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Professor Stephen Lewis

A photograph of Prof Stephen Lewis

Profile summary

Professional biography

Hello, I am the Head of School, Physical Sciences and Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the Open University. I joined the Open University in 2005, having previously worked in the Department of Physics, Oxford University. Despite mostly studying the atmospheres of other planets, I'm rather fond of the Earth and am an accredited Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society.

Research interests

My research interests include studying the climate of planetary atmospheres and the interpretation of spacecraft observations using large-scale numerical models of atmospheres. These atmospheres include those of Mars, Venus, the Giant Planets, extrasolar planets and the paleoclimate of the Earth. For the last few years my primary focus has been on Mars discovery and exploration, but my original research topic concerned the dynamics of vortices in the atmosphere of Jupiter and I have also worked on the dynamics of the super-rotating atmosphere of Venus.

Spacecraft science teams on which I have a role include:

  • Co-Investigator on the Nadir and Occultation for MArs Discovery (NOMAD) instrument aboard ESA/RosCosmos ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter;
  • Co-Principal Investigator on ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars 2016 and 2022 entry, descent and landing science;
  • Co-Investigator on the Mars Climate Sounder instrument aboard NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (2005–);
  • Member of the Atmosphere Working Group for NASA InSight (2018–);
  • On the 'Council of Atmospheres' for NASA Curiosity (2012–) and NASA Perseverance (2021–);
  • Past mission work includes NASA Mars Climate Orbiter, Mars Observer and Galileo (1989–2003).

I have supervised about twenty postgraduate students on a variety of PhD projects in planetary sciences.

Teaching interests

Since joining the Open University I have written, taught on and chaired science modules throughout the curriculum. I have enjoyed working as a tutor at residential schools at all levels and helped to develop materials for online practical science. I recently chaired the production of a new stage three Electromagnetism module.

Impact and engagement

When possible, I give talks to science societies and festivals and have contributed to citizen science projects, connected to monitoring the weather and its human impacts. Results from my work have been used by both ESA and NASA in planning space missions, which can involve collaborating with a variety of users in industry.

A particularly interesting part of my job is as the academic consultant for several BBC television series. Amongst others, I worked on Wild Weather (BBC1, 2014)The Planets (first broadcast on BBC2 in 2019) and A Perfect Planet (first broadcast on BBC1 in 2021).

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Centre for Earth, Planetary, Space and Astronomical Research (CEPSAR)CentreFaculty of Science


Externally funded projects

STFC Open 2022 DTP
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 202230 Sep 2026STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council

STFC studentship quota for those with core research activity in the areas of astronomy, solar system science, particle physics, accelerator science and nuclear physics.

The Martian Chlorine Cycle: Linking Orbiter And Rover Observations (continuation)
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Apr 202231 Mar 2025UKSA UK Space Agency
The martian chlorine cycle: linking orbiter and rover observations
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 202131 Mar 2022UKSA UK Space Agency

In this proposal, we seek to understand the martian atmospheric chlorine cycle through global and mesoscale atmosphere modelling, linking new TGO observations to surface observations of perchlorate on Mars made by landers and rovers, to aid in interpretation of ExoMars 2022 Rover data. The Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) and Nadir and Occultation for MArs Discovery (NOMAD) instrument teams on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) mission have recently announced the ground-breaking detection of HCl in the atmosphere of Mars [1]. We will study the atmospheric photochemistry of HCl and the links by which chlorine is exchanged between the atmosphere and the surface, including the formation of perchlorate salts. We are uniquely well-placed to conduct this study with our heritage at the Open University, as Co-PI and Co-Is on the two TGO spectrometers and with atmospheric modelling capability, having demonstrated a successful gas-phase photochemical chlorine scheme in our Mars global circulation model [2, 3].

STFC Open 2021 DTP
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 202130 Sep 2025STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council

STFC studentship quota for those with core research activity in the areas of astronomy, solar system science, particle physics, accelerator science and nuclear physics.

RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 202030 Sep 2024STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council

STFC DTP annual allowance. 5 studentships allocated to 2020 intake.

Planetary Science Consolidated Grant 2020-2023
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Apr 202031 Jul 2023STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council

STFC Planetary Science Consolidated grant - details to be entered here.

Martian aeolian processes and landforms at the ExoMars Rover site: from orbit to surface
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Oct 201931 Dec 2023UKSA UK Space Agency

A project to study the effects of wind as a geological process at the ExoMars Rover landing site. The project included in-situ, remote sensing, climate/windflow modelling and fieldwork.

Surface/atmosphere interactions from above and below.
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator30 Oct 201829 Oct 2021UKSA UK Space Agency

Aurora Science AO proposal to combine TGO and InSight data, to search for trace gas atmospheric signatures of seismic activities on Mars. This proposal exploits the OU leadership role in the TGO mission (NOMAD) in collaboration with Oxford University's leadership role in the InSight mission (SEIS-SP).

STFC Open 2018 DTP
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 201830 Sep 2022STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council

STFC Open 2018 DTP

Characterizing the Martian water cycle by assimilating ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter data
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 201731 Mar 2021UKSA UK Space Agency

This proposal aims to exploit data from the NOMAD instrument aboard the ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter. This will be achieved through a combination of computer modelling (on both global and local scales) as well as the assimilation of NOMAD data into these models.

STFC Open 2017 DTP
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 201730 Sep 2021STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council


Modelling and retrieval of martian dust, ice and ozone from ExoMars NOMAD data
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Sep 201631 Aug 2020UKSA UK Space Agency

ExoMars TGO Science proposal

Mars Modelling Information Tool for Engineering
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Mar 201604 Feb 2019ESA (European Space Agency)

Development of Mars global atmospheric and surface models and a software interface to make their output more easily accessible for mission planning and engineering tasks.

Surface Pressure Predictions for Candidate Landing Sites of the Mars 2020 Rover
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Mar 201631 Jul 2020NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

We will provide predictions of surface pressure for all landing sites under consideration for the NASA Mars 2020 Rover. Surface pressure will be derived using a global circulation model with data assimilation (using atmospheric thermal and opacity data from Mars Global Surveyor/Thermal Emission Spectrometer and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter/Mars Climate Sounder), with an additional constraint from Viking Lander pressure measurements. We will validate the results through comparisons with independent measurements of surface pressure, primarily derived from radio occultations but also using Mars Science Laboratory/Rover Environmental Monitoring Station. We performed the same task previously in support of Mars Science Laboratory entry, descent and landing in Gale Crater, where our predictions achieved an accuracy of ~1%.

(Aurora Studentship) Martian Regional Dust Storms: Implications for Entry, Descent and Landing
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Oct 201431 Mar 2018UKSA UK Space Agency

This grant supports a PhD studentship to perform atmospheric global and mesoscale modelling studies of small and medium scale dust events with relevance to ExoMars EDM and Rover entry, descent and landings. The student will investigate the behaviour of dust lifting parameterizations in the models that simulate the effect of small, convective vortices (dust devils) and lifting by large-scale near surface wind stress. The dependence on both local time of day, time of year and model resolution will be investigated. Results will be validated against past spacecraft entry, descent and landing data, with the aim of making improved predictions for future events.

Extension And Validation Of Mars Atmospheric And Dust Models EXTENSION (SP-12-040-SL)
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Sep 201431 Mar 2015ESA (European Space Agency)

Development of Mars global atmospheric and surface models and a software interface to make their output more easily accessible for mission planning and engineering tasks.

Astronomy and Planetary Sciences at the Open University
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Apr 201431 Mar 2017STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council

The aim of our programme in Astronomy & Planetary Science at the Open University (APSOU) is to carryout detailed investigations of the origin and evolution of galaxies, stars and planets with a special emphasis on our own Solar System through a combination of observation, simulation, laboratory analysis and theoretical modelling. Our research is divided into two broad areas, reflecting the historical research strengths. This research programme is well-matched to both nationally- and internationally-agreed research imperatives. In its final report, A Science Vision for European Astronomy2, Astronet’s Science Working Group identified four broad areas of strategic importance; our research covers major topics within each of these areas. APSOU projects also map onto two of the four Science Challenges that form STFC’s Road Map3 for science (‘How did the universe begin and how is it evolving?’ and ‘How do stars and planetary systems develop and is life unique to our planet?’). The present APSOU programme comprises 20 projects (labelled A to T), of which 6 are for consideration by the Astronomy Observation (AO) panel, 1 for Astronomy Theory (AT), and 13 for the Planetary Studies (PL) panel. The AO projects cover the breadth of the 7 themes recognised as UK strengths in the report of STFC’s Astronomy Advisory Panel (AAP), whilst the 13 PL projects are directed towards answering questions raised in two of the three themes identified as UK strengths in the roadmap of STFC’s Solar System Advisory Panel (SSAP)4.


The Role and Lifetime of Dissociative Heterogeneous Processes in Improving Simulated Ozone on Mars (2024-07)
Brown, M. A. J.; Patel, M. R.; Lewis, S. R.; Holmes, J. A.; Lefèvre, F.; Mason, J. P. and Crismani, M.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129, Article e2024JE008302(7)

Periodic Bedrock Ridges at Oxia Planum and Chryse Planitia, Mars: Evidence for widespread aeolian erosion of an ancient surface by regional paleowinds (2024-01-15)
Favaro, Elena A.; Balme, Matthew R.; Mcneil, Joseph D.; Fawdon, Peter; Davis, Joel M.; Grindrod, Peter M. and Lewis, Stephen R.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 626, Article 118522

An eight-year climatology of the martian northern polar vortex (2024)
Streeter, P.M.; Lewis, S.R.; Patel, M.R.; Holmes, J.A. and Rajendran, K.
Icarus, 409 (p 115864)

How, when and where current mass flows in Martian gullies are driven by CO 2 sublimation (2024)
Roelofs, Lonneke; Conway, Susan J.; de Haas, Tjalling; Dundas, Colin; Lewis, Stephen R.; McElwaine, Jim; Pasquon, Kelly; Raack, Jan; Sylvest, Matthew and Patel, Manish R.
Communications Earth & Environment, 5, Article 125

The high-resolution map of Oxia Planum, Mars; the landing site of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover mission (2024)
Fawdon, Peter; Orgel, Csilla; Adeli, Solmaz; Balme, Matt; Calef, Fred J.; Davis, Joel M.; Frigeri, Alessandro; Grindrod, Peter; Hauber, Ernst; Le Deit, Laetitia; Loizeau, Damien; Nass, Andrea; Quantin-Nataf, Cathy; Sefton-Nash, Elliot; Thomas, Nick; Torres, Ines; Vago, Jorge L.; Volat, Matthieu; De Witte, Sander; Altieri, Francesca; Apuzzo, Andrea; Aramendia, Julene; Arana, Gorka; Bahia, Rickbir Singh; Banham, Steven G.; Barnes, Robert; Barrett, Alexander M.; Benedix, Wolf-Stefan; Bhardwaj, Anshuman; Boazman, Sarah Jane; Bontognali, Tomaso R. R.; Bridges, John; Bultel, Benjamin; Ciarletti, Valérie; De Sanctis, Maria Cristina; Dickeson, Zach; Favaro, Elena A.; Ferrari, Marco; Foucher, Frédéric; Goetz, Walter; Haldemann, Albert F. C.; Harrington, Elise; Kapatza, Angeliki; Koschny, Detlef; Krzesinska, Agata M.; Le Gall, Alice; Lewis, Stephen R.; Lim, Tanya; Madariaga, Juan Manuel; Man, Benjamin James; Mandon, Lucia; Mangold, Nicolas; Martin-Torres, Javier; McNeil, Joseph D.; Molina, Antonio; Moral, Andoni G.; Motaghian, Sara; Nikiforov, Sergei; Oudart, Nicolas; Pacifici, Andrea; Parkes Bowen, Adam; Plettemeier, Dirk; Poulakis, Pantelis; Putri, Alfiah Rizky Diana; Ruesch, Ottaviano; Sam, Lydia; Schröder, Christian; Statz, Christoph; Thomas, Rebecca; Tirsch, Daniela; Toth, Zsuzsanna; Turner, Stuart; Voelker, Martin; Werner, Stephanie C.; Westall, Frances; Whiteside, Barry J.; Williams, Adam; Williams, Rebecca M. E.; Wright, Jack and Zorzano, Maria-Paz
Journal of Maps, 20, Article 2302361(1)

Planetary Waves Drive Horizontal Variations in Trace Species in the Venus Deep Atmosphere (2024)
Cohen, Maureen; Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen and Patel, Manish
The Planetary Science Journal, 5, Article 219(10)

Atmospheric Retrievals Suggest the Presence of a Secondary Atmosphere and Possible Sulfur Species on L98-59 d from JWST Nirspec G395H Transmission Spectroscopy (2024)
Banerjee, Agnibha; Barstow, Joanna K.; Gressier, Amélie; Espinoza, Néstor; Sing, David K.; Allen, Natalie H.; Birkmann, Stephan M.; Challener, Ryan C.; Crouzet, Nicolas; Haswell, Carole A.; Lewis, Nikole K.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Yang, Jingxuan
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 975, Article L11(1)

Insights into the interaction between defrosting seasonal ices and gully activity from CaSSIS and HiRISE observations in Sisyphi Cavi, Mars (2023-10-01)
Pasquon, K.; Conway, S.J.; Vincendon, M.; Massé, M.; Raack, J.; Noblet, A.; Galofre, A. Grau; Morino, C.; Munaretto, G.; Lucchetti, A.; Pajola, M.; Lewis, Stephen R. and the CaSSIS team,
Planetary and Space Science, 235, Article 105743

Effect of Centrifugal Force on Transmission Spectroscopy of Exoplanet Atmospheres (2023-07)
Banerjee, Agnibha; Barstow, Joanna K; Haswell, Carole A and Lewis, Stephen R
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 523(1) (L64-L68)

Experimental study of sediment transport processes by liquid water and brine under Martian pressure (2023-05-01)
Philippe, M.; Conway, S.J.; Raack, J.; Carpy, S.; Massé, M.; Patel, M. R.; Sylvest, M. E.; Lewis, S. R. and Morino, C.
Icarus, 395, Article 115475

Eskers associated with buried glaciers in Mars' mid latitudes: recent advances and future directions (2023)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Arnold, Neil S.; Balme, Matthew; Conway, Susan J.; Clark, Christopher D.; Gallagher, Colman; Hagermann, Axel; Lewis, Stephen R.; Rutledge, Alicia M.; Storrar, Robert D. and Woodley, Savana Z.
Annals of Glaciology, 63(87-89)

Impacts of Heterogeneous Chemistry on Vertical Profiles of Martian Ozone (2022-11-10)
Brown, M. A. J.; Patel, M. R.; Lewis, S. R.; Holmes, J. A.; Sellers, G. J.; Streeter, P. M.; Bennaceur, A.; Liuzzi, G.; Villanueva, G. L. and Vandaele, A. C.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, Article e2022JE007346(11)

Global Variations in Water Vapor and Saturation State Throughout the Mars Year 34 Dusty Season (2022-10)
Holmes, J. A.; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R.; Alday, J.; Aoki, S.; Liuzzi, G.; Villanueva, G. L.; Crismani, M. M. J.; Fedorova, A. A.; Olsen, K. S.; Kass, D. M.; Vandaele, A. C. and Korablev, O.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, Article e2022JE007203(10)

The impact of a shadows scheme on a Mars mesoscale climate model (2022-08)
Foley, Lori-Ann; Balme, Matthew; Lewis, Stephen R.; Steele, Liam and Holmes, James
Icarus, 382, Article 115036

Planetary polar explorer – the case for a next-generation remote sensing mission to low Mars orbit (2022)
Oberst, Jürgen; Wickhusen, Kai; Gwinner, Klaus; Hauber, Ernst; Stark, Alexander; Elgner, Stephan; Grott, Matthias; Fanara, Lida; Hussmann, Hauke; Steinbrügge, Gregor; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew; Maugeri, Maurizio; Diolaiuti, Guglielmina; Karlsson, Nanna; Johnsson, Andreas; Ivanov, Anton and Hiesinger, Harald
Experimental Astronomy

Vertical Aerosol Distribution and Mesospheric Clouds From ExoMars UVIS (2022)
Streeter, Paul M.; Sellers, Graham; Wolff, Michael J.; Mason, Jonathon P.; Patel, Manish R.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Holmes, James A.; Daerden, Frank; Thomas, Ian R.; Ristic, Bojan; Willame, Yannick; Depiesse, Cédric; Vandaele, Ann Carine; Bellucci, Giancarlo and López‐Moreno, José Juan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, Article e2021JE007065(5)

Pre- and Post-entry, Descent and Landing Assessment of the Martian Atmosphere for the Mars 2020 Rover (2022)
Mischna, Michael A.; Villar, Gregory; Kass, David M.; Dutta, Soumyo; Rafkin, Scot; Tyler, Daniel; Barnes, Jeffrey; Cantor, Bruce; Lewis, Stephen R.; Hinson, David; Pla-García, Jorge; Kleinböhl, Armin and Karlgaard, Chris
The Planetary Science Journal, 3(6) (p 147)

Mach and Froude Numbers on Mars (2022)
Nasr, Camella-Rosa C.; Bradley, Mary E.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Hollingsworth, Jeffery L. and Dowling, Timothy E.
The Planetary Science Journal, 3(7) (p 165)

Assimilation of both column‐ and layer‐integrated dust opacity observations in the Martian atmosphere (2021-12)
Ruan, T.; Young, R. M. B.; Lewis, S. R.; Montabone, L.; Valeanu, A. and Read, P. L.
Earth and Space Science, 8, Article e2021EA001869(12)

First Detection and Thermal Characterization of Terminator CO2 Ice Clouds With ExoMars/NOMAD (2021-11-28)
Liuzzi, Giuliano; Villanueva, Geronimo L.; Trompet, Loïc; Crismani, Matteo M. J.; Piccialli, Arianna; Aoki, Shohei; Lopez‐Valverde, Miguel Angel; Stolzenbach, Aurélien; Daerden, Frank; Neary, Lori; Smith, Michael D.; Patel, Manish R.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Clancy, R. Todd; Thomas, Ian R.; Ristic, Bojan; Bellucci, Giancarlo; Lopez‐Moreno, Jose‐Juan and Vandaele, Ann Carine
Geophysical Research Letters, 48, Article e2021GL095895(22)

ExoMars TGO/NOMAD‐UVIS vertical profiles of ozone: Part 1 – Seasonal variation and comparison to water (2021-11-18)
Patel, M. R.; Sellers, G.; Mason, J.; Holmes, J.A.; Brown, M. A. J.; Lewis, S. R.; Rajendran, K.; Streeter, P. M.; Marriner, C.; Hathi, B. D.; Slade, D. J.; Leese, M. R.; Wolff, M. J.; Khayat, A. S. J.; Smith, M. D.; Aoki, S.; Piccialli, A.; Vandaele, A. C.; Robert, S.; Daerden, F.; Thomas, I. R.; Ristic, B.; Willame, Y.; Depiesse, C.; Bellucci, G. and Lopez‐Moreno, J.‐J.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, Article e2021JE006837(11)

Enhanced Super-Rotation Before and During the 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm (2021-08-28)
Rajendran, Kylash; Lewis, Stephen; Holmes, James; Streeter, Paul; Fedorova, Anna and Patel, Manish
Geophysical Research Letters, 48, Article e2021GL094634(16)

Asymmetric impacts on Mars’ polar vortices from an equinoctial Global Dust Storm (2021-05-25)
Streeter, Paul M.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Patel, Manish R.; Holmes, James A.; Fedorova, Anna A.; Kass, David. M and Kleinböhl, Armin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, Article e2020JE006774(5)

Toward More Realistic Simulation and Prediction of Dust Storms on Mars (2021-04-08)
Newman, Claire; Bertrand, Tanguy; Battalio, Joseph; Day, Mackenzie; Juárez, Manuel De La Torre; Elrod, Meredith K.; Esposito, Francesca; Fenton, Lori; Gebhardt, Claus; Greybush, Steven J.; Guzewich, Scott D.; Kahanpää, Henrik; Kahre, Melinda; Karatekin, Özgür; Jackson, Brian; Lapotre, Mathieu; Lee, Christopher; Lewis, Stephen R.; Lorenz, Ralph D.; Martínez, Germán; Martin-Torres, Javier; Mischna, Michael A.; Montabone, Luca; Neakrase, Lynn; Pankine, Alexey; Pla-Garcia, Jorge; Read, Peter L.; Smith, Isaac B.; Smith, Michael D.; Soto, Alejandro; Spiga, Aymeric; Swann, Christy; Tamppari, Leslie; Temel, Orkun; Moreiras, Daniel Viudez; Wellington, Danika; Wolkenberg, Paulina; Wurm, Gerhard and Zorzano, María-Paz
Bulletin of the AAS, 53, Article 278(4)

Measuring Mars Atmospheric Winds from Orbit (2021-04-08)
Guzewich, Scott; Abshire, J. B.; Baker, M. M.; Battalio, J. M.; Bertrand, T.; Brown, A. J.; Colaprete, A.; Cook, A. M.; Cremons, D. R.; Crismani, M. M.; Dave, A.I.; Day, M.; Desjean, M.-C.; Elrod, M.; Fenton, L. K.; Fisher, J.; Gordley, L. L.; Hayne, P. O.; Heavens, N. G.; Hollingsworth, J. L.; Jha, D.; Jha, V.; Kahre, M. A.; Khayat, A. SJ.; Kling, A. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Marshall, B. T.; Martínez, G.; Montabone, L.; Mischna, M. A.; Newman, C. E.; Pankine, A.; Riris, H.; Shirley, J.; Smith, M. D.; Spiga, A.; Sun, X.; Tamppari, L. K.; Young, R. M. B.; Viúdez-Moreiras, D.; Villaneuva, G. L.; Wolff, M. J. and Wilson, R. J.
Bulletin of the AAS, 53, Article 35(4)

The Aeolian Environment of the Landing Site for the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover in Oxia Planum, Mars (2021-04)
Favaro, E.A.; Balme, M.R.; Davis, J.; Grindrod, P.M; Fawdon, P.; Barrett, A.M. and Lewis, S.R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, Article e2020JE006723(4)

Unlocking the Climate Record Stored within Mars’ Polar Layered Deposits (2021-03-18)
Smith, Isaac; Hayne, Paul O.; Byrne, Shane; Becerra, Patricio; Kahre, Melinda; Calvin, Wendy; Hvidberg, Christine; Milkovich, Sarah; Buhler, Peter; Landis, Margaret; Horgan, Briony; Kleinböhl, Armin; Perry, Matthew R.; Obbard, Rachel; Stern, Jennifer; Piqueux, Sylvain; Thomas, Nicolas; Zacny, Kris; Carter, Lynn; Edgar, Lauren; Emmett, Jeremy; Navarro, Thomas; Hanley, Jennifer; Koutnik, Michelle; Putzig, Nathaniel; Henderson, Bryana L.; Holt, John W.; Ehlmann, Bethany; Parra, Sergio; Lalich, Daniel; Hansen, Candice; Hecht, Michael; Banfield, Don; Herkenhoff, Ken; Paige, David A.; Skidmore, Mark; Staehle, Robert L.; Siegler, Matthew; Soto, A.; Foss, F.; Lewis, S.; Whitten, J.; Vos, E.; Johnson, P. A.; Johnson, J. C.; Gallagher, C.; Brown, A.; Bertrand, T.; Phillips-Lander, C.; Oliveira, N.; Kite, E.; Thorsteinsson, T.; Tamppari, L.; Hauber, E.; Fanara, L.; Oberst, J.; Ulamec, S.; Cartwright, S.; Harrison, T.; Hibbard, S.; Portyankina, A. and Titus, T. N.
Bulletin of the AAS, 53(4)

Regional heat flow and subsurface temperature patterns at Elysium Planitia and Oxia Planum areas, Mars (2021-01-01)
Egea-Gonzalez, Isabel; Jiménez-Díaz, Alberto; Parro, Laura M.; Mansilla, Federico; Holmes, James A.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Patel, Manish R. and Ruiz, Javier
Icarus, 353, Article 113379

Multi-model Meteorological and Aeolian Predictions for Mars 2020 and the Jezero Crater Region (2021)
Newman, C. E.; de la Torre Juárez, M.; Pla-García, J.; Wilson, R. J.; Lewis, S. R.; Neary, L.; Kahre, M. A.; Forget, F.; Spiga, A.; Richardson, M. I.; Daerden, F.; Bertrand, T.; Viúdez-Moreiras, D.; Sullivan, R.; Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Chide, B. and Rodriguez-Manfredi, J. A.
Space Science Reviews, 217, Article 20(1)

Solar-System-Wide Significance of Mars Polar Science (2021)
Smith, Isaac; Calvin, W. M.; Smith, D. E.; Hansen, C.; Diniega, S.; McEwen, A.; Thomas, N.; Banfield, D.; Titus, T. N.; Becerra, P.; Kahre, M.; Forget, F.; Hecht, M.; Byrne, S.; Hvidberg, C. S.; Hayne, P. O.; , ; , ; Mukherjee, S.; Chevrier, V.; Banks, M. E.; Meng, T.; Johnson, P. A.; Tober, B.; Johnson, J. C.; Ulamsec, S.; Echaurren, J. C.; Khuller, A.; Dinwiddie, C.; Adeli, S.; Henderson, B. L.; Lozano, L. R.; Lalich, D.; Rivera-Valentín, E.; Nerozzi, S.; Petersen, E.; Foss, F.; Lorenz, R.; Eigenbrode, J.; Day, M.; Brown, A.; Pajola, M.; Karatekin, Ö.; Lucchetti, A.; Cesar, C.; Newman, C.; Cave, T. G.; Tamppari, L.; Mischna, M.; Patel, M. and Streeter, P.
Bulletin of the AAS, 53(4)

Enhanced water loss from the martian atmosphere during a regional-scale dust storm and implications for long-term water loss (2021)
Holmes, J. A.; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R.; Chaffin, M. S.; Cangi, E. M.; Deighan, J.; Schneider, N. M.; Aoki, S.; Fedorova, A. A.; Kass, D. M. and Vandaele, A. C.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 571, Article 117109

Morphometry of a glacier-linked esker in NW Tempe Terra, Mars, and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage (2020-07-15)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Conway, Susan J.; Gallagher, Colman; Arnold, Neil S.; Storrar, Robert D.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Hagermann, Axel
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 542, Article 116325

Evidence for thermal-stress-induced rockfalls on Mars impact crater slopes (2020-05-15)
Tesson, P. -A.; Conway, S. J.; Mangold, N.; Ciazela, J.; Lewis, S. R. and Mège, D.
Icarus, 342, Article 113503

Surface warming during the 2018/Mars Year 34 Global Dust Storm (2020-05-06)
Streeter, Paul M.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Patel, Manish R.; Holmes, James A. and Kass, David M.
Geophysical Research Letters, 46, Article e2019GL083936(9)

Explanation for the increase in high altitude water on Mars observed by NOMAD during the 2018 global dust storm (2020-04-16)
Neary, L.; Daerden, F.; Aoki, S.; Whiteway, J.; Clancy, R.T.; Smith, M.; Viscardy, S.; Erwin, J.T.; Thomas, I.R.; Villanueva, G.; Liuzzi, G.; Crismani, M.; Wolff, M.; Lewis, S.R.; Holmes, J.A.; Patel, M.R.; Giuranna, M.; Depiesse, C.; Piccialli, A.; Robert, S.; Trompet, L.; Willame, Y.; Ristic, B. and Vandaele, A.C.
Geophysical Research Letters, 47, Article e2019GL084354

The Penetration of Solar Radiation into Granular Carbon Dioxide and Water Ices of Varying Grain Sizes on Mars (2020-04)
Chinnery, H.E.; Hagermann, A.; Kaufmann, E. and Lewis, S.R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, Article e2019JE006097(4)

The atmosphere of Mars as observed by InSight (2020-02-24)
Banfield, Don; Spiga, Aymeric; Newman, Claire; Forget, François; Lemmon, Mark; Lorenz, Ralph; Murdoch, Naomi; Viudez-Moreiras, Daniel; Pla-Garcia, Jorge; Garcia, Raphael F.; Logonne, Philippe; Karatekin, Ozgur; Perrin, Clement; Martire, Leo; Teanby, Nicholas; Van Hove, Bart; Maki, Justin N.; Kenda, Balthasar; Mueller, Nils T.; Rodriguez, Sebastian; Kawamura, Taichi; McClean, John B.; Stott, Alexander E.; Charalambous, Constantinos; Millour, Ehouran; Johnson, Catherine L.; Mittelholz, Anna; Maattanen, Anni; Lewis, Stephen; Clinton, John; Stahler, Simon C.; Ceylan, Savas; Giardini, Domenico; Warren, Tristram; Pike, William T.; Daubar, Ingrid; Golombek, Matthew; Rolland, Lucie; Widmer-Schnidrig, Rudolf; Mimoun, David; Beucler, Eric; Jacob, Alice; Lucas, Antoine; Baker, Mariah; Ansan, Veronique; Hurst, Kenneth; Mora-Sotomayor, Luis; Navarro, Sara; Torres, Josefina; Lepinette, Alain; Molina, Antonio; Marin-Jimenez, Mercedes; Gomez-Elvira, Javier; Peinado, Veronica; Rodriguez-Manfredi, Jose-Antonio; Carcich, Brian T.; Sackett, Stephen; Russell, Christopher T.; Spohn, Tilman; Smrekar, Suzanne E. and Banerdt, W. Bruce
Nature Geoscience, 13(March) (pp. 190-198)

Quantifying the atmospheric impact of local dust storms using a martian Global Circulation Model (2020-01-15)
El-Said, Adam; Lewis, Stephen R. and Patel, Manish R.
Icarus, 336, Article 113470

OpenMARS: A global record of martian weather from 1999 2015 (2020)
Holmes, James A.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Patel, Manish R.
Planetary and Space Science, 188, Article 104962(1)

Global analysis and forecasts of carbon monoxide on Mars (2019-08)
Holmes, James A.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Patel, Manish R. and Smith, Michael D.
Icarus, 328 (pp. 232-245)

The Martian daytime convective boundary layer: Results from radio occultation measurements and a mesoscale model (2019-07-01)
Hinson, D.P.; Tyler, D.; Lewis, S.R.; Pätzold, M.; Tellmann, S.; Häusler, B. and Tyler, G.L.
Icarus, 326 (pp. 105-122)

The Penetration of Solar Radiation into Water and Carbon Dioxide Snow, with reference to Mars (2019-02-07)
Chinnery, H. E.; Hagermann, A.; Kaufmann, E. and Lewis, S. R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(2) (pp. 337-348)

ExoMars Atmospheric Mars Entry and Landing Investigations and Analysis (AMELIA) (2019-01)
Ferri, Francesca; Karatekin, Özgür; Lewis, Stephen R.; Forget, François; Aboudan, Alessio; Colombatti, Giacomo; Bettanini, Carlo; Debei, Stefano; Van Hove, Bart; Dehant, Veronique; Harri, Ari-Matti; Leese, Mark; Mäkinen, Teemu; Millour, Ehouarn; Muller-Wodarg, Ingo; Ori, Gian Gabriele; Pacifici, Andrea; Paris, Sebastien; Patel, Manish; Schoenenberger, Mark; Herath, Jeffrey; Siili, Tero; Spiga, Aymeric; Tokano, Tetsuya; Towner, Martin; Withers, Paul; Asmar, Sami and Plettemeier, Dirk
Space Science Reviews, 215, Article 8(1) (pp. 1-21)

Investigating the semiannual oscillation on Mars using data assimilation (2019)
Ruan, Tao; Lewis, Neil T.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Montabone, Luca and Read, Peter L.
Icarus, 333 (pp. 404-414)

ExoMars 2016 Schiaparelli Module Trajectory and Atmospheric Profiles Reconstruction: Analysis of the On-board Inertial and Radar Measurements (2018-08-06)
Aboudan, A.; Colombatti, G.; Bettanini, C.; Ferri, F.; Lewis, S.; Van Hove, B.; Karatekin, O. and Debei, S.
Space Science Reviews, 214, Article 97(5)

NOMAD, an Integrated Suite of Three Spectrometers for the ExoMars Trace Gas Mission: Technical Description, Science Objectives and Expected Performance (2018-08)
Vandaele, A. C.; Lopez-Moreno, J. -J.; Patel, M. R.; Bellucci, G.; Daerden, F.; Ristic, B.; Robert, S.; Thomas, I. R.; Wilquet, V.; Allen, M.; Alonso-Rodrigo, G.; Altieri, F.; Aoki, S.; Bolsée, D.; Clancy, R. T.; Cloutis, E.; Depiesse, C.; Drummond, R. J.; Fedorova, A.; Formisano, V.; Funke, B.; González-Galindo, F.; Geminale, A.; Gérard, J. -C.; Giuranna, M.; Hetey, L.; Ignatiev, N.; Kaminski, J.; Karatekin, O.; Kasaba, Y.; Leese, M.; Lefèvre, F.; Lewis, S. R.; López-Puertas, M.; López-Valverde, M.; Mahieux, A.; Mason, J.; McConnell, J.; Mumma, M.; Neary, L.; Neefs, E.; Renotte, E.; Rodriguez-Gomez, J.; Sindoni, G.; Smith, M.; Stiepen, A.; Trokhimovsky, A.; Vander Auwera, J.; Villanueva, G.; Viscardy, S.; Whiteway, J.; Willame, Y.; Wolff, M. J. and the NOMAD team,
Space Science Reviews, 214, Article 80

The Penetration of Solar Radiation into Carbon Dioxide Ice (2018-03-25)
Chinnery, H. E.; Hagermann, A.; Kaufmann, E. and Lewis, S. R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 123(4) (pp. 864-871)

A reanalysis of ozone on Mars from assimilation of SPICAM observations (2018-03-01)
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish and Lefèvre, Franck
Icarus, 302 (pp. 308-318)

Recent basal melting of a mid-latitude glacier on Mars (2017-12)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Arnold, N. S.; Conway, S. J.; Hagermann, A. and Lewis, S. R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 122(12) (pp. 2445-2468)

The vertical transport of methane from different potential emission types on Mars (2017-08-28)
Holmes, J. A.; Patel, M. R. and Lewis, S. R.
Geophysical Research Letters, 44(16) (pp. 8611-8620)

The state of the Martian climate (2017-08)
Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Kass, D. M.
State of the Climate in 2016, Special Supplement to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98(8) (S60-S62)

The water cycle and regolith-atmosphere interaction at Gale crater, Mars (2017-06)
Steele, Liam J.; Balme, Matthew R.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Spiga, Aymeric
Icarus, 289 (pp. 56-79)

Regolith-atmosphere exchange of water in Mars' recent past (2017-03-01)
Steele, Liam J.; Balme, Matthew R. and Lewis, Stephen R.
Icarus, 284 (pp. 233-248)

Diurnal Variation in Martian Dust Devil Activity (2017-02-01)
Chapman, R. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Balme, M. and Steele, L. J.
Icarus, 292 (pp. 154-167)

On the link between martian total ozone and potential vorticity (2017-01)
Holmes, James A.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Patel, Manish R.
Icarus, 282 (pp. 104-117)

Ertel potential vorticity versus Bernoulli streamfunction on Mars (2017-01)
Dowling, T. E.; Bradley, M. E.; Du, J.; Lewis, S. R. and Read, P. L.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143(702) (pp. 37-52)

Modelled isotopic fractionation and transient diffusive release of methane from potential subsurface sources on Mars (2017)
Stevens, Adam H.; Patel, Manish R. and Lewis, Stephen R.
Icarus, 281 (pp. 240-247)

NOMAD spectrometer on the ExoMars trace gas orbiter mission: part 2—design, manufacturing, and testing of the ultraviolet and visible channel (2017)
Patel, Manish R.; Antoine, Philippe; Mason, Jonathon; Leese, Mark; Hathi, Brijen; Stevens, Adam H.; Dawson, Daniel; Gow, Jason; Ringrose, Timothy; Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen R.; Beghuin, Didier; van Donink, Philip; Ligot, Renaud; Dewandel, Jean-Luc; Hu, Daohua; Bates, Doug; Cole, Richard; Drummond, Rachel; Thomas, Ian R.; Depiesse, Cédric; Neefs, Eddy; Equeter, Eddy; Ristic, Bojan; Berkenbosch, Sophie; Bolsée, David; Willame, Yannick; Vandaele, Ann Carine; Lesschaeve, Stefan; De Vos, Lieve; Van Vooren, Nico; Thibert, Tanguy; Mazy, Emmanuel; Rodriguez-Gomez, Julio; Morales, Rafael; Candini, Gian Paolo; Pastor-Morales, M. Carmen; Sanz, Rosario; Aparicio del Moral, Beatriz; Jeronimo-Zafra, José-Maria; Gómez-López, Juan Manuel; Alonso-Rodrigo, Gustavo; Pérez-Grande, Isabel; Cubas, Javier; Gomez-Sanjuan, Alejandro M.; Navarro-Medina, Fermín; BenMoussa, Ali; Giordanengo, Boris; Gissot, Samuel; Bellucci, Giancarlo and Lopez-Moreno, Jose Juan
Applied Optics, 56(10) (pp. 2771-2782)

Dust Devil Sediment Transport: From Lab to Field to Global Impact (2016-07-04)
Klose, Martina; Jemmett-Smith, Bradley C.; Kahanpaa, Henrik; Kahre, Melinda; Knippertz, Peter; Lemmon, Mark T.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Lorenz, Ralph D.; Neakrase, Lynn D. V.; Newman, Claire; Patel, Manish R.; Reiss, Dennis; Spiga, Aymeric and Whelley, Patrick L.
Space Science Reviews, 203(1) (pp. 377-426)

Orbital Observations of Dust Lofted by Daytime Convective Turbulence (2016-03-31)
Fenton, Lori; Reiss, Dennis; Lemmon, Mark; Marticorena, Béatrice; Lewis, Stephen and Cantor, Bruce
Space Science Reviews, 203(1) (pp. 89-142)

Optical and radiometric models of the NOMAD instrument part II: the infrared channels - SO and LNO (2016-02-22)
Thomas, I. R.; Vandaele, A.C.; Robert, S.; Neefs, E.; Drummond, R.; Daerden, F.; Delanoye, S.; Ristic, B.; Berkenbosch, S.; Clairquin, R.; Maes, J.; Bonnewijn, S.; Depiesse, C.; Mahieux, A.; Trompet, L.; Neary, L.; Willame, Y.; Wilquet, V.; Nevejans, D.; Aballea, L.; Moelans, W.; De Vos, L.; Lesschaeve, S.; Van Vooren, N.; Lopez-Moreno, J.-J.; Patel, M.R.; Bellucci, G.; the NOMAD Team, and Lewis, Stephen
Optics Express, 24(4) (pp. 3790-3805)

The solsticial pause on Mars: 1. A planetary wave reanalysis (2016-01-15)
Lewis, Stephen R. and Mulholland, David P.
Icarus, 264 (pp. 456-464)

The solsticial pause on Mars: 2 modelling and investigation of causes (2016-01-15)
Mulholland, David P.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Read, Peter L.; Madeleine, Jean-Baptiste and Forget, Francois
Icarus, 264 (pp. 465-477)

Global energy budgets and ‘Trenberth diagrams’ for the climates of terrestrial and gas giant planets (2016-01)
Read, P. L.; Barstow, J.; Charnay, B.; Chelvaniththilan, S.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Knight, S.; Lebonnois, S.; Lewis, S. R.; Mendonça, J. and Montabone, L.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 142(695) (pp. 703-720)

Science objectives and performances of NOMAD, a spectrometer suite for the ExoMars TGO mission (2015-12-15)
Vandaele, A. C.; Neefs, E.; Drummond, R.; Thomas, I. R.; Daerden, F.; Lopez-Moreno, J.-J.; Rodriguez, J.; Patel, M. R.; Bellucci, G.; Allen, M.; Altieri, F.; Bolsée, D.; Clancy, T.; Delanoye, S.; Depiesse, C.; Cloutis, E.; Fedorova, A.; Formisano, V.; Funke, B.; Fussen, D.; Geminale, A.; Gérard, J.-C.; Giuranna, M.; Ignatiev, N.; Kaminski, J.; Karatekin, O.; Lefèvre, F.; López-Puertas, M.; López-Valverde, M.; Mahieux, A.; McConnell, J.; Mumma, M.; Neary, L.; Renotte, E.; Ristic, B.; Robert, S.; Smith, M.; Trokhimovsky, S.; Vander Auwera, J.; Villanueva, G.; Whiteway, J.; Wilquet, V.; Wolff, M. and NOMAD Team, the
Planetary And Space Science, 119 (pp. 233-249)

Optical and radiometric models of the NOMAD instrument part I: the UVIS channel (2015-11-09)
Vandaele, Ann C.; Willame, Yannick; Depiesse, Cédric; Thomas, Ian R.; Robert, Séverine; Bolsée, David; Patel, Manish R.; Mason, Jon P.; Leese, Mark; Lesschaeve, Stefan; Antoine, Philippe; Daerden, Frank; Delanoye, Sofie; Drummond, Rachel; Neefs, Eddy; Ristic, Bojan; Lopez-Moreno, José-Juan; Bellucci, Giancarlo and Nomad Team, the
Optics Express, 23(23) (pp. 30028-30042)

A Lorenz/Boer energy budget for the atmosphere of Mars from a “reanalysis” of spacecraft observations (2015-11-06)
Tabataba-Vakili, Fachreddin; Read, Anna; Lewis, Stephen; Montabone, Luca; Ruan, Tao; Wang, Bo; Valeanu, Alexandru and Young, Roland M. B.
Geophysical Research Letters, 42(20) (pp. 8320-8327)

The physics of Martian weather and climate: a review (2015-11-05)
Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Mulholland, D. P.
Reports on Progress in Physics, 78, Article 125901(12)

Analysing the consistency of martian methane observations by investigation of global methane transport (2015-09-01)
Holmes, James A.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Patel, Manish R.
Icarus, 257 (pp. 23-32)

Eight-year climatology of dust optical depth on Mars (2015-05-01)
Montabone, L.; Forget, F.; Millour, E.; Wilson, R. J.; Lewis, S. R.; Cantor, B.; Kass, D.; Kleinböhl, A.; Lemmon, M. T.; Smith, M. D. and Wolff, M. J.
Icarus, 251 (pp. 65-95)

Numerical modelling of the transport of trace gases including methane in the subsurface of Mars (2015-04)
Stevens, Adam H.; Patel, Manish R. and Lewis, Stephen R.
Icarus, 250 (pp. 587-594)

Initial results from radio occultation measurements with the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: a nocturnal mixed layer in the tropics and comparisons with polar profiles from the Mars Climate Sounder (2014-11-15)
Hinson, David P.; Asmar, Sami W.; Kahan, Daniel S.; Akopian, Varoujan; Haberle, Robert M.; Spiga, Aymeric; Schofield, John T.; Kleinböhl, Armin; Abdou, Wedad A.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Paik, Meegyeong and Maalouf, Sami G.
Icarus, 243 (pp. 91-103)

The Mars Analysis Correction Data Assimilation (MACDA) dataset V1.0 (2014-11)
Montabone, L.; Marsh, K.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L.; Smith, M. D.; Holmes, J.; Spiga, A.; Lowe, D. and Pamment, A.
Geoscience Data Journal, 1(2) (pp. 129-139)

The radiative impact of water ice clouds from a reanalysis of Mars Climate Sounder data (2014-07-30)
Steele, L. J.; Lewis, S. R. and Patel, M. R.
Geophysical Research Letters, 41(13) (pp. 4471-4478)

The seasonal cycle of water vapour on Mars from assimilation of Thermal Emission Spectrometer data (2014-07-15)
Steele, Liam J.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Patel, Manish R.; Montmessin, Franck; Forget, François and Smith, Michael D.
Icarus, 237 (pp. 97-115)

The retrieval of optical properties from terrestrial dust devil vortices (2014-03)
Mason, Jonathon P.; Patel, Manish P. and Lewis, Stephen
Icarus, 231 (pp. 385-393)

Radiative transfer modelling of dust devils (2013-03)
Mason, Jonathon; Patel, Manish R. and Lewis, Stephen R.
Icarus, 223(1) (pp. 1-10)

Simulating the interannual variability of major dust storms on Mars using variable lifting thresholds (2013-03)
Mulholland, David P.; Read, Peter L. and Lewis, Stephen R.
Icarus, 223(1) (pp. 344-358)

Benchmark experiments with global climate models applicable to extra-solar gas giant planets in the shallow atmosphere approximation (2013-02-01)
Bending, V. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Kolb, U.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 428(4) (pp. 2874-2884)

Assessment of environments for Mars Science Laboratory entry, descent, and surface operations (2012-09-30)
Vasavada, Ashwin R.; Chen, Allen; Barnes, Jeffrey R.; Burkhart, P. Daniel; Cantor, Bruce A.; Dwyer-Cianciolo, Alicia M.; Fergason, Robin L.; Hinson, David P.; Justh, Hilary L.; Kass, David M.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Mischna, Michael A.; Murphy, James R.; Rafkin, Scot C. R.; Tyler, Daniel and Withers, Paul G.
Space Science Reviews, 170(1-4) (pp. 793-835)

Zonal winds at high latitudes on Venus: An improved application of cyclostrophic balance to Venus Express observations (2012-02)
Mendonça, João; Read, Peter L.; Wilson, Collin F. and Lewis, Stephen R.
Icarus, 217(2) (pp. 629-639)

Field measurements of horizontal forward motion velocities of terrestrial dust devils: towards a proxy for ambient winds on Mars and Earth (2012)
Balme, M. R.; Pathare, A.; Metzger, S. M.; Towner, M. C.; Lewis, S. R.; Spiga, A.; Fenton, L.; Renno, N. O.; Elliott, H. M.; Saca, F. A.; Michaels, T.; Russell, P. and Verdasca, J.
Icarus, 221(2) (pp. 632-645)

The Martian atmospheric boundary layer (2011-09-17)
Lewis, Stephen and Spiga, Aymeric
Reviews of Geophysics, 49(RG3005) (pp. 1-46)

The impact of martian mesoscale winds on surface temperature and on the determination of thermal inertia (2011-04)
Spiga, Aymeric; Forget, François; Madeleine, Jean-Baptiste; Montabone, Luca; Lewis, Stephen R. and Millour, Ehouarn
Icarus, 212(2) (pp. 504-519)

Martian mesoscale and microscale wind variability of relevance for dust lifting (2010-12-10)
Spiga, Aymeric and Lewis, Stephen R.
Mars, 5 (pp. 146-158)

Correction to: ‘Structure and dynamics of the convective boundary layer on Mars as inferred from large-eddy simulations and remote-sensing measurements' (2010-10)
Spiga, A.; Forget, F.; Lewis, S. R. and Hinson, D. P.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(653) (pp. 2205-2206)

Assessing atmospheric predictability on Mars using numerical weather prediction and data assimilation (2010-07)
Rogberg, P.; Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Montabone, L.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(651) (pp. 1614-1635)

A bulk cloud parameterization in a Venus General Circulation Model (2010)
Lee, Christopher; Lewis, Stephen R. and Read, Peter L.
Icarus, 206(2) (pp. 662-668)

Structure and dynamics of the convective boundary layer on Mars as inferred from large-eddy simulations and remote-sensing measurements (2010)
Spiga, A.; Forget, F.; Lewis, S. R. and Hinson, D. P.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136(647) (pp. 414-428)

Mars environment and magnetic orbiter model payload (2009-03-26)
Langlais, B.; Leblanc, F.; Fouchet, T.; Barabash, S.; Breuer, D.; Chassefière, E.; Coates, A.; Dehant, V.; Forget, F.; Lammer, H.; Lewis, S.; Lopez-Valverde, M.; Mandea, M.; Menvielle, M.; Pais, A.; Paetzold, M.; Read, P.; Sotin, C.; Tarits, P.; Vennerstrom, S.; Braunduardi-Raymont, G.; Cremonese, G.; Merayo, J. G. M.; Ott, T.; Rème, H.; Trotignon, J. G. and Walhund, J. E.
Experimental Astronomy, 23(3) (pp. 761-783)

QUAGMIRE v1.3: a quasi-geostrophic model for investigating rotating fluids experiments (2009)
Williams, P. D.; Haine, T. W. N.; Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Yamazaki, Y. H.
Geoscientific Model Development, 2(1) (pp. 13-32)

Mars environment and magnetic orbiter scientific and measurement objectives (2009)
Leblanc, F.; Langlais, B.; Fouchet, T.; Barabash, S.; Breuer, D.; Chassefière, E.; Coates, A.; Dehant, V.; Forget, F.; Lammer, H.; Lewis, S.; Lopez-Valverde, M.; Mandea, M.; Menvielle, M.; Pais, A.; Paetzold, M.; Read, P.; Sotin, C.; Tarits, P. and Vennerstrom, S.
Astrobiology, 9(1) (pp. 71-89)

Low-order dynamical behavior in the martian atmosphere: Diagnosis of general circulation model results (2009)
Martínez-Alvarado, Oscar; Moroz, Irene M.; Read, Peter L.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Montabone, Luca
Icarus, 204(1) (pp. 48-62)

Transient teleconnection event at the onset of a planet-encircling dust storm on Mars (2009)
Martínez-Alvarado, O.; Montabone, L.; Lewis, S. R.; Moroz, I. M. and Read, P. L.
Annales Geophysicae, 27 (pp. 3663-3676)

Intense polar temperature inversion in the middle atmosphere on Mars (2008-10-12)
McCleese, D.J.; Schofield, J.T.; Taylor, F.W.; Abdou, W.A.; Aharonson, O.; Banfield, D.; Calcutt, S.B.; Heavens, N.G.; Irwin, P.G.J.; Kass, D.M.; Kleinböhl, A.; Lawson, W.G.; Leovy, C.B.; Lewis, S.R.; Paige, D.A.; Read, P.L.; Richardson, M.I.; Teanby, N. and Zurek, R.W.
Nature Geoscience, 1 (pp. 745-749)

Influence of water ice clouds on Martian tropical atmospheric temperatures (2008-04)
Wilson, R. John; Lewis, Stephen R.; Montabone, Luca and Smith, Michael D.
Geophysical Research Letters, 35, Article L07202(7)

Corrigendum (2008-01)
Read, P. L.; Yamazaki, Y. H.; Lewis, S. R.; Williams, P. D.; Wordsworth, R.; Miki-Yamazaki, K.; Someria, J.; Didelle, H. and Fincham, A. M.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65(1) (pp. 287-287)

Assimilation of thermal emission spectrometer atmospheric data during the Mars Global Surveyor aerobraking period (2007-12-15)
Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L.; Conrath, B. J.; Pearl, J. C. and Smith, M. D.
Icarus, 192(2) (pp. 327-347)

Dynamics of convectively driven banded jets in the laboratory (2007-11)
Read, Peter L.; Yamazaki, Yasuhiro H.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Williams, Paul D.; Wordsworth, Robin; Miki-Yamazaki, Kuniko; Sommeria, Joel and Didelle, Henri
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 64(11) (pp. 4031-4052)

Superrotation in a Venus general circulation model (2007-04-06)
Lee, C.; Lewis, S. R. and Read, P. L.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 112, Article E04S11 (pp. 1-10)

Validation of martian meteorological data assimilation for MGS/TES using radio occultation measurements (2006-11)
Montabone, L.; Lewis, S.R.; Read, P.L. and Hinson, D.P.
Icarus, 185(1) (pp. 113-132)

Reconstructing the weather on Mars at the time of the MERs and Beagle 2 landings (2006-10-05)
Montabone, L.; Lewis, S.R.; Read, P.L. and Withers, P.
Geophysical Research Letters, 33, Article L19202

Atmospheric temperature sounding on Mars, and the climate sounder on the 2005 reconnaissance orbiter (2006)
Taylor, F. W.; Calcutt, S. B.; Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R.; McCleese, D. J.; Schofield, J. T. and Zurek, R. W.
Advances in Space Research, 38(4) (pp. 713-717)

The effects of the martian regolith on GCM water cycle simulations (2005-09)
Böttger, H.M.; Lewis, S.R.; Read, P.L. and Forget, F.
Icarus, 177(1) (pp. 174-189)

The atmospheric circulation and dust activity in different orbital epochs on Mars (2005-03)
Newman, Claire E.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Read, Peter L.
Icarus, 174(1) (pp. 135-160)

A simplified model of the Martian atmosphere - Part 1: a diagnostic analysis (2005)
Whitehouse, S.G.; Lewis, S.R.; Moroz, I.M. and Read, P.L.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 12(5) (pp. 603-623)

A simplified model of the Martian atmosphere - Part 2: a POD-Galerkin analysis (2005)
Whitehouse, S.G.; Lewis, S.R.; Moroz, I.M. and Read, P.L.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 12(5) (pp. 625-642)

Atmospheric tides in a Mars general circulation model with data assimilation (2005)
Lewis, S.R. and Barker, P.R.
Advances in Space Research, 36(11) (pp. 2162-2168)

A numerical model of the atmosphere of Venus (2005)
Lee, C.; Lewis, S.R. and Read, P.L.
Advances in Space Research, 36(11) (pp. 2142-2145)

Interannual variability of Martian dust storms in assimilation of several years of Mars global surveyor observations (2005)
Montabone, Luca; Lewis, Stephen R. and Read, Peter L.
Advances in Space Research, 36(11) (pp. 2146-2155)

The effect of a global dust storm on simulations of the Martian water cycle (2004-11-30)
Böttger, H.M.; Lewis, S.R.; Read, P.L. and Forget, F.
Geophysical Research Letters, 31 (L22702)

Investigating atmospheric predictability on Mars using breeding vectors in a general-circulation model (2004-10)
Newman, C.E.; Read, P.L. and Lewis, S.R.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 130(603) (pp. 2971-2989)

Environmental predictions for the Beagle 2 lander, based on GCM climate simulations (2004-03)
Bingham, S.J.; Lewis, S.R.; Newman, C.E. and Read, P.L.
Planetary and Space Science, 52(4) (pp. 259-269)

Predicting weather conditions and climate for Mars expeditions (2004-03)
Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R.; Bingham, S. J. and Newman, C. E.
Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 57(3-4) (pp. 75-86)

Upper atmosphere of Mars up to 120 km: Mars Global Surveyor accelerometer data analysis with the LMD general circulation model (2004-01-28)
Angelats I Coll, M.; Forget, F.; Lopez-Valverde, M.A.; Read, P.L. and Lewis, S.R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 109 (E01011)

Jupiter's and Saturn's convectively driven banded jets in the laboratory (2004)
Read, P.L.; Yamazaki, Y.H.; Lewis, S.R.; Williams, P.D.; Miki-Yamazaki, K.; Sommeria, J.; Didelle, H. and Fincham, A.
Geophysical Research Letters, 31 (pp. L22701.1-5)

Predicting weather conditions and climate for Mars expeditions (2004)
Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R.; Bingham, S. J. and Newman, C. E.
American Astronautical Society, Scientific Technology Series, 107 (pp. 3-21)

Mars: atmosphere: modelling the Martian atmosphere (2003-08)
Lewis, Stephen R.
Astronomy & Geophysics, 44(4) (pp. 4.06-4.14)

Equatorial jets in the dusty Martian atmosphere (2003-04)
Lewis, Stephen R. and Read, Peter L.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 108(E4) (p 5034)

Modeling the Martian dust cycle 1. Representations of dust transport processes (2002-12-10)
Newman, Claire E.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Read, Peter L. and Forget, François
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 107(E12) (p 5123)

Modeling the Martian dust cycle 2. Multiannual radiatively active dust transport simulations (2002-12-10)
Newman, Claire E.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Read, Peter L. and Forget, François
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 107(E12) (p 5124)

Structure and dynamics of the Martian lower and middle atmosphere as observed by the Mars Climate Sounder: Seasonal variations in zonal mean temperature, dust and water ice aerosols
McCleese, D. J.; Heavens, N. G.; Schofield,, J. T.; Abdou, W. A.; Bandfield, J. L.; Calcutt, S. B.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Kass, D. M.; Kleinböhl, A.; Lewis, S. R.; Paige, D. A.; Read, P. L.; Richardson, M. I.; Shirley, J. H.; Taylor, F. W.; Teanby, N. and Zurek, R. W.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 115, Article E12016(E12)

The Martian climate revisited: atmosphere and environment of a desert planet (2004)
Read, Peter L. and Lewis, Stephen R.
Springer Praxis Books: Geophysical Sciences
ISBN : 354040743X | Publisher : Springer

Atmospheric Dynamics of Terrestrial Planets (2024-05)
Read, Peter L.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Vallis, Geoffrey K.
In: Deeg, Hans J. and Belmonte, Juan Antonio eds. Handbook of Exoplanets (pp. 1-32)
ISBN : 978-3-319-30648-3 | Publisher : Springer International Publishing | Published : Cham

Planetary Aeolian Geomorphology (2019-03-08)
Bourke, Mary C.; Balme, Matthew; Lewis, Stephen; Lorenz, Ralph D. and Parteli, Eric
In: Livingstone, Ian and Warren, Andrew eds. Aeolian Geomorphology: A New Introduction (pp. 261-286)
ISBN : 978-1118945667 | Publisher : John Wiley and Sons Ltd | Published : Chichester

Atmospheric Dynamics of Terrestrial Planets (2018)
Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Vallis, G. K.
In: Deeg, H. and Belmonte, J. eds. Handbook of Exoplanets (pp. 1-31)
ISBN : 978-3-319-30648-3 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Cham

Martian Gullies and Their Connection With the Martian Climate (2018)
Conway, Susan J.; Harrison, Tanya N. and Lewis, Stephen R.
In: Soare, Richard J.; Conway, Susan J. and Clifford, Stephen M. eds. Dynamic Mars: Recent and Current Landscape Evolution of the Red Planet (pp. 87-119)
ISBN : 978-0-12-813018-6 | Publisher : Elsevier

The global circulation (2017-06)
Barnes, Jeffrey R.; Haberle, Robert M.; Wilson, R. John; Lewis, Stephen; Murphy, James R. and Read, Peter L.
In: Haberle, Robert M.; Clancy, R. Todd; Forget, Francois; Smith, Michael D. and Zurek, Richard W. eds. The Atmosphere and Climate of Mars. Cambridge Planetary Science (pp. 229-294)
ISBN : 978-1-107-01618-7 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge

The martian planetary boundary layer (2017-06)
Read, Peter L.; Galerpin, Boris; Larsen, Soren E.; Lewis, Stephen; Maattanen, Anni; Petrosyan, Arakel; Renno, Nilton; Savijarvi, Hannu; Siili, Tero; Spiga, Aymeric; Toigo, Anthony and Vazquez, Luis
In: Haberle, Robert M.; Clancy, R. Todd; Forget, Francois; Smith, Michael D. and Zurek, Richard W. eds. The Atmosphere and Climate of Mars. Cambridge Planetary Science (pp. 172-202)
ISBN : 978-1-107-01618-7 | Publisher : Cambridge University Press | Published : Cambridge

Dust Devil Sediment Transport: From Lab to Field to Global Impact (2017)
Klose, Martina; Jemmett-Smith, Bradley C.; Kahanpaa, Henrik; Kahre, Melinda; Knippertz, Peter; Lemmon, Mark T.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Lorenz, Ralph D.; Neakrase, Lynn D. V.; Newman, Claire; Patel, Manish R.; Reiss, Dennis; Spiga, Aymeric and Whelley, Patrick L.
In: Reiss, D.; Lorenz, R; Balme, M.; Neakrase, L.; Rossi, A. O.; Spiga, A. and Zarnecki, J. eds. Dust Devils. Space Sciences Series of ISSI
ISBN : 978-94-024-1133-1 | Publisher : Springer

Orbital Observations of Dust Lofted by Daytime Convective Turbulence (2017)
Fenton, Lori; Reiss, Dennis; Lemmon, Mark; Marticorena, Béatrice; Lewis, Stephen and Cantor, Bruce
In: Reiss, D.; Lorenz, R.; Balme, M.; Neakrase, L.; Rossi, A. P.; Spiga, A. and Zarnecki, J. eds. Dust Devils. Space Sciences Series of ISSI
ISBN : 978-94-024-1133-1 | Publisher : Springer

Modeling efforts (2013)
Lewis, Stephen R.; Dawson, Jon; Lebonnois, Sebastien and Yamamoto, Masaru
In: Bengtsson, Lennart; Bonnet, Roger-Maurice; Grinspoon, David; Koumoutsaris, Symeon; Lebonnois, Sebastien and Titov, Dmitri eds. Towards Understanding the Climate of Venus: Applications of Terrestrial Models to Our Sister Planet. ISSI Scientific Report (11) (pp. 111-127)
ISBN : 978-1-4614-5063-4 | Publisher : Springer | Published : New York

Models of Venus atmosphere (2013)
Lebonnois, Sebastien; Lee, Christopher; Yamamoto, Masuro; Dawson, Jonathan; Lewis, Stephen R.; Mendonca, Loao; Read, Peter; Parish, Helen F.; Schubert, Gerald; Bengtsson, Lennart; Grinspoon, David; Limaye, Sanjay S.; Schmidt, Hauke; Svedhem, Håkan and Titov, Dmitri V.
In: Bengtsson, Lennart; Bonnet, Roger-Maurice; Grinspoon, David; Koumoutsaris, Symeon; Lebonnois, Sebastien and Titov, Dmitri eds. Towards Understanding the Climate of Venus: Application of Terrestrial Models to Our Sister Planet. ISSI Scientific Report (11) (pp. 129-156)
ISBN : 978-1-4614-5063-4 | Publisher : Springer | Published : New York

Data assimilation for other planets (2010-01)
Lewis, Stephen R.
In: Lahoz, William; Khattatov, Boris and Menard, Richard eds. Data Assimilation: Making Sense of Observations (pp. 681-699)
ISBN : 978-3-540-74702-4 | Publisher : Springer

Evidence for climate change on Mars (2006)
Lewis, Stephen R. and Read, Peter L.
In: Blondel, Phillippe and Mason, John eds. Solar System Update. Springer Praxis Books: Geophysical Sciences (pp. 135-158)
ISBN : 3-540-26056-0 | Publisher : Springer and Praxis Books

Changes to water ice clouds in the martian north pole during high atmospheric dust levels (2025)
Shastri, V.; Holmes, J. A.; Patel, M. R. and Lewis, S. R.
In : 18th UKPF Early Career Meeting (ECM) (13 Jan 2025, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK)

Climatology of martian super-rotation in the OpenMARS reanalysis (2022-07-18)
Rajendran, Kylash; Lewis, Stephen; Holmes, James; Streeter, Paul and Patel, Manish
In : 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (16-24 Jul 2022, Athens, Greece)

Global variations in the vertical distribution of water on Mars from a reanalysis of multiple spacecraft observations (2022-07)
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish; Alday, Juan; Aoki, Shohei; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Villanueva, Geronimo; Crismani, Matteo; Fedorova, Anna; Olsen, Kevin; Kass, David; Vandaele, Ann Carine and Korablev, Oleg
In : COSPAR 2022, 44th Scientific Assembly (16-24 Jul 2022, Athens, Greece)

Seasonal behaviour of Mars' northern polar vortex (2022-06-22)
Streeter, Paul; Lewis, Stephen; Holmes, James; Rajendran, Kylash and Patel, Manish
In : BPSC2022: 3rd British Planetary Science Conference (22-24 Jun 2022, Milton Keynes, UK)

4D Transport of Hydrogen Chloride in the Martian Atmosphere (2022-06-22)
Rajendran, Kylash; Lewis, Stephen; Streeter, Paul; Holmes, James and Patel, Manish
In : BPSC 2022: 3rd British Planetary Science Conference (22-24 Jun 2022, Milton Keynes, UK)

Atmosphere-surface interactions relating to ice-rich landforms in Lyot Crater, Mars (2022-06-16)
Foley, Lori-Ann; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew and Holmes, James
In : 7th Mars Atmospheric Modelling and Observations Conference (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

More than one martian year of meteorology observed by the Insight lander (2022-06-14)
Forget, F.; Banfield, D.; Spiga, A.; Millour, E.; Borella, A.; Lange, L.; Newman, C.; Viúdez Moreiras, D.; Pla-Garcia, J.; Navarro, S.; Mora Sotomayor, L.; Torres, J.; Rodriguez Manfredi, J.-A.; Lewis, S. R.; Lorenz, R.; Lognonne, P.; Banerdt, B. and the INSIGHT atmosphere team,
In : 7th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations workshop (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

Challenges in Mars climate modelling with the LMD Mars Global Climate Model, now called the Mars “Planetary Climate Model” (PCM) (2022-06-14)
Forget, F.; Millour, E.; Bierjon, A.; Delavois, A.; Fan, S.; Lange, L.; Liu, J.; Mathe, C.; Naar, J.; Pierron, T.; Vandemeulebrouck, R.; Spiga, A.; Montabone, L.; Chaufray, J.-Y.; Lefèvre, F.; Määttänen, A.; Montmessin, F.; Rossi, L.; Vals, M.; Gonzalez-Galindo, F.; Lopez-Valverde, M.-A.; Wolff, M. J.; Young, R.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L. and the Mars PCM development teams,
In : 7th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations workshop (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

The Mars Climate Database, version 6.1 (2022-06-14)
Millour, E.; Forget, F.; Spiga, A.; Pierron, T.; Bierjon, A.; Montabone, L.; Vals, M.; Lefèvre, F.; Montmessin, F.; Chaufray, J.-Y.; Lopez-Valverde, M.-A.; Gonzalez-Galindo, F.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L.; Desjean, M.-C.; Cipriani, F. and the MCD development team,
In : 7th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations workshop (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

Total column ozone climatology from MY34 to MY36 from measurements by the NOMAD-UVIS spectrometer (2022-06-14)
Mason, Jonathon; Patel, Manish; Holmes, James; Streeter, Paul; Alday, Juan; Brown, Megan; Sellers, Graham; Marriner, Charlotte; Lewis, Stephen; Wolff, M. J.; Williame, Y.; Depiesse, C.; Ristic, B.; Thomas, I.; Daerden, F.; Vandaele, A. C.; Lopez-Moreno, J.-J. and Bellucci, G.
In : 7th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations workshop (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

MACDA II: A New Reanalysis for the Martian Atmosphere Using Vertically-Resolved Dust Opacity Observations (2022-06-14)
Read, P. L.; Valeanu, A.; Ruan, Tao; Montabone, L.; Lewis, S. R. and Young, R. M. B.
In : 7th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations workshop (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

A climatology of the martian northern polar vortex (2022-06)
Streeter, Paul; Lewis, Stephen; Holmes, James; Rajendran, Kylash and Patel, Manish
In : 7th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations workshop (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

Global 4-D Investigation of Water During the Mars Year 34 Dusty Season from a Multi-Spacecraft Assimilation (2022-06)
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish; Alday, Juan; Aoki, Shohei; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Villanueva, Geronimo; Crismani, Matteo; Fedorova, Anna; Korablev, Oleg; Olsen, Kevin; Kass, David and Vandaele, Ann Carine
In : 7th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations Conference (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

Impacts of Heterogeneous Chemistry on Vertical Profiles of Martian Ozone (2022)
Brown, M. A. J.; Patel, M. R.; Lewis, S. R.; Holmes, J. A.; Sellers, G. J.; Streeter, P. M.; Bennaceur, A.; Villanueva, G. L.; Liuzzi, G. and Vandaele, A. C.
In : 7th International Mars Atmospheric Modelling and Observation Conference (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

Seasonal and Global Ozone Variations With Heterogeneous Chemistry in the Martian Atmosphere (2022)
Brown, M. A. J.; Patel, M. R.; Lewis, S. R.; Holmes, J. A.; Mason, J. and Bennaceur, A.
In : 7th International Mars Atmospheric Modelling and Observation Conference (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

4D HCl transport in the martian atmosphere with comparisons to TGO observations (2022)
Rajendran, Kylash; Lewis, Stephen; Streeter, Paul; Holmes, James and Patel, Manish
In : 7th Mars Atmospheric Modelling and Observations Conference (14-17 Jun 2022, Paris, France)

The seasonal evolution of ices on the gullied slopes of Sisyphi Cavi on Mars using CaSSIS and HiRISE orbital images (2021-04-19)
Conway, Susan J.; Pasquon, Kelly; Lewis, Stephen R.; Vincendon, Mathieu; Massé, Marion; Raack, Jan; Noblet, Axel and Philippe, Meven
In : EGU General Assembly 2021 (19-30 Apr 2021, [Online])

Asymmetric impacts on Mars' polar vortices from the 2018 Global Dust Storm (2021-04-14)
Streeter, Paul; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish; Holmes, James; Fedorova, Anna; Kass, David and Kleinböhl, Armin
In : Europlanet Science Congress 2021 (13-24 Sep 2021, Virtual)

Enhanced water loss during the Mars Year 34 C storm (2021)
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish; Chaffin, Michael; Cangi, Eryn; Deighan, Justin; Schneider, Nicholas; Aoki, Shohei; Fedorova, Anna; Kass, David and Vandaele, Ann Carine
In : EGU General Assembly 2021 (19-30 Apr 2021, Online)

Mesospheric water ice clouds in Mars Year 34-35 as identified in ExoMars UVIS occultation opacities (2021)
Streeter, Paul; Sellers, Graham; Wolff, Michael; Mason, Jonathon; Patel, Manish; Lewis, Stephen; Holmes, James; Daerden, Frank; Thomas, Ian; Ristic, Bojan; Willame, Yannick; Depiesse, Cedric; Vandaele, Ann Carine; Bellucci, Giancarlo and López-Moreno, Jose Juan
In : Europlanet Science Congress 2021 (13-24 Sep 2021, Virtual)

The asymmetric effects of an equinoctial Global Dust Storm on Mars’ polar vortices (2021)
Streeter, Paul; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish; Holmes, James; Fedorova, Anna; Kass, David and Kleinböhl, Armin
In : National Astronomy Meeting 2021 (19-23 Jul 2021, Virtual)

Modelling the interaction between the atmosphere and surface ice at Lyot crater, Mars (2021)
Foley, Lori-Ann; Balme, Matthew; Lewis, Stephen and Holmes, James
In : Mars - A New Geological Frontier (2-4 Nov 2021, Virtual)

Modelling the distribution of ice at Lyot crater, Mars (2021)
Foley, Lori-Ann; Balme, Matthew and Lewis, Stephen
In : CryoMars (01 Mar 2021, Virtual conference)

Global variations in the vertical distribution of water during Mars Year 34 from multiple spacecraft observations (2021)
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish; Aoki, Shohei; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Villanueva, Geronimo; Crismani, Matteo; Fedorova, Anna; Alday, Juan; Kass, David; Vandaele, Ann Carine and Korablev, Oleg
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2021 (13-24 Sep 2021, Online)

Synergistic studies enhanced through data assimilation: combining multiple retrievals with a Mars Global Circulation Model (2021)
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish; Streeter, Paul and Rajendran, Kylash
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2021 (13-24 Sep 2021, Online)

Martian Polar Vortex Dynamics and the 2018 Global Dust Storm (2020-01-17)
Streeter, Paul; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish and Holmes, James
In : Seventh International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration (13-17 Jan 2020, Ushuaia, Argentina)

Investigating the relationship between ozone and water-ice clouds using retrieved data from the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (2020-01-13)
Brown, M. A. J.; Patel, M. R.; Lewis, S. R. and Bennaceur, A.
In : British Planetary Science Conference 2020 (13-15 Jan 2020, Oxford)

Stability of Subsurface Carbon Dioxide Ice over the Obliquity Cycle (2020)
Patel, Narissa; Lewis, Stephen; Hagermann, Axel and Balme, Matthew
In : Seventh International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration (13-17 Jan 2020, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)

Investigating the relationship between ozone and water-ice clouds in the martian atmosphere (2020)
Brown, Megan; Patel, Manish; Lewis, Stephen and Bennaceur, Amel
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 (4-8 May 2020, Vienna, Austria)

Impacts of the 2018 Global Dust Storm on Martian Polar Dynamics (2020)
Streeter, Paul; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish and Holmes, James
In : Europlanet Science Congress 2020 (21 Sep - 9 Oct 2020, Virtual)

Lower atmosphere water/hydrogen activity during the MY 34 regional dust storm (2020)
Holmes, James A.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Patel, Manish R.; Aoki, Shohei; Fedorova, Anna A.; Chaffin, Michael S.; Schneider, Nicholas M.; Kass, David M. and Vandaele, Ann C.
In : Europlanet Science Congress 2020 (21 Sep - 9 Oct 2020, Virtual)

Distribution of Subsurface Carbon Dioxide Ice at Different Obliquities (2020)
Patel, Narissa; Lewis, Stephen; Hagermann, Axel and Balme, Matthew
In : RAS Planetary Atmospheres Meeting (14 Feb 2020, Royal Astronomical Society, London)

Climate change and the water cycle on Mars (2020)
Foley, Lori-Ann; Lewis, Stephen and Balme, Matthew
In : RAS Planetary Atmospheres Meeting (14 Feb 2020, Royal Astronomical Society, London)

Half a Mars Year of atmospheric results from InSight (Invited) (2019-12-12)
Newman, C. E.; Banfield, D.; Spiga, A.; Baker, M.; Banerdt, W. B.; Charalambous, C.; Forget, F.; Garcis, R. F.; Karatekin, O.; Kenda, B.; Lemmon, M. T.; Lewis, S. R.; Lognonné, P. H.; Lorenz, R. D.; Millour, E.; Mimoun, D.; Mueller, N. T.; Murdoch, N.; Pike, W. T.; Pla-García, J.; Rodriguez, S.; Teanby, N. A. and Viudez-Moreiras, D.
In : American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019. (13-17 Dec 2010, San Francisco, California, USA)

ExoMars 2020 – AMELIA: the EDL science experiment for the entry and descent module of the ExoMars 2020 mission (2019-07-08)
Ferri, F.; Aboudan, A.; Colombatti, G.; Bettanini, C.; Debei, S.; Karatekin, O.; Lewis, S. R.; Forget, F.; Asmar, S.; Lipatov, A.; Polyanskiy, I.; Harri, A.-M.; Ori, G. G.; Pacifici, A.; Machenkov, K.; Rodionov, D. and Modzhina, N.
In : 16th International Planetary Probe Workshop (8-12 Jul 2019, Oxford, UK) (pp. 189-190)

The Observed Winter Circulation at Insight’s Landing Site and its Impact on Understanding the Year-Round Circulation and Aeolian Activity in Elysium Planitia and Gale Crater (2019-04-07)
Newman, Claire; Viudez-Moreiras, Daniel; Baker, Mariah; Lewis, Kevin; Gomez-Elvira, Javier; Navarro, Sara; Torres, Josefina; Spiga, Aymeric; Banfield, Don; Teanby, Nick; Forget, François; Pla-Garcia, Jorge; Lewis, Stephen; Banks, Maria; Rodriguez, Sébastien and Lucas, Antoine
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (7-12 Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria)

Overview of first atmospheric results from InSight (2019-04-07)
Spiga, A.; Banfield, D.; Newman, C.; Lorenz, R.; Forget, F.; Viudez-Moreira, D.; Pla-Garcia, J.; Lemmon, M.; Teanby, N.; Murdoch, N.; Garcia, R.; Lognonné, P.; Kenda, B.; Mimoun, D.; Karatekin, O.; Lewis, S. R.; Pike, W. T.; Mueller, N.; Millour, E. and Banerdt, B.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (7-12 Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria)

The Mars Climate Database (MCD version 5.3) (2019-04-07)
Millour, Ehouarn; Forget, Francois; Spiga, Aymeric; Vals, Margaux; Zakharov, Vladimir; Montabone, Luca; Lefèvre, Franck; Montmessin, Franck; Chaufray, Jean-Yves; López-Valverde, Miguel; González-Galindo, Francisco; Lewis, Stephen; Read, Peter; Desjean, Marie-Christine and Cipriani, Fabrice
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (7-12 Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria)

Eskers on Mars: morphometric comparisons to eskers on Earth and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage (2019-04-07)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, Matt R.; Gallagher, Colman; Storrar, Robert D.; Conway, Susan J.; Arnold, Neil S.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Hagermann, Axel
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 (7-12 Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria)

First Atmospheric Results from InSight APSS (2019-03-18)
Banfield, D.; Spiga, A.; Newman, C.; Lorenz, R.; Forget, F.; Viudez-Moreira, D.; Pla-Garcia, J.; Lemmon, M.; Teanby, N.; Murdoch, N.; Garcia, R.; Lognonne, P.; Kenda, B.; Mimoun, D.; Karatekin, O.; Lewis, S. R.; Pike, W. T.; Mueller, N.; Millour, E.; Navarro, S.; Mora Sotomayor, L.; Torres, J.; Molina, A.; Rodriguez-Manfredi, J.-A.; Smrekar, S.; Banerdt, B. and Insight Science Team, the
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

The observed winter circulation at InSight’s landing site and its impact on understanding the year-round circulation and aeolian activity in Elysium Planitia and Gale Crater (2019-03-18)
Newman, C. E.; Viudez-Moreiras, D.; Baker, M.; Lewis, K.; Gomez-Elvira, J.; Navarro, S.; Torres, J.; Spiga, A.; Banfield, D.; Teanby, N.; Forget, F.; Pla-Garcia, J.; Lewis, S. R.; Banks, M.; Rodriguez, S. and Lucas, A.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Evidence for thermal fatigue on Mars from rockfall patterns on impact crater slopes (2019-03-18)
Tesson, P.-A.; Conway, S. J.; Mangold, N.; Ciazela, J.; Lewis, S. R. and Mège, D.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

3D Morphometries of Eskers on Mars, and Comparisons to Eskers in Finland (2019)
Butcher, F. E. G.; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Storrar, R. D.; Conway, S. J.; Arnold, N. S.; Lewis, S. R. and Hagermann, A.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Multi-Phase Sedment-Discharge Dynamics of Subglacial Drainage Recorded by a Glacier-Linked Esker in NW Tempe Terra, Mars (2019)
Butcher, F. E. G.; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Storrar, R. D.; Conway, S. J.; Arnold, N. S.; Lewis, S. R. and Hagermann, A.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Measuring the variation and distribution of ozone in the martian atmosphere (2019)
Brown, Megan; Patel, Manish; Lewis, Stephen and Bennaceur, Amel
In : 8th Conference of Astrobiology Society of Britain (25-26 Apr 2019, Newcastle University)

Surface Warming During the 2018/MY 34 Mars Global Dust Storm (2019)
Streeter, Paul; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish; Holmes, James and Kass, David
In : Ninth International Conference on Mars (22-25 Jul 2019, Pasadena, California, USA)

Eskers on Mars: Morphometric comparisons to eskers on Earth and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage (2019)
Butcher, Frances E.G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Storrar, Robert D.; Conway, Susan J.; Arnold, Neil S.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Hagermann, Axel
In : European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019 (7-12 Apr 2019, Vienna, Austria)

Eskers associated with mid-latitude glaciers on Mars and their palaeoenvironmental implications (2019)
Butcher, Frances E.G.; Arnold, Neil .S.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Conway, Susan J.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Hagermann, Axel and Storrar, Robert. D.
In : 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) (25-31 Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland)

Morphometries of eskers on Mars: comparisons to eskers on Earth and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage (2019)
Butcher, Frances E.G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Storrar, Robert D.; Conway, Susan J.; Arnold, Neil S.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Hagermann, Axel
In : 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) (25-31 Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland)

Quaternary Mars? (2019)
Butcher, Frances E. G.; Balme, Matthew R.; Gallagher, Colman; Conway, Susan J.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Mc Keown, L.
In : 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) (25-31 Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland)

Global Analysis and Forecasts of Carbon Monoxide on Mars (2019)
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish and Smith, Michael
In : Ninth International Conference on Mars (22-25 Jul 2019, Pasadena, California, USA)

Interpretation and understanding of methane plumes on Mars (2018-12)
Holmes, James; Patel, Manish and Lewis, Stephen
In : 1st British Planetary Science Congress (3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow) (p 33)

Constraining the evolution and origin of methane plumes on Mars (2018-12)
Holmes, James; Patel, Manish and Lewis, Stephen
In : AGU Fall Meeting (11-15 Dec 2017, New Orleans, USA)

Planetary wave reanalysis using satellite data (2018-08-29)
Lewis, S. R.; Holmes, J. A. and Streeter, P. M.
In : Atmosphere Data Assimilation (MADA) workshop (29-31 Aug 2018, Savoie Technolac, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France)

On the assimilation of Martian total ozone retrievals (2018-08-16)
Holmes, J.A.; Lewis, S.R.; Patel, M.R. and Lefèvre, F.
In : Mars Atmosphere Data Assimilation (MADA) workshop (29-31 Aug 2018, Savoie Technolac, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France)

Assimilation of Mars Climate Sounder Dust Observations: Challenges and Ways Forward (2018-08)
Streeter, Paul; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish and Holmes, James
In : Mars Atmosphere Data Assimilation (MADA) workshop (29-31 Aug 2018, Savoie Technolac, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France)

Comparison of Global-Scale and Mesoscale Modelling of Vertical Profiles in the Martian Atmosphere: How Does Model Resolution Impact Predictions of Conditions at Mission Landing Sites? (2018-03-20)
Chapman, Rhian; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew; Steele, Liam; Aboudan, Alessio and Ferri, Francesca
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, Texas, USA)

First ozone reanalysis on Mars using SPICAM data (2018-02)
Holmes, J. A.; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R. and Lefèvre, F.
In : From Mars Express to ExoMars (27-28 Feb 2018, Madrid)

A multi-spacecraft reanalysis of the atmosphere of Mars (2018-02)
Lewis, S. R.; Holmes, J. A. and Patel, M. R.
In : From Mars Express to ExoMars (27-28 Feb 2018, Madrid)

The circulatory impact of dust from dust profile assimilation (2018)
Streeter, P. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R. and Holmes, J. A.
In : Mars Science Workshop "From Mars Express to ExoMars" (27-28 Feb 2018, ESAC, Madrid, Spain)

Evidence for Recent Wet-Based Crater Glaciation in Tempe Terra, Mars. (2018)
Butcher, F. E.G; Balme, M. R.; Gallagher, C.; Arnold, N. S; Conway, S. J.; Storrar, R. D.; Hagermann, A. and Lewis, S. R.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Glacier-Linked Eskers on Mars: Environments of Recent Wet-Based Glaciation From Numerical Models (2018)
Butcher, F. E.G; Arnold, N. S.; Balme, M. R; Gallagher, C; Conway, S. J.; Hagermann, A and Lewis, S. R.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Subsurface Volatile Deposition on Mars (2018)
Patel, N.; Hagermann, A.; Lewis, S. R.; Kaufmann, E. and Balme, M.
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2018 (16-21 Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany)

Wind-Stress Dust Lifting in a Mars Global Circulation Model: Representation across Resolutions (2017-12-12)
Chapman, Rhian; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew and Steele, Liam
In : AGU Fall Meeting (11-15 Dec 2017, New Orleans, USA)

Impact of Global Model Resolution on the Representation of Martian Wind-Stress Dust Lifting (2017-12-01)
Chapman, Rhian; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew and Steele, Liam
In : 1st British Planetary Science Congress (3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow)

The Mars Modelling Information Tool for Engineering (MarMITE): A study on the Impact of Local Dust Storms (2017-10-10)
El-Said, Adam; Lewis, Stephen; Holmes, James; Patel, Manish; Terret, David; Morris, Huw; Read, Peter; Young, Roland and Parnaby, Gavin
In : 1st British Planetary Science Congress (3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow)

Martian atmospheric O3 retrieval development for the NOMAD-UVIS spectrometer (2017-05-02)
Hewson, W.; Mason, J. P.; Leese, M.; Hathi, B.; Holmes, J.; Lewis, S. R.; Irwin, P. G. R. and Patel, M. R.
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2017 (17-22 Sep 2017, Riga, Latvia)

Eskers associated with Extant Glaciers in Mid-Latitude Graben on Mars: Evidence for Geothermal Controls upon Recent Basal Melting (2017-03)
Butcher, F. E.G.; Gallagher, C.; Arnold, N. S.; Balme, M. R.; Conway, S. J.; Lewis, S. R. and Hagermann, A.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston, Texas, USA)

Morphometric Characterisation of Eskers Associated with an Extant Mid-Latitude Glacier on Mars (2017-03)
Butcher, F. E.G.; Gallagher, C.; Arnold, N. S.; Balme, M. R.; Conway, S. J.; Lewis, S. R. and Hagermann, A.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston, Texas, USA)

On the Link between Martian Total Ozone and Potential Vorticity (2017-01-20)
Holmes, J. A.; Lewis, S. R. and Patel, M. R.
In : Sixth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (17-20 Jan 2017, Granada, Spain)

Regional and global dust storms on Mars investigated using data assimilation (2017-01-18)
Ruan, T.; Young, R. M. B.; Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Montabone, L.
In : Sixth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (17-20 Jan 2017, Granada, Spain)

Atmospheric Mars Entry and Landing Investigations & Analysis (AMELIA) by ExoMars 2016 Schiaparelli Entry Descent Module (2017-01-17)
Ferri, F.; Karatekin, O.; Aboudan, A.; VanHove, B.; Colombatti, G.; Bettanini, C.; Debei, S.; Gerbal, N.; Lewis, S. and Forget, F.
In : Sixth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (17-20 Jan 2017, Granada, Spain)

Ertel potential vorticity, Bernoulli streamfunction, planetary-scale hydraulic jumps, and transonic jet-streaks in a re-analysis of the Martian atmosphere (2017-01-17)
Lewis, Stephen R.; Dowling, Timothy E.; Bradley, Mary Elizabeth and Read, Peter L.
In : Sixth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (17-20 Jan 2017, Granada, Spain)

Investigating the Role of Advection Processes in Improved Martian Dust Assimilation Techniques for ExoMars (2017)
Streeter, P. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R. and Steele, L. J.
In : Sixth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (17-20 Jan 2017, Granada, Spain)

Analysing martian polar dust transport using data assimilation (2017)
Streeter, Paul; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish and Holmes, James
In : 1st British Planetary Science Congress (3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow)

New evidence for geothermal controls upon recent basal melting of mid-latitude glaciers on Mars (2017)
Butcher, Frances; Gallagher, Colman; Arnold, Neil; Balme, Matthew; Conway, Susan; Lewis, Stephen and Hagermann, Axel
In : EGU General Assembly 2017 (23-28 Apr 2017, Vienna, Austria)

The Effect of Model Resolution on Wind-Stress Dust Lifting Within the LMD/UK Mars Global Circulation Model (2016-12-14)
Chapman, R. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Balme, M. and Steele, L. J.
In : 6th International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (17-20 Jan 2017, Granada, Spain)

How Do Martian Dust Devils Vary Throughout the Sol? (2016-12-13)
Chapman, Rhian; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew and Steele, Liam
In : AGU Fall Meeting 2016 (12-17 Dec 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA)

How Do Martian Dust Devils Vary Throughout the Sol? (abstract) (2016-12-13)
Chapman, Rhian; Lewis, Stephen; Balme, Matthew and Steele, Liam
In : AGU Fall Meeting 2016 (12-17 Dec 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA)

Potential vorticity and ozone in Martian polar regions (2016-09)
Holmes, J. A.; Lewis, S. R. and Patel, M. R.
In : The Sixth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration (5-9 Sep 2016, University of Iceland, Reykjavik)

Regolith-atmosphere water vapour interaction at Gale crater (2016-03-21)
Steele, L. J.; Balme, M. R. and Lewis, S. R.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (21-25 Mar 2016, Houston, Texas)

Martian Dust Devils: When to Watch for Them (2016-01-22)
Chapman, R. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Balme, M. and Steele, L. J.
In : UKPF 13th Annual Early Career Scientists' Meetings (22 Jan 2016, Leicester)

Weather measurements from Mars entry/descent, and data assimilation (2015-10-09)
Lewis, Stephen
In : Weather on Other Planets: Measurement and Interpretation (9 Oct 2015, London)

Investigating the Martian atmosphere using the ExoMars 2016 lander (2015-05-15)
Chapman, R. M.; Lewis, S. R.; Balme, M. R. and Steele, L. J.
In : 4th UK in Aurora Programme Meeting (15 May 2015, London)

Assimilating Martian atmospheric constituents using a global circulation model (2015-03-16)
Lewis, S. R.; Steele, L. R.; Holmes, J. A. and Patel, M. R.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

The radiative impact of water ice clouds from a reanalysis of Mars Climate Sounder data (2014-12)
Steele, Liam; Lewis, Stephen and Patel, Manish
In : AGU Fall Meeting (15-19 Dec 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA)

The effects of subsurface transport on the isotopic signatures of methane release on Mars (2014-09)
Stevens, Adam; Patel, Manish; Lewis, Stephen; Leese, Mark and Ringrose, Tim
In : EPSC 2014 (7-12 Sep 2014, Lisbon, Portugal)

Modeling the martian atmosphere with the LMD global climate model (2014-08)
Millour, Ehouarn; Forget, Francois; Spiga, Aymeric; Navarro, Thomas; Madeleine, Jean-Baptiste; Pottier, Alizee; Montabone, Luca; Kerber, Laura; Lefèvre, Franck; Chaufray, Jean-Yves; López-Valverde, Miguel; González-Galindo, Francisco; Lewis, Stephen; MCD/GCM team, ; Millour, E.; Forget, F.; Spiga, A.; Montabone, L; Colaitis, A.; Navarro, T.; Lebonnois, S.; Madeleine, J.-B.; Meslin, P.-Y.; Chauffray, J.-Y.; Lefèvre, F.; Montmessin, F.; González-Galindo, F.; Lopez-Valverde, A.; Gilli, G.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L.; Desjean, M.-C. and Huot, J.-P.
In : 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2014 (2-10 Aug 2014, Moscow, Russia)

The martian dust chronicle: Eight years of reconstructed climatology from spacecraft observations (2014-04-30)
Montabone, Luca; Forget, François; Millour, Ehouarn; Wilson, R. John; Lewis, Stephen R.; Kass, David; Kleinbohl, Armin; Lemmon, Mark T.; Smith, Michael D. and Wolff, Mike J.
In : EGU General Assembly 2014 (27 Apr - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria)

The Latest Mars Climate Database (MCD v5.1) (2014-04-30)
Millour, Ehouarn; Forget, Francois; Spiga, Aymeric; Navarro, Thomas; Madeleine, Jean-Baptiste; Pottier, Alizée; Montabone, Luca; Kerber, Laura; Lefèvre, Franck; Montmessin, Franck; Chaufray, Jean-Yves; López-Valverde, Miguel; González-Galindo, Francisco; Lewis, Stephen; Read, Peter; Huot, Jean-Paul; Desjean, Marie-Christine and MCD/GCM, Development Team
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 (27 Apr - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria)

Atmospheric super-rotation in solar system and extra-solar planetary atmospheres (2014-02-09)
Lewis, S. R.; Bending, V. L.; Charnay, B.; Cho, J. Y.-K.; Dawson, J.; Lebonnois, S.; Mendonça, J.; Montabone, L.; Polichtchouk, I.; Thrastarson, H. Th. and Wang, Y.
In : Exoclimes III: The Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres (9-14 Feb 2014, Davos, Switzerland)

Comparative global energy budgets for the climates of terrestrial and gas giant planets (2014-02-09)
Read, P. L.; Barstow, J.; Charnay, B.; Chelvaniththilan, S.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Knight, S.; Lebonnois, S.; Lewis, S. R.; Mendonça, J. and Montabone, L.
In : Exoclimes III: The Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres (9-14 Feb 2014, Davos, Switzerland)

Numerical simulations of the possible atmospheric origin of Martian perchlorate (2014-01-15)
Duffy, Maria; Lewis, Stephen and Mason, Nigel
In : Fifth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observation, held on January 13-16 2014, in Oxford, U.K. Edited by F. Forget and M. Millour, id.3409 (12-16 Jan 2014, Oxford University)

The radiative impact of water ice clouds from assimilation of Mars Climate Sounder data (2014-01)
Steele, Liam; Lewis, S. R. and Patel, M. R.
In : Fifth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (12-16 Jan 2014, Oxford)

Investigating the ozone cycle on Mars using GCM modelling and data assimilation (2014)
Holmes, J. A.; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R. and Lefèvere, F.
In : Fifth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (12-16 Jan 2014, Oxford, UK)

Trace Gas Assimilation in Preparation for Future Satellite Missions (2014)
Holmes, J. A.; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R. and Clancy, R. T.
In : Eighth International Conference on Mars (14-18 Jul 2014, Pasadena, California)

Atmospheric structure and diurnal variations at low altitudes in the Martian Tropics (2013-10)
Hinson, David P.; Spiga, Aymeric; Lewis, Stephen; Tellmann, Silvia; Pätzold, Martin; Asmar, Sami and Häusler, Bernd
In : AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting (6-11 Oct 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA) (pp. 204-205)

Radiative transfer modelling for the NOMAD-UVIS instrument on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter mission (2013-09-10)
Dawson, D. G.; Patel, M. R.; Lewis, S. R.; Mason, J. P. and Irwin, P. G. J.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (9-13 Sep 2013, London)

Trace gas transport in the subsurface of Mars (2013-09)
Stevens, A. H.; Patel, M. R.; Lewis, S. R.; Ringrose, T. J. and Leese, M. R.
In : EPSC 2013 (08-13 Sep 2013, UCL, London)

The martian water cycle through assimilation of Thermal Emission Spectrometer data (2013-09)
Steele, Liam; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R.; Montmessin, F. and Smith, M. D.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (8-13 Sep 2013, London)

Atmospheric signatures of subsurface martian life (2013-04)
Stevens, Adam; Patel, Manish; Lewis, Stephen; Ringrose, Tim and Leese, Mark
In : 5th UK Astrobiology Society of Britain Conference (17-19 Apr 2013, UK Centre for Astrobiology, Edinburgh)

Trace gas transport in the martian subsurface (2013-01-18)
Stevens, A. H.; Patel, M. R.; Ringrose, T. J.; Lewis, S. R. and Leese, M. R.
In : UK Planetary Forum Early Career Scientists Meeting (18 Jan 2013, Natural History Museum, UK)

Analysis of the Martian ozone cycle by assimilation of SPICAM observations (2013)
Holmes, J. A.; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R.; Lefèvre, F. and Forget, F.
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2013 (8-13 Sep 2013, London, UK)

Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish and Lefevre, Franck
In : 10th Early Career Scientists’ Meeting - UK Planetary Forum (18 Jan 2013, Natural History Museum, London)

Modelling the atmosphere of a template “hot Jupiter” exoplanet (2012-09)
Bending, V. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Kolb, U.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid)

Modelling trace gas chemistry in the Martian atmosphere (2012-09)
Duffy, Maria; Lewis, Stephen and Mason, Nigel
In : European Planetary Science Congress (23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid, Spain)

Trace gas assimilation of Mars orbiter observations (2012-09)
Holmes, J. A.; Lewis, S. R. and Patel, M. R.
In : EPSC 2012 (23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid, Spain)

Atmospheric modelling for NOMAD-UVIS on board the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter mission (2012-09)
Dawson, D. G.; Patel, M. R. and Lewis, S. R.
In : EPSC 2012 (23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid, Spain)

Assimilating the Martian water cycle (2012-09)
Steele, Liam; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R. and Smith, M. D.
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2012 (23-27 Sep 2012)

Super-rotating jets in a re-analysis of the martian atmosphere (2012-09)
Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L.; Ruan, T. and Montabone, L.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid)

Retrieving dust properties by radiative transfer modelling of dust devils on Earth and Mars (2012-09)
Mason, J. P.; Patel, M. R. and Lewis, S. R.
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2012 (23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid)

Mars Climate Database version 5 (2012-09)
Millour, E.; Forget, F.; Spiga, A.; Colaitis, A.; Navarro, T.; Madeleine, J.-B.; Chauffray, J.-Y.; Montabone, L.; Lopez-Valverde, M. A.; Gonzalez-Galindo, F.; Lefevre, F.; Montmessin, F.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L.; Desjean, M.-C. and Huot, J.-P.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid)

Seven-year climatology of dust opacity on Mars (2012-09)
Montabone, L.; Millour, E.; Forget, F. and Lewis, S. R.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid)

The Martian methane cycle (2012-07)
Stevens, A. H.; Patel, M. R.; Ringrose, T. J.; Lewis, S. R. and Leese, M. R.
In : Nordic-Hawai'i Astrobiology Summer School: "Water, Ice and the Origin of Life in the Universe" (2-15 Jul 2012, Reykjavik, Iceland)

Super-rotating jets in the atmospheres of terrestrial planets (2012-06-25)
Lewis, S. R.; Dawson, J.; Read, P. L.; Mendonça, J.; Ruan, T. and Montabone, L.
In : Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets (25-28 Jun 2012, Boulder, Co, USA)

Climate regimes on terrestrial planets within a hierarchy of dynamical models (2012-06-25)
Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R.; Mendonca, J.; Montabone, L.; Mulholland, D. P.; Ruan, T. and Wang, Y.
In : Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets (25-28 Jun 2012, Boulder, Co, USA)

The new Oxford planetary unified model system for Venus (OPUS-V) (2012-06-25)
Mendonça, João M.; Read, Peter L.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Lee, Christopher
In : Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets (25-28 Jun 2012, Boulder, Co, USA)

ExoMars Atmospheric Mars Entry and Landing Investigations and Analysis (AMELIA) (2012-06-18)
Ferri, F.; Forget, F.; Lewis, S. R. and Karatekin, O.
In : 9th International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW9) (18-22 Jun 2012, Toulouse, France)

Data assimilation insights on selecting the most valuable atmospheric measurements (2012-06-12)
Greybush, S. J.; McConnochie, T. H.; Montabone, L.; Wilson, R. J.; Hoffman, M. J.; Hoffman, R.; Forget, F.; Lewis, S. R.; Miyoshi, T.; Ide, K. and Kalnay, E.
In : Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration (12-14 Jun 2012, Houston, Texas, USA)

Mars analysis correction data assimilation: a multi-annual reanalysis of atmospheric observations for the red planet (2012-05-07)
Montabone, Luca; Lewis, Stephen R.; Steele, Liam; Read, Peter L.; Ruan, Tao; Smith, Michael D.; Kass, David; Kleinböhl, Armin; Schofield, John T.; Shirley, James H. and McCleese, Daniel J.
In : 4th World Climate Research Programme International Conference on Reanalyses (7-11 May 2012, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA)

ExoMars Atmospheric Mars Entry and Landing Investigations and Analysis (AMELIA) (2012-04-22)
Ferri, F.; Forget, F.; Lewis, S. R. and Karatekin, Ö.
In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 (22-27 Apr 2012, Vienna, Austria)

Assimilation of atmospheric ozone on Mars (2012)
Holmes, J. A.; Lewis, S. R. and Patel, M. R.
In : Royal Meteorological Society Student Conference (9-12 Jul 2012, University of Leeds)

Assimilating and Modeling Dust Transport in the Martian Climate System (2012)
Ruan, Tao; Montabone, Luca; Read, Peter L. and Lewis, Stephen R.
In : IAU Symposium 293: Formation, Detection, and Characterization of Extrasolar Habitable Planets (20-31 Aug 2012, Beijing, China)

Weakly forced atmospheric GCMs : lessons from model comparisons (2011-10)
Lebonnois, S.; Lee, C.; Yamamoto, M.; Dawson, J.; Lewis, S. R.; Mendonca, J.; Read, P. L. and Parish, H.
In : EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 (2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes)

The Exomars Climate Sounder (EMCS) Investigation (2011-10)
Forget, F.; Schofield, J. T.; Kass, D. M.; Kleinböhl, A.; McCleese, D. J.; Allen, M. A.; Foote, M. C.; Jeganathan, M.; Millour, E.; Spiga, A.; Talagrand, O.; Bowles, N.; Calcutt, S. B.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R.; Fouchet, T.; Lefèvre, F.; Määttänen, A.; Barnes, J. R.; Bougher, S. W. and Haberle, R. M.
In : EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 (2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes)

ExoMars entry, descent and landing science (2011-10)
Ferri, F.; Lewis, S. R.; Withers, P.; Aboudan, A.; Bettanini, C.; Colombatti, G.; Debei, S.; Golombek, M.; Harri, A. M.; Komatsu, G.; Leese, M. R.; Mäkinen, T.; Müller-Wodarg, I.; Ori, G. G.; Patel, M. R.; Pondrelli, M.; Siili, T.; Tokano, T.; Towner, M. and Zarnecki, J. C.
In : EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 (2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes)

The depth of the convective boundary layer and implications for a Walker-like circulation on Mars (2011-10)
Lewis, S. R.; Hinson, D. P. and Spiga, A.
In : EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 (2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes)

Water ice clouds in a martian global climate model using data assimilation (2011-10)
Steele, Liam; Lewis, S. R.; Patel, M. R. and Mulholland, D. P.
In : EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 (2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes)

Midwinter suppression of baroclinic storm activity on Mars: observations and models (2011-10)
Read, P. L.; Mulholland, D. P.; Montabone, L. and Lewis, S. R.
In : EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011 (2-7 Oct 2011, Nantes)

Back to the basics: improving the prediction of temperature, pressure and winds in the LMD general circulation model (2011-02-08)
Forget, F.; Millour, E.; Madeleine, J.-B.; Colaitis, A.; Spiga, A.; Montabone, L.; Hourdin, F.; Lefèvre, F.; Montmessin, F.; González-Galindo, F.; López-Valverde, M. A.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P.-L. and Mulholland, D.
In : Fourth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

Variations in Martian convective boundary layer depth: observations and modelling studies (2011-02-08)
Lewis, S. R.; Hinson, D. P. and Spiga, A.
In : Fourth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

Effects of aerosols on the observed irradiance from the ultraviolet to near-infrared at the surface of Mars (2011-02-08)
Mason, J. P.; Patel, M. R. and Lewis, S. R.
In : Fourth International Workshop On the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

The Martian lower and middle atmosphere as observed by the Mars Climate Sounder (2011-02-08)
McCleese, D. J.; Schofield, J. T.; Kass, D. M.; Kleinböhl, A.; Abdou, W. A.; Zurek, R. W.; Shirley, J. H.; Calcutt, S. B.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Read, P. L.; Taylor, F. W.; Teanby, N.; Heavens, N. G.; Richardson, M. I.; Banfield, J. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Paige, D. A.
In : Fourth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

An improved Mars climate database (2011-02-08)
Millour, E.; Forget, F.; Spiga, A.; Lewis, S. R.; Montabone, L.; Read, P. L.; López-Valverde, M. A.; González-Galindo, F.; Lefèvre, F.; Montmessin, F.; Desjean, M.-C. and Huot, J.-P.
In : Fourth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

A five Mars year climatology from data assimilation using MGS/TES and MRO/MCS observations (2011-02-08)
Montabone, L.; Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R.; Smith, M. D.; Kleinböhl, A.; Kass, D.; Schofield, T. and McCleese, D. J.
In : Fourth International Workshop On the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

Spatially and temporally varying dust lifting thresholds in a Martian GCM (2011-02-08)
Mulholland, D. P.; Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Forget, F.
In : Fourth International Workshop On the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

Dust-related interannual and intraseasonal variability of Martian climate using data assimilation (2011-02-08)
Ruan, T.; Montabone, L.; Mulholland, D. P.; Read, P. L. and Lewis, S. R.
In : Fourth International Workshop: Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

EMCS: The Exomars Climate Sounder (EMCS) investigation (2011-02-08)
Schofield, J. T.; Kass, D. M.; Kleinböhl, A.; McCleese, D. J.; Allen, M. A.; Foote, M. C.; Jeganathan, M.; Forget, F.; Spiga, A.; Talagrand, O.; Lefèvre, F.; Määttänen, A.; Fouchet, T.; Bowles, N.; Calcutt, S. B.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R.; Barnes, J. R.; Bougher, S. W. and Haberle, R. M.
In : Fourth International Workshop: Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

Martian meso/micro-scale winds and surface energy budget (2011-02-08)
Spiga, A.; Forget, F.; Madeleine, J.-B.; Montabone, L.; Millour, E.; Lewis, S. R. and Hinson, D. P.
In : Fourth International Workshop: Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

An investigation of Martian atmospheric trace species using laboratory and computer-based simulation (2011-02)
Duffy, Maria; Lewis, Stephen and Mason, Nigel
In : Fourth International Mars Atmosphere Workshop (08-11 Feb 2011, Paris)

Modelling Radiatively Active Water Ice Clouds in the Martian Water Cycle (2011-02)
Steele, Liam; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish and Wilson, R.J
In : Fourth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observation (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris)

Probing Mars’ atmosphere with ExoMars Mars Climate Sounder (2011-01-14)
Irwin, Patrick G. J.; Calcutt, S. B.; Read, P. L.; Bowles, N. E. and Lewis, S.
In : UK Participation in the Aurora Programme (14 Jan 2011, Royal Astronomical Society, London)

Martian atmospheric data analysis: interpreting observations from Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Trace Gas Orbiter (2011-01-14)
Lewis, S.; Read, P. L.; Montabone, L.; Ruan, T. and Steele, Liam
In : UK Participation in the Aurora Programme (14 Jan 2011, Royal Astronomical Society, London)

Midwinter suppression of baroclinic storm activity on Mars: observations and models (2011-01-08)
Read, P. L.; Montabone, L.; Mulholland, D. P.; Lewis, S. R.; Cantor, B. and Wilson, R. J.
In : Fourth International Workshop: Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations (8-11 Feb 2011, Paris, France)

A study of Martian atmospheric chemistry through laboratory and computer-based simulation (2011-01)
Duffy, Maria; Lewis, Stephen and Mason, Nigel
In : RSC Environmental Chemistry Group Atmospheric & Environmental Chemistry Forum (4 Jun 2010, London, UK) (pp. 22-22)

Global models of the lower and middle atmosphere of Venus (2010-11-12)
Lewis, Stephen
In : Five Years of Venus Express and a Look to the Future (12 Nov 2010, Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK)

Extra-solar planetary atmospheres and interiors (2010-09-07)
Bending, V. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Kolb, U.
In : Exoclimes 2010 (7-10 Sep 2010, Exeter)

A comparative analysis of Simplified General Circulation Models of the atmosphere of Venus (2010-09)
Lewis, S.; Lebonnois, S.; Covey, C.; Dawson, J.; Lee, C.; Parish, H.; Read, P. L.; Schubert, G.; Yamamoto, M.; Bengtsson, L.; Grinspoon, D.; Limaye, S.; Schmidt, H.; Svedhem, H. and Titov, D.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (19-24 Sep 2010, Rome, Italy)

Modelling Martian dust storms: feedbacks between dust and atmospheric circulation at a hierarchy of scales (2010-09)
Lewis, S.; Spiga, A. and Mulholland, D.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (19-24 Sep 2010, Rome, Italy)

Atmospheric risk assessment for the Mars Science Laboratory entry, descent, and landing system (2010-03-06)
Chen, Allen; Vasavada, Ashwin; Cianciolo, Alicia; Barnes, Jeff; Tyler, Dan; Rafkin, Scot; Hinson, David and Lewis, Stephen
In : 2010 IEEE Aerospace Conference (6-13 Mar 2010, Big Sky, MT, USA) (pp. 1-12)

Potential vorticity, angular momentum and inertial instabilities in the Martian atmospheric circulation from assimilated analyses of MGS/TES (2008)
Rogberg, P.; Read, P. L.; Lewis, S. R. and Montabone, L.
In : 3rd International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA) (pp. 1-3)

Data assimilation of three mars years of thermal emission spectrometer observations: Large-scale transient and stationary waves (2008)
Lewis, S. R.; Montabone, L.; Read, P. L.; Rogberg, P.; Wilson, R. J. and Smith, M. D.
In : Third International Workshop on The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia) (pp. 1-4)

Exomars entry and descent science (2008)
Ferri, F.; Lewis, S. R.; Ball, A. J.; Colombatti, G.; Aboudan, A.; Angrilli, F.; Müller-Wodarg, I.; Hathi, B.; Leese, M. R. and Zarnecki, J. C.
In : Third International Workshop on The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia) (pp. 1-1)

Thermal tides in an assimilation of three years of Thermal Emission Spectromenter data from Mars Global Surveyor (2008)
Wilson, R. J.; Lewis, S. R. and Montabone, L.
In : Third International Workshop on The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia) (pp. 1-4)

Observations of the martian atmosphere with the mars climate sounder (2008)
McCleese, D. J.; Schofield, J. T.; Aharonson, O.; Abdu, W. A.; Bandfield, J. L.; Banfield, D.; Calcutt, S. B.; Heavens, N. G.; Irwin, P. G. J.; Kass, D. M.; Kleinboehl, A.; Lawson, W. G.; Leovy, C. B.; Lewis, S. R.; Paige, D. A.; Read, P. L.; Richardson, M. I.; Taylor, F. W.; Teanby, N. and Zurek, R. W.
In : Third International Workshop on The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia) (pp. 1-4)

A diagnosis of low-order dynamics in the atmosphere of Mars (2008)
Martinez-Alvarado, Oscar; Moroz, Irene M.; Read, Peter L.; Lewis, Steve R. and Montabone, Luca
In : Third International Workshop on The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia) (pp. 1-3)

Modeling the martian atmosphere with the LMD global climate model (2008)
Forget, F.; Millour, E.; Gonzalez-Galindo, F.; Lebonnois, S.; Madeleine, J-B.; Meslin, P-Y.; Montabone, L.; Spiga, A.; Hourdin, F.; Lefevre, F.; Montmessin, F.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P.; Lopez-Valverde, M. A. and Gilli, G.
In : Third International Workshop on The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia) (pp. 1-4)

Teleconnection in the martian atmosphere during the 2001 planet-encircling dust storm (2008)
Montabone, L.; Martinez-Alvarado, O.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L. and Wilson, R. J.
In : Third International Workshop on The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia) (pp. 1-4)

The ISSI international study team on the martian PBL – status report and plan (2008)
Petrosyan, A.; Galperin, B.; Gundersson, K.; Larsen, S.; Lewis, S.; Read, P.; Renno, N.; Richardson, M.; Rogberg, P.; Savijärvi, H.; Seiferlin, K.; Siili, T.; Thomas, N. and Toigo, A.
In : Third International Workshop on The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia) (pp. 1-3)

Assessing atmospheric predictability on Mars using numerical weather prediction and data assimilation (2008)
Rogberg, P.; Read, P. L. and Lewis, S. R.
In : Third International Workshop on The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia) (pp. 1-4)

The latest (version 4.3) Mars Climate Database (2008)
Millour, E.; Forget, F.; González-Galindo, F.; Spiga, A.; Lebonnois, S.; Montabone, L.; Lewis, S. R.; Read, P. L.; López-Valverde, M. A.; Gilli, G.; Lefèvre, F.; Montmessin, F.; Desjean, M.-C. and Huot, J.-P.
In : Third International Workshop on The Mars Atmosphere: Modeling and Observations (10-13 Nov 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia) (pp. 1-4)

Results on dust storms and stationary waves in three Mars years of data assimilation (2006-02)
Montabone, L.; Lewis, S.R. and Read, P.L.
In : Second Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (27 Feb - 3 Mar 2006, Granada, Spain)

Climatology on Mars: interannual variability of mean fields (2006-02)
Rogberg, P.; Read, P.L.; Lewis, S.R.; Montabone, L. and Yamazaki, Y.H.
In : Second Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (27 Feb - 3 Mar 2006, Granada, Spain)

Data assimilation for Mars: an overview of results from the Mars Global Surveyor period, proposals for future plans and requirements for open access to assimilation output (2006-02)
Lewis, S.R.; Montabone, L.; Read, P.L. and Rogberg, P.
In : Second Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (27 Feb - 3 Mar 2006, Granada, Spain)

Atmospheric predictability of the martian atmosphere: from low-dimensional dynamics to operational forecasting? (2006-02)
Read, P.L.; Lewis, S.R.; Moroz, I.M. and Martinez-Alvarado, O.
In : Second Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (27 Feb - 3 Mar 2006, Granada, Spain)

Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (2006-02)
Forget, F.; Lopez-Valverde, M.A.; Desjean, M.C.; Huot, J.P.; Lefevre, F.; Lebonnois, S.; Lewis, S.R.; Millour, E.; Read, P.L. and Wilson, R.J.
In : Second International Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (27 Feb - 3 Mar 2006, Granada, Spain)

The new Mars climate database (2006)
Forget, F.; Millour, E.; Lebonnois, S.; Montabone, L.; Dassas, K.; Lewis, S.R.; Read, P.L.; López-Valverde, M.A.; González-Galindo, F.; Montmessin, F.; Lefèvre, F.; Desjean, M-C. and Huot, J-P.
In : Second workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (27 Feb - 3 Mar 2006, Granada, Spain)

Towards a global model of the martian atmosphere (2003-01)
Angelats i Coll, M.; Forget, F.; Hourdin, F.; Wanherdrick, Y.; López-Valverde, M.A.; González-Galindo, F.; Read, P.L. and Lewis, S.R.
In : First International Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (13-15 Jan 2003, Granada, Spain)

Data assimilation for the Martian atmosphere using MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer observations (2003-01)
Lewis, Stephen R.; Read, Peter L.; Montabone, Luca; Conrath, Barney J.; Pearl, John C. and Smith, Michael D.
In : First International Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (13-15 Jan 2003, Granada, Spain)

MGS accelerometer data analysis with the LMD GCM (2003-01)
Angelats i Coll, M.; Forget, F.; Lopez-Valverde, M.A.; Read, P.L. and Lewis, S.R.
In : First international Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (13-15 Jan 2003, Granada, Spain)

The Mars Climate Database (2003-01)
Bingham, S.J.; Lewis, S.R.; Read, P.L.; Forget, F.; Hourdin, F.; Talagrand, O.; Wanherdrick, Y.; Angelats i Coll, M.; Lopez-Valverde, M.; Lopez-Puertas, M. and Huot, J.-P.
In : First International Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (13-15 Jan 2003, Granada, Spain)

GCM simulations of the martian water cycle (2003-01)
Bottger, H.M.; Lewis, S.R.; Read, P.L. and Forget, F.
In : First International Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (13-15 Jan 2003, Granada, Spain)

Modeling of the general circulation with the LMD-AOPP-IAA GCM: Update on model design and comparison with observations (2003-01)
Forget, F.; Angelats i Coll, M.; Wanherdrick, Y.; Hourdin, F.; Lewis, S.; Read, P.; Taylor, F.; Lopez-Valverde, M. and Lopez-Puertas, M.
In : First International Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (13-15 Jan 2003, Granada, Spain)

Assimilation of TES data from the Mars Global Surveyor scientific mapping phase (2003-01)
Montabone, L.; Lewis, Stephen R.; Read, Peter L.; Conrath, Barney J.; Pearl, John C. and Smith, Michael D.
In : First International Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (13-15 Jan 2003, Granada, Spain)

Breeding vectors and predictability in the Oxford Mars GCM (2003-01)
Newman, C.E.; Read, P.L. and Lewis, S.R.
In : First International Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (13-15 Jan 2003, Granada, Spain)

Dust cycles and storms in a Mars GCM (2003-01)
Newman, C.E.; Read, P.L.; Lewis, S.R. and Forget, F.
In : First International Workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (13-15 Jan 2003, Granada, Spain)

Recent advances in the development of a European Mars climate model in Oxford (2003-01)
Read, P.L.; Lewis, S.R.; Newman, C.E.; Bottger, H.; Forget, F.; Hourdin, F. and Talagrand, O.
In : First international workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations (13-15 Jan 2003, Granada, Spain)

Martian Dust (2021-10-19)
Newman, Clare E.; Bertrand, Tanguy; Fenton, Lori K.; Guzewich, Scott D.; Jackson, Brian; Lewis, Stephen; Mischna, Michael A.; Montabone, Luca and Wellington, Danika
Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier

Martian Meteorology (2021-08-16)
Lewis, Stephen and Holmes, James
Royal Meteorological Society

Mars Analysis Correction Data Assimilation (MACDA): MGS/TES v1.0 (2011-11-29)
Montabone, Luca; Lewis, Stephen R. and Read, Peter L.
NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre Publication

A multidisciplinary investigation of Martian atmospheric chemistry (2010-09-06)
Duffy, Maria K. D.; Lewis, Stephen R. and Mason, Nigel J.

The Mars Climate Database v4.3 (2008-04)
Lewis, Stephen; Forget, Francois; Lopez-Valverde, Miguel and Read, Peter
European Space Agency, ESTEC, The Netherlands.

OpenMARS MY24-27 standard database
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen and Patel, Manish

OpenMARS MY28-32 standard database
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen and Patel, Manish

OpenMARS ozone column database
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen and Patel, Manish

OpenMARS water vapour database
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen and Patel, Manish

OpenMARS database
Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen and Patel, Manish

A vertically-resolved atmospheric dust reanalysis for Mars Years 28-29 using Analysis Correction
Ruan, Tao; Read, Peter L.; Montabone, Luca; Lewis, Stephen R.; Young, Roland M. B. and Valeanu, Alexandru

Mars Analysis Correction Data Assimilation (MACDA): MGS/TES v1.0 Reference Run Data
University of Oxford, ; The Open University, ; Montabone, Luca; Lewis, Stephen R. and Read, Peter L.