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Dr Simeon Barber

Profile summary

Professional biography

Space missions enable us to explore other worlds...
       ...and along the way we can learn to understand and sustain our own.

Moon@OU is a team of scientists and engineers studying our nearest neighbour in space.

In the lab we analyse meteorites and returned samples to unravel the Moon's history.
And we fly miniaturised lab instruments on space missions to study new samples in new places on the Moon.

With international partners we study the water cycle that is happening on the Moon today, driven by hot days and cold nights.
And near the lunar South pole we will identify and quantify water ice and other chemicals that may have accumulated over billions of years.

We call this exploration science. Studying the history and processing of water on the Moon helps us understand the role of this precious substance in our solar system. 
And if we can learn to carefully extract it in useful forms such as hydrogen and oxygen,
it could help humans live and work on the Moon and provide a stepping stone for new, affordable and sustainable missions to Mars.

We use the knoweldge and skills we learn in our space research to create benefits for society on Earth. 

Research interests

  • Exospheric Mass Spectrometer EMS / PITMS:  PITMS was a payload on Astrobotic Peregrine Mission-1, which aimed to be the first US-built lander on the Moon since Apollo 17. PITMS was designed to study how a lunar water cycle might be driven by the hot daytime and cold night-time temperatures of the Moon’s surface. And how over millions of years this may contribute to vast stores of water and other molecules at permanently cold polar regions – molecules that could tell us the history of our own planet and might support human exploration of the solar system. However, soon after launch on 8 January 2024, the spaceraft developed a fault in its propulsion system. PITMS was therefore redirected to study the gases in and around the spacecraft, and gained valuable data about the instrument performance and lander ennvironment before the mission ended 8 days later with controlled re-entry above the Pacific Ocean.  The instrument was led by Dr Barbara Cohen at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The OU, partnered by RAL Space and funded by ESA, developed the Exospheric Mass Spectrometer for PITMS and supported its scientific operations. The science and perofrmance demonstrated by the mission will feed into future flights of related payloads, including ProSPA and EMS-LUPEX (below).
  • PROSPECT / ProSPA:  The OU is leading the development of ProSPA, a miniature chemical laboratory for analysing samples for water and ice at the Moon. It is half of ESA's PROSPECT drilling and analysis package for a NASA CLPS mission which which aims to land near the south pole of the Moon. PROSPECT will carry out a detailed survey of how water and other molecules are distributed on and under the Moon’s surface. It will help us understand where these materials came from, and whether they might be harvested as useful resources. The OU is partnered in UK by RAL Space, Airbus Defence and Space, and Dynamic Imaging Analytics; in Germany we work with Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research and Technical University of Munich. PROSPECT is led by Leonardo S.p.A. (Italy) under a programme of and funded by ESA.
  • Drill-eye:  a miniature camera mounted inside a drill that will allow scientists to see in real-time under the surface of the Moon or Mars. By picturing the inside of a bore-hole in real time, we capture valuable scientific information about sub-surface layering, ice content and partical size, that can be lost when a sample is excavated to the surface for anaysis.  
  • iDrill:  an intrumented drill concept for rapid chemical and physical analysis of the lunar sub-surface 
  • Rosetta:  our gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer "Ptolemy" made the first ever chemical composition measurements on the surface of a comet on 12 Nov 2014 on board the Philae comet lander [UK Space Agency/ESA]
  • Beagle 2 GAP (Gas Analysis Package):  our gas analysis instrument was delivered to Mars on 25 December 2003 by Beagle2 but regrettably the lander failed to fully deploy and operations did not proceed. But all was not in vain; what we learned is being put to use in ProSPA and EMS. 

Externally funded projects

ProSPA Phase C/D
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Apr 202031 Aug 2025ESA (European Space Agency)

PROSPECT / ProSPA: The OU is leading the development of ProSPA, a miniature chemical laboratory for analysing samples for water and ice at the Moon. It is half of ESA's PROSPECT drilling and analysis package for the Roscosmos Luna-27 mission which aims to land near the south pole of the Moon in 2025. Through its 12-month mission on the Moon, PROSPECT will carry out a detailed survey of how water and other molecules are distributed on and under the Moon’s surface. It will help us understand where these materials came from, and whether they might be harvested as useful resources. The OU is partnered in UK by RAL Space, Airbus Defence and Space, and Dynamic Imaging Analytics; in Germany we work with Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research and Technical University of Munich. PROSPECT is led by Leonardo S.p.A. (Italy) under a programme of and funded by ESA.

Exospheric Mass Spectrometer (EMS) Development
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 201931 Mar 2025ESA (European Space Agency)

Exospheric Mass Spectrometer EMS / PITMS: PITMS will fly to the Moon in 2022 as a payload within NASA's Artemis program. We will study how a lunar water cycle might be driven by the hot daytime and cold night-time temperatures of the Moon’s surface. And how over millions of years this may contribute to vast stores of water and other molecules at permanently cold polar regions – molecules that could tell us the history of our own planet and might support human exploration of the solar system. The instrument is led by Dr Barbara Cohen at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The OU, partnered by RAL Space and funded by ESA, has developed the Exospheric Mass Spectrometer for PITMS and will support its scientific operations throughout the 2-week mission of the Astrobotic Peregrine lander at Lacus Mortis.

Improvement of Sample Containment/Handling for Volatile Analysis
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Jul 201931 Jan 2021ESA (European Space Agency)

An investigation on behalf of ESA into reusable oven sealing mechanisms suitable for use on spaceflight gas-source mass spectrometry instruments deployed to the lunar surface.

Understanding attenuation of UHF by regolith for penetrator missions
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Nov 201730 Apr 2018UKSA UK Space Agency

‘Penetrators’ are a new kind of spacecraft that land at high speed (think bullet from a gun!) into a planetary body such as the Moon, Mars or Europa, burying themselves a few meters into the ground in the process. Because they land at high speed, they don’t need much fuel to slow themselves down before hitting the surface – which means that the missions can be lightweight – which also means inexpensive. And here’s the clever bit: they contain a suite of sensors that operate during and after the landing, taking a host of scientific measurements such as the structure of the material into which they have landed, its temperature and chemical composition – even photos of the landing site. Many scientists – us included – think the best place to land the first penetrator mission would be near the south pole of the Moon. This has never been visited before, because it is very cold and there is very little sunlight to power the solar cells needed to keep a traditional Moon lander or rover alive. In fact, some places are so cold that we believe that valuable materials such as water ice may have collected there over billions of years in a gigantic deep freeze, holding clues about how the Moon formed and evolved. Not only is this of tremendous scientific value, it also changes the way we think about exploring the Moon and even our solar system. If we can find this water it opens up the possibility of using it to supply astronauts in future Moon bases with drinking water. And then we can split it into hydrogen and oxygen to fuel a new fleet of spacecraft that could take advantage of the Moon’s low gravity to launch new missions to Mars and beyond. This study is a vital step in designing a penetrator mission. We want to study how the radio signal that it transmits after landing, is affected by the soil it is buried beneath. If we find that the signal passes easily through the soil, we can design the penetrator to go deeper so it can achieve more science. If the signal doesn’t pass easily, then we will design a shallower penetrator. The ideal experiment would test a radio signal passing through real lunar soil. But to do this would require a lot of soil – much more than we could obtain of the precious samples brought back to Earth by NASA’s Apollo missions. And there’s another problem – all the samples on Earth are from near the Moon’s equator, meaning it is very different to what we would expect to find near the pole. So our first step will be to identify a suitable lunar soil ‘analogue’ – an Earth rock that has been crushed to mimic the essential properties of the Moon’s polar soil. Then we will mix it with varying proportions of water ice, and cool it to a range of sub-zero temperatures, to mimic the conditions at the lunar poles. And finally we can obtain a suite of measurements of the electrical properties of the soil, which we can feed into a computer model to predict how our penetrator antenna will perform when buried on the Moon. This research will be performed by The Open University partnered by QinetiQ Limited, and you can follow our progress at

PROspecting lunar VolatilEs
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Sep 201731 Aug 2019UKSA UK Space Agency

This project will investigate the nature and abundance of volatiles (gases such as CO2, CO, N2, H2) released during linear heating of lunar soils collected during Apollo missions. This study will provide the first quantitative estimate of gases released at different temperature steps that will directly feed into defining the performance requirements for ESA's PROSPECT instrument package which is being developed for a joint Russia-ESA lander mission to the south polar region of the Moon in 2021. I am a member of the ESA's PROSPECT User Group and my role is to help ESA define and refine measurement requirements for PROPSECT from scientists' (i.e. potential users) perspectives. Mahesh Anand is the project lead (PI) and Simeon Barber is the Co-PI on ProsPA instrument which is being developed at the OU under an ESA contract. This project will investigate the nature and abundance of volatiles (gases such as CO2, CO, N2, H2) released during linear heating of lunar soils collected during Apollo missions. This study will provide the first quantitative estimate of gases released at different temperature steps that will directly feed into defining the performance requirements for ESA's PROSPECT instrument package which is being developed for a joint Russia-ESA lander mission to the south polar region of the Moon in 2021. I am a member of the ESA's PROSPECT User Group and my role is to help ESA define and refine measurement requirements for PROPSECT from scientists' (i.e. potential users) perspectives. Mahesh Anand is the project lead (PI) and Simeon Barber is the Co-PI on ProsPA instrument which is being developed at the OU under an ESA contract. The nature and composition of lunar polar regolith is poorly understood as we do not have any samples from these regions on the Moon. Recent studies have indicated significant presence of volatiles (including water-ice) at the lunar poles and it is postulated that the lunar polar regolith is likely to be a mixture of indigenous lunar material (similar to lunar soils that were collected by the Apollo missions from near equatorial regions of the Moon) and in-falling extra-lunar material derived from asteroidal, cometary and solar sources. In the absence of any direct samples of lunar soils from the polar regions, the existing Apollo lunar soils in our collections are best candidates for establishing a baseline for volatile abundances in lunar soils utilizing the same analytical techniques as that proposed for the PROPSECT instrument package. Early studies carried out in 1970's and 1980's confirmed the presence of a range of volatiles in lunar soil that were released at various temperatures during linear heating from ambient temperature to 1400 deg C. However, the exact amount of gases released at a given temperature were never reported and, therefore, it has not been possible to evaluate quantitatively the contributions from various sources (e.g, solar wind, comets, asteroids etc.) for lunar volatiles. In this project, we propose to carry out linear heating experiments on a suite of carefully chosen Apollo soils, many of which have been previously analyzed for their volatiles, using our custom-built FINNESSE mass spectrometry system. In contrast to previous studies, we will calibrate our measurements using flow-rate of reference gases that would allow us to provide quantitative estimates of gases released during linear heating of Apollo soils. The results from our proposed work will not only improve our understanding of the nature and abundance of volatiles in the lunar soil but also help ESA in refining the requirements for the PROSPECT package. The information derived from our proposed work will critically underpin the success of PROSPECT aims and objectives while providing the Prospect User Group and the wider scientific community the baseline against which to interpret the mission data.

RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Apr 201631 Aug 2019ESA (European Space Agency)

We are to lead the development of "ProSPA", a miniature analytical laboratory to detect and analyse water and other volatiles that might be cold-trapped at the south pole of the Moon. Together with the drill system "ProSEED", ProSPA makes up "PROSPECT", the European Space Agency's vision for a technology and science package for use in collaborative space missions with international partners. ProSPA builds upon technology and know-how developed for Rosetta and Beagle 2 to identify, quantify and isotopically characterise volatiles in a mass spectrometer suite. ProSPA will hence provide insight into the water cycle on the Moon over billions of years and into the availability of resources for in situ resource utilisation (ISRU) by future exploration missions.

RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Sep 201431 Dec 2016ESA (European Space Agency)

Contract R&D to study Non Ionising Energy Loss in space components with OU focusing on CCDs. Outputs will inform the implementation of the JUICE mission.


The Peregrine Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (PITMS): Results from a CLPS-delivered Mass Spectrometer (2025-01-17)
Cohen, Barbara A.; Barber, Simeon J.; Gawronska, Aleksandra J.; Abernethy, Feargus A. J.; Curran, Natalie M.; Driggers, Phillip A.; Farrell, William M.; Heather, David J.; Howe, Christopher; Landsberg, Peter F.; López-Días, Veneranda; Morse, Andrew D.; Morse, Thomas; Poston, Michael J.; Prem, Parvathy; Trautner, Roland; Tucker, Orenthal J.; Warren, Tristram J. and Boccelli, Stefano
The Planetary Science Journal, 6, Article 14(1)

Quantitative evolved gas analysis: Winchcombe in comparison with other CM2 meteorites (2024-05)
Verchovsky, A. B.; Abernethy, F. A. J.; Anand, M.; Barber, S. J.; Findlay, R.; Franchi, I. A.; Greenwood, R. C. and Grady, M. M.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 59(5) (pp. 1145-1169)

PTFE as a viable sealing material for lightweight mass spectrometry ovens in dusty extraterrestrial environments (2024-01)
Abernethy, Feargus A J; Chinnery, Hannah; Lindner, Robert and Barber, Simeon J.
RAS Techniques and Instruments, 3(1) (pp. 80-88)

PROSPECT: A comprehensive sample acquisition and analysis package for lunar science and exploration (2024)
Trautner, R.; Barber, S. J.; Fisackerly, R.; Heather, D.; Houdou, B.; Howe, C.; Iacobellis, S.; Leese, M.; Mariani, A.; Meogrossi, G.; Murray, N.; Panza, C.; Reiss, P.; Rusconi, A.; Abernethy, F.; Cann, N.; Chinnery, H.; Gscheidle, C.; Landsberg, P.; Lindner, R.; Morse, A. D.; Mortimer, J.; Nicolae, L.; Picchi, P.; Sheridan, S. and Verchovsky, A.
Frontiers in Space Technologies, 5, Article 1331828

A primordial noble gas component discovered in the Ryugu asteroid and its implications (2024)
Verchovsky, Alexander B.; Abernethy, Feargus A. J.; Anand, Mahesh; Franchi, Ian A.; Grady, Monica M.; Greenwood, Richard C.; Barber, Simeon J.; Suttle, Martin; Ito, Motoo; Tomioka, Naotaka; Uesugi, Masayuki; Yamaguchi, Akira; Kimura, Makoto; Imae, Naoya; Shirai, Naoki; Ohigashi, Takuji; Liu, Ming-Chang; Uesugi, Kentaro; Nakato, Aiko; Yogata, Kasumi; Yuzawa, Hayato; Karouji, Yuzuru; Nakazawa, Satoru; Okada, Tatsuaki; Saiki, Takanao; Tanaka, Satoshi; Terui, Fuyuto; Yoshikawa, Makoto; Miyazaki, Akiko; Nishimura, Masahiro; Yada, Toru; Abe, Masanao; Usui, Tomohiro; Watanabe, Sen-ichiro and Tsuda, Yuichi
Nature Communications, 15, Article 8075

The Peregrine Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (PITMS) Investigation Development and Preflight Planning (2024)
Cohen, Barbara A.; Barber, Simeon J.; Driggers, Phillip A.; Heather, David; Howe, Christopher; Landsberg, Peter; Morse, Thomas; Trautner, Roland; Abernethy, Feargus; Butroid, Emma-May; Curran, Natalie M.; Delepaut, Christophe; Elliott, Ellis; Fernandez Salgado, Javier; Generie, Joseph A.; Hager, Philipp; Hall, Sophie; Hillier, Fiona; Hodgkins, Max; Iacobellis, Sara; Kasjanowicz, Alicja; Koekkoek, Ewout; Leese, Mark; Lundmark, Karin; Mayers, Jeremy; Morse, Andrew; Mortimer, James; Peabody, Hume L.; Reast, Patrick; Sheridan, Simon; Stamper, Richard; Steigner, Peter J.; Stier, Harald; Summers, Lauren; Tucker, Orenthal J.; Whalley, Martin and Woodward, Simon
The Planetary Science Journal, 5, Article 212(9)

Lunar Resources (2023-12-01)
Crawford, Ian A.; Anand, Mahesh; Barber, Simeon; Cowley, Aidan; Crites, Sarah; Fa, Wenzhe; Flahaut, Jessica; Gaddis, Lisa R.; Greenhagen, Ben; Haruyama, Junichi; Hurley, Dana; McLeod, Claire L.; Morse, Andrew; Neal, Clive R.; Sargeant, Hannah; Sefton-Nash, Elliot and Tartèse, Romain
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 89(1) (pp. 829-868)

Hydrogen reduction of lunar samples in a static system for a water production demonstration on the Moon (2021-10-01)
Sargeant, Hannah; Barber, S. J.; Anand, M.; Abernethy, F. A. J.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P. and Morse, A. D.
Planetary and Space Science, 205, Article 105287

Searching for potential ice-rich mining sites on the Moon with the Lunar Volatiles Scout (2020-02)
Biswas, J.; Sheridan, S.; Pitcher, C.; Richter, L.; Reganaz, M.; Barber, S. J. and Reiss, P.
Planetary and Space Science, 181, Article 104826

A quantitative evolved gas analysis for extra-terrestrial samples (2020-02)
Verchovsky, A. B.; Anand, M.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S. and Morgan, G. H.
Planetary and Space Science, 181, Article 104830

Hydrogen reduction of ilmenite: Towards an in situ resource utilization demonstration on the surface of the Moon (2020-01)
Sargeant, Hannah; Abernethy, F. A. J.; Barber, S. J.; Wright, I. P.; Anand, M.; Sheridan, S. and Morse, A.
Planetary and Space Science, 180, Article 104751

Feasibility studies for hydrogen reduction of ilmenite in a static system for use as an ISRU demonstration on the lunar surface (2020-01)
Sargeant, Hannah; Abernethy, F. A. J.; Anand, M.; Barber, S. J.; Landsberg, P.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. and Morse, A.
Planetary and Space Science, 180, Article 104759

Gas containment for in situ sample analysis on the Moon: Utility of sealing materials in the presence of dust (2020-01)
Abernethy, Feargus A. J.; Sheridan, Simon and Barber, S. J.
Planetary and Space Science, 180, Article 104784

Thermal extraction of volatiles from the lunar regolith simulant NU-LHT-2M: preparations for in-situ analyses on the Moon (2019-10-01)
Reiss, P.; Grill, L. and Barber, S. J.
Planetary and Space Science, 175 (pp. 41-51)

On the attempts to measure water (and other volatiles) directly at the surface of a comet (2017-05-28)
Wright, I. P.; Sheridan, S.; Morgan, G. H.; Barber, S. J. and Morse, A. D.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 375, Article 20150385(2094)

Implications of Sample Size for the Thermal Extraction of Volatiles from Lunar Regolith with the PROSPECT Instrument Package (2017-05)
Reiss, P.; Hoehn, A.; Walter, U.; Barber, S. J. and Carpenter, J.
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 30(3)

Ptolemy operations at the surface of a comet, from planning to reality (2016)
Morse, A. D.; Andrews, D. J.; Morgan, G. H.; Sheridan, S.; Barber, S. J. and Wright, I. P.
Acta Astronautica, 125 (pp. 196-211)

Subsurface characterization of 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko's Abydos site (2016)
Brugger, B.; Mousis, O.; Morse, A.; Marboeuf, U.; Jorda, L.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Andrews, D.; Barber, S. J.; Lamy, P.; Luspay-Kuti, A.; Mandt, K.; Morgan, G.; Sheridan, S.; Vernazza, P. and Wright, I. P.
The Astrophysical Journal, 822(2) (p 98)

Low CO/CO2 ratios of comet 67P measured at the Abydos landing site by the Ptolemy mass spectrometer (2015-11-30)
Morse, A.; Mouisi, O.; Sheridan, S.; Morgan, G.; Andrews, D.; Barber, S. and Wright, I.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 583, Article A42

CHO-bearing organic compounds at the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko revealed by Ptolemy (2015-07-31)
Wright, I. P.; Sheridan, S.; Barber, S. J.; Morgan, G. H.; Andrews, D. J. and Morse, A. D.
Science, 349, Article aab0673(6247)

L-VRAP-a lunar volatile resources analysis package for lunar exploration (2012-12)
Wright, I. P.; Sheridan, S.; Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Merrifield, J. A.; Waugh, L. J.; Howe, C. J.; Gibson, E. K. and Pillinger, C. T.
Planetary and Space Science, 74(1) (pp. 254-263)

Ptolemy operations and results during the Lutetia flyby (2012-09-16)
Andrews, D. J.; Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Sheridan, S.; Zarnecki, J. C.; Pillinger, C. T. and Wright, I. P.
Planetary And Space Science, 66 (pp. 179-186)

Penetrators for in situ subsurface investigations of Europa (2011-08-16)
Gowen, R. A.; Smith, A.; Fortes, A. D.; Barber, S.; Brown, P.; Church, P.; Collinson, G.; Coates, A. J.; Collins, G.; Crawford, I. A.; Dehant, V.; Chela-Flores, J.; Griffiths, A. D.; Grindrod, P. M.; Gurvits, L. I.; Hagermann, A.; Hussmann, H.; Jaumann, R.; Jones, A. P.; Joy, K. H.; Karatekin, O.; Miljkovic, K.; Palomba, E.; Pike, W. T.; Prieto-Ballesteros, O.; Raulin, F.; Sephton, M. A.; Sheridan, S.; Sims, M.; Storrie-Lombardi, M. C.; Ambrosi, R.; Fielding, J.; Fraser, G.; Gao, Y.; Jones, G. H.; Kargl, G.; Karl, W. J.; Macagnano, A.; Mukherjee, A.; Muller, J. P.; Phipps, A.; Pullan, D.; Richter, L.; Sohl, F.; Snape, J.; Sykes, J. and Wells, N.
Advances in Space Research, 48(4) (pp. 725-742)

Off-plane x-ray grating spectrometer camera for IXO (2010-07-28)
Murray, Neil J.; Holland, Andrew D.; Harriss, Richard D.; Tutt, James H.; Barber, Simeon J.; Pool, Peter; Endicott, James; Burt, David; Walton, Dave; Page, Mat; McEntaffer, Randall L.; Schultz, Ted; Cash, Webster C.; Lillie, Chuck and Casement, Suzanne
Proceedings - SPIE the International Society for Optical Engineering, 7742(77420X)

Developments of the off-plane x-ray grating spectrometer for IXO (2010)
McEntaffer, R. L.; Murray, N. J.; Holland, A. D.; Tutt, J.; Barber, S. J.; Harriss, R.; Schultz, T.; Casement, S.; Lillie, C.; Dailey, D.; Johnson, T.; Danner, R.; Cash, W.; Zeiger, B.; Shipley, A.; Page, M.; Walton, D.; Pool, P.; Endicott, J. and Willingale, D.
Proceedings - SPIE the International Society for Optical Engineering, 7732 (77321K-77321K)

In situ radiometric dating on mars: investigation of the feasibility of K-Ar dating using flight-type mass and X-ray spectrometers (2009-09)
Talboys, D. L.; Barber, S.; Bridges, J. C.; Kelley, S. P.; Pullan, D.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Butcher, G.; Fazel, A.; Fraser, G. W.; Pillinger, C. T.; Sims, M. R. and Wright, I. P.
Planetary And Space Science, 57(11) (pp. 1237-1245)

Kronos: exploring the depths of Saturn with probes and remote sensing through an international mission (2009-03)
Marty, B.; Guillot, T.; Coustenis, A.; Achilleos, N.; Alibert, Y.; Asmar, S.; Atkinson, D.; Atreya, S.; Babasides, G.; Baines, K.; Balint, T.; Banfield, D.; Barber, S.; Bézard, B.; Bjoraker, G. L.; Blanc, M.; Bolton, S.; Chanover, N.; Charnoz, S.; Chassefière, E.; Colwell, J. E.; Deangelis, E.; Dougherty, M.; Drossart, P.; Flasar, F. M.; Fouchet, T.; Frampton, R.; Franchi, I.; Gautier, D.; Gurvits, L.; Hueso, R.; Kazeminejad, B.; Krimigis, T.; Jambon, A.; Jones, G.; Langevin, Y.; Leese, M.; Lellouch, E.; Lunine, J.; Milillo, A.; Mahaffy, P.; Mauk, B.; Morse, A.; Moreira, M.; Moussas, X.; Murray, C.; Mueller-Wodarg, I.; Owen, T. C.; Pogrebenko, S.; Prangé, R.; Read, P.; Sanchez-Lavega, A.; Sarda, P.; Stam, D.; Tinetti, G.; Zarka, P. and Zarnecki, J.
Experimental Astronomy, 23(3) (pp. 947-976)

LunarEX: a proposal to cosmic vision (2009-03)
Smith, A.; Crawford, I. A.; Gowen, R. A.; Ball, A. J.; Barber, S. J.; Church, P.; Coates, A. J.; Gao, Y.; Griffiths, A. D.; Hagermann, A.; Joy, K. H.; Phipps, A.; Pike, W. T.; Scott, R.; Sheridan, S.; Sweeting, M.; Talboys, D.; Tong, V.; Wells, N.; Biele, J.; Chela-Flores, J.; Dabrowski, B.; Flannagan, J.; Grande, M.; Grygorczuk, J.; Kargl, G.; Khavroshkin, O. B.; Klingelhoefer, G.; Knapmeyer, M.; Marczewski, W.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Richter, L.; Rothery, D. A.; Seweryn, K.; Ulamec, S.; Wawrzaszek, R.; Wieczorek, M.; Wright, I. P. and Sims, M.
Experimental Astronomy, 23(3) (pp. 711-740)

Laboratory optimization of the Helium Carrier Gas Flow System of MODULUS Ptolemy (2009)
Andrews, Dan; Morse, Andrew; Barber, Simeon; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Pillinger, Colin; Sheridan, Simon; Wright, Ian and Zarnecki, John
Aerotecnica, Missili e Spazio, 88(4) (pp. 139-144)

Application of penetrators within the solar system (2010-06)
Smith, Alan; Gowen, Robert A.; Rees, Kerrin; Theobald, Craig; Brown, Patrick; Pike, William T.; Hopf, Toby; Kumar, Sunil; Church, Philip; Gao, Yang; Jones, Adrain; Joy, Katherine H.; Crawford, Ian A.; Sheridan, Simon; Hagermann, Axel; Barber, Simeon J.; Ball, Andrew J. and Wells, Nigel
In: Anil, Bhardwaj ed. Advances in Geosciences. Planetary Science (PS) (pp. 307-320)
ISBN : 978-981-283-815-5 | Publisher : World Scientific | Published : Sinapore

Ptolemy - a GCMS to measure the chemical and stable isotopic composition of a comet (2009)
Morse, Andrew; Morgan, Geraint; Andrews, Dan; Barber, Simeon; Leese, Mark; Sheridan, Simon; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin
In: Schulz, Rita and Boehnhardt, Hermann eds. Rosetta ESA's Mission to the Origin of the Solar System (pp. 669-718)
Publisher : Springer | Published : Berlin/Heidleberg

The LUVMI Volatile Sampler and Volatile Analysis Package for in Situ ISRU Applications on the Moon and Other Airless Bodies (2021)
Sheridan, S.; Pitcher, C.; Schwanethal, J.; Barber, S.; Biswas, J.; Reissa, P.; Reganaz, M. and Richter, L.
In : 17th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments. Earth and Space 2021: Space Exploration, Utilization, Engineering, and Construction in Extreme Environments (19-23 Apr 2021, Seattle, United States)

LUVMI-X: A Versatile Platform for Resource Prospecting on the Moon (2021)
Losekamm, M.J.; Barber, S.; Biswas, J.; Chupin, T.; Evagora, A.; Fau, G.; Fodorcan, D.; Gancet, J.; Kubitza, S.; Madakashira, H.K.; Murray, N.; Neumann, J.; Poeschl, T.; Reganaz, M.; Richter, L.; Schroeder, S.; Schwanethal, J.; Sheridan, S.; Urbina, D.; Vogt, D. and Wessels, P.
In : 17th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth and Space) (Online, 19 Apr-23 Apr) (pp. 289-299)

Water production from lunar simulants and samples: an in situ resource utilization demonstration (2020)
Sargeant, Hannah; Abernethy, F.; Anand, M.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. and Morse, A.
In : 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2020, The Woodlands, Texas)

Characterisation of the LUVMI Lunar Volatiles Scout Instrument (2020)
Sheridan, Simon; Barber, Simeon; Biswas, Janos; Regaanaz, Mattia and Richter, Lutz
In : EPSC2020 (21 Sep - 9 Oct 2020, Virtual meeting)

The Peregrine Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (PITMS): A CLPS-Delivered Ion-Trap Mass Spectrometer for In-Situ Studies of the Lunar Water Cycle (2020)
Cohen, B. A.; Barber, S. J.; Farrell, W. M.; Wright, I. P.; Leese, M.; Howe, C. and Driggers, P. A.
In : 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2020, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

i-Drill: An Instrumented Drill for Surface and Sub-Surface Ground Truthing of Lunar Volatiles and Resources (2020)
Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, Simon; Anand, Mahesh; Harkness, P.; Timoney, R.; Worrall, K.; Murray, N. J.; Trautner, R. and Howe, C. J.
In : 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2020, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

i-Drill: Surface and Sub-Surface Profiling of Lunar Volatiles and Resources by an Instrumented Drill (2020)
Barber, S.; Sheridan, S.; Morse, A.; Anand, M.; Harkness, P.; Timoney, R.; Worrall, K.; Murray, N. J.; Trautner, R. and Howe, C. J.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2020 (12-14 May 2020, Virtual)

PITMS: an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer for In-Situ Studies of the Lunar Water Cycle on the NASA Artemis CLPS Peregrine Lander (2020)
Barber, Simeon; Cohen, B. A.; Farrell, W. M.; Landsberg, Peter; Morse, Andrew; Sheridan, Simon; Curran, N. M.; Leese, Mark; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Driggers, P. A. and Trautner, R.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2020 (12-14 May 2020, Virtual)

Quantitative Evolved Gas Analysis of Apollo Lunar Soils (2020)
Verchovsky, Sasha; Anand, Mahesh and Barber, Simeon
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2020 (12-14 May 2020, Virtual)

Experimentally Exploring Factors Affecting Water Ice Sublimation Rates to Inform Development of ESA’s PROSPECT Package (2020)
Mortimer, James; Chinnery, Hannah; Barber, Simeon and Leese, Mark
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2020 (12-14 May 2020, Virtual)

Sample Containment For In Situ Analysis on the Moon: Testing Sealing Materials in the Presence of Dust (2020)
Chinnery, Hannah; Abernethy, Feargus and Barber, Simeon
In : European Lunar Symposium 2020 (12-14 May 2020, Virtual)

An Evaluation of Lunar Simulant and Meteorite as a Proxy for Lunar Regolith for In Situ Resource Utilization Experiments (2020)
Sargeant, Hannah; Abernethy, Feargus; Anand, Mahesh; Barber, Simeon; Sheridan, Simon; Wright, Ian and Morse, Andrew
In : European Lunar Symposium 2020 (12-14 May 2020, Virtual)

The ESA PROSPECT Payload for Luna 27: Development Status (2020)
Sefton-Nash, E.; Fisackerly, R.; Trautner, R.; Barber, S.; Reiss, P.; Martin, D.; Orgel, C.; Heather, D.; Carpenter, J.; Houdou, B.; The PROSPECT Science Team, and The PROSPECT Industrial Consortium,
In : European Lunar Symposium 2020 (12-14 May 2020, Virtual)

LUVMI Rover to Characterise Volatile Content in Lunar Polar Regions (2019-09-19)
Sheridan, Simon; Urbina, Diego A.; Gancet, Jeremi; Kullack, Karsten; Ceglia, Enrico; Madakashira, Hemanth K.; Salinia, Joseph; Govindaraj, Shashank; Surdo, Leonardo; Aked, Richard; Pitcher, Craig; Barber, S. J.; Biswas, Janos; Reiss, Philipp; Rushton, Joseph; Murray, Neil; Evangora, Anthony; Richter, Lutz; Dobrea, Diana and Reganaz, Mattia
In : 13th Workshop on Harsh-Environment Mass Spectrometry (16-19 Sep 2019, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA)

Mass Spectrometers for In-Situ Resource Utilisation (2019-07-16)
Morse, A. D.; Abernethy, F.; Barber, S. J.; Lim, S.; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheridan, S. and Wright, I. P.
In : Lunar ISRU 2019 (15-17 Jul 2019, Columbia, Maryland, United States)

Experimental Development and Testing of the Reduction of Ilmenite for a Lunar ISRU Demonstration with ProSPA (2019)
Sargeant, Hannah; Abernethy, F.; Anand, M.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. and Morse, A.
In : Lunar ISRU 2019 (15-17 Jul 2019, Columbia, Maryland, United States)

Experimental Development and Testing of the Ilmenite Reduction Reaction for a Lunar ISRU Demonstration with ProSPA (2019)
Sargeant, Hannah; Abernethy, F.; Anand, M.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P. and Morse, A.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Water Production from Lunar Samples and Simulants (2019)
Sargeant, Hannah; Abernethy, Feargus; Anand, Mahesh; Barber, Simeon; Sheridan, Simon; Wright, Ian and Morse, Andrew
In : Space Resources Workshop (10-11 Oct 2019, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg)

Volatile Characterisation Instrumentation for ISRU applications (2019)
Sheridan, Simon; Morse, Andrew; Barber, S. J.; Schwanethal, James; Biswas, Janos; Reiss, P; Raganaz, M and Richter, Lutz
In : Space Resources Workshop (10-11 Oct 2019, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg)

A quantitative evolved gas analysis for meteorite and lunar samples (2019)
Verchovsky, A. B.; Anand, M. and Barber, S. J.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Development of the PROSPECT Payload Package for Subsurface Sample Acquisition and Analysis of Lunar Volatiles (2019)
Trautner, R.; Barber, S.; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R.; Houdou, B.; Leese, M.; Rusconi, A.; Sefton-Nash, E. and Zamboni, A.
In : Lunar ISRU 2019 - Developing a New Space Economy Through Lunar Resources and Their Utilization (15-17 Jul 2019, Columbia, Maryland, USA)

Characterization of the Lunar Volatiles Scout for In-Situ Volatiles Extraction and Analysis (2019)
Biswas, J.; Reiss, P.; Sheridan, Simon; Barber, Simeon; Pitcher, Craig; Reganaz, M. and Richter, L.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2019 (21-23 May 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom)

Characterisation of the LUVMI Volatile Extraction and Volatiles Analysis package (2019)
Sheridan, Simon; Barber, Simeon; Pitcher, Craig; Biswas, J.; Reiss, P.; Reganaz, M. and Richter, L.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2019 (21-23 May 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom)

In-Situ Studies of the Lunar Water Cycle by Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry (2019)
Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Cohen, B. A. and Farrell, W. M.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2019 (21-23 May 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom)

A Quantitative Evolved Gas Analysis for Lunar and Meteorite Materials (2019)
Verchovsky, Sasha; Anand, Mahesh and Barber, Simeon
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2019 (21-23 May 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom)

An Experimental Approach to Understanding Sublimation Water Ice Losses from Planetary Regolith Analogue Mixtures for ESA’s PROSPECT Package (2019)
Mortimer, James; Barber, Simeon and Leese, Mark
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2019 (21-23 May 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom)

Lunar Subsurface Exploration Technologies at the University of Glasgow: capabilities and the ‘i-Drill’ case study (2019)
Timoney, R.; Worrall, K.; Harkness, P.; Barber, Simeon; Sheridan, Simon and Murray, N. J.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2019 (21-23 May 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom)

Volatile Extraction and Detection from Frozen Lunar Regolith Simulants in Preparation for the LUVMI Rover (2018)
Pitcher, C.; Sheridan, S.; Barber, S. J.; Urbina, D.; Gancet, J.; Kullack, K.; Ceglia, E.; Madakashira, H.; Salinia, J.; Govindaraj, S.; Surdo, L.; Aked, R.; Biswas, J.; Reiss, P.; Richter, L.; Dobrea, D.; Reganaz, M.; Murray, Neil; Rushton, J. and Evagora, A.
In : 6th European Lunar Symposium (14-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France)

Hydrogen Reduction of Ilmenite in a Static System for a Lunar ISRU Demonstration (2018)
Sargeant, Hannah; Abernethy, F.; Barber, S. J.; Wright, I. P.; Sheridan, S.; Landsberg, P.; Morse, A. D.; Anand, M. and Reiss, P.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2018 (14-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France)

Penetrators as a deployment tool for Mass Spectrometer instrumentation (2018)
Sheridan, Simon; Barber, S. J.; Morse, Andrew and Snodgrass, Colin
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2018 (16-21 Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany)

ProSPA: Analysis of Lunar Polar Volatiles and ISRU Demonstration on the Moon (2018)
Barber, S. J.; Wright, I. P.; Abernethy, F.; Anand, M.; Dewar, K. R.; Hodges, M.; Landsberg, P.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Morse, A. D.; Mortimer, J.; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, I.; Sheridan, S.; Verchovsky, A.; Goesmann, F.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, A.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J. A.; Gibson, E. K.; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R.; Houdou, B.; Sefton-Nash, E. and Trautner, R.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

L-DART: A Penetrator Mission for Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions (2018)
Barber, S. J.; Sargeant, H.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Ballard, A.; Church, P. D.; Gould, P.; Gupta, M.D.; Hussain, S.; Griffiths, A.; Jones, G. H.; Derz, U. and Perkinson, M.
In : Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

ProSPA: An instrument for lunar polar volatiles prospecting and in situ resource utilization proof of concept (2018)
Barber, S. J.; Wright, Ian; Abernethy, Feargus; Anand, Mahesh; Dewar, Kevin; Hodges, Martyna; Landsberg, Peter; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Morse, Andrew; Mortimer, James; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, Iain; Sheridan, Simon; Verchovsky, Sasha; Goesmann, F.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, R.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J.; Gibson, Everett; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R.; Houdou, B.; Sefton-Nash, E. and Trautner, R.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2018 (13-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France)

L-DART: Direct Analysis Of Resource Traps within Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions by a Penetrator Mission (2018)
Barber, Simeon; Sheridan, Simon; Sargeant, Hannah; Wright, Ian; Ballard, A.; Church, P. D.; Gould, P.; Gupta, M.D.; Hussain, S.; Jones, G. H.; Derz, U.; Perkinson, M. and Murray, N. J.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2018 (13-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France)

Mobile In-Situ Exploration of Lunar Volatiles with the LVS on LUVMI (2018)
Biswas, J.; Reiss, P.; Sheridan, Simon; Barber, Simeon; Pitcher, Craig; Reganaz, M. and Richter, L.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2018 (13-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France)

Demonstration of Volatiles Extraction from NU-LHT-2M with the ProSPA Instrument Breadboard (2018)
Reiss, P.; Grill, L. and Barber, Simeon
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2018 (14-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France)

In-Situ Hydrogen Reduction of Lunar Polar Regolith: from Proof of Concept Experiments with ProSPA to Larger Scale ISRU Demonstrators (2018)
Reiss, P.; Grill, L.; Sargeant, Hannah and Barber, Simeon
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2018 (14-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France)

Penetrator-deployed mass spectrometers for volatiles analysis at the Moon (2018)
Sheridan, Simon; Barber, Simeon and Morse, Andrew
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2018 (13-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France)

LUVMI – Volatile Extraction and Measurements in Lunar Polar Regions (2017-09-20)
Sheridan, Simon; Urbina, Diego A.; Gancet, Jeremi; Kullack, Karsten; Ceglia, Enrico; Madakashira, Hemanth K; Salinia, Joseph; Govindaraj, Shashank; Surdo, Leonardo; Aked, Richard; Pitcher, Craig; Barber, S. J.; Biswas, Janos; Reiss, Philipp; Ruston, Joseph; Murry, Neil; Evangora, Anthony; Richter, Lutz; Dobrea, Diana and Reganaz, Mattia
In : 11th Workshop on Harsh-Environment Mass Spectrometry (18-21 Sep 2017, Oxnard, CA, USA)

PROSPECTing for Lunar Polar Volatiles: the ProSPA Miniature In-situ Science Laboratory (2017-05-02)
Barber, S. J.; Smith, Phillipa; Wright, Ian; Abernethy, Feargus; Anand, Mahesh; Dewar, Kevin; Hodges, Martyna; Landsberg, Peter; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Morse, Andrew; Mortimer, James; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, Iain; Sheridan, Simon; Verchovsky, Sasha; Goesmann, F.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, A.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J.; Gibson, Everett; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R. and Houdou, B.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2017 (2-3 May 2017, Munster, Germany)

Application Of The LVS Subsurface Probe On The LUVMI Rover For A LUNAR Volatiles Exploration Mission (2017-05)
Biswas, J.; Reiss, P.; Gancet, J.; Sheridan, S.; Barber, S. J.; Dobrea, D.; Richeter, L. and Murray, N.
In : 5th European Lunar Symposium (02-03 May 2017, Münster, Germany)

ProSPA: the Science Laboratory for the Processing and Analysis of Lunar Polar Volatiles within PROSPECT (2017-03-20)
Barber, S. J.; Smith, P. H.; Wright, I. P.; Abernethy, F.; Anand, M.; Dewar, K. R.; Hodges, M.; Landsberg, P.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Morse, A. D.; Mortimer, J.; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, I.; Sheridan, S.; Verchovsky, A.; Goesmann, S.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, A.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J. A.; Gibson Jr., E. K.; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R. and Houdou, B.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas)

LUVMI: an innovative payload for the sampling of volatiles at the Lunar poles (2017)
Urbina, Diego; Gancet, Jeremi; Kullack, Karsten; Ceglia, Enrico; Madakashira, Hemanth; Salini, Joseph; Govindaraj, Shashank; Surdo, Leonardo; Aked, Richard; Sheridan, Simon; Pitcher, Craig; Barber, S. J.; Biswas, Janos; Philipp, Reiss; Rushton, Joseph; Murray, Neil; Evagora, Anthony; Richter, Lutz; Dobrea, Diana and Reganaz, Mattia
In : 68th International Astronautical Congress (25-29 Sep 2017, Adelaide, Australia)

Hydrogen reduction of ilmenite as an ISRU demonstration for ProSPA (2017)
Sargeant, Hannah; Abernethy, F.; Wright, I. P.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Morse, A. and Anand, M.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2017 (2-3 May 2017, Munster, Germany)

ProSPA: The Chemical Laboratory for In-Situ Assessment of Lunar Volatile Resources within Esa’s Prospect Package (2016)
Barber, S. J.; Carpenter, J.; Rizzi, F.; Wright, Ian P.; Abernethy, Feargus; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Morse, Andrew; Sheridan, Simon; Verchovsky, Sasha; Gibson, Everett; Howe, Chris; Reiss, Philipp; Goesmann, Fred; Bianucci, G.; Cleaver, S.; Fisackerly, R. and Houdou, B.
In : European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2016 (18-19 May 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Prospect: Key Aspects of Drilling and Collecting Samples at Moon Southpole for Luna Resurs Mission (2016)
Savoia, M.; Rusconi, A.; Rizzi, F.; Fumigalli, A.; Barber, S. J.; Fisackerly, R.; Carpenter, J. and Lavagna, M.
In : European Lunar Symposium (2016) (18-19 May 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Characterization of the Subsurface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Abydos Site (2015-09-29)
Brugger, B.; Mousis, O.; Morse, A.; Marboeuf, U.; Jorda, L.; Andrews, D.; Barber, S.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Lamy, P.; Luspay-Kuti, A.; Mandt, K.; Morgan, G.; Sheridan, S.; Vernazza, P. and Wright, I. P.
In : EPSC 2015 (27 Sep - 02 Oct 2015, Nantes, France)

Rosetta: The Final Furlong (2015-09)
Wright, I. P.; Andrews, D. J.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Morgan, G. H. and Morse, A. D.
In : 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (MetSoc 2014) (8-13 Sep 2014, Casablanca, Morocco)

Evolution of the subsurface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s Abydos Site (2015-06-02)
Brugger, B.; Mousis, O.; Morse, A.; Marboeuf, U.; Jorda, L.; Andrews, D.; Barber, S.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Lamy, P.; Luspay-Kuti, A.; Mandt, K.; Morgan, G.; Sheridan, S.; Vernazza, P. and Wright, I. P.
In : Semaine de l'astrophysique française 2015 (2-5 Jun 2015, Toulouse)

ProsPA: A miniature chemical laboratory for in-situ assessment of lunar volatile resources (2015-05-12)
Barber, S. J.; Carpenter, James; Wright, Ian; Morse, Andrew; Sheridan, Simon; Morgan, Geraint; Gibson, Everett; Howell, Chris; Reiss, Phil; Fisackerly, Richard and Houndou, B.
In : European Lunar Science and Exploration (12-15 May 2015, Frascati, Italy)

First measurements of the surface composition of 67P using the Ptolemy mass spectrometer (2015-03-16)
Wright, I. P.; Andrews, D. J.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Morgan, G. H. and Morse, A. D.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) (16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, Texas, USA)

Accessing and assessing lunar resources with PROSPECT (2014-10)
Carpenter, J. D.; Barber, S.; Cerroni, P.; Fisackerly, R.; Fumagalli, A.; Houdou, B.; Howe, C.; Magnani, P. G.; Morse, A.; Monchieri, E.; Reiss, P.; Richter, L.; Rizzi, F.; Sheridan, S.; Waugh, L. and Wright, I. P.
In : Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (22-24 Oct 2014, Laurel, Maryland, USA)

Rosetta: evaluating the possibility of using Ptolemy for pre-landing scientific investigations (2014-03)
Wright, Ian; Andrews, Dan; Barber, Simeon; Sheridan, Simon; Morgan, Geraint and Morse, Andrew
In : 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

The operational plans for Ptolemy during the Rosetta mission (2014)
Morse, Andrew; Andrews, Dan; Barber, Simeon; Sheridan, Simon; Morgan, Geraint and Wright, Ian
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 (27 Apr - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria)

Assessment of the performance and radiation damage effects under cryogenic temperatures of a P-channel CCD204s (2014)
Murray, Neil J.; Holland, Andrew D.; Gow, Jason P. D.; Hall, David J.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Dryer, Ben J.; Barber, Simeon and Burt, David J.
In : High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VI (22-27 Jul 2014, Montréal, Quebec)

L-VRAP: a Lunar Volatile Resource Analysis Package for in-situ determination of lunar polar ices (2014)
Barber, S. J.; Carpenter, J.; Anand, M.; Morgan, G. H.; Morse, A. D.; Sheridan, S. and Wright, I. P.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (7-12 Sep 2014, Cascais, Portugal)

Ptolemy: preparations for scientific investigations at the surface of a comet (2013)
Wright, I. P.; Andrews, D. J.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S. and Morse, A. D.
In : 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2013, Houston, TX, USA)

In situ cometary cosmochemistry (2013)
Wright, I. P.; Andrews, D. J.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, S.; Morgan, G. H. and Morse, A. D.
In : 76th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (29 Jul - 2 Aug 2013, Edmonton, Canada)

Ptolemy: operations to date as part of the Rosetta mission and plans for the comet encounter (2012-09-24)
Andrews, D. J.; Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2012 (23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid, Spain)

Rosetta - ESA's comet lander mission (2012-05-03)
Morse, Andrew; Sheridan, Simon; Andrews, Dan; Barber, Simeon; Morgan, Geraint; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin
In : In-Situ Science and Instrumentation for Primitive Bodies (30 Apr - 3 May 2012, Keck Institute of Space Studies, Pasadena, CA, USA)

A mole deployed mass spectrometer for in-situ sub-surface volatile characterisation (2012-04-19)
Sheridan, Simon; Bardwell, Max; Morse, Andrew; Barber, Simeon; Zoest, Tim and Wright, Ian
In : European Lunar Symposium (19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany)

CAFE - a new on-line resource for planning scientific field investigations in planetary analogue environments (2012-03)
Preston, Louisa; Barber, Simeon and Grady, Monica
In : 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, US)

Ptolemy: operations at 21 Lutetia as part of the Rosetta mission and future implications (2012-03)
Andrews, Dan; Morse, Andrew; Barber, Simeon; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Sheridan, Simon; Pillinger, Colin and Wright, Ian
In : 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, US)

The Lunar Volatile Resources Analysis Package (2012-02-20)
Morse, Andrew; Barber, Simeon; Dewar, Kevin; Pillinger, Judith; Sheridan, Simon; Wright, Ian; Gibson, Everett; Merifield, Jim; Howe, Chris; Waugh, Lester and Pillinger, Colin
In : European Lunar Symposium (19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany)

Introducing a new on-line resource for planning scientific field investigations in planetary analogue environments: CAFE (2012)
Preston, L. J.; Barber, S. J. and Grady, M. M.
In : Astrobiology Science Conference 2012: Exploring Life: Past, Present, Near and Far (16-20 Apr 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)

Searching for lunar water: the Lunar Volatile Resources Analysis Package (2012)
Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Dewar, K. R.; Pillinger, J. M.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Gibson, E. K.; Merifield, J. A.; Howe, C. J.; Waugh, L. J. and Pillinger, C. T.
In : 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2012, Houston, Texas, USA)

Lunar volatiles and their characterisation by L-VRAP (the Lunar Volatile Resources Analysis Package) (2012)
Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Dewar, K. R.; Pillinger, J. M.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Gibson, E. K.; Merrifield, J. A.; Howe, C. J.; Waugh, L. J. and Pillinger, C. T.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2012 (23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid, Spain)

Ptolemy: in situ mass spectrometry during the Rosettaflyby of 21 Lutetia, and implications for future missions (2011-10-05)
Andrews, D. J.; Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P. and Pillinger, C. T.
In : EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 (2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes, France)

Compact CMOS camera demonstrator (C3D) for Ukube-1 (2011-09)
Harriss, R. D.; Holland, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Karout, S.; Burgon, R.; Dryer, B. J.; Murray, N. J.; Hall, D. J.; Smith, P. H.; Greig, T.; Tutt, J. H.; Endicott, J.; Jerram, P.; Morris, D.; Robbins, M.; Prevost, V. and Holland, K.
In : UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes and Instruments: Innovative Technologies and Concepts V (8 Sep 2011, San Diego)

Ptolemy operations as part of the Rosetta mission during the targeted flyby of asteroid 21 Lutetia (2011-04-07)
Andrews, Dan; Morse, Andrew; Barber, Simeon; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Sheridan, Simon; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 (3-8 Apr 2011, Vienna, Austria)

The ESA Lunar Lander and the search for Lunar Volatiles (2011)
Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Pillinger, J. M.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Gibson, E. K.; Merrifield, J. A.; Waltham, N. R.; Waugh, L.J. and Pillinger, C. T.
In : EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 (2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes, France)

Asteroidal atmospheres: a new subject area (2011)
Wright, I. P.; Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, Simon; Morgan, G. H.; Andrews, D. J.; Pillinger, C. T. and Morse, A. D.
In : 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK)

ESA lunar lander's search for volatiles (2011)
Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Pillinger, J. M.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Gibsin, E. K.; Merrifield, J. A.; Waltham, N. R.; Waugh, L. J. and Pillinger, C. T.
In : 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK)

Ptolemy operations as part of the Rosetta mission up to and including the targeted flyby of asteroid 21 Lutetia (2010-09-21)
Andrews, Dan; Morse, Andrew; Barber, Simeon; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Sheridan, Simon; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2010 (19-24 Sep 2010, Rome)

In situ analytical chemistry for the future exploration of Titan (2010-09)
Morse, A.; Andrews, D.; Barber, S.; Bardwell, M.; Carrasco, N.; Gilmour, I.; Leese, M.; Sheridan, S.; Thissen, R.; Watson, J. and Wright, I.
In : Euro Planet Science Conference 2010 (20-24 Sep 2010, Rome, Italy)

Isotope measurements of a comet by the Ptolemy instrument on Rosetta (2010-07-19)
Franchi, Ian; Morse, Andrew; Andrews, Dan; Sheridan, Simon; Barber, Simeon; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin
In : 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (18-15 Jul 2010, Bremen, Germany,)

The application of simple mass spectrometers to planetary sub-surface sampling using penetrators (2010-05)
Sheridan, Simon; Morse, Andrew; Bardwell, Max; Barber, Simeon and Wright, Ian
In : EGU General Assembly 2010 (2-7 May 2010, Vienna, Austria)

Ptolemy operations in anticipation of the flyby of asteroid 21 Lutetia (2010)
Andrews, Dan; Morse, Andrew; Wright, Ian; Barber, Simeon; Morgan, Geraint; Sheridan, Simon; Leese, Mark; Pillinger, Colin and Zarnecki, John
In : EGU General Assembly 2010 (2-7 May 2010, Vienna, Austria)

Lunar science below the surface - the MoonLITE Low Cost Penetrator Mission (2009-10-04)
Hagermann, Axel; Smith, Alan; Gowen, Rob; Coates, AJ; Crawford, AI; Sheridan, Simon; Barber, Simeon; Pike, T; Gao, Y; Church, P; Wells, N; Phipps, A; Sims, M and Talboys, D
In : 41st Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society (4-9 Oct 2009, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, USA)

A penetrator deployed biogeochemistry package for the Europan surface (2009-09)
Sheridan, S.; Barber, S.; Chela-Flores, J.; Morse, A.; Watson, J. and Wright, I.
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2009 (14-18 Sep 2009, Potsdam, Germany)

Isotope measurements of a comet by the Ptolemy instrument on Rosetta (2009-04-21)
Morse, Andrew; Andrews, Dan; Barber, Simeon; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Pillinger, Colin; Sheridan, Simon and Wright, Ian
In : Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting (21-22 Apr 2009, Hatfield, UK)

MoonLITE programmatic and technological update (2009)
Smith, A.; Crawford, I. A.; Barber, S. J.; Brown, P.; Church, P.; Gao, Y.; Gowen, R. A.; Griffiths, A.; Hagermann, A.; Joy, K.; Pike, W.T.; Phipps, A.; Proud, W. G.; Sheridan, S.; Sims, M. R.; Talboys, D. L. and Wells, N.
In : 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (23-27 Mar 2009, Houston) (p 1508)

An update on MoonLITE (2008-09-02)
Gowen, Robert; Ball, Andrew; Gao, Yang; Crawford, Ian; Smith, Alan; Winter, B.; Theobald, C.; Rees, K.; Hagermann, Axel; Sheridan, Simon; Brown, P.; Oddy, T.; Dougherty, M.; Church, Phillip; Barber, Simeon; Jones, A.; Joy, K. H.; Pike, Tom; Kumar, S.; Hope, T.; Wells, Nigel; Green, K.; Ryden, K.; Griffiths, Andrew; Phipps, Andy; Sims, Mark and Talboys, Dean
In : International Astronautical Federation - 59th International Astronautical Congress 2008, IAC 2008 (29 Sep - 3 Oct 2008, Glasgow, Scotland)

MoonLITE – Technological feasibility of the penetrator concept (2008-03)
Smith, A.; Crawford, I. A.; Ball, A. J.; Barber, S. J.; Church, P.; Gao, Y.; Gowen, R. A.; Griffiths, A.; Hagermann, A.; Pike, W. T.; Phipps, A.; Sheridan, S.; Sims, M. R.; Talboys, D. L. and Wells, N.
In : 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (10-14 Mar 2008, League City, Texas, USA)

Miniaturised mass spectrometery for future space flight applications (2007-06-25)
Sheridan, S.; Barber, S. J.; Morgan, G. H.; Morse, A. D. and Wright, I. P.
In : 5th International Planetary Probe Workshop (25-29 Jun 2007, Bordeaux, France)

Kinetic penetrators for exploration of solar system bodies (2007-06-23)
Gowen, R. A.; Smith, A.; Griffiths, A.; Coates, A.; Ball, A.; Sheridan, S.; Crawford, I.; Church, P.; Wells, N.; Barber, S.; Hagermann, A.; Gao, Y.; Phipps, A.; Talboys, D. and Pike, W. T.
In : IPPW5 (23-29 Jun 2007, Bordeaux, France)

Ptolemy: An instrument aboard the Rosetta lander Philae, to unlock the secrets of the solar system (2006-03)
Andrews, Dan; Barber, Simeon; Morse, Andrew; Sheridan, Simon; Wright, Ian and Morgan, Geraint
In : 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (13-17 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA)

Integrated sampling and mass spectrometer systems for Venus probe and balloon missions (2006-01-19)
Barber, Simeon and Sheridan, Simon
In : Venus Entry Probe Workshop (19-20 Jan 2006, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk)

Beagle 2: Mission to Mars — current status (2004)
Gibson, E. K.; Pillinger, C. T.; Wright, I. P.; Morgan, G. H.; Yau, D.; Stewart, J. L. C.; Leese, M. R.; Praine, I. J.; Sheridan, S.; Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Ebert, S.; Groesmann, F.; Roll, R.; Rosenbauer, H. and Sims, M. R.
In : 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (15-19 Mar 2004, Houston, Texas, USA)

Evita - a miniature mass spectrometer to identify and quantify volatiles evolved from mercury's regolith (2003-04)
Sheridan, Simon; Morse, Andrew; Barber, Simeon; Wright, Ian and Pillinger, Colin
In : EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly (6-11 Apr 2003, Nice, France)

In-situ chemical and isotopic analysis of a comet by Ptolemy (2003-04)
Morse, A. D.; Barber, S. J.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Sheridan, S.; Wright, I. P.; Zarnecki, J. C. and Pillinger, C. T.
In : EGU Joint Assembly (6-11 Apr 2003, Nice, France)

Melting probes at Lake Vostok and Europa (2002-11)
Biele, J.; Ulamec, S.; Garry, J.; Sheridan, S.; Morse, A. D.; Barber, S.; Wright, Ian and Tug, H.
In : Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology (16-19 Sep 2002, Graz, Austria)