Nick; Vago, Jorge L. and Volat, Matthieu
Journal of Maps, 17(2) (pp. 752-768)
Explosive vent sites on mercury: Commonplace multiple eruptions and their implications (2021-09-01)
Pegg, D. L.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
Icarus, 365, Article 114510
A Fault Surface Exposed on Mercury (2021-07)
Pegg, D. L.; Rothery, D. A.; Conway, S. J. and Balme, M. R.
Planetary and Space Science, 201, Article 105223
Morphology, Morphometry and Distribution of Isolated Landforms in Southern Chryse Planitia, Mars (2021-05-11)
McNeil, Joseph D.; Fawdon, Peter; Balme, Matthew R. and Coe, Angela L.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, Article e2020JE006775(5)
The Aeolian Environment of the Landing Site for the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover in Oxia Planum, Mars (2021-04)
Favaro, E.A.; Balme, M.R.; Davis, J.; Grindrod, P.M; Fawdon, P.; Barrett, A.M. and Lewis, S.R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, Article e2020JE006723(4)
Measuring Ripple and Dune Migration in Coprates Chasma, Valles Marineris: A Source to Sink Aeolian System on Mars? (2021-03-19)
Boazman, S. J.; Davis, J.M.; Grindrod, P. M.; Balme, M.R.; Vermeesch, P. and Baird, T.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, Article e2020JE006608(3)
Sinuous ridges in Chukhung crater, Tempe Terra, Mars: Implications for fluvial, glacial, and glaciofluvial activity (2021-03-15)
Butcher, Frances E.G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Conway, Susan J.; Gallagher, Colman; Arnold, Neil S.; Storrar, Robert D.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Hagermann, Axel and Davis, Joel M.
Icarus, 357, Article 114131
Landforms indicative of regional warm based glaciation, Phlegra Montes, Mars (2021-02)
Gallagher, Colman; Butcher, Frances E.G.; Balme, Matthew; Smith, Isaac and Arnold, Neil
Icarus, 355, Article 114173
Oxia Planum: The Landing Site for the ExoMars “Rosalind Franklin” Rover Mission: Geological Context and Prelanding Interpretation (2021)
Quantin-Nataf, Cathy; Carter, John; Mandon, Lucia; Thollot, Patrick; Balme, Matthew; Volat, Matthieu; Pan, Lu; Loizeau, Damien; Millot, Cédric; Breton, Sylvain; Dehouck, Erwin; Fawdon, Peter; Gupta, Sanjeev; Davis, Joel; Grindrod, Peter M.; Pacifici, Andrea; Bultel, Benjamin; Allemand, Pascal; Ody, Anouck; Lozach, Loic and Broyer, Jordan
Astrobiology, 21(3)
The impact of ground-ice thaw on landslide geomorphology and dynamics: two case studies in northern Iceland (2021)
Morino, Costanza; Conway, Susan J.; Balme, Matthew R.; Helgason, Jón Kristinn; Sæmundsson, Þorsteinn; Jordan, Colm; Hillier, John and Argles, Thomas
Landslides, 18 (pp. 2785-2812)
Solar-System-Wide Significance of Mars Polar Science (2021)
Smith, Isaac; Calvin, W. M.; Smith, D. E.; Hansen, C.; Diniega, S.; McEwen, A.; Thomas, N.; Banfield, D.; Titus, T. N.; Becerra, P.; Kahre, M.; Forget, F.; Hecht, M.; Byrne, S.; Hvidberg, C. S.; Hayne, P. O.; , ; , ; Mukherjee, S.; Chevrier, V.; Banks, M. E.; Meng, T.; Johnson, P. A.; Tober, B.; Johnson, J. C.; Ulamsec, S.; Echaurren, J. C.; Khuller, A.; Dinwiddie, C.; Adeli, S.; Henderson, B. L.; Lozano, L. R.; Lalich, D.; Rivera-Valentín, E.; Nerozzi, S.; Petersen, E.; Foss, F.; Lorenz, R.; Eigenbrode, J.; Day, M.; Brown, A.; Pajola, M.; Karatekin, Ö.; Lucchetti, A.; Cesar, C.; Newman, C.; Cave, T. G.; Tamppari, L.; Mischna, M.; Patel, M. and Streeter, P.
Bulletin of the AAS, 53(4)
Geology of the Debussy quadrangle (H14), Mercury (2021)
Pegg, D. L.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R.; Conway, S. J.; Malliband, C. C. and Man, B.
Journal of Maps, 17(2) (pp. 718-729)
Modification of Caloris ejecta blocks by long-lived mass-wasting: A volatile-driven process? (2020-11-01)
Wright, Jack; Conway, Susan J.; Morino, Costanza; Rothery, David A.; Balme, Matthew and Fassett, Caleb
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 549, Article 116519
Mud flow levitation on Mars: Insights from laboratory simulations (2020-09-01)
Brož, P.; Krýza, O.; Conway, S.J.; Mueller, N.T.; Hauber, E.; Mazzini, A.; Raack, J.; Balme, M.; Sylvest, M.E. and Patel, M.R.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 545, Article 116406
Post‐Impact Evolution of the Southern Hale Crater Ejecta; Mars (2020-09)
Collins‐May, J. L.; Carr, J. R.; Balme, M. R.; Ross, N.; Russell, A. J.; Brough, S. and Gallagher, C.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, Article e2019JE006302(9)
Reversing transverse dunes: Modelling of airflow switching using 3D computational fluid dynamics (2020-08-15)
Jackson, Derek W.T.; Cooper, Andrew; Green, Andrew; Beyers, Meiring; Guisado-Pintado, Emilia; Wiles, Errol; Benallack, Keegan and Balme, Matt
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 544, Article 116363
Morphometry of a glacier-linked esker in NW Tempe Terra, Mars, and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage (2020-07-15)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Conway, Susan J.; Gallagher, Colman; Arnold, Neil S.; Storrar, Robert D.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Hagermann, Axel
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 542, Article 116325
Morphology, Development, and Sediment Dynamics of Elongating Linear Dunes on Mars (2020-06-28)
Davis, Joel M.; Banham, Steven G.; Grindrod, Peter M.; Boazman, Sarah J.; Balme, Matthew R. and Bristow, Charlie S.
Geophysical Research Letters, 47(12) (e2020GL088456)
Aram Dorsum: an extensive mid-Noachian age fluvial depositional system in Arabia Terra, Mars (2020)
Balme, Matthew R.; Gupta, Sanjeev; Davis, Joel M.; Fawdon, Peter; Grindrod, Peter M.; Bridges, John C.; Sefton-Nash, Elliot and Williams, Rebecca M.E.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, Article e2019JE006244(5)
Sustained fluvial deposition recorded in Mars’ Noachian stratigraphic record (2020)
Salese, Francesco; McMahon, William J.; Balme, Matthew R.; Ansan, Veronique; Davis, Joel M. and Kleinhans, Maarten G.
Nature Communications, 11, Article 2067(1)
Experimental evidence for lava-like mud flows under Martian surface conditions (2020)
Brož, Petr; Krýza, Ondřej; Wilson, Lionel; Conway, Susan J.; Hauber, Ernst; Mazzini, Adriano; Raack, Jan; Balme, Matthew; Sylvest, Matthew and Patel, Manish
Nature Geoscience, 13 (pp. 403-407)
Present-day development of gully-channel sinuosity by carbon dioxide gas supported flows on Mars (2019-09-01)
Pasquon, Kelly; Gargani, Julien; Massé, Marion; Vincendon, Mathieu; Conway, Susan J.; Séjourné, Antoine; Jomelli, Vincent; Balme, Matthew; Lopez, Simon and Guimpier, Anthony
Icarus, 329 (pp. 296-313)
A Diverse Array of Fluvial Depositional Systems in Arabia Terra: Evidence for mid‐Noachian to Early Hesperian Rivers on Mars (2019-08-14)
Davis, Joel M.; Gupta, Sanjeev; Balme, Matthew; Grindrod, Peter M.; Fawdon, Peter; Dickeson, Zachary I. and Williams, Rebecca M.E.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(7) (pp. 1913-1934)
Modeled subglacial water flow routing supports localized intrusive heating as a possible cause of basal melting of Mars' south polar ice cap (2019-08-07)
Arnold, Neil S.; Conway, Susan J.; Butcher, Frances E. G and Balme, Matthew R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(8) (pp. 2101-2116)
Molards as an indicator of permafrost degradation and landslide processes (2019-06-15)
Morino, Costanza; Conway, Susan J.; Sæmundsson, Þorsteinn; Kristinn Helgason, Jón; Hillier, John; Butcher, Frances E.G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Jordan, Colm and ,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 516 (pp. 136-147)
Gridmapping the northern plains of Mars: Geomorphological, Radar and Water-Equivalent Hydrogen results from Arcadia Plantia (2019-02-22)
Ramsdale, Jason D.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Conway, Susan J.; Smith, Isaac B.; Hauber, Ernst; Orgel, Csilla; Séjourné, Antoine; Costard, Francois; Eke, Vince R.; van Gasseltg, Stephan A.; Johnsson, Andreas; Kereszturi, Akos; Losiak, Anna; Massey, Richard J.; Platz, Thomas; Reiss, Dennis; Swirad, Zuzanna M.; Teodoro, Luis F. A. and Wilson, Jack T.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(2) (pp. 504-527)
Grid-mapping the northern plains of Mars: using morphotype and distribution of ice-related landforms to understand multiple ice-rich deposits in Utopia Planitia (2019-02-21)
Séjourné, Antoine; Costard, Francois; Swirad, Zuzanna M.; Łosiak, Anna; Bouley, Sylvain; Smith, Isaac; Balme, Matthew R.; Orgel, Csilla; Ramsdale, Jason D.; Hauber, Ernst; Conway, Susan J.; van Gasselt, Stephan; Reiss, Dennis; Johnsson, Andreas; Gallagher, Colman; Skinner, James A.; Kereszturi, Ákos and Platz, Thomas
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(2) (pp. 483-503)
Gridmapping the Northern Plains of Mars: A New Overview of Recent Water- and Ice-Related Landforms in Acidalia Planitia (2019-02-21)
Orgel, Csilla; Hauber, Ernst; van Gasselt, Stephan; Reiss, Dennis; Johnsson, Andreas; Ramsdale, Jason D.; Smith, Isaac; Swirad, Zuzanna M.; Séjourné, Antoine; Wilson, Jack T.; Balme, Matthew R.; Conway, Susan J.; Costard, Francois; Eke, Vince R.; Gallagher, Colman; Kereszturi, Ákos; Łosiak, Anna; Massey, Richard J.; Platz, Thomas; Skinner, James A. and Teodoro, Luis F. A.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(2) (pp. 454-482)
Time will tell: temporal evolution of Martian gullies and palaeoclimatic implications (2019-01-01)
de Haas, T.; Conway, S. J.; Butcher, F. E. G.; Levy, J.; Grindrod, P. M.; Goudge, T. A. and Balme, M. R.
Geological Society Special Publications, Article SP467.1(467) (pp. 165-186)
Debris-flow release processes investigated through the analysis of multi-temporal LiDAR datasets in north-western Iceland (2019-01)
Morino, Costanza; Conway, Susan J.; Balme, Matthew R.; Hillier, John; Jordan, Colm; Saemundsson, Þorsteinn and Argles, Tom
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(1) (pp. 144-159)
The 2016 UK Space Agency Mars Utah Rover Field Investigation (MURFI) (2019-01)
Balme, M. R.; Curtis-Rouse, M. C.; Banham, S.; Barnes, D.; Barnes, R.; Bauer, A.; Bedford, C. C.; Bridges, J.C.; Butcher, F. E. G.; Caballo, P.; Caldwell, A.; Coates, A. J.; Cousins, C.; Davis, J. M.; Dequaire, J.; Edwards, P.; Fawdon, P.; Furuya, K.; Gadd, M.; Get, P.; Griffiths, A.; Grindrod, P. M.; Gunn, M.; Gupta, S.; Hansen, R.; Harris, J. K.; Hicks, L. J.; Holt, J.; Huber, B.; Huntly, C.; Hutchinson, I.; Jackson, L.; Kay, S.; Kyberd, S.; Lerman, H. N.; McHugh, M.; McMahon, W. J.; Muller, J.-P.; Ortner, T.; Osinski, G.; Paar, G.; Preston, L. J.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Stabbins, R.; Tao, Y.; Traxler, C.; Turner, S.; Tyler, L.; Venn, S.; Walker, H.; Wilcox, T.; Wright, J. and Yeomans, B.
Planetary And Space Science, 165 (pp. 31-56)
Geology of the Hokusai quadrangle (H05), Mercury (2019)
Wright, Jack; Rothery, David; Balme, Matthew and Conway, Susan
Journal of Maps, 15(2) (pp. 509-520)
The distribution of putative periglacial landforms on the martian northern plains (2018-11-01)
Barrett, Alexander M.; Balme, Matthew R.; Patel, Manish R. and Hagermann, Axel
Icarus, 314 (pp. 133-148)
The Hypanis Valles delta: The last highstand of a sea on early Mars? (2018-10-15)
Fawdon, Peter; Gupta, Sanjeev; Davis, Joel M.; Warner, Nicholas H.; Adler, Jacob B.; Balme, Matthew R.; Bell, James F.; Grindrod, Peter M. and Sefton-Nash, Elliot
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 500 (pp. 225-241)
In Situ Sampling of Relative Dust Devil Particle Loads and Their Vertical Grain Size Distributions (2018-10)
Raack, Jan; Reiss, Dennis; Balme, Matthew R.; Taj-Eddine, Kamal and Ori, Gian Gabriele
Astrobiology, 18(10) (pp. 1305-1317)
Episodic and Declining Fluvial Processes in Southwest Melas Chasma, Valles Marineris, Mars (2018-10)
Davis, J. M.; Grindrod, P. M.; Fawdon, P.; Williams, R. M. E.; Gupta, S. and Balme, M.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 123(10) (pp. 2527-2549)
High-resolution investigations of Transverse Aeolian Ridges on Mars (2018-09-15)
Berman, Daniel C.; Balme, Matthew R.; Michalski, Joseph R.; Clark, Stacey C. and Joseph, Emily C.S.
Icarus, 312 (pp. 247-266)
Formation and degradation of chaotic terrain in the Galaxias regions of Mars: implications for near-surface storage of ice (2018-07-15)
Gallagher, Colman; Balme, Matt; Soare, Richard and Conway, Susan J.
Icarus, 309 (pp. 69-83)
Constructional Volcanic Edifices on Mercury: Candidates and Hypotheses of Formation (2018-05-11)
Wright, Jack; Rothery, David A.; Balme, Matthew R. and Conway, Susan J.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 123(4) (pp. 952-971)
Surface-based 3D measurements of small aeolian bedforms on Mars and implications for estimating ExoMars rover traversability hazards (2018-04)
Balme, Matt; Robson, Ellen; Barnes, Rob; Butcher, Frances; Fawdon, Peter; Huber, Ben; Ortner, Thomas; Paar, Gerhard; Traxler, Christoph; Bridges, John; Gupta, Sanjeev and Vago, Jorge L.
Planetary And Space Science, 153 (pp. 39-53)
Discriminating between the roles of Late Pleistocene palaeodischarge and geological-topographic inheritance in fluvial longitudinal profile and channel development (2018-02-04)
Gallagher, Colman; Balme, Matthew and Clifford, Nicholas
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(2) (pp. 444-462)
Clastic Polygonal Networks Around Lyot Crater, Mars: Possible Formation Mechanisms From Morphometric Analysis (2018)
Brooker, L. M.; Balme, M. R.; Conway, S. J.; Hagermann, A.; Barrett, A. M.; Collins, G. S. and Soare, R. J.
Icarus, 302 (pp. 386-406)
Recent basal melting of a mid-latitude glacier on Mars (2017-12)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Arnold, N. S.; Conway, S. J.; Hagermann, A. and Lewis, S. R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 122(12) (pp. 2445-2468)
Aqueous dune-like bedforms in Athabasca Valles and neighbouring locations utilized in palaeoflood reconstruction (2017-11-15)
Durrant, L.; Balme, M. R.; Carling, P. A. and Grindrod, P. M.
Planetary and Space Science, 148 (pp. 45-55)
Water induced sediment levitation enhances downslope transport on Mars (2017-10-26)
Raack, Jan; Conway, Susan J.; Herny, Clémence; Balme, Matthew R.; Carpy, Sabrina and Patel, Manish R.
Nature Communications, 8, Article 1151
Clastic patterned ground in Lomonosov crater, Mars: examining fracture controlled formation mechanisms (2017-10)
Barrett, Alexander M.; Balme, Matthew R.; Patel, Manish R. and Hagermann, Axel
Icarus, 295 (pp. 125-139)
The PanCam Instrument for the ExoMars Rover (2017-07-01)
Coates, A.J.; Jaumann, R.; Griffiths, A.D.; Leff, C.E.; Schmitz, N.; Josset, J.-L.; Paar, G.; Gunn, M.; Hauber, E.; Cousins, C.R.; Cross, R.E.; Grindrod, P.; Bridges, J.C.; Balme, M.; Gupta, S.; Crawford, I.A.; Irwin, P.; Stabbins, R.; Tirsch, D.; Vago, J.L.; Theodorou, T.; Caballo-Perucha, M.; Osinski, G.R. and the PanCam Team,
Astrobiology, 17(6-7) (pp. 511-541)
The water cycle and regolith-atmosphere interaction at Gale crater, Mars (2017-06)
Steele, Liam J.; Balme, Matthew R.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Spiga, Aymeric
Icarus, 289 (pp. 56-79)
Grid-based mapping: A method for rapidly determining the spatial distributions of small features over very large areas (2017-06)
Ramsdale, Jason D.; Balme, Matthew R.; Conway, Susan J.; Gallagher, Colman; van Gasselt, Stephan A.; Hauber, Ernst; Orgel, Csilla; Séjourné, Antoine; Skinner, James A.; Costard, Francois; Johnsson, Andreas; Losiak, Anna; Reiss, Dennis; Swirad, Zuzanna M.; Kereszturi, Akos; Smith, Isaac B. and Platz, Thomas
Planetary and Space Science, 140 (pp. 49-61)
Regolith-atmosphere exchange of water in Mars' recent past (2017-03-01)
Steele, Liam J.; Balme, Matthew R. and Lewis, Stephen R.
Icarus, 284 (pp. 233-248)
Diurnal Variation in Martian Dust Devil Activity (2017-02-01)
Chapman, R. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Balme, M. and Steele, L. J.
Icarus, 292 (pp. 154-167)
A novel topographic parameterization scheme indicates that martian gullies display the signature of liquid water (2016-11-15)
Conway, Susan J. and Balme, Matthew R.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 454 (pp. 36-45)
Field Measurements of Terrestrial and Martian Dust Devils (2016-11)
Murphy, Jim; Steakley, Kathryn; Balme, Matt; Deprez, Gregoire; Esposito, Francesca; Kahanpää, Henrik; Lemmon, Mark; Lorenz, Ralph; Murdoch, Naomi; Neakrase, Lynn; Patel, Manish and Whelley, Patrick
Space Science Reviews, 203(1) (pp. 39-87)
Particle Lifting Processes in Dust Devils (2016-11)
Neakrase, L.D.V.; Balme, M.R.; Esposito, F.; Kelling, T.; Klose, M.; Kok, J.F.; Marticorena, B.; Merrison, J.; Patel, M. and Wurm, G.
Space Science Reviews, 203(1) (pp. 347-376)
Dust Devil Tracks (2016-11)
Reiss, Dennis; Fenton, Lori; Neakrase, Lynn; Zimmerman, Michael; Statella, Thiago; Whelley, Patrick; Rossi, Angelo Pio and Balme, Matthew
Space Science Reviews, 203(1) (pp. 143-181)
Editorial: Topical Volume on Dust Devils (2016-11)
Reiss, Dennis; Lorenz, Ralph D.; Balme, Matthew; Neakrase, Lynn D.; Rossi, Angelo P.; Spiga, Aymeric and Zarnecki, John
Space Science Reviews, 203(1-4) (pp. 1-4)
Extensive Noachian fluvial systems in Arabia Terra: Implications for early Martian climate (2016-10-31)
Davis, J.M.; Balme, M.; Grindrod, P.M.; Williams, R.M.E. and Gupta, S.
Geology, 44(10) (pp. 847-850)
Transport processes induced by metastable boiling water under Martian surface conditions (2016-05-02)
Massé, M.; Conway, S. J.; Gargani, J.; Patel, M. R.; Pasquon, K.; McEwen, A.; Carpy, S.; Chevrier, V.; Balme, M.R.; Ojha, L.; Vincendon, M.; Poulet, F.; Costard, F. and Jouannic, G.
Nature Geoscience, 9 (pp. 425-428)
History and Applications of Dust Devil Studies (2016-04-04)
Lorenz, Ralph D.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gu, Zhaolin; Kahanpää, Henrik; Klose, Martina; Kurgansky, Michael V.; Patel, Manish R.; Reiss, Dennis; Rossi, Angelo Pio; Spiga, Aymeric; Takemi, Tetsuya and Wei, Wei
Space Science Reviews (pp. 1-33)
Eskers in a complete, wet-based glacial system in the Phlegra Montes region, Mars (2015-12-01)
Gallagher, Colman and Balme, Matthew
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 431 (pp. 96-109)
New insights on the roles of ice, water and climate change in recent landscape development on Mars. (2015-07)
Gallagher, Colman and Balme, Matthew R.
Geography, 100(2) (pp. 84-93)
The geological history of Nili Patera, Mars (2015-06-17)
Fawdon, P.; Skok, J. R.; Balme, M. R.; Vye-Brown, C. L.; Rothery, D. A. and Jordan, C. J.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 120(5) (pp. 951-977)
The comparison of topographic long profiles of gullies on Earth to gullies on Mars: a signal of water on Mars (2015-06)
Conway, Susan J.; Balme, Matthew R.; Kreslavsky, Mikhail A.; Murray, John B. and Towner, Martin C.
Icarus, 253 (pp. 189-204)
Ponding, draining and tilting of the Cerberus Plains; a cryolacustrine origin for the sinuous ridge and channel networks in Rahway Vallis, Mars (2015-06)
Ramsdale, J. D.; Balme, M. R.; Conway, S. J. and Gallagher, C.
Icarus, 253 (pp. 256-270)
Evidence for Amazonian highly viscous lavas in the southern highlands on Mars (2015-04-01)
Brož, Petr; Hauber, Ernst; Platz, Thomas and Balme, Matt
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 415 (pp. 200-212)
Laboratory simulation of debris flows over sand dunes: Insights into gully-formation (Mars) (2015-02-15)
Jouannic, Gwenaël; Gargani, Julien; Conway, Susan J.; Costard, François; Balme, Matthew R.; Patel, Manish R.; Massé, Marion; Marmo, Chiara; Jomelli, Vincent and Ori, Gian G.
Geomorphology, 231 (pp. 101-115)
Decameter thick remnant glacial ice deposits on Mars (2014-08-07)
Conway, Susan J. and Balme, Matthew R.
Geophysical Research Letters, 41(15) (pp. 5402-5409)
A branching, positive relief network in the middle member of the Medusae Fossae Formation, Equatorial Mars - evidence for sapping? (2013-09-01)
Harrison, S. K.; Balme, M. R.; Hagermann, A.; Murray, J. B.; Muller, J.-P. and Wilson, A.
Planetary And Space Science, 85 (pp. 142-163)
Morphological evidence for geologically young thaw of ice on Mars: a review of recent studies using high-resolution imaging data (2013)
Balme, Matthew; Gallagher, C. J. and Hauber, E.
Progress in Physical Geography, 37(3) (pp. 289-324)
Uninhabited habitats on Mars (2012-01)
Cockell, Charles S.; Balme, Matt; Bridges, John C.; Davila, Alfonso and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
Icarus, 217(1) (pp. 184-193)
Field measurements of horizontal forward motion velocities of terrestrial dust devils: towards a proxy for ambient winds on Mars and Earth (2012)
Balme, M. R.; Pathare, A.; Metzger, S. M.; Towner, M. C.; Lewis, S. R.; Spiga, A.; Fenton, L.; Renno, N. O.; Elliott, H. M.; Saca, F. A.; Michaels, T.; Russell, P. and Verdasca, J.
Icarus, 221(2) (pp. 632-645)
In situ measurements of particle load and transport in dust devils (2011-08)
Metzger, S. M.; Balme, M. R.; Towner, M. C.; Bos, B. J.; Ringrose, T. J. and Patel, M. R.
Icarus, 214(2) (pp. 766-772)
Landforms indicative of ground-ice thaw in the northern high latitudes of Mars (2011-01-01)
Gallagher, C. J. and Balme, M. R.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 356(1) (pp. 87-110)
The indication of Martian gully formation processes by slope-area analysis (2011-01-01)
Conway, Susan J.; Balme, Matthew R.; Murray, John; Towner, Martin C.; Okubo, Chris H. and Grindrod, Peter M.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 356(1) (pp. 171-201)
Fill and spill in Lethe Vallis: a recent flood-routing system in Elysium Planitia, Mars (2011-01-01)
Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C. J.; Gupta, S. and Murray, J. B.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 356(1) (pp. 203-227)
Enhanced runout and erosion by overland flow at low pressure and subfreezing conditions: experiments and application to Mars (2011-01)
Conway, Susan J.; Lamb, Michael P.; Balme, Matthew R.; Towner, Martin C. and Murray, John B.
Icarus, 211(1) (pp. 443-457)
Sorted clastic stripes, lobes and associated gullies in high-latitude craters on Mars: landforms indicative of very recent, polycyclic ground-ice thaw and liquid flows (2011-01)
Gallagher, Colman; Balme, Matthew; Conway, Susan and Grindrod, Peter
Icarus, 211(1) (pp. 458-471)
Transverse aeolian ridges (TARs) on Mars II: distributions, orientations, and ages (2011)
Berman, Daniel C.; Balme, Matthew; Rafkin, Scot C. R. and Zimbelman, James R.
Icarus, 213(1) (pp. 116-130)
A background to Mars exploration and research (2011)
Bargery, Alistair S.; Balme, Matthew R.; Warner, Nicholas; Gallagher, Colman J. and Gupta, Sanjeev
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 356(1) (pp. 5-20)
Identifying Martian gully evolution (2011)
Aston, A. H.; Conway, S. J. and Balme, M. R.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 356(1) (pp. 151-169)
Mapping Medusae Fossae Formation materials in the southern highlands of Mars (2010-10)
Harrison, S. K.; Balme, M. R.; Hagermann, A.; Murray, J. P. and Muller, J-P.
Icarus, 209(2) (pp. 405-415)
Assessing the power law hypothesis for the size-frequency distribution of terrestrial and martian dust devils (2010-10)
Pathare, A. V.; Balme, M. R.; Meztger, S. M.; Spiga, A.; Towner, M. C.; Renno, N. O. and Saca, F.
Icarus, 209(2) (pp. 851-853)
Groundwater processes in Hebes Chasma, Mars (2010-07-15)
Grindrod, Peter M. and Balme, Matthew R.
Geophysical Research Letters, 37(L13202) (pp. 1-5)
A new approach to estimating hazard posed by debris flows in the Westfjords of Iceland (2010)
Conway, S. J.; Decaulne, A.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C.
Geomorphology, 114(4) (pp. 556-572)
Dating martian climate change (2009-10)
Page, David P.; Balme, Matthew R. and Grady, Monica M.
Icarus, 203(2) (pp. 376-389)
An equatorial periglacial landscape on Mars (2009-07-30)
Balme, M. R. and Gallagher, C.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 285(1-2) (pp. 1-15)
Sorted stone circles in Elysium Planitia, Mars: Implications for recent martian climate (2009-03)
Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C. J.; Page, D. P.; Murray, J. B. and Muller, J.-P.
Icarus, 200(1) (pp. 30-38)
Transverse Aeolian Ridges (TARs) on Mars (2008-11)
Balme, Matthew; Berman, Daniel; Bourke, Mary and Zimbelman, James
Geomorphology Journal, 101(4) (pp. 703-720)
The meteorological signatures of dust devils on Mars (2007-11)
Ringrose, T. J.; Patel, M. R.; Towner, M. C.; Balme, M.; Metzger, S. M. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Planetary And Space Science, 55(14) (pp. 2151-2163)
A comparison of methods used to estimate the height of sand dunes on Mars (2006-11-29)
Bourke, M.C.; Balme, M.; Beyer, R.A.; Williams, K.K. and Zimbelmand, J.
Geomorphology, 81(3-4) (pp. 440-452)
Particle lifting at the soil-air interface by atmospheric pressure excursions in dust devils (2006-10)
Balme, M.R. and Hagermann, A.
Geophysical Research Letters, 33, Article L19S01(19)
Dust devils on Earth and Mars (2006-09-23)
Balme, Matthew and Greeley, Ronald
Reviews of Geophysics, 44(RG3003)
Orientation and distribution of recent gullies in the southern hemisphere of Mars: Observations from High Resolution Stereo Camera/Mars Express (HRSC/MEX) and Mars Orbiter Camera/Mars Global Surveyor (MOC/MGS) data Camera/Mars Express (HRSC/MEX) and Mars Orbiter Camera/Mars Global Surveyor (MOC/MGS) data (2006-05)
Balme, Matthew; Mangold, Nicolas; Baratoux, David; Costard, Francois; Gosselin, Matthieu; Masson, Philippe; Pinet, Patrick and Neukum, Gerhard
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 111(E5) (E05001)
Dust flux within dust devils: Preliminary laboratory simulations (2006)
Neakrase, Lynn D. V.; Greeley, Ronald; Iversen, James D.; Balme, M. R. and Eddlemon, Eric E.
Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (L19S09)
Fracture toughness measurements on igneous rocks using a high-pressure, high-temperature rock fracture mechanics cell (2004-04-30)
Balme, M.R.; Rocchi, V.; Jones, C.; Sammonds, P.R.; Meredith, P.G. and Boon, S.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 132(2-3) (pp. 159-172)
Experimental and theoretical fracture mechanics applied to fracture of the crust of Venus (2004-03)
Balme, Matthew R.; Sammonds, Peter R.; Vita-Finzi, Claudio and Couchman, Jonathon P.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 109(E3) (E03005)
The dust ejection induced by a meteoroid impact as a possible initiator of dust devils on Mars: Laboratory experiment and numerical simulation (2004-01)
Khazins, V. M.; Rybakov, V. A.; Greeley, R. and Balme, M.
Solar System Research, 38(1) (pp. 12-20)
Martian dust devils: laboratory simulations of particle threshold (2003-05)
Greeley, Ronald; Balme, Matthew R.; Iversen, James D.; Metzger, Stephen; Mickelson, Robert; Phoreman, Jim and White, Bruce
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 108(E5) (p 5041)
Friction wind speeds in dust devils: a field study (2003)
Balme, Matthew; Metzger, Stephen; Towner, Martin; Ringrose, Tim; Greeley, Ronald and Iversen, James
Geophysical Research Letters, 30(16) (p 1830)
Mars: Dust devil track survey in Argyre Planitia and Hellas Basin (2003)
Balme, Matthew; Whelley, Patrick and Greeley, Ronald
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 108(E8)
Salt-bearing fumarole deposits in the summit crater of Oldoinyo Lengai, Northern Tanzania: interactions between natrocarbonatite lava and meteoric water (2001-04-01)
Genge, M.J.; Balme, M. and Jones, A.P.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 106(1-2) (pp. 111-122)
Planetary Aeolian Geomorphology (2019-03-08)
Bourke, Mary C.; Balme, Matthew; Lewis, Stephen; Lorenz, Ralph D. and Parteli, Eric
In: Livingstone, Ian and Warren, Andrew eds. Aeolian Geomorphology: A New Introduction (pp. 261-286)
ISBN : 978-1118945667 | Publisher : John Wiley and Sons Ltd | Published : Chichester
Are different Martian gully morphologies due to different processes on the Kaiser dune field? (2019-01-01)
Pasquon, Kelly; Gargani, Julien; Nachon, Marion; Conway, Susan J.; Massé, Marion; Jouannic, Gwenaël; Balme, Matthew R.; Costard, François and Vincendon, Mathieu
In: Conway, S. J.; Carrivick, J. L.; Carling, P. A.; de Haas, T. and Harrison, T. N. eds. Martian Gullies and their Earth Analogues. Special Publication (pp. 145-164)
ISBN : 9781786203625 | Publisher : The Geological Society of London
Subglacial environments and the search for life beyond the Earth (2011)
Cockell, C. S.; Bagshaw, E.; Balme, M.; Doran, P.; McKay, C. P.; Milijkovic, K.; Pearce, D.; Siegert, M. J.; Tranter, M.; Voytek, M. and Wadham, J.
In: Siegert, M. J.; Kennicutt, M. C. and Bindschadler, R. A. eds. Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments. AGU Geophysical Monograph (192) (pp. 129-148)
ISBN : 978-0-87590-482-5 | Publisher : American Geophysical Union | Published : Washington, DC
The western Elysium Planitia palaeolake (2010)
Balme, M.; Gallagher, C.; Page, D.; Murray, J.; Muller, J.-P. and Kim, J.-R.
In: Cabrol, Nathalie and Grin, Edmond eds. Lakes on Mars
ISBN : 978-0-444-52854-4 | Publisher : Elsevier
Martian Geomorphology (2011-08-11)
Balme, M. R.; Bargery, A. S.; Gallagher, C. J. and Gupta, S. eds.
GSL Special Publications
ISBN : 978-1-86239-330-1 | Publisher : Geological Society of London | Published : London
Mapping and Dip Measurements of Tectonic Shortening Structures in Western Arabia Terra, Mars (2023)
Woodley, Savana Z.; Fawdon, Peter; Balme, Matthew and Rothery, David
In : 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (13-17 Mar 2023, Houston, Texas)
Atmosphere-surface interactions relating to ice-rich landforms in Lyot Crater, Mars (2022-06-16)
Foley, Lori-Ann; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew and Holmes, James
In : 7th Mars Atmospheric Modelling and Observations Conference (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)
Timing Of Tectonic Shortening In Western Arabia Terra And Implications For The Exomars 2022 Rover Landing Site (2022)
Woodley, Savana Z.; Fawdon, Peter; Balme, Matthew and Rothery, David
In : 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (7-11 Mar 2022, Houston, TX)
Extensional Landforms as Evidence for Recent Large-Scale Compressional Tectonism? (2021-01-22)
Man, Ben; Rothery, David; Balme, Matthew; Wright, Jack and Conway, Susan
In : Annual Meeting of the Mercury Exploration Assessment Group (MExAG) (3-5 Feb 2021, Virtual)
Modelling the interaction between the atmosphere and surface ice at Lyot crater, Mars (2021)
Foley, Lori-Ann; Balme, Matthew; Lewis, Stephen and Holmes, James
In : Mars - A New Geological Frontier (2-4 Nov 2021, Virtual)
Modelling the distribution of ice at Lyot crater, Mars (2021)
Foley, Lori-Ann; Balme, Matthew and Lewis, Stephen
In : CryoMars (01 Mar 2021, Virtual conference)
Geological mapping of Mawrth Vallis, Mars, by PLANMAP (2020-09-21)
Wright, Jack; Balme, Matthew; Davis, Joel; Fawdon, Peter and Rothery, David
In : Europlanet Science Congress 2020 (21 Sep - 9 Oct 2020, Virtual)
Investigating the Neruda-Paramour thrust system, Mercury (2020-09-21)
Man, Ben; Rothery, David; Balme, Matthew; Conway, Susan and Wright, Jack
In : Europlanet Science Congress 2020 (21 Sep - 9 Oct 2020, Virtual)
Geologic Map of the Hokusai Quadrangle (H05) of Mercury (2020-07-09)
Wright, Jack; Rothery, David; Balme, Matthew and Conway, Susan
In : 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers (23 Jul 2020, Virtual)
Geologic mapping of Mawrth Vallis, Mars (2020-07-09)
Wright, Jack; Balme, Matthew; Davis, Joel; Fawdon, Peter and Rothery, David
In : 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers (23 Jul 2020, Virtual)
Geological mapping of the Neruda Quadrangle (H13) of Mercury (2020-07-09)
Man, Ben; Rothery, David; Balme, Matthew; Conway, Susan and Wright, Jack
In : 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers (23 Jul 2020, Virtual)
Geological Mapping of the Neruda Quadrangle (H13), Mercury (2020-03)
Man, Benjamin; Rothery, David A.; Balme, Matt R.; Conway, Susan J. and Wright, Jack
In : EGU General Assembly 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online (4-8 May 2020, Online)
Stability of Subsurface Carbon Dioxide Ice over the Obliquity Cycle (2020)
Patel, Narissa; Lewis, Stephen; Hagermann, Axel and Balme, Matthew
In : Seventh International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration (13-17 Jan 2020, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)
Geological mapping of Mawrth Vallis, Mars: First look (2020)
Wright, Jack; Balme, Matthew; Davis, J. M.; Fawdon, Peter and Rothery, David
In : 2nd British Planetary Sciences Conference (13-15 Jan 2020, Oxford) (pp. 130-130)
Internal Structure of a Glacier on Mars Revealed by Gully Incision (2020)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Arnold, Neil S.; Berman, Daniel C.; Conway, Susan J.; Davis, Joel M.; Balme, Matthew R. and Barnes, R.
In : Lunar and Planetary Science Conference ( (2020, Physical Meeting Cancelled (Covid-19): Abstract Online Only)
Possible Transport of Basal Debris to the Surface of a Mid-Latitude Glacier on Mars (2020)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Arnold, Neil S.; Berman, Daniel C.; Conway, Susan J.; Davis, Joel M. and Balme, Matthew R.
In : EGU General Assembly 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online (4-8 May 2020, Online)
Modelling Esker Formation on Mars (2020)
Arnold, Neil S.; Butcher, Frances E. G.; Gallagher, Colman; Balme, Matthew R. and Conway, Susan J.
In : EGU General Assembly 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online (4-8 May 2020, Online)
Distribution of Subsurface Carbon Dioxide Ice at Different Obliquities (2020)
Patel, Narissa; Lewis, Stephen; Hagermann, Axel and Balme, Matthew
In : RAS Planetary Atmospheres Meeting (14 Feb 2020, Royal Astronomical Society, London)
Climate change and the water cycle on Mars (2020)
Foley, Lori-Ann; Lewis, Stephen and Balme, Matthew
In : RAS Planetary Atmospheres Meeting (14 Feb 2020, Royal Astronomical Society, London)
Eskers on Mars: morphometric comparisons to eskers on Earth and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage (2019-04-07)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, Matt R.; Gallagher, Colman; Storrar, Robert D.; Conway, Susan J.; Arnold, Neil S.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Hagermann, Axel
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (7-12 Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria)
3D Morphometries of Eskers on Mars, and Comparisons to Eskers in Finland (2019)
Butcher, F. E. G.; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Storrar, R. D.; Conway, S. J.; Arnold, N. S.; Lewis, S. R. and Hagermann, A.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)
Multi-Phase Sedment-Discharge Dynamics of Subglacial Drainage Recorded by a Glacier-Linked Esker in NW Tempe Terra, Mars (2019)
Butcher, F. E. G.; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Storrar, R. D.; Conway, S. J.; Arnold, N. S.; Lewis, S. R. and Hagermann, A.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)
Explosive Vents on Mercury: Commonplace Multiple Eruptions and Their Implications (2019)
Pegg, David; Rothery, David; Balme, Matthew and Conway, Susan
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019 (18-22 Mar 2019, Houston, TX)
Eskers on Mars: Morphometric comparisons to eskers on Earth and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage (2019)
Butcher, Frances E.G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Storrar, Robert D.; Conway, Susan J.; Arnold, Neil S.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Hagermann, Axel
In : European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019 (7-12 Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria)
Eskers associated with mid-latitude glaciers on Mars and their palaeoenvironmental implications (2019)
Butcher, Frances E.G.; Arnold, Neil .S.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Conway, Susan J.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Hagermann, Axel and Storrar, Robert. D.
In : 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) (25-31 Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland)
Morphometries of eskers on Mars: comparisons to eskers on Earth and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage (2019)
Butcher, Frances E.G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Storrar, Robert D.; Conway, Susan J.; Arnold, Neil S.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Hagermann, Axel
In : 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) (25-31 Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland)
Quaternary Mars? (2019)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Conway, Susan J.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Mc Keown, L.
In : 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) (25-31 Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland)
ExoFiT: ExoMars-Like Field Trials – a Mission Simulation. (2019)
Hall, A.; Dobke, B.; Lisle, M.; Shilton, M.; Allouis, E.; Waugh, L.; Carroll, J.; Doignon, G.; Azkarate, M.; van Winnendael, M.; Duvet, L.; Martin, D.; Delfa, J.; Vago, J.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Balme, M.; Fawdon, P.; Turner, S.; Bedford, C.; Sargeant, Hannah; Pegg, D.; Mirino, M.; Barrett, T.; Ladegaard, A.; Rull, F.; Veneranda, M.; Bontognali, T.; Josset, T.; Josset, J.-L.; Josset, M.; Ciarletti, V.; Plettemeier, D.; Le Gall, A.; Hervé, Y.; Corbel, C.; Vieau, A.-J.; Oudart, N. R.; Trainer, V.; Benedix, W.-S.; Hegler, S.; Lopez, G.; Saiz, J.; Preston, L.; Cousins, C.; Allender, E.; Banham, S.; Barnes, R.; Northwood-Smith, G.; Sangwan, K.; Grindrod, P.; Davis, J.; Motaghian, S.; Dickeson, Z.; Boazman, S.; Schroder, C.; Hauber, E.; Schmitz, N.; Parkes-Bowen, A.; Bahir, R.; Barcenilla, R.; Leff, C.; Persud, D.; Coates, A.; Griffiths, A.; Stabbins, R.; Bohacek, E.; Kuhn, N. and Westall, F.
In : 15th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (27-28 May 2019, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands)
1:3M Geological Mapping of the Derain (H-10) Quadrangle of Mercury (2018-05)
Malliband, C. C.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : Mercury: Current and Future Science 2018 (1-3 May 2018, Columbia, MD, USA)
Small smooth units (‘young’ lavas?) abutting lobate scarps on Mercury (2018-05)
Malliband, C. C.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : Mercury: Current and Future Science 2018 (1-3 May 2018, Columbia, MD, USA)
Potential Identification of sublimation-driven downslope mass movement on Mercury (2018-05)
Malliband, C. C.; Conway, S. J.; Rothery, D. A. and Balme, M. R.
In : Mercury: Current and Future Science of the Innermost Planet (1-3 May 2018, Columbia, Maryland, USA)
Geological Mapping of the Debussy Quadrangle (H-14) Preliminary Results (2018-04)
Pegg, D. L.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : Mercury: Current and Future Science of the Innermost Planet (1-3 May 2018, USRA Headquarters, 7178 Columbia Gateway Dr, Columbia, MD 21046)
Comparison of Global-Scale and Mesoscale Modelling of Vertical Profiles in the Martian Atmosphere: How Does Model Resolution Impact Predictions of Conditions at Mission Landing Sites? (2018-03-20)
Chapman, Rhian; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew; Steele, Liam; Aboudan, Alessio and Ferri, Francesca
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, Texas, USA)
Candidate constructional volcanic edifices on Mercury (2018-03-09)
Wright, J.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : Mercury: Current and Future Science of the Innermost Planet (1-3 May 2018, Columbia, Maryland, USA)
Geological mapping of the Hokusai (H05) quadrangle of Mercury: Status update (2018-03-09)
Wright, Jack; Rothery, David; Balme, Matthew and Conway, Susan
In : Mercury: Current and Future Science of the Innermost Planet (1-3 May 2018, Columbia, Maryland, USA)
Post-deposition (and ongoing?) modification of Caloris ejecta blocks (2018-03-09)
Wright, Jack; Conway, Susan; Rothery, David and Balme, Matthew
In : Mercury: Current and Future Science of the Innermost Planet (1-3 May 2018, Columbia, Maryland, USA)
Geological mapping of the Hokusai (H05) quadrangle of Mercury: Status update (2018-02-02)
Wright, J.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)
Spatial distribution and morphometric measurements of circum-Caloris knobs on Mercury: Application of novel shadow measurements (2018-02-02)
Wright, J.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)
Evidence for Recent Wet-Based Crater Glaciation in Tempe Terra, Mars. (2018)
Butcher, F. E.G; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Arnold, N. S; Conway, S. J.; Storrar, R. D.; Hagermann, A. and Lewis, S. R.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)
Glacier-Linked Eskers on Mars: Environments of Recent Wet-Based Glaciation From Numerical Models (2018)
Butcher, F. E.G; Arnold, N. S.; Balme, M. R; Gallagher, C; Conway, S. J.; Hagermann, A and Lewis, S. R.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)
Surface-based 3D measurements of small aeolian bedforms on Mars (2018)
Balme, Matthew; Robson, Ellen; Barnes, Robert; Butcher, Frances; Fawdon, Peter; Huber, Ben; Ortner, Thomas; Paar, Gerhard; Traxler, Christoph; Bridges, John; Gupta, Sanjeev and Vago, Jorge
In : EGU General Assembly 2018 (8-13 Apr 2018, Vienna, Austria)
Subsurface Volatile Deposition on Mars (2018)
Patel, N.; Hagermann, A.; Lewis, S. R.; Kaufmann, E. and Balme, M.
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2018 (16-21 Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany)
Wind-Stress Dust Lifting in a Mars Global Circulation Model: Representation across Resolutions (2017-12-12)
Chapman, Rhian; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew and Steele, Liam
In : AGU Fall Meeting (11-15 Dec 2017, New Orleans, USA)
Geological Mapping of the Debussy Quadrangle (H-14) - Preliminary Results (2017-12-06)
Pegg, David; Rothery, David; Balme, Matthew and Conway, Susan
In : 15th Early Career Planetary Forum Scientists' Meeting (6 Dec 2017, University of Glasgow)
Impact of Global Model Resolution on the Representation of Martian Wind-Stress Dust Lifting (2017-12-01)
Chapman, Rhian; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew and Steele, Liam
In : 1st British Planetary Science Congress (3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow)
UK Space Agency “Mars Utah Rover Field Investigation 2016” (MURFI 2016): overview of mission, aims and progress (2017-03)
Balme, M. R.; Curtis-Rouse, M. C.; Banham, S.; Barnes, D.; Barnes, R.; Bauer, A.; Bedford, C.; Bridges, J.; Butcher, F. E. G.; Caballo, P.; Caldwell, A.; Coates, A.; Cousins, C.; Davis, J.; Dequaire, J.; Edwards, P.; Fawdon, P.; Furuya, K.; Gadd, M.; Get, P.; Griffiths, A.; Grindrod, P. M.; Gunn, M.; Gupta, S.; Hansen, R.; Harris, J. K.; Holt, J.; Huber, B.; Huntly, C.; Hutchinson, I.; Jackson, L.; Kay, S.; Kybert, S.; Lerman, H. N.; McHugh, M.; McMahon, W.; Muller, J.-P.; Paar, G.; Preston, L. J.; Schwenzer, S.; Stabbins, R.; Tao, Y.; Traxler, C; Turner, S.; Tyler, L.; Venn, S.; Walker, H.; Wright, J. and Yeomans, B.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston)
Preliminary Results of 1:3 Million Geological Mapping of the Mercury Quadrangle H-10 (Derain) (2017-03)
Malliband, C. C.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas)
Eskers associated with Extant Glaciers in Mid-Latitude Graben on Mars: Evidence for Geothermal Controls upon Recent Basal Melting (2017-03)
Butcher, F. E.G.; Gallagher, C.; Arnold, N. S.; Balme, M. R.; Conway, S. J.; Lewis, S. R. and Hagermann, A.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston, Texas, USA)
Morphometric Characterisation of Eskers Associated with an Extant Mid-Latitude Glacier on Mars (2017-03)
Butcher, F. E.G.; Gallagher, C.; Arnold, N. S.; Balme, M. R.; Conway, S. J.; Lewis, S. R. and Hagermann, A.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston, Texas, USA)
Late-stage effusive volcanism on Mercury: Evidence from Mansurian impact basins (2017-03)
Wright, J.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas)
Volcanic shields on Mercury identified at last? (2017-03)
Wright, J.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas)
Geological mapping of the Hokusai (H05) quadrangle of Mercury (2017-03)
Rothery, D. A.; Wright, J.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas)
Volcanic shields on Mercury identified at last? (2017-01-20)
Wright, J.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : UKPF 14th Annual Early Career Planetary Scientists' Meeting (23 Jan 2017, University of Manchester)
New evidence for geothermal controls upon recent basal melting of mid-latitude glaciers on Mars (2017)
Butcher, Frances; Gallagher, Colman; Arnold, Neil; Balme, Matthew; Conway, Susan; Lewis, Stephen and Hagermann, Axel
In : EGU General Assembly 2017 (23-28 Apr 2017, Vienna, Austria)
Surface-Based 3d measurements of aeolian bedforms on Mars (2017)
Balme, Matthew; Robson, Ellen; Barnes, Robert; Huber, Ben; Butcher, Frances; Fawdon, Peter; Gupta, Sanjeev and Paar, Gerhard
In : EGU General Assembly 2017 (23-28 Apr 2017, Vienna, Austria)
Time will tell: temporal evolution of Martian gullies and paleoclimatic implications (2017)
de Haas, Tjalling; Conway, Susan; Butcher, Frances; Levy, Joseph; Grindrod, Pete; Goudge, Timothy and Balme, Matthew
In : EGU General Assembly 2017 (23-28 Apr 2017, Vienna, Austria)
The Effect of Model Resolution on Wind-Stress Dust Lifting Within the LMD/UK Mars Global Circulation Model (2016-12-14)
Chapman, R. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Balme, M. and Steele, L. J.
In : 6th International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (17-20 Jan 2017, Granada, Spain)
How Do Martian Dust Devils Vary Throughout the Sol? (2016-12-13)
Chapman, Rhian; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew and Steele, Liam
In : AGU Fall Meeting 2016 (12-17 Dec 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA)
How Do Martian Dust Devils Vary Throughout the Sol? (abstract) (2016-12-13)
Chapman, Rhian; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew and Steele, Liam
In : AGU Fall Meeting 2016 (12-17 Dec 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA)
Regolith-atmosphere water vapour interaction at Gale crater (2016-03-21)
Steele, L. J.; Balme, M. R. and Lewis, S. R.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (21-25 Mar 2016, Houston, Texas)
Characterizing Rock Abundance At ExoMars Landing Site Candidates (2016-03)
Sefton-Nash, E.; Bridges, J. C.; Kissick, L.; Butcher, F.; Donnelly, P.; Piercy, J. D.; Vago, J. L.; Loizeau, D.; Lorenzoni, L.; Grindrod, P. M. and Balme, M.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (21-25 Mar 2016, The Woodlands, Texas, USA)
Preliminary findings from geological mapping of the Hokusai (H5) quadrangle of Mercury (2016-02-05)
Wright, J.; Rothery, D. A.; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (21-25 Mar 2016, Houston, Texas)
Preliminary observations of Rustaveli basin, Mercury (2016-02-05)
Wright, J.; Rothery, D. A..; Balme, M. R. and Conway, S. J.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016) (21/03/2016-25/03/2016, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas)
Martian Dust Devils: When to Watch for Them (2016-01-22)
Chapman, R. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Balme, M. and Steele, L. J.
In : UKPF 13th Annual Early Career Scientists' Meetings (22 Jan 2016, Leicester)
The Dorsa Argentea, Mars: Comparison to >5900 Terrestrial Esker Systems and Statistical Tests for Topographic Relationships (2016)
Butcher, F.E.G; Conway, S.J.; Arnold, N.S. and Balme, M.R.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (21-25 Mar 2016, Houston, Texas)
Investigating the Martian atmosphere using the ExoMars 2016 lander (2015-05-15)
Chapman, R. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Balme, M. R. and Steele, L. J.
In : 4th UK in Aurora Programme Meeting (15 May 2015, London)
Evolving magmas, explosive eruptions and hydrothermal deposits at Nili Patea Caldera, Syrtis Major, Mars (2015-03)
Fawdon, P.; Skok, J. R.; Balme, M. R.; Vye-Brown, C.; Rothery, D. A. and Jordan, C. J.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2012, Houston, TX)
The Hypanis fluvial deltaic system in Xanthe Terra: a candidate ExoMars 2018 Rover landing site (2015-03)
Sefton-Nash, E.; Fawdon, P.; Gupta, S.; Balme, M.; Davis, J.; Grindrod, P.; Sidiropoulos, P.; Yershov, V. and Muller, J.-P.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2015, Houston, TX)
The Nili Patea caldera; evolving magma, explosive eruptions and hydrothermal deposits on Mars. (2014-03)
Fawdon, P.; Skok, J. R.; Balme, M. R.; Vye-Brown, C. and Jordan, C. J.
In : 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, Texas)
Comparison of the Morphology of Crater-Slopes with Gullies to those Without Gullies (2012-03)
Conway, S. J.; Mangold, N.; Balme, M. R. and Ansan., V.
In : Lunar and Planetary Science XLIII (19-23 Mar 2012, Houston, TX)
Using topographic derivatives of high resolution data on Earth and Mars to determine active processes on Mars (2012)
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R. and Grindrod, P. M.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (22-27 Apr 2012, Vienna, Austria)
The morphologic difference between crater slopes with and without gullies on Mars (2012)
Conway, S. J.; Mangold, N.; Balme, M. R. and Ansan, V.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (22-27 Apr 2012, Vienna, Austria)
Morphologies associated with small impact crater clusters in the Western Elysium Planitia region of Mars (2011)
Balme, Matthew; Gallagher, Colman; Hartman, William and Rothery, David
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 (3-8 Apr 2011, Vienna, Austria)
Horizontal forward-motion velocities of terrestrial dust devils, comparison with ambient winds, and application to Mars (2011)
Balme, Matthew R.; Pathare, Asmin; Mezger, Steve; Renno, Nilton O.; Towner, Martin; Spiga, Aymeric; Fenton, Lori K.; Michaels, Timothy I.; Saca, Fernando and Elliott, Harvey Michael
In : American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011 (5-9 Dec 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA)
How wet are gullies on Mars? Insights from high resolution topography (2011)
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R. and Grindrod, P. M.
In : EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 (2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes, France)
A flooded crater in Cerberus Palus, Mars: evidence for substantial volatile loss (2011)
Hauber, E. and Balme, M.
In : EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 (2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes)
Towards climate reconstruction on Mars using landscape analysis: insights from terrestrial analogues (Invited) (2011)
Hauber, Ernst; Ulrich, Mathias; Reiss, Dennis; Hiesinger, Harald; Balme, Matthew R. and Gallagher, Colman
In : AGU Fall Meeting 2011 (5-9 Dec 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA)
Effluent crater breaches and channels on Mars: processes, morphological relationships and implications for understanding hydrology (2011)
Gallagher, Colman and Balme, Matt
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 (3-8 Apr 2011, Vienna, Austria)
Quantitive analysis of gully long profiles on Earth and Mars (2010-05)
Conway, Susan; Balme, Matthew; Murray, John and Towner, Martin
In : EGU General Assembly 2010 (2-7 May 2010, Vienna, Austria) (p 9889)
Can water move sediment on present-day Mars? Insights into gully formation from laboratory simulations (2010-03)
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Towner, M. C. and Murray, J. B.
In : Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference XLI (1-5 Mar 2010, The Woodlands, Texas) (p 1894)
Geomorphic analysis of the formation processes of Martian gullies (2010-03)
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B.; Towner, M. C.; Okubu, C. and Grindrod, P.M.
In : Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference XLI (1-5 Mar 2010, The Woodlands, Texas) (p 1881)
Meteorologic conditions and the formation of terrestrial dust devils (2009-03-23)
Metzger, S.; Balme, M. and Pathare, A.
In : 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, USA)
A recent, equatorial, periglacial environment on Mars (2009)
Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B.; Gallagher, C.; Muller, J-P and Kim, J-R
In : 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, USA)
Direct in-situ measurement of natural dust devil sediment loading and flux (2009)
Metzger, S. M.; Balme, M.; Towner, M.; Bos, B. and Pathare, A.
In : 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, USA)
Debris flow as a mechanism for forming martian gullies (2009)
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C.
In : 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, USA)
Transverse Aeolian Ridges on Mars: Distribution, orientations, and ages (2009)
Berman, D. C; Balme, M. R.; Bourke, M. C.; Rafkin, S. and Zimbelman, J. R.
In : 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, USA)
Morphologic properties of martian gully systems (2009)
Welty, C. B.; Crown, D. A. and Balme, M. R.
In : 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, USA)
Using patterns of debris flow erosion and deposition in the Icelandic Westfjords to delineate hazard zones (2009)
Conway, S. J.; Decaulne, A.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009 (19-24 Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria)
An evolutionary scheme for morphological classification of Martian gullies (2009)
Aston, A. H. and Balme, M.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009 (19-24 Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria)
A recent, equatorial, periglacial environment on Mars (2009)
Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Murray, J. B. and Muller, J-P.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009 (19-24 Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria)
Debris Flow as a Mechanism for Forming Martian Gullies (2009)
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009 (19-24 Apr 2009, Vienna, Austria)
Icelandic debris flows and their relationship to Martian gullies (2008-02)
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B.; Towner, M. C. and Kim, J. R.
In : Workshop on Martian Gullies, Theories and Tests (4-5 Feb 2008, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas) (pp. 25-26)
Transverse Aeolian Ridges (TARs)on Mars (2008)
Balme, M. R; Berman, D. C.; Bourke, M. C.; Ralfkin, S. and Zimbelman, J. R.
In : Planetary Dunes Workshop: A Record of Climate Change (29 Apr - 2 May 2008, Alamogordo, New Mexico)
Megabarchans on Mars (2008)
Bourke, M.C. and Balme, M. R.
In : Planetary Dunes Workshop: A Record of Climate Change (29 Apr - 2 May 2008, Alamogordo, New Mexico)
The distribution of Transverse Aeolian Ridges on Mars (2008)
Berman, D. C.; Balme, M. R.; Bourke, M. C. and Zimbelmann, J. R.
In : 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (10-14 Mar 2008, League City, Texas, USA)
HiRISE and HRSC studies of the western Elysium Planitia region, Mars (2008)
Balme, M.; Gallagher, C.; Murray, J.; Page, D; Muller, J-P. and Kim, J-R.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly (13-18 Apr 2008, Vienna, Austria)
Icelandic debris flow and their relationship to martian gullies (2008)
Conway, S. L.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B.; Towner, M. C. and Kim, J-R.
In : Workshop on Martian Gullies, Theories and Tests (4-5 Feb 2008, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas)
Icelandic debris flow and their relationship to martian gullies (2008)
Conway, S. L.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C.
In : British Society for Geomorphology (BSG/BGRG) Annual Conference (2-4 Jul 2008, Exeter, UK)
Small-scale morphologic properties of martian gullies: insights from analysis of HiRISE images (2008)
Welty, C. B.; Crown, D. A. and Balme, M. R.
In : 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX) (10-14 Mar 2008, League City, Texas, USA)
Sedimentary rocks in Bequerel crater: origin as polar layered deposits during high obliquity (2008)
Bridges, J. C.; Kim, J-R.; Tragheim, D. G.; Muller, J-P.; Balme, M. R. and Pullan, D.
In : 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX) (10-14 Mar 2008, League City, Texas, USA)
13 years of dust devil monitoring and in-situ sampling (2008)
Metzger, S.; Balme, M.; Bos, B.; Farell, W.; Towner, M. and Ringrose, T. J.
In : American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008 (15-18 Dec 2008)
Morphological evidence for a sea-ice origin for Elysium Planitia platy terrain (2007)
Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B.; Ackley, S. F.; Muller, J-P. and Kim, J-R.
In : 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (12-16 Mar 2007, League City, Texas)
Stratigraphical evidence of Elysium sea ice from HiRise images (2007)
Murray, J. B.; Balme, M. R.; Muller, J-P. A. L. and Kim, J-R.
In : 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (12-16 Mar 2007, League City, Texas)
Transverse Aeolian Ridges (TARs) on Mars (2007)
Balme, M. R.; Berman, D. C. and Bourke, M. C.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly (15-20 Apr 2007, Vienna, Austria)
New evidence for equatorial sea ice on Mars from HiRISE images (2007)
Murray, J. B.; Balme, M. R.; Muller, J-P. A. L. and Kim, J-R.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly (15-20 Apr 2007, Vienna, Austria)
Transverse Aeolian Ridges (TARs) on Mars (2006)
Balme, M. R.; Berman, D. and Bourke, M.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (18-22 Sep 2006, Berlin, Germany)
Transverse Aeolian Ridges (TARs) on Mars (2006)
Balme, M. R.; Berman, D. and Bourke, M.
In : ICAR VI: International Conference on Aeolian Research (24-28 Jul 2006, Guelp, Canada)
Orientation and distribution of recent gullies in the southern hemisphere of Mars: observations from HRSC/MEX and MOC/MGS data (2006)
Balme, M. R.; Mangold, N.; Baratoux, D.; Costard, F.; Gosselin, M.; Masson, P.; Pinet, P. and Neukum, G.
In : 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (12-16 Mar 2007, League City, Texas)
New HRSC Mars Express images of the Elysium frozen sea complex (2006)
Murray, John B.; Balme, Matthew R.; Page, David; Muller, Jan-Peter; Kim, Jung-Rack; Morley, Jeremy and Neukum, Gerhard
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2-7 Apr 2006, Vienna, Austria)
MSL landing sites in ancient layered terrain: Becquerel crater (2006)
Bridges, J. C. and Balme, M. R.
In : First MSL Landing Site Workshop, Pasadena Conference (31 May - 2 Jun 2006, Pasadena, California)
Preliminary Observations on New Images of the Elysium Frozen Sea Deposits from HRSC Mars Express (2006)
Murray, John B.; Balme, Matthew R.; Muller, Jan-Peter; Kim, Jung-Rack; Morley, Jeremy and Neukum, Gerhard
In : 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (13-17 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA)
Evidence on the Origin of Phobos’ Parallel Grooves from HRSC Mars Express (2006)
Murray, John B.; Iliffe, Jonathan C.; Muller, Jan-Peter A. L.; Neukum, Gerhard; Werner, Stephanie and Balme, Matt
In : 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (13-17 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA)
Dust devils on Earth and Mars: Extension of particle threshold laboratory simulations (2006)
Neakrase, Lynn D. V.; Greeley, Ronald; Haan, Frederick L.; Sarkar, Partha; Iversen, James D.; Balme, Matthew R. and Eddlemon, Eric E.
In : 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (13-17 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA)
The parallel grooves of Phobos: new evidence on their origin from HRSC Mars Express (2006)
Murray, John B.; Iliffe, Jonathan C.; Muller, Jan-Peter A. L.; Neukum, Gerhard; Werner, Stephanie and Balme, Matt
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2-7 Apr 2006, Vienna, Austria)
Preliminary results from a new study of transverse aeolian ridges (TARS) on Mars (2005)
Balme, M. R. and Bourke, M. C.
In : 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (14-18 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA)
Dust devils on Mars: Effects of surface roughness on particle threshold (2005)
Neakrase, L. D. V; Greeley, R.; Iversen, J. D.; Balme, M. R.; Foley, D. J. and Eddlemon, E. E.
In : 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (14-18 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA)
The ubiquity and significance of extensional grabens on Mercury’s lobate scarps (2021-12-23)
Man, Benjamin; Rothery, David; Balme, Matthew; Conway, Susan and Wright, Jack
ESS Open Archive, USA.