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Dr Susanne Schwenzer

Dr Susanne P Schwenzer in a courtyard at the OU.

Profile summary

Professional biography

Dr. Susanne P. Schwenzer

Professor of Planetary Mineralogy

I am a Professor of Planetary Mineralogy in the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences, and a mineralogist by training. I joined the Open University in 2009 for a post doctoral position, became a Research Investment Fellow in 2013, a lecturer in 2015, a senior lecturer in 2017, and a professor in 2024.

My professional journey started with the goal to become a journalist... I decided to study a natural science and settled on mineralogy. During my studies I worked at a German newspaper in parallel, and then decided to pursue a PhD. I graduated from University of Mainz with my PhD in 2004 and held post-doctoral positions in the field of noble gases (Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany) and impact-cratering (Lunar and Planetary Institute, US), before coming to the OU. 

Here at the OU I am associate director of AstrobiologyOU, and the postgraduate tutor in the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences. Internationally, I am part of the NASA Curiosity Rover science team, an interdisciplinary scientist of the ESA Rosalind Franklin Rover mission, of the Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Group (MSCG) and the National Academies A strategy for Humans to Mars panel. I serve as an associate editor at Geochemistry, and as the chair of the publications committee of the Meteoritical Society.  

Research interests

My research interests center around two major topics: water rock reactions and noble gases. 

Image above: The Curiosity rover (Selfie at 'Buckskin', NASA image).

The Curiosity Rover at Gale crater is exploring a variety of rocks dominated by mudstones and sandstones, with some conglomerates and other special sedimentary features. Most lately, the rover has entered the sulfate unit, finding more minerals that are indicative of waning water availability. My main interest is in the water-rock reactions that cause diagenesis and alteration throughout the stratigraphic sequence. My work ranges from a general assessment of the diagenetic pathways at Yellowknife Bay - the first part of the sequence investigated by the rover, to working with colleagues ot disentanle details of the evaporation history of the crater, eg. on the detection and pathways of boron at Gale crater, and disentangling surprising and complex findings such as trydimite formation as volcanic or hydrothermal product. 

Image above: Impact generated hydrothermal systems (Crater after G. Osinski, water flow after O. Abramov, combined with my modeling

My research on Mars is informed by studying water rock reactions in Martian meteorites and at analog sites. There are two modeling studies that particularly shaped my approach to the Curiosity work - the study of impact generated hydrothermal systems through modeling of the Martian meteorite (LEW88516) composition and the exploration of the effect of host rock diversity as seen in Martian meteories on alteration mineralogy, as well as an in depth study of the nakhlite alteration pathways. 

Image above: Model results (Bridges and Schwenzer 2012).

My PhD was on noble gases in Martian meteorites, any my very first research paper on that topic dates back to 2007, and the most recent review appeared in 'Volatiles in the Martian Crust'. This has enabled me to work on topics of the Martian atmosphere and trace gases such as the first detection and the seasonal variation of methane as seen by Curiosity, as well as on age dating of rocks encountered at Gale crater, including late-state alteration. Noble gases also helped in supporting a D/H study disentngling the inhomogneity of the Martian interior

If not in the lab or in front of a computer to model, my research gets me out into the field to study analog sites, most recently a site in the Utah desert, where we studied a lamprophyre dike for its alteration as well as the implications of such alteration pathways on habitability.

Beyond the research, I am involved in shaping the future of space exploration through participation in white papers, mission simulations, and advisory teams. 


Teaching interests

Recent and current teaching commitments include

  • Student supervision
    • PhD students at the OU working on a wide range of subjects from Mars analog sites to law and social sciences
    • External advisorship of master and PhD students
    • Support of work experience students
  • Member of the following course teams at the OU
    • S209 Earth Science 
    • S283 Planetary Science and the Search for Life 
    • SXPS288 Remote Experiments in Pysics and Space
    • S818 Master in Space Sciences 
  • Other teaching:
    • Guest lecturer for 4634 (Planetary Surfaces) at the Space Research Centre, University of Leicester (2010-2014)
    • Visiting Lecturer at International Space University (Astrobiology Elective, 2014 and 2015, 2022, 2023)
    • Scientific content coordinator for OU teaching materials (MOOCs, Virtual Microscope Materials)

Impact and engagement

Before I started my undergraduate studies, I received training and worked as a freelance journalist. Later, I became volunteer editor for a museum ( and helped publish two books on science topics for a general audience. With the Mars mission under way and other topics very timely and interesting for school and general audiences, I developed a passion for public outreach. I regulary give talks and presentations, and generally enjoy to share the excitement of exploring Mars and the new insights we gained.

Recently, I have been interviewed for the Space Awareness intiative. It was a lot of fun to talk about how I got into planetary science and what motivates me to continue every day: The video is here.  If you want to see the other profiles and find out more: (funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 programme). I have also been interviewed many times about Mars, Mars missions, and my research, here is an example while in the field (Tabernas, Spain) with the ExoFIT team


  • Visiting scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute (Houston, TX, USA)
  • Team member of the Mars Science Laboratory Science team (NASA, mainly working with NASA Goddard and the SAM team)
  • Interdisciplinary Scientist of the ESA ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover and the WISDOM instrument team
  • Member of the NASA/ESA Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Group
  • Chair of the Meteoritical Society Publication Board
  • Associate Editor Geochemistry

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Centre for Earth, Planetary, Space and Astronomical Research (CEPSAR)CentreFaculty of Science


Externally funded projects

Planetary Science Consolidated Grant 2020-2023
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Apr 202031 Jul 2023STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council

STFC Planetary Science Consolidated grant - details to be entered here.

[E3] - Astrobiology at The Open University
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Aug 201931 Mar 2023Research England

Astrobiology is an emerging scientific field and is driven by the question ‘are we alone in the Universe?’ With an increasing number of life-detection/habitability missions, astrobiology is at the core of nations’ space strategies. The Open University Astrobiology Unit focuses on understanding how, and where, life might be found, by combining field work, laboratory simulations and mission data. Building on this expertise, Unit members are involved in key astrobiology-related missions and in developing planetary protection regulations. E3 funding will build capacity in line with future missions by furthering our understanding of extraterrestrial environments and potential life, through developing facilities to simulate these environments and investigating analogue sites. This is aimed at understanding if, and where, life may be found beyond the Earth. The Unit will develop its expertise to meet the new challenges that arise as the private sector and smaller nations develop exploration capacity. This includes supporting the sector to meet, and define, planetary protection requirements and to address space governance, for example, ensuring environmental sustainability of missions. The Unit will develop relevant education material for the expanding space sector, and it will work to ensure knowledge and expertise in astrobiology is used in a just and equitable manner. Sustainability of the Unit will be underpinned by commercial services, external funding, and University investment. The Unit will support the growth of astrobiology networks of industry, higher educational institutes and policymakers, and early career researchers, to ensure that the UK is globally recognised and influential within the field.

Water Rock Reactions, Key to Habitability from the Gale Crater Lake to ExoMars
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Apr 201831 Dec 2021UKSA UK Space Agency

This project will investigate water rock reactions on Mars, using latest data returned from the Mars Science Laboratory mission, including predictive work for the traverse ahead. It will feed into the upcoming ExoMars mission through creating understanding of water and element mobility and their impact on the habitability of Martian environments.

Planetary Science at the Open University 2017-2020
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Apr 201731 Aug 2020STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council

Our proposed research programme addresses the origin and evolution of the Solar System, including surfaces, atmospheres and physical, geological, chemical and biological processes on the terrestrial planets, the Moon, asteroids, comets, icy satellites and extraterrestrial materials, in a range of projects which address the STFC Science Roadmap challenge B: “How do stars and planetary systems develop and is life unique to our planet?” The inner rocky bodies of the Solar System are of particular importance in understanding planetary system evolution, because of their common origin but subsequent divergent histories. Lunar samples will be used to determine the abundance and composition of volatile elements on the Moon, their source(s) in the lunar interior, and processes influencing their evolution over lunar geological history. Oxygen isotope analysis will be used to determine the conditions and processes that shape the formation of materials during the earliest stages of Solar System formation. Mars is the focus of international Solar System exploration programmes, with the ultimate aim of Mars Sample Return. We will: investigate the martian water cycle on global and local scales through a synthesis of atmospheric modeling, space mission data and surface geology; assess potential changes in the composition of Mars’ atmosphere over time through measurement of tracers trapped in martian meteorites of different ages; and determine whether carbon dioxide, rather than water flow, is able to account for recently active surface features on Mars. Mercury is an end-member in the planet-formation spectrum and we plan to exploit NASA MESSENGER data to study its origin and crustal evolution, and prepare for ESA’s BepiColombo mission. The cold outer regions of the Solar System, and particularly comets, are believed to have retained some of the most pristine primitive material from their formation. We plan to probe the composition and origins of cometary material and understand the processes that drive cometary activity through: laboratory analysis of the most primitive Interplanetary Dust Particles; and direct measurements of a comet by our instruments on the Rosetta mission, together with laboratory simulations. We will conduct laboratory ultraviolet observations of irradiated ices to provide new insights into the composition of Solar System ices and how they may create atmospheres around their parent bodies. We will also investigate the role volatiles can play in the cohesion (“making”) of Solar System minor bodies, and the fragmentation that can be achieved by thermal cycling (a candidate process that “breaks” them). The question of whether Earth is a unique location for life in the Solar System remains one of the most enduring questions of our time. We plan to investigate how the geochemistry of potentially habitable environments on Mars, Europa and Enceladus would change over geological timescales if life was present, producing distinguishable biomarkers that could be used as evidence of life in the Solar System. We will study the role of hypervelocity impacts in: the processing of compounds of critical interest to habitability (water, sulfur-species, organic species) during crater formation; and the hydrothermal system of the 100 km diameter Manicouagan impact structure in Canada to assess the astrobiological implications of hydrothermal systems for early Mars. In addition to satisfying humanity’s innate desire to explore and understand the Universe around us, our research has more tangible benefits. We use the analytical techniques involved from development of space and laboratory instrumentation for applications with companies in fields as diverse as medicine, security, tourism and cosmetics. One of the most important benefits of our research is that it helps to train and inspire students - the next generation of scientists and engineers – through training within the University and public outreach and schools programmes.

The feasibility of contemporary life elsewhere in our Solar System
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator09 Jan 201708 Jan 2020LEVERHULME The Leverhulme Trust

The aim of this proposal is it determine the feasibility of contemporary life existing elsewhere in the Solar System. To address this aim we will 1) investigate microbial processes that could occur in proposed transient water on the surface of Mars and in the sub-surface oceans of Enceladus and Europa and 2) assess how the geochemistry within these habitable environments would differ over geological timescales in the presence and absence of life. We will use a unique approach, which combines simulation experiments with geochemical modelling.

Novelty Or Anomaly Hunter
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Dec 201630 Nov 2017SCISYS SCISYS UK Limited

Dataset Annotation Expert Consultation

Support for Mars Science Laboratory Operations
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Jun 201631 May 2018UKSA UK Space Agency

To participate in the operations work and team meetings of the NASA Mars Science Laboratory Mission.

STFC DTG 2015 - 2016 (2015 Intake)
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Co-investigator01 Oct 201530 Sep 2020STFC Science & Technology Facilities Council

STFC DTG Quota 2015-16 AMS record for students starting on or after 01/10/2015


The value of returning a sample of the Martian atmosphere (2025)
Swindle, Timothy D.; Pack, Andreas; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Young, Edward D.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 122, Article e2404258121(2)

An inorganic silicate simulant to represent the interior of enceladus (2024-09)
Hamp, R. E.; Olsson-Francis, K.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Pearson, V. K.
Planetary and Space Science, 248, Article 105934

Experimental Identification of Potential Martian Biosignatures in Open and Closed Systems (2024-05-17)
Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Macey, Michael C.; Kucukkilic-Stephens, Ezgi; Barton, Timothy; Steele, Andrew; Johnson, David N.; Stephens, Ben P.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
Astrobiology, 24(5) (pp. 538-558)

Diversity of Microbial Mats in the Makgadikgadi Salt Pans, Botswana (2024)
Filippidou, Sevasti; Price, Alex; Spencer-Jones, Charlotte; Scales, Anthony; Macey, Michael C.; Franchi, Fulvio; Lebogang, Lesedi; Cavalazzi, Barbara; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
Microorganisms, 12, Article 147(1)

Manganese-Iron Phosphate Nodules at the Groken Site, Gale Crater, Mars (2023-08-25)
Treiman, Allan H.; Lanza, Nina L.; VanBommel, Scott; Berger, Jeff; Wiens, Roger; Bristow, Thomas; Johnson, Jeffrey; Rice, Melissa; Hart, Reginald; McAdam, Amy; Gasda, Patrick; Meslin, Pierre-Yves; Yen, Albert; Williams, Amy J.; Vasavada, Ashwin; Vaniman, David; Tu, Valerie; Thorpe, Michael; Swanner, Elizabeth D.; Seeger, Christina; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Schröder, Susanne; Rampe, Elizabeth; Rapin, William; Ralston, Silas J.; Peretyazhko, Tanya; Newsom, Horton; Morris, Richard V.; Ming, Douglas; Loche, Matteo; Le Mouélic, Stéphane; House, Christopher; Hazen, Robert; Grotzinger, John P.; Gellert, Ralf; Gasnault, Olivier; Fischer, Woodward W.; Essunfeld, Ari; Downs, Robert T.; Downs, Gordon W.; Dehouck, Erwin; Crossey, Laura J.; Cousin, Agnes; Comellas, Jade M.; Clark, Joanna V.; Clark, Benton; Chipera, Steve; Caravaca, Gwenaël; Bridges, John; Blake, David F. and Anderson, Ryan
Minerals, 13(9) (p 1122)

Report of the Science Community Workshop on the proposed First Sample Depot for the Mars Sample Return Campaign (2023-05-28)
Czaja, A. D.; Zorzano, M.‐P.; Kminek, G.; Meyer, M. A.; Beaty, D. W.; Sefton‐Nash, E.; Carrier, B. L.; Thiessen, F.; Haltigin, T.; Bouvier, A.; Dauphas, N.; French, K. L.; Hallis, L. J.; Harris, R. L.; Hauber, E.; Rodriguez, L. E.; Schwenzer, S.; Steele, A.; Tait, K. T.; Thorpe, M. T.; Usui, T.; Vanhomwegen, J.; Velbel, M. A.; Edwin, S.; Farley, K. A.; Glavin, D. P.; Harrington, A. D.; Hays, L. E.; Hutzler, A. and Wadhwa, M.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 58(6) (pp. 885-896)

Habitability and Biosignature Formation in Simulated Martian Aqueous Environments (2023-02)
Macey, Michael; Ramkissoon, Nisha; Cogliati, Simone; Toubes-Rodrigo, Mario; Stephens, Ben; Kucukkilic-Stephens, Ezgi; Schwenzer, Susanne; Pearson, Victoria; Preston, Louisa J. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
Astrobiology, 23(2) (pp. 144-154)

Constraining Alteration Processes Along the Siccar Point Group Unconformity, Gale Crater, Mars: Results from the Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument (2022-11-24)
Sutter, B.; McAdam, A. C.; Wong, G. M.; Clark, J. V.; Archer, P. D.; Franz, H. B.; Gasda, P. J.; Ming, D. W.; Yen, A.; Lewis, J. M. T.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Turner, S. M.; Rampe, E. B.; Eigenbrode, J. L.; Stern, J. C.; Thompson, L. M.; Dehouck, E.; Bedford, C.; Banham, S.; Bryk, A. B.; O’Connell‐Cooper, C.; House, C. S.; Millan, M.; Freissinet, C.; Navarro-Gonzalez, R.; Mahaffy, P. R. and Malespin, C. A.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127, Article e2022JE007387(11)

Geochemical bio-signatures in Martian analogue basaltic environments using laboratory experiments and thermochemical modelling (2022-11)
Cogliati, Simone; Wolsey, Elliot; Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 9, Article 1062007.

Scientific Value of Including an Atmospheric Sample as part of Mars Sample Return (2022-06-02)
Swindle, Timothy D.; Atreya, Sushil; Busemann, Henner; Cartwright, Julia A.; Mahaffy, Paul R.; Marty, Bernard; Pack, Andreas and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
Astrobiology, 22(S–1) (S–165-S–175)

Sulfur Cycling as a Viable Metabolism under Simulated Noachian/Hesperian Chemistries (2022-04)
Oliver, James A.W.; Kelbrick, Matthew; Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Dugdale, Amy; Stephens, Ben; Kucukkilic-Stephens, Ezgi; Fox-Powell, Mark G.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Antunes, André and Macey, Michael C.
Life, 12, Article 523(4)

Oligotrophic Growth of Nitrate-Dependent Fe 2+ -Oxidising Microorganisms Under Simulated Early Martian Conditions (2022-03)
Price, Alex; Macey, Michael C.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Ramkissoon, Nisha K. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, Article 800219

Microbes from Brine Systems with Fluctuating Salinity Can Thrive under Simulated Martian Chemical Conditions (2022-01)
Kelbrick, Matthew; Oliver, James A. W.; Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Dugdale, Amy; Stephens, Ben; Kucukkilic-Stephens, Ezgi; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Antunes, André and Macey, Michael C.
Life, 12(1) (p 12)

Constraints on the formation of carbonates and low‐grade metamorphic phases in the Martian crust as a function of H2O‐CO2 fluids (2022-01)
Semprich, Julia; Filiberto, Justin; Treiman, Allan H. and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 57(1) (pp. 77-104)

An insight into ancient aeolian processes and post‐Noachian aqueous alteration in Gale crater, Mars, using ChemCam geochemical data from the Greenheugh capping unit (2022)
Bedford, Candice C.; Banham, Steven G.; Bridges, John C.; Forni, Olivier; Cousin, Agnes; Bowden, Donald; Turner, Stuart M. R.; Wiens, Roger C.; Gasda, Patrick J.; Frydenvang, Jens; Gasnault, Olivier; Rammelkamp, Kristin; Rivera‐Hernandez, Frances; Rampe, Elizabeth B.; Smith, Rebecca; Achilles, Cherie; Dehouck, Erwin; Bryk, Alexander B.; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Newsom, Horton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127(9) (e2021JE007100)

Overview of the Morphology and Chemistry of Diagenetic Features in the Clay‐Rich Glen Torridon Unit of Gale Crater, Mars (2022)
Gasda, Patrick J.; Comellas, J.; Essunfeld, A.; Das, D.; Bryk, A. B.; Dehouck, E.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Crossey, L.; Herkenhoff, K.; Johnson, J. R.; Newsom, H.; Lanza, N. L.; Rapin, W.; Goetz, W.; Meslin, P.‐Y.; Bridges, J. C.; Anderson, R.; David, G.; Turner, S. M. R.; Thorpe, M. T.; Kah, L.; Frydenvang, J.; Kronyak, R.; Caravaca, G.; Ollila, A.; Le Mouélic, S.; Nellessen, M.; Hoffman, M.; Fey, D.; Cousin, A.; Wiens, R. C.; Clegg, S. M.; Maurice, S.; Gasnault, O.; Delapp, D. and Reyes‐Newell, A.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Article e2021JE007097 ((Early access))

Early diagenesis at and below Vera Rubin ridge, Gale crater, Mars (2021-10-27)
Turner, S. M. R.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C.; Rampe, E. B.; Bedford, C. C.; Achilles, C. N.; McAdam, A. C.; Mangold, N.; Hicks, L. J.; Parnell, J.; Fraeman, A. A. and Reed, M. H.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 56(10) (pp. 1905-1932)

Constraints on the petrologic history of gabbroic shergottite Northwest Africa 6963 from pyroxene zoning profiles and electron backscattered diffraction (2021-09-20)
Wenzel, Andrea; Filiberto, Justin; Stephen, Natasha; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Hammond, Samantha J.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 56(9) (pp. 1744-1757)

Habitability of Martian Noachian Hydrothermal Systems as Constrained by a Terrestrial Analog on the Colorado Plateau (2021-07-29)
Crandall, Jake R.; Filiberto, Justin; Castle, Nicholas; Potter-McIntyre, Sally L.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Perl, Scott
The Planetary Science Journal, 2, Article 138(4)

Exploring the environments of Martian impact‐generated hydrothermal systems and their potential to support life (2021-07)
Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Turner, Stuart M. R.; Macey, Michael C.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Reed, Mark H.; Pearson, Victoria K. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 56(7) (pp. 1350-1368)

Formation of Tridymite and Evidence for a Hydrothermal History at Gale Crater, Mars (2021-03)
Yen, A. S.; Morris, R. V.; Ming, D. W.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Sutter, B.; Vaniman, D. T.; Treiman, A. H.; Gellert, R.; Achilles, C. N.; Berger, J. A.; Blake, D. F.; Boyd, N. I.; Bristow, T. F.; Chipera, S.; Clark, B. C.; Craig, P. I.; Downs, R. T.; Franz, H. B.; Gabriel, T.; McAdam, A. C.; Morrison, S. M.; O'Connell‐Cooper, C. D.; Rampe, E. B.; Schmidt, M. E.; Thompson, L. M. and VanBommel, S. J.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, Article e2020JE006569(3)

Evidence for a Diagenetic Origin of Vera Rubin Ridge, Gale Crater, Mars: Summary and Synthesis of Curiosity's Exploration Campaign (2020-12)
Fraeman, A. A.; Edgar, L. A.; Rampe, E. B.; Thompson, L. M.; Frydenvang, J.; Fedo, C. M.; Catalano, J. G.; Dietrich, W. E.; Gabriel, T. S. J.; Vasavada, A. R.; Grotzinger, J. P.; L'Haridon, J.; Mangold, N.; Sun, V. Z.; House, C. H.; Bryk, A. B.; Hardgrove, C.; Czarnecki, S.; Stack, K. M.; Morris, R. V.; Arvidson, R. E.; Banham, S. G.; Bennett, K. A.; Bridges, J. C.; Edwards, C. S.; Fischer, W. W.; Fox, V. K.; Gupta, S.; Horgan, B. H. N.; Jacob, S. R.; Johnson, J. R.; Johnson, S. S.; Rubin, D. M.; Salvatore, M. R.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Siebach, K. L.; Stein, N. T.; Turner, S.; Wellington, D. F.; Wiens, R. C.; Williams, A. J.; David, G. and Wong, G. M.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, Article e2020JE006527(12)

Iron Mobility during Diagenesis at Vera Rubin ridge, Gale Crater, Mars (2020-11)
L’Haridon, J.; Mangold, N.; Fraeman, A. A.; Johnson, J. R.; Cousin, A.; Rapin, W.; David, G.; Dehouck, E.; Sun, V.; Frydenvang, J.; Gasnault, O.; Gasda, P.; Lanza, N.; Forni, O.; Meslin, P.‐Y.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J.; Horgan, B.; House, C. H.; Salvatore, M.; Maurice, S. and Wiens, R. C.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125, Article e2019JE006299(11)

Geochemical variation in the Stimson formation of Gale crater: Provenance, mineral sorting, and a comparison with modern Martian dunes (2020-05-01)
Bedford, C. C.; Schwenzer, S.; Bridges, J. C.; Banham, S.; Wiens, R. C.; Gasnault, O.; Rampe, E. B.; Frydenvang, J. and Gasda, P. J.
Icarus, 341, Article 113622

Habitability of hydrothermal systems at Jezero and Gusev Craters as constrained by hydrothermal alteration of a terrestrial mafic dike (2020-05)
Costello, Lacey J.; Filiberto, Justin; Crandall, Jake R.; Potter-McIntyre, Sally L.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Miller, Michael A.; Hummer, Daniel R.; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Perl, Scott
Geochemistry, 80, Article 125613(2)

Multiple early-formed water reservoirs in the interior of Mars (2020-04)
Barnes, Jessica J.; McCubbin, Francis M.; Santos, Alison R.; Day, James M. D.; Boyce, Jeremy W.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Ott, Ulrich; Franchi, Ian A.; Messenger, Scott; Anand, Mahesh and Agee, Carl B.
Nature Geoscience, 13(4) (pp. 260-264)

Simulating microbial processes in extraterrestrial, aqueous environments (2020-02-29)
Olsson-Francis, K.; Ramkissoon, N. K.; Macey, M.; Pearson, V. K.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Johnson, D. N.
Journal of Microbiological Methods, 172, Article 105883

Boron and Lithium in Calcium Sulfate Veins: Tracking Precipitation of Diagenetic Materials in Vera Rubin Ridge, Gale Crater (2020)
Das, D.; Gasda, P. J.; Wiens, R. C.; Berlo, K.; Leveille, R. J.; Frydenvang, J.; Mangold, N.; Kronyak, R. E.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Forni, Olivier; Cousin, Agnes; Maurice, S. and Gasnault, O.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125(8)

The identification of sulfide oxidation as a potential metabolism driving primary production on late Noachian Mars (2020)
Macey, M. C.; Fox-Powell, M.; Ramkissoon, N. K.; Stephens, B. P.; Barton, T.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Pearson, V. K.; Cousins, C. R. and Olsson-Francis, K.
Scientific reports, 10, Article 10941

New simulants for martian regolith: Controlling iron variability (2019-12)
Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Schröder, Christian; Kirnbauer, Thomas; Wood, Deborah; Seidel, Robert G. W.; Miller, Michael A. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
Planetary and Space Science, 179, Article 104722

The effect of oxidation on the mineralogy and magnetic properties of olivine (2019-05-01)
Knafelc, Joseph; Filiberto, Justin; Ferré, Eric C.; Conder, James A.; Costello, Lacey; Crandall, Jake R.; Dyar, M. Darby; Friedman, Sarah A.; Hummer, Daniel R. and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
American Mineralogist, 104(5) (pp. 694-702)

Phase Equilibria Modeling of Low-grade Metamorphic Martian Rocks (2019-03)
Semprich, J.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Treiman, A. H. and Filiberto, J.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(3) (pp. 681-702)

Alteration trends and geochemical source region characteristics preserved in the fluviolacustrine sedimentary record of Gale crater, Mars (2019-02-01)
Bedford, C. C.; Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wiens, R. C.; Rampe, E. B.; Frydenvang, J. and Gasda, P. J.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 246 (pp. 234-266)

Mineralogical Constraints on the Thermal History of Martian Regolith Breccia Northwest Africa 8114 (2019-02-01)
MacArthur, J. L.; Bridges, J. C.; Hicks, L. J.; Burgess, R.; Joy, K. H.; Branney, M. J.; Hansford, G. M.; Baker, S. H.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Gurman, S. J.; Stephen, N. R.; Steer, E. D.; Piercy, J. D. and Ireland, T. R.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 246 (pp. 267-298)

The 2016 UK Space Agency Mars Utah Rover Field Investigation (MURFI) (2019-01)
Balme, M. R.; Curtis-Rouse, M. C.; Banham, S.; Barnes, D.; Barnes, R.; Bauer, A.; Bedford, C. C.; Bridges, J.C.; Butcher, F. E. G.; Caballo, P.; Caldwell, A.; Coates, A. J.; Cousins, C.; Davis, J. M.; Dequaire, J.; Edwards, P.; Fawdon, P.; Furuya, K.; Gadd, M.; Get, P.; Griffiths, A.; Grindrod, P. M.; Gunn, M.; Gupta, S.; Hansen, R.; Harris, J. K.; Hicks, L. J.; Holt, J.; Huber, B.; Huntly, C.; Hutchinson, I.; Jackson, L.; Kay, S.; Kyberd, S.; Lerman, H. N.; McHugh, M.; McMahon, W. J.; Muller, J.-P.; Ortner, T.; Osinski, G.; Paar, G.; Preston, L. J.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Stabbins, R.; Tao, Y.; Traxler, C.; Turner, S.; Tyler, L.; Venn, S.; Walker, H.; Wilcox, T.; Wright, J. and Yeomans, B.
Planetary And Space Science, 165 (pp. 31-56)

The Microbial Community of a Terrestrial Anoxic Inter-Tidal Zone: A Model for Laboratory-Based Studies of Potentially Habitable Ancient Lacustrine Systems on Mars (2018-06-30)
Curtis-Harper, Elliot; Pearson, Victoria K.; Summers, Stephen; Bridges, John C.; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
Microorganisms, 6, Article 61(3)

Background levels of methane in Mars’ atmosphere show strong seasonal variations (2018-06-08)
Webster, Christopher R.; Mahaffy, Paul R.; Atreya, Sushil K.; Moores, John E.; Flesch, Gregory J.; Malespin, Charles; McKay, Christopher P.; Martinez, German; Smith, Christina L.; Martin-Torres, Javier; Gomez-Elvira, Javier; Zorzano, Maria-Paz; Wong, Michael H.; Trainer, Melissa G.; Steele, Andrew; Archer, Doug; Sutter, Brad; Coll, Patrice J.; Freissinet, Caroline; Meslin, Pierre-Yves; Gough, Raina V.; House, Christopher H.; Pavlov, Alexander; Eigenbrode, Jennifer L.; Glavin, Daniel P.; Pearson, John C.; Keymeulen, Didier; Christensen, Lance E.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Navarro-Gonzalez, Rafael; Pla-García, Jorge; Rafkin, Scot C. R.; Vicente-Retortillo, Álvaro; Kahanpää, Henrik; Viudez-Moreiras, Daniel; Smith, Michael D.; Harri, Ari-Matti; Genzer, Maria; Hassler, Donald M.; Lemmon, Mark; Crisp, Joy; Sander, Stanley P.; Zurek, Richard W. and Vasavada, Ashwin R.
Science, 360(6393) (pp. 1093-1096)

Nitrate-Dependent Iron Oxidation: A Potential Mars Metabolism (2018-03-20)
Price, Alex; Pearson, Victoria K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Miot, Jennyfer and Olsson-Francis, Karen
Frontiers in Microbiology, 9(513)

A Two-Step K-Ar Experiment on Mars: Dating the Diagenetic Formation of Jarosite from Amazonian Groundwaters (2017-12)
Martin, P. E.; Farley, K. A.; Baker, M. B.; Malespin, C. A.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Cohen, B. A.; Mahaffy, P. R.; McAdam, A. C.; Ming, D. W.; Vasconcelos, P. M. and Navarro-González, R.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 122(12) (pp. 2803-2818)

Basalt-trachybasalt samples in Gale Crater, Mars (2017-11-09)
Edwards, Peter H.; Bridges, John C.; Wiens, Roger; Anderson, Ryan; Dyar, Darby; Fisk, Martin; Thompson, Lucy; Gasda, Patrick; Filiberto, Justin; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Blaney, Diana and Hutchinson, Ian
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 52(11) (pp. 2391-2410)

In situ detection of boron by ChemCam on Mars (2017-09-16)
Gasada, Patrick J.; Haldemann, Ethan B.; Wiens, Roger C.; Rapin, William; Bristow, Thomas F.; Bridges, John C.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Clark, Benton; Herkenhoff, Kenneth; Frydenvang, Jens; Lanza, Nina L.; Maurice, Sylvestre; Clegg, Samuel; Delapp, Dorothea M.; Sanford, Veronica L.; Bodine, Madeleine R. and McInroy, Rhonda
Geophysical Research Letters, 44(17) (pp. 8739-8748)

Determination of Geochemical Bio-Signatures in Mars-Like Basaltic Environments (2017-09-08)
Olsson-Francis, Karen; Pearson, Victoria; Steer, Elisabeth D. and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, Article 1668

Large sulfur isotope fractionations in Martian sediments at Gale crater (2017-08-07)
Franz, H. B.; McAdam, A. C.; Ming, D. W.; Freissinet, C.; Mahaffy, P. R.; Eldridge, D. L.; Fischer, W. W.; Grotzinger, J. P.; House, C. H.; Hurowitz, J. A.; McLennan, S. M.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Vaniman, D. T.; Archer, P. D.; Atreya, S. K.; Conrad, P. G.; Dottin III, J. W.; Eigenbrode, J. L.; Farley, K. A.; Glavin, D. P.; Johnson, S. S.; Knudson, C. A.; Morris, R. V.; Navarro-Gonzales, R.; Pavlov, A. A.; Plummer, R.; Rampe, E. B.; Stern, J. C.; Steele, A.; Summons, R. E. and Sutter, B.
Nature Geoscience, 10 (pp. 658-662)

The WISDOM Radar: Unveiling the Subsurface Beneath the ExoMars Rover and Identifying the Best Locations for Drilling (2017-07)
Ciarletti, Valérie; Clifford, Stephen; Plettemeyer, Dirk; LeGall, Alice; Hervé, Yann; Dorizon, Sophie; Quantin-Nataf, Cathy; Benedix, Wolf-Stefan; Schwenzer, Susanne; Pettinelli, Elena; Heggy, Essam; Herique, Alain; Berthellier, Jean-Jacques; Kofman, Wlodek; Vago, Jorge L.; Hamran, Svein-Erik and WISDOM team, .
Astrobiology, 17(6-7) (pp. 565-584)

Centimeter to decimeter hollow concretions and voids in Gale Crater sediments, Mars (2017-06)
Wiens, Roger C.; Rubin, David M.; Goetz, Walter; Fairén, Alberto G.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Johnson, Jeffrey R.; Milliken, Ralph; Clark, Ben; Mangold, Nicolas; Stack, Kathryn M.; Oehler, Dorothy; Rowland, Scott; Chan, Marjorie; Vaniman, David; Maurice, Sylvestre; Gasnault, Olivier; Rapin, William; Schroeder, Susanne; Clegg, Sam; Forni, Olivier; Blaney, Diana; Cousin, Agnes; Payré, Valerie; Fabre, Cecile; Nachon, Marion; Le Mouelic, Stephane; Sautter, Violaine; Johnstone, Stephen; Calef, Fred; Vasavada, Ashwin R. and Grotzinger, John P.
Icarus, 289 (pp. 144-156)

Serpentinite with and without brucite: A reaction pathway analysis of a natural serpentinite in the Josephine ophiolite, California (2017-04)
Sonzogni, Yann; Treiman, Allan H. and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 112(2) (pp. 59-76)

In situ measurement of atmospheric krypton and xenon on Mars with Mars Science Laboratory (2016-11-15)
Conrad, P. G.; Malespin, C. A.; Franz, H. B.; Pepin, R. O.; Trainer, M. G.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Atraya, S. K.; Freissinet, C.; Jones, J. H.; Manning, H.; Owen, T.; Pavlov, A. A.; Wiens, R. C.; Wong, M. H. and Mahaffy, P. R.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 454 (pp. 1-9)

A review of volatiles in the Martian interior (2016-11-08)
Filiberto, Justin; Baratoux, David; Beaty, David; Breuer, Doris; Farcy, Benjamin J.; Grott, Matthias; Jones, John H.; Kiefer, Walter S.; Mane, Prajkta; McCubbin, Francis M. and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 51(11) (1935 -1958)

Alteration minerals, fluids, and gases on early Mars: Predictions from 1-D flow geochemical modeling of mineral assemblages in meteorite ALH 84001 (2016-11-08)
Melwani Daswani, Mohit Melwani; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Reed, Mark H.; Wright, Ian P. and Grady, Monica M.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 51(11) (pp. 2154-2174)

Fluids during diagenesis and sulfate vein formation in sediments at Gale crater, Mars (2016-11)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C.; Wiens, R. C.; Conrad, P. G.; Kelley, S. P.; Leveille, R.; Mangold, N.; Martin-Torres, J.; McAdam, A.; Newsom, H.; Zorzano, M. P.; Rapin, W.; Spray, J.; Treiman, A. H.; Westall, F.; Fairen, A. G. and Meslin, P.-Y.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 51(11) (pp. 2175-2202)

Silicic volcanism on Mars evidenced by tridymite in high-SiO2 sedimentary rock at Gale crater (2016-06-28)
Morris, Richard V.; Vaniman, David T.; Blake, David F.; Gellert, Ralf; Chipera, Steve J.; Rampe, Elizabeth B.; Ming, Douglas W.; Morrison, Shaunna M.; Downs, Robert T.; Treiman, Allan H.; Yen, Albert S.; Grotzinger, John P.; Achilles, Cherie N.; Bristow, Thomas F.; Crisp, Joy A.; Des Marais, David J.; Farmer, Jack D.; Fendrich, Kim V.; Frydenvang, Jens; Graff, Trevor G.; Morookian, John-Michael; Stolper, Edward M. and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
PNAS, 113(26) (pp. 7071-7076)

ChemCam results from the Shaler Outcrop in Gale Crater, Mars (2015-03-15)
Anderson, Ryan; Bridges, J. C.; Williams, A.; Edgar, L.; Ollila, A.; Williams, J.; Nachon, M.; Mangold, N.; Fisk, M.; Schieber, J.; Gupta, S.; Dromart, G.; Wiens, R.; Le Mouélic, S.; Forni, O.; Lanza, N.; Mezzacappa, A.; Sautter, V.; Blaney, D.; Clark, B.; Clegg, S.; Gasnault, O.; Lasue, J.; Léveillé, R.; Lewin, E.; Lewis, K. W.; Maurice, S.; Newsom, H.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Vaniman, D.
Icarus, 249 (pp. 2-21)

Gale crater and impact processes – Curiosity’s first 364 Sols on Mars (2015-03-15)
Newsom, Horton E.; Mangold, Nicolas; Kah, Linda C.; Williams, Joshua M.; Arvidson, Ray E.; Stein, Nathan; Ollila, Ann M.; Bridges, John C.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; King, Penelope L.; Grant, John A.; Pinet, Patrick; Bridges, Nathan T.; Calef, Fred; Wiens, Roger C.; Spray, John G.; Vaniman, David T.; Elston, Wolf E.; Berger, Jeff A.; Garvin, James B.; Palucis, Marisa C. and MSL, Science Team
Icarus, 249 (pp. 108-128)

Igneous and shock processes affecting chassignite amphibole evaluated using chlorine/water partitioning and hydrogen isotopes (2015-03-13)
Giesting, Paul A.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Filiberto, Justin; Starkey, Natalie A.; Franchi, Ian A.; Treiman, Allan H.; Tindle, Andy G. and Grady, Monica M.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 50(3) (pp. 433-460)

Mars methane detection and variability at Gale crater (2015-01-23)
Webster, Christopher R.; Mahaffy, Paul R.; Atreya, Sushil K.; Flesh, Gregory J.; Mishna, Michael A.; Meslin, Pierre-Yves; Farley, Kenneth A.; Conrad, Pamela G.; Christensen, Lance E.; Pavlov, Alexander A.; Martin-Torres, Javier; Zorzano, María-Paz; McConnochie, Timothy H.; Owen, Tobias; Eigenbrode, Jennifer L.; Glavin, Daniel P.; Steele, Andrew; Malespin, Charles A.; Archer Jr., P. Douglas; Sutter, Brad; Coll, Patrice; Freissnet, Caroline; McKay, Christopher P.; Mores, John L.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Bridges, John C.; Navarro-Gonzalez, Rafael; Gellert, Ralf and Lemmon, Mark T.
Science, 347(6220) (pp. 415-417)

Diagenesis and clay mineral formation at Gale Crater, Mars (2015-01)
Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Leveille, R.; Westell, F.; Wiens, R. C.; Mangold, N.; Bristow, T.; Edwards, P. and Berger, G.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 120(1) (pp. 1-19)

Elemental geochemistry of sedimentary rocks at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars (2014-01-24)
McLennan, S. M.; Anderson, R. B.; Bell III, J. F.; Bridges, J. C.; Calef III, J. F.; Campbell, J. L.; Clark, B. C.; Clegg, S.; Conrad, P.; Cousin, A.; Des Marais, D. J.; Dromart, G.; Dyar, M. D.; Edgar, L. A.; Ehlmann, B. L.; Fabre, C.; Forni, O.; Gasnault, O.; Gellert, R.; Gordon, S.; Grant, J. A.; Grotzinger, J. P.; Gupta, S.; Herkenhoff, K. E.; Hurowitz, J. A.; King, P. L.; Le Mouélic, S.; Leshin, L. A.; Léveille, R.; Lewis, K. W.; Mangold, N.; Maurice, S.; Ming, D. W.; Morris, R. V.; Nachon, M.; Newsom, H. E.; Olilla, A. M.; Perrett, G. M.; Rice, M. S.; Schmidt, M. E.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Stack, K.; Stolper, E. M.; Sumner, D. Y.; Treiman, A. H.; VanBommel, S.; Vaniman, D. T.; Vasavada, A.; Wiens, R. C.; Yingst, R. A. and Science Team, MSL
Science, 343, Article 1244734(6169)

In situ radiometric and exposure age dating of the Martian surface (2014-01-24)
Farley, K. A.; Malespin, C.; Mahaffy, P.; Grotzinger, J. P.; Vasconcelos, P. M.; Milliken, R. E.; Malin, M.; Edgett, K. S.; Pavlov, A. A.; Hurowitz, J. A.; Grant, J. A.; Miller, H. B.; Arvidson, R.; Beegle, L.; Calef, F.; Conrad, P.; Dietrich, W. E.; Eigenbrode, J.; Gellert, R.; Gupta, S.; Hamilton, V.; Hassler, D. M.; Lewis, K. W.; McLennan, S. M.; Ming, D.; Navarro-González, R.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Steele, A.; Stolper, D. M.; Sumner, D. Y.; Vaniman, D.; Vasavada, A.; Williford, K.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F. and Science Team, MSL
Science, 343, Article 1247166(6169)

Alteration mineralogy of the Home Plate and Columbia Hills – formation conditions in context to impact, volcanism, and fluvial activity (2013-10)
Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48(10) (pp. 1937-1957)

Alteration minerals in impact-generated hydrothermal systems – exploring host rock variability (2013-09)
Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Kring, David A.
Icarus, 226(1) (pp. 487-496)

Quantifying noble gas contamination during terrestrial alteration in Martian meteorites from Antarctica (2013-06)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Greenwood, R. C.; Kelley, S. P.; Ott, U.; Tindle, A. G.; Haubold, R.; Herrmann, S.; Gibson, J. M.; Anand, M.; Hammond, S. and Franchi, I. A.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48(6) (pp. 929-954)

Martian Fluvial Conglomerates at Gale Crater (2013-05-31)
Williams, R. M. E.; Grotzinger, J. P.; Dietrich, W. E.; Gupta, S.; Sumner, D. Y; Wiens, R. C.; Mangold, N.; Malin, M. C.; Edgett, K. S.; Maurice, S.; Forni, O.; Gasnault, O.; Ollila, A.; Newsom, H. E.; Dromart, G.; Palucis, M. C.; Yingst, R. A.; Anderson, R. B.; Herkenhoff, K. E.; Le Mouelic, S.; Goetz, W.; Madsen, M. B.; Koefoed, A.; Jensen, J. K.; Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Lewis, K. W.; Stack, K. M.; Rubin, D.; Kah, L. C.; Bell III, J. F.; Farmer, J. D.; Sullivan, R.; Van Beek, T.; Blaney, D. L.; Pariser, O. and Deen, R. G.
Science, 340(6136) (pp. 1068-1072)

Petrography, mineral chemistry, and crystallization history of olivine-phyric shergottite NWA 6234: a new melt composition (2013)
Gross, Juliane; Filiberto, Justin; Herd, Christopher D. K.; Melwani Daswani, Mohit; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Treiman, Allan H.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48(5) (pp. 854-871)

The nakhlite hydrothermal brine on Mars (2012-12)
Bridges, John and Schwenzer, Susanne
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 359-360 (pp. 117-123)

Geochemistry of intermediate olivine-phyric shergottite Northwest Africa 6234, with similarities to basaltic shergottite Northwest Africa 480 and olivine-phyric shergottite Northwest Africa 2990 (2012-08)
Filiberto, Justin; Chin, Emily; Day, James M. D.; Franchi, Ian A.; Greenwood, Richard C.; Gross, Juliane; Penniston-Dorland, Sarah C.; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Treiman, Allan H.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 47(8) (pp. 1256-1273)

Puncturing Mars: How impact craters interact with the Martian cryosphere (2012-06-15)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Abramov, O.; Allan, C. C.; Clifford, S. M.; Cockell, C. S.; Filiberto, J.; Kring, D. A.; Lasue, J.; McGovern, P. J.; Newsom, H. E.; Treiman, A. H.; Vaniman, D. T. and Wiens, R. C.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 335 (pp. 9-17)

Noble gas adsorption with and without mechanical stress: not Martian signatures but fractionated air (2012-06)
Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Herrmann, Siegfried and Ott, Ulrich
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 47(6) (pp. 1049-1061)

Uninhabited habitats on Mars (2012-01)
Cockell, Charles S.; Balme, Matt; Bridges, John C.; Davila, Alfonso and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
Icarus, 217(1) (pp. 184-193)

Gale Crater: formation and post-impact hydrous environments (2012)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Abramov, O.; Allen, C. C.; Bridges, J. C.; Clifford, S. M.; Filiberto, J.; Kring, D. A.; Lasue, J.; McGovern, P. J.; Newsom, H. E; Treiman, A. H.; Vaniman, D. T.; Wiens, R. C. and Wittmann, A.
Planetary And Space Science, 70(1) (pp. 84-95)

40Ar-39Ar and cosmic ray exposure ages of nakhlites-Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares-and Chassigny (2011-09)
Korochantseva, Ekaterina V.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Buikin, Alexei I.; Hopp, Jenns; Ott, Ulrich and Trieloff, Mario
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 46(9) (pp. 1397-1417)

Impact-generated hydrothermal systems capable of forming phyllosilicates on Noachian Mars (2009-12-01)
Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Kring, David A.
Geology, 37(12) (pp. 1091-1094)

Noble gases in two shergottites and one nakhlite from Antarctica: Y000027, Y000097, and Y000593 (2009-09)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Herrmann, S. and Ott, U.
Polar Science, 3(2) (pp. 83-99)

Noble gases and nitrogen in Martian meteorites Dar al Gani 476, Sayh al Uhaymir 005 and Lewis Cliff 88516: EFA and extra neon (2009-03-01)
Mohapatra, Ratan K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Herrmann, Siegfried; Murty, S. V. S.; Ott, Ulrich and Gilmour, Jamie D.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(5) (pp. 1505-1522)

Helium loss from Martian meteorites mainly induced by shock metamorphism: evidence from new data and a literature compilation (2008-11)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Fritz, J.; Stöffler, D.; Trieloff, M.; Amini, M.; Greshake, A.; Herrmann, S.; Herwig, K.; Jochum, K. P.; Mohapatra, R. K.; Stoll, B. and Ott, U.
Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 43(11) (pp. 1841-1859)

Noble gases in mineral separates from three shergottites: Shergotty, Zagami, and EETA 79001 (2007)
Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Herrmann, Siegfried; Mohapatra, Ratan K. and Ott, Ulrich
Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 42(3) (pp. 387-412)

Speciation and oxidation kinetics of arsenicin the thermal springs of Wiesbaden spa, Germany (2001)
Schwenzer, Susanne; Tommaseo, Caterina; Kersten, Michael and Kirnbauer, Thomas
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 371(7) (pp. 927-933)

Conclusions and Implications for Habitability of the Martian Crust (2018)
Filiberto, Justin; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
In: Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne P. eds. Volatiles in the Martian Crust (pp. 393-399)
ISBN : 978-0-12-804191-8 | Publisher : Elsevier

Introduction to Volatiles in the Martian Crust (2018)
Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
In: Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne P. eds. Volatiles in the Martian Crust (pp. 1-12)
ISBN : 978-0-12-804191-8 | Publisher : Elsevier

Noble Gases in Martian Meteorites (2018)
Ott, Ulrich; Swindle, Timothy D. and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
In: Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne P. eds. Volatiles in the Martian Crust (pp. 35-70)
ISBN : 978-0-12-804191-8 | Publisher : Elsevier

Volatiles in the Martian Crust (2018)
Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne P. eds.
ISBN : 978-0-12-804191-8 | Publisher : Elsevier

Martian atmosphere: trapped, adsorbed and exchanged; trapped adsorbed and sampled – considerations for Mars Sample Return (2025-03-10)
Schwenzer, S.P.; Duprat, J.; Ferrari, M.; McLaurin, H.M.; Ogliore, R. C.; Pack, A.; Rampe, E. B.; Schröder, C.; Tu, V.M.; Carrier, B.L.; Kminek, G.; Sefton-Nash, E.; Swindle, T. D.; Young, E. D.; MDT-1 Gas Sampling Team, and MSR Gas Sampling Team,
In : 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - LPSC 2025 (10-14 Mar 2025, Houston, TX, USA / Virtual) ((Early access))

Early Mars habitability as constrained by sediment-magma interactions in a hydrothermal dike system in Utah (2025-02)
Slank, R. A.; Filiberto, J.; Tu, V.; Eggers, G. L.; Schwenzer, S.P.; Pack, A.; Rampe, E. B. and Schröder, C.
In : 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - LPSC 2025 (10-14 Mar 2025, Houston, TX, USA / Virtual)

Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Lunar Samples and Synthetic Analogs (2025-02)
Veres, B.E.; Retherford, K.D.; Miller, M.A.; Blase, R.C.; Bueno, P.C.; Cahill, J.T.S.; Molyneux, P.M.; Moore, T.Z.; Proston, M.J.; Raut, U.; Schwenzer, S.P.; Stevanovic, A.; Stockstill-Cahill, K.R. and Whizin, A.D.
In : 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - LPSC 2025 (10-14 Mar 2025, Houston, TX, USA / Virtual)

A strategic framework to support scientific communication for Mars Sample Return science: overview and status (2025-02)
Mars Sample Return Science Campaign Group, ; Harris, R.L.; Haltingin, T.; Zorzano, M.P.; Steele, A.; Edwin, S.; Beaty, D.W.; Bouvier, A.; Carrier, B.L.; Czaja, A.D.; Daupas, N.; French, K.L.; Glavin, D.P.; Harris, L.J.; Hauber, E.; Hays, L.E.; Hutzler, A.; Kminek, G.; Sefton-Nash, E.; Rodriguez, L.E.; Schwenzer, S.; Thiessen, F.; Thorpe, M.T.; Tait, K.T.; Velbel, M.A.; Wanhomwegen, J. and Usui, T.
In : 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - LPSC 2025 (10-14 Mar 2025, Houston, TX, USA / Virtual)

Diagenesis in Mars Crater Sediments (2025-02)
Gasda, P.J.; Kalucha, H.; Broz, A.; Moreland, E.; Czarnecki, S.; Lanza, N.; Sklute, E.; Schwenzer, S.; Dehouck, E.; Kite, E.; Forni, O. and Benison, K.
In : 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - LPSC 2025 (10-14 Mar 2025, Houston, TX, USA / Virtual)

Detectability and compositional diversity of magmatically induced hydrothermal alteration assemblages on Mars via multi-instrument terrestrial analog analysis (2025)
Crandall, J.R.; Filiberto, J.; Schwenzer, S.P. and Eggers, G. L.
In : 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - LPSC 2025 (10-14 Mar 2025, Houston, TX, USA / Virtual)

Exploring the volatilomic and metabolomic signatures of the Makgadikgadi salt pans (Botswana) - Implications for Astrobiology (2024)
Batty, Claire; Burke, Adam; Wilkinson, Camilla; Franchi, Fulvio; Olsson-Francis, Karen; Lebogang, Lesedi; Schwenzer, Susanne; Macey, Michael and Morgan, Geraint
In : European Astrobiology Network Association EANA 2024 (2-6 Sep 2024, Graz, Austria)

Biogeochemical Cycling in Globally Distributed Hypersaline Environments (2023-07)
Macey, Michael; Balcha, Ermias; Schwenzer, Susanne; Miruts, Hagos; Gomez, Felipe; Cavalazzi, Barbara and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : 10th FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists (9-13 Jul 2023, Hamburg, Germany)

The habitability of water from distinct martian environments (2023)
Macey, Michael; Ramkissoon, Nisha; Baharier, Bea; Steele, Andrew; Kucukkilic-Stephens, Ezgi; Stephens, Ben; Schwenzer, Susanne; Pearson, Victoria and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : ASB9: Celebrating 20 Years of the Astrobiology Society of Britain (7-8 Sep 2023, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck, University of London)

The habitability of distinct martian environments (2023)
Macey, Michael; Ramkissoon, Nisha; Baharier, Bea; Steele, Andrew; Kucukkilic-Stephens, Ezgi; Stephens, Ben; Schwenzer, Susanne; Pearson, Victoria and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : European Astrobiology Network Association EANA 2023 (19-22 Sep 2023, Madrid)

Effects of basalt composition on a martian analogue magma-sediment hydrothermal system studied through thermochemical modeling (2022-03)
Cogliati, Simone; Crandall, Jake; Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne
In : Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2022 (7-11 Mar 2022, Houston)

Density Variations as a Function of Compostion in the Venusian Crust: Implications for Tesserae Formation (2022-03)
Baker, Aedan; Semprich, Julia; Schwenzer, Susanne; Greenwood, Richard C. and Filiberto, Justin
In : 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (7-11 Mar 2022, Houston, TX)

Identification of fluids accompanying bio-signature formation in martian analogue experiments (2021-10-25)
Cogliati, Simone; Curtis-Harper, Elliot; Schwenzer, Susanne; Pearson, Victoria and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : Brines Across the Solar System: Modern Brines conference (25-28 Oct 2021, Online)

Modelling water-rock interactions in the subsurface environment of Enceladus (2021-03)
Hamp, Rachael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Fox-Powell, Mark; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Pearson, Victoria
In : Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (Mar 2021, Houston, USA)

The Chemistry and Morphology of Diagenetic Features in Glen Torridon, Gale Crater (2021)
Gasda, P. J.; Comellas, J.; Essunfeld, A.; Das, D.; Nellessen, M.; Dehouck, E.; Anderson, R.; Rapin, W.; Lanza, N.; Meslin, P.-Y.; David, G.; Crossey, L.; Newsom, H.; Hoffman, M.; Fey, D.; Kronyak, R.; Frydenvang, J.; Bridges, J.; Turner, S. M. R.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wiens, R. C.; Clegg, S.; Maurice, S. and Gasnault, O.
In : 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (15-19 Mar 2021, Virtual)

Modeling Water-Rock Reactions Beneath the Greenheugh Pediment, Gale Crater, Mars (2021)
Turner, Stuart; Schwenzer, Susanne; Bridges, J.C.; Sutter, B. and Bedford, C.C.
In : 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (15-19 Mar 2021, Virtual)

Geochemical Energy Available to Microbes in Martian Impact Craters (2021)
Ramkissoon, Nisha; Turner, Stuart; Macey, Michael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Reed, M.H.; Pearson, Victoria and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (15-19 Mar 2021, Virtual)

Brine evolution and transport-driven fractionation of ocean fluids within Europa’s icy shell (2021)
Fox-Powell, Mark; Buffo, Jacob; Wolfenbarger, Natalie; Semprich, Julia; Ramkissoon, Nisha; Vance, Steven; Schwenzer, Susanne and Pearson, Victoria
In : 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (15-19 Mar 2021, Online)

Thermochemical modelling of the subsurface environment of Enceladus to derive potential carbon reaction pathways (2020-10-02)
Hamp, Rachael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Pearson, Victoria
In : Europlanet Science Congress 2020 (21 Sep - 9 Oct 2020, Virtual)

Colour Peak:An analogue environment for the waters of late Noachian Mars (2020-08-28)
Macey, Michael; Ramkissoon, Nisha; Fox-Powell, Mark; Barton, Tim; Stephens, Ben P.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Cousins, Claire R. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : EANA 2020 (27-28 Aug 2020, Online)

Online team work in space science and astronomy at the Open University (2020-07-08)
Jones, M. H.; Chyriwsky, S. M.; Croston, J.; Kolb, U.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Urquhart, S.
In : 3rd Symposium on Space Educational Activities (16-18 Sep 2019, University of Leicester, UK) (pp. 126-127)

Thermochemical modelling of the subsurface environment on Enceladus (2020-06)
Hamp, Rachael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Pearson, Victoria
In : Goldschmidt 2020 (21-26 Jun 2020, Online)

Modelling Water-Rock Interactions in the Sub-surface Environment of Enceladus. (2020-01-15)
Hamp, Rachael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Pearson, Victoria
In : British Planetary Science Conference 2020 (13-15 Jan 2020, Oxford)

Testing the habitability of distinct simulated martian environments (2020)
Macey, Michael C.; Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : AbGradE 2020 (26/08/2020, Online)

Colour Peak: An analogue environment for late Noachian Mars (2020)
Macey, Michael C.; Fox-Powell, Mark; Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Stephens, Ben P.; Barton, Tim; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Cousins, Claire R. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : Astrobiology Australasia Meeting (9-11 Sep 2020, Online)

Enhanced groundwater flow on and below Vera Rubin ridge, the Murray Formation, Gale Crater: Evidence from thermochemical modeling (2020)
Turner, S.M.R.; Schwenzer, S.P.; Bridges, J.C.; Rampe, E.B.; Bedford, C.C.; Achilles, C.N.; McAdam, A.; Mangold, N.; Hicks, L.J.; Parnell, J.; Kirnbauer, T.; Fraeman, A.A. and Reed, M.H.
In : 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2020 (Cancelled), Houston, USA)

Martian fluids and their evaporation products – an overview using thermochemical modelling (2020)
Schwenzer, Susanne; Bridges, John; Turner, Stuart; Ramkissoon, Nisha; Cogliati, Simone; Seidel, Robert; Reed, Mark; Filiberto, Justin; Vaniman, D. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-18 Mar 2020)

The identification of sulfide oxidation as potential metabolism driving primary production on late Noachian Mars (2020)
Macey, Michael C; Fox-Powell, Mark; Ramkissoon, Nisha K; Baharier, Bea; Oliver, James A W; Stephens, Ben; Schwenzer, Susanne P; Pearson, Victoria K; Cousins, Claire R and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (15-19 Mar 2020 (Virtual), Houston, USA)

Modeling the Behavior of Selected Water-Soluble Elements in Calcium Sulfate Veins of Gale Crater (2020)
Das, D.; Gasda, P.J.; Schwenzer, S,; Crossey, L.; Turner, S,; Leveille, R.J.; Berlo, K. and Wiens, R.C.
In : 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (15-19 Mar 2020 (Virtual), Houston, USA)

Cryovolcanic plumes as a record of habitability: Fluid evolution and the fate of bioessential elements during freezing of simulated Enceladus ocean brines (2020)
Fox-Powell, Mark; Hamp, Rachael; Schwenzer, Susanne; Pearson, Victoria; Olsson-Francis, Karen and Cousins, Claire
In : European Astrobiology Network Association (1-4 Sep 2020, Online)

Modelling the Rock-Water Interactions in the Sub-surface Environment of Enceladus (2019-08)
Hamp, Rachael; Olsson-Francis, Karen; Schwenzer, Susanne; Ramkissoon, Nisha and Pearson, Victoria
In : Goldschmidt Conference 2019 (18-23 Aug 2019, Barcelona)

Viable metabolisms in a simulated martian environments (2019-06-24)
Macey, Michael; Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : AbSciCon 2019 (24-28 Jun 2019, Bellevue, Washington)

Thermochemical Modelling of Fluid-Rock Reactions in Vera Rubin ridge, Gale Crater, Mars. (2019-05)
Turner, S.M.R.; Schwenzer, S.P.; Bridges, J.C.; Bedford, C.C.; Rampe, E.B.; Fraeman, A.A.; McAdam, A.; Mangold, N. and L'Haridon, J.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

The microbial diversity of a sulfur-rich and saline cold pool in the Canadian high Arctic (2019-04-08)
Macey, Michael Christopher; Stephens, Ben; Fox-Powell, Mark; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Cousins, Claire R. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2019 (8-11 Apr 2019, ICC Belfast, UK)

Viable metabolisms in a simulated martian chemical environment (2019-04-08)
Macey, Michael; Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2019 (8-11 Apr 2019, ICC Belfast, UK)

The Frankenstein Gabbro (Odenwald, Germany): A New Analogue for Martian Hydrothermal Systems (2019-03-18)
Seidel, Robert; Bridges, John; Kirnbauer, Thomas; Sherlock, Sarah and Schwenzer, Susanne
In : Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019 (18-22 Mar 2019, Houston, Texas, USA)

Using ChemCam derived geochemistry to identify the paleonet sediment transport direction and source region characteristics of the Stimson formation in Gale crater, Mars. (2019-03)
Bedford, Candice; Schwenzer, Susanne; Bridges, John; Banham, Steven; Wiens, Roger; Frydenvang, Jens; Gasnault, Olivier; Rampe, Elizabeth and Gasda, Patrick
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, Houston, Texas, USA)

Askival: A Silicified Feldspathic Cumulate Sample in Gale Crater (2019)
Bridges, J. C.; Cousin, A.; Sautter, V.; Rapin, W.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Bedford, C.; Payre, V.; Gasnault, O.; Forni, O.; Pinnet, P.; Wiens, R. and Yingst, A.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Lunar Integration Cavity Raman Ultaviolet Spectrograph (Lunar ICARIS) Concept (2019)
Retherford, K. D.; Moore, T. Z.; Raut, U.; Phillips-Lander, C. M.; Molyneux, P. M.; Miller, M. A.; Nowicki, K.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Blase, R. C.; Davis, M. W.; Veach, T. J.; Dirks, G. J.; Persson, K. B.; Tyler, J. D.; Klar, R. A.; Karnes, P. L.; Freeman, M. A.; Howett, C. J. A.; Soto, A.; Mason, J. D. and Fry, E. S.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

LabelMars: Creating an extremely large Martian image dataset through machine learning (2019)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Woods, M.; Karachalios, S.; Phan, N. and Joudrier, L.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

The Rochechouart 2017-cores rescaled: major features (2019)
Lambert, P; Alwmark, C; Baratoux, D; Bouley, S; Brack, A.; Bruneton, P; Buchner, E.; Dence, M. R.; Courtin Nomade, A.; Duhamel Achin, I.; Floch, J. P.; French, B. M.; Fudge, C.; Gattacceca, J.; Gibson, R. L.; Goderis, S.; Grieve, R. A. F.; Hauser, N.; Hodges, K. V.; Hörz, F.; Humayun, M.; Jourdan, F.; Kelley, S. P.; Kenkmann, T.; Kring, D. A.; Langenhorst, F.; Lebreton, J. P.; Lee, M. R.; Lindgren, P.; Lofi, J.; Lorand, J. P.; Luais, B.; Masaitis, V.; Meunier, A.; Moore, C. B.; Ormö, J.; Osinski, G. R.; Petit, S.; Pezard, P. R.; Pölchau, M.; Pohl, J.; Quesnel, Y.; Jamboz, C.; Reeves, H.; Reimold, U. W.; Rochette, P.; Sapers, H. M.; Schmieder, M.; Schultz, P. H.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Sharp, T.; Schoemaker, C. S.; Simpson, S. L; Stöffler, D.; Sturkell, E.; Trumel, H.; Walton, E.; Westall, F.; Wittmann, A. and Wünnemann, K.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Iron mobility during diagenesis deduced from ChemCam observations at Gale Crater, Mars (2019)
L'Harridon, J.; Mangold, N.; Wiens, R. C.; Cousin, A.; David, G.; Johnson, J. R.; Freeman, A.; Rapin, W.; Frydenvang, J.; Schwenzer, S.; Bridges, J. C.; Horgan, B.; House, C.; Meslin, P.-J.; Gasnault, O. and Maurice, S.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Low-grade metamorphic phases on Mars as a function of CO2-H2O fluid compositions (2019)
Semprich, J.; Treiman, A. H.; Filiberto, J. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Apollo Virtual Microscope Collection: Lunar Minaeralogy and Petrology of Apollo Rocks (2019)
Gibson, E. K.; Tindle, A. G.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Kelley, S. P.; Anand, M.; Morgan, G. H. and Pillinger, J. M.
In : 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

A New Simulant to Represent The Silicate Interior of Enceladus (2019)
Hamp, Rachael; Ramkissoon, Nisha; Olsson-Francis, Karen; Schwenzer, Susanne and Pearson, Victoria
In : Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2019, Houston, USA)

ExoFiT: ExoMars-Like Field Trials – a Mission Simulation. (2019)
Hall, A.; Dobke, B.; Lisle, M.; Shilton, M.; Allouis, E.; Waugh, L.; Carroll, J.; Doignon, G.; Azkarate, M.; van Winnendael, M.; Duvet, L.; Martin, D.; Delfa, J.; Vago, J.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Balme, M.; Fawdon, P.; Turner, S.; Bedford, C.; Sargeant, Hannah; Pegg, D.; Mirino, M.; Barrett, T.; Ladegaard, A.; Rull, F.; Veneranda, M.; Bontognali, T.; Josset, T.; Josset, J.-L.; Josset, M.; Ciarletti, V.; Plettemeier, D.; Le Gall, A.; Hervé, Y.; Corbel, C.; Vieau, A.-J.; Oudart, N. R.; Trainer, V.; Benedix, W.-S.; Hegler, S.; Lopez, G.; Saiz, J.; Preston, L.; Cousins, C.; Allender, E.; Banham, S.; Barnes, R.; Northwood-Smith, G.; Sangwan, K.; Grindrod, P.; Davis, J.; Motaghian, S.; Dickeson, Z.; Boazman, S.; Schroder, C.; Hauber, E.; Schmitz, N.; Parkes-Bowen, A.; Bahir, R.; Barcenilla, R.; Leff, C.; Persud, D.; Coates, A.; Griffiths, A.; Stabbins, R.; Bohacek, E.; Kuhn, N. and Westall, F.
In : 15th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (27-28 May 2019, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands)

Rochechouart 2017-Drilling Campaign: First Results (2018)
Lambert, P.; Alwmark, C.; Baratoux, D.; Bouley, S.; Brack, A.; Bruneton, P.; Buchner, E.; Claeys, P.; Dence, M. R.; Courtin Nomade, A.; Duhamel Achin, I.; Floch, J. P.; French, B. M.; Fudge, C.; Gattacceca, J; Gibson, R. L.; Goderis, S.; Grieve, R. A. F.; Hodges, K. V.; Hörz, F.; Humayun, M.; Jourdan, F.; Kelley, S. P.; Kenkmann, T.; Kring, D. A.; Langehorst, F.; Lee, M. R.; Lindgren, P.; Lofi, J.; Lorand, J. P.; Luais, B.; Masaitis, V.; Meunier, A.; Moore, C. B.; Ormö, J.; Osinski, G. R.; Petit, S.; Pezard, P. A.; Poelchau, M.; Pohl, J.; Quesnel, Y.; Ramboz, C.; Reeves, H.; Rochette, P.; Sapers, H. M.; Schmieder, M.; Schultz, P. H; Schwenzer, S. P.; Sharp, T.; Shoemaker, C. S.; Simpson, S. L.; Stöffler, D; Sturkell, E.; Trumel, H.; Walton, E.; Westall, F.; Wittmann, A. and Wünnemann, K.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Fractionated Martian Atmosphere – the Case of the Nakhlites, Revisited with Experiments (2018)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Ott, U.; Hicks, L. J.; Bridges, J. C.; Filiberto, J.; Bart, G. D.; Swindle, T. D.; Miller, M. A.; Treiman, A. H.; Crowther, S. A.; Gilmour, J. D.; Herrmann, S.; Mohapatra, R.; Seidel, R.; Kelley, S. P.; Bullock, M. A.; Chaves, C.; Smith, H. and Moore, J. M.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Alteration and Oxidiation of an Olivine Lamprophyre Dike from Southern Utah, USA: An Analog for Mars (2018)
Costello, L. J.; Filiberto, J.; Potter-McIntyre, S. L.; Crandall, J. R.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Hummer, D. R.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Simulating the Martian Chemical Environment (2018)
Ramkissoon, N. K.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Pearson, V. K. and Olsson-Francis, K.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Mineral Surface and Fluid Chemistry in Nakhlite Analog Water-Rock Reactions (2018)
Miller, M. A.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C.; Hicks, L. J.; Ott, U.; Filiberto, J.; Chavez, C.; Smith, H.; Treiman, A. H.; Kelley, S. P.; Moore, J. M.; Swindle, T. D.; Bullock, M. A. and McIntosh, R. A.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Phase Equilibria Modeling of Low-Grade Metamorphic Martian Rocks (2018)
Semprich, J; Schwenzer, S. P. and Treiman, A. H.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Magmatic Intrusions into the Sulfur-Rich Carmel Formation on the Colorado Plateau, USA: Implications for the Mars 2020 Mission (2018)
Crandall, J. R.; Filiberto, J.; Potter-McIntyre, S. L. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

The Physio-Chemical Properties for the Interior of Enceladus (2018)
Hamp, R. E.; Ramkissoon, N. K.; Olsson-Francis, K.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Pearson, V. K.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

The Apollo Virtual Microscope Collection: Lunar Mineralogy and Petrology of Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16 Rocks (2018)
Gibson, E. K.; Tindle, A. G.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Kelley, S. P.; Morgan, G. H.; Anand, M. and Pillinger, J. M.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Curie: Constraining Solar System Bombardment Using In Situ Radiometric Dating (2018)
Cohen, B. A.; Petro, N. E.; Lawrence, S. J.; Clegg, S. M.; Denevi, B. W.; Dyar, M. E.; Elardo, S. M.; Grinspoon, D. H.; Hiesinger, H.; Liu, Y.; McCanta, M. C.; Moriarty, D. P.; Norman, M. D.; Runyon, K. D.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Swindle, T. D.; van der Bogart, C. H. and Wiens, R. C.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Amazonian Hydrothermal Alteration Comparing Nakhlite Secondary Mineralogy to Water Rock Reaction Experiments (2018)
Bridges, J. C.; Hicks, L. J.; Miller, M. A.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Ott, U.; Filiberto, J.; Chavez, C.; Smith, H.; Treiman, A. H.; Kelley, S. P.; Moore, J. M.; Swindle, T. D.; Bullock, M. A.; McIntosh, R. A. and Craig, P.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

Geochemical Endmembers preserved in Gale Crater: A tale of two mudstones and their compositional differences according to ChemCam (2018)
Bedford, C. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C.; Wiens, R. C.; Rampe, E. B.; Frydenvang, J. and Gasda, P. J.
In : 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA)

The importance of samples delivered to Earth by Mars sample return for understanding the Martian mantle: a report from the iMOST team (2018)
Filiberto, J.; Herd, C. D. K.; Beaty, D. W.; McSween, H. Y.; Sefton-Nash, E.; Carrier, B.; Schwenzer, S. and Grady, M.
In : GSA Annual Meeting 2018 (04-07 Nov 2018, Indianapolis)

Microbial growth in simulated martian environments (2018)
Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Macey, Michael C.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2018 (16-21 Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany)

Arctic microbes – The phylogenetic and functional diversity of prokaryotes at Colour Peak (2018)
Macey, Michael Christopher; Fox-Powell, Mark; Stephens, Ben; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Cousins, Claire R. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : Molecular Microbial Ecology Group (MMEG) Meeting 2018 (17-19 Dec 2018, Swansea)

Prokaryotes at Colour Peak – An analogue for the Icy Moons (2018)
Macey, Michael C; Stephens, Ben; Fox-Powell, Mark; Cousins, Claire R.; Schwenzer, Susanne P; Pearson, Victoria K. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : EANA 2018 (24-28 Sep 2018, Berlin)

Viable metabolisms in a simulated martian chemical environment (2018)
Macey, Michael C.; Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : AbGradE Symposium 2018 (22-24 Sep 2018, Berlin)

Characterisation of novel isolates from an Enceladan analogue (2018)
Macey, Michael C.; Fox-Powell, Mark; Cousins, Claire R.; Pearson, Victoria K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : AbGradE Symposium 2018 (22-24 Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany)

Simulating martian environments for microbial growth experiments (2018)
Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Macey, Michael C.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : 12th International Congress of Extremophiles (16-20 Sep 2018, Ischia, Naples)

Prokaryotes at Colour Peak – An analogue for the Icy Moons (2018)
Macey, Michael C.; Stephens, Ben; Fox-Powell, Mark; Cousins, Claire R.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : 12th International congress of Extremophiles (16-20 Sep 2018, Ischia, Naples)

Modelling the Rock-Water Interface on Enceladus (2018)
Hamp, Rachael; Olsson-Francis, Karen; Schwenzer, Susanne; Ramkissoon, Nisha and Pearson, Victoria
In : European Planetary Science Congress 2018 (16-21 Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany)

Igneous compositions preserved in Gale crater's geological record (2017-12)
Bedford, C.C.; Bridges, J.C.; Schwenzer, S.P.; Wiens, R.C.; Rampe, E.B.; Frydenvang, J. and Gasda, P.J.
In : 1st British Planetary Science Congress (3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow)

Igneous Differentiation of the Martian Crust (2017-12)
Bridges, J.C.; Hicks, L.J.; Bedford, C.; Schwenzer, S.P.; MacArthur, J. and Edwards, P.H.
In : 1st British Planetary Science Congress (3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow)

CIRIR programs: drilling and research opportunities at the Rochechouart Impact Structure (2017-03)
Lambert, P.; Alwmark, C.; Baratoux, D.; Brack, A.; Bruneton, P.; Buchner, E.; Chevremont, P.; Claeys, P.; Dense, M. R.; Floch, J. P.; French, B.; Gattacceca, J.; Gibson, R. L.; Goderis, S.; Grieve, R. A. F.; Hodges, K. V.; Hörz, F.; Jourdan, F.; Kelley, S. P.; Kenkmann, T.; Kring, D. A.; Langenhort, F.; Lee, M. R.; Lindgren, P.; Lofi, J.; Lorand, J. P.; Luais, B.; Masaitis, V.; Meunier, A.; Moore, C. B.; Omrö, J.; Osinski, G. R.; Petit, S.; Pohl, J.; Quesnel, Y.; Reeves, H.; Rochette, P.; Sapers, H. M.; Schmieder, M.; Schultz, P. H.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Schoemaker, C. S.; Stöffler, D.; Trumel, H.; Westall, F.; Wittmann, A. and Wunneman, K.
In : 48th lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston, TX, USA)

Diagenesis on Mars: insights into noble gas pathways and newly formed mineral assemblages from long term experiments (2017-03)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C.; Miller, M. A.; Hicks, L. J.; Ott, U.; Filiberto, J.; Chavez, C.; Smith, H.; Treiman, A. H.; Kelley, S. P.; Moore, J. M.; Swindle, T. D. and Bullock, M. A.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston, TX, USA)

Young K-Ar gae of jarosite in the Mojave sample at Gale Crater, Mars. (2017-03)
Martin, P. E.; Farley, K. A.; Cohen, B. A.; Mahaffy, P. R.; Malespin, C. A.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Vasconcelos, P. M.; Ming, D. W.; McAdam, A. C. and Navarro-Gonzales, R.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston)

The igneous end member compositions preserved in Gale Crater sediments (2017-03)
Bridges, J. C.; Bedford, C. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Frydenvang, J.; Thompson, L. and Wiens, R. C.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston)

Evidence for impact-induced hydrothermal clay mineral formation at Endeavour crater, Mars. (2017-03)
Schröder, C. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston)

Increasing occurrence of sandstone cemented with calcium sulfate on Mount Sharp, Gale Crater, Mars (2017-03)
Newsom, H. E.; Jackson, R.; Wiens, R. C.; Frydenvang, J.; Gasada, P.; Lanza, N.; Ollila, A.; Clegg, S.; Gasnault, O.; Maurice, S.; Meslin, P.-Y.; Cousin, A.; Rapin, W.; Lasue, J.; Forni, O.; L'Harridon, J.; Banham, S.; Gupta, S.; Cohen, B.; Schieber, J.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Grotzinger, J.; Blaney, D.; Schroeder, J.; Calef, F.; Francis, R.; Ehlman, B.; Thomas, N.; Stein, N.; Watkinss, J.; Rubin, D.; Bridges, N.; Johnson, J.; Payre, V.; Mangold, N.; LeDeit, L.; Edgett, K.; Fey, D.; Gellert, R.; Thompson, L.; Schmidt, M.; Perrett, G.; Kah, L.; Kronyak, R.; Anderson, R.; Herkenhoff, K. and Bridges, J.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston)

Magmatic intrusions into sulfur-rich sediments on the Colorado Plateau: an analog for Mars exploration (2017-03)
Crandall, J. R.; Potter-McIntyre, S. L.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Filiberto, J.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston)

Crystallization history of gabbroic shergottite NWA 6963 as revealed by pyroxene zoning (2017-03)
Meado, A. L.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Hammond, S. J. and Filiberto, J.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston)

Labelmars.det: Crowd-sourcing an extremely large high quality Martian image dataset. (2017-03)
Wallace, I.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Woods, M.; Read, N.; Wright, S.; Waumsley, K. and Joudrier, L.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston)

UK Space Agency “Mars Utah Rover Field Investigation 2016” (MURFI 2016): overview of mission, aims and progress (2017-03)
Balme, M. R.; Curtis-Rouse, M. C.; Banham, S.; Barnes, D.; Barnes, R.; Bauer, A.; Bedford, C.; Bridges, J.; Butcher, F. E. G.; Caballo, P.; Caldwell, A.; Coates, A.; Cousins, C.; Davis, J.; Dequaire, J.; Edwards, P.; Fawdon, P.; Furuya, K.; Gadd, M.; Get, P.; Griffiths, A.; Grindrod, P. M.; Gunn, M.; Gupta, S.; Hansen, R.; Harris, J. K.; Holt, J.; Huber, B.; Huntly, C.; Hutchinson, I.; Jackson, L.; Kay, S.; Kybert, S.; Lerman, H. N.; McHugh, M.; McMahon, W.; Muller, J.-P.; Paar, G.; Preston, L. J.; Schwenzer, S.; Stabbins, R.; Tao, Y.; Traxler, C; Turner, S.; Tyler, L.; Venn, S.; Walker, H.; Wright, J. and Yeomans, B.
In : 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (20-24 Mar 2017, Houston)

Fractionated noble gases in Martian meteorite ALH84001 – an indicator for water-rock interaction, or a sample of ancient atmosphere? (2017)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Bart, G.; Bridges, J. C.; Crowther, S. A.; Filiberto, J.; Gilmour, J. D.; Herrmann, S.; Hicks, L. J.; Kelley, S. P.; Miller, M. A.; Ott, U.; Steer, E. D.; Swindle, T. D. and Treiman, A. H.
In : Fourth Conference on Early Mars: Geologic, Hydrologic, and Climatic Evolution and the Implications for Life (2-6 Oct 2017, Flagstaff, AZ, USA)

Assessing Source Region Characteristics from Gale crater Lacustrine mudstone (2017)
Bedford, C. C.; Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wiens, R. C.; Rampe, E. B.; Frydenvang, J. and Gasda, P. J.
In : 7th Astrobiology Society of Britain Conference (13-14 Sep 2017, Milton Keynes, UK)

Geochemical Endmembers preserved in the fluviolacustrine sediments of Gale crater (2017)
Bedford, C. C.; Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wiens, R. C.; Rampe, E. B.; Frydenvang, J. and Gasda, P. J.
In : Fourth International Conference on Early Mars: Geologic, Hydrologic, and Climatic Evolution and the Implications for Life (2-6 Oct 2017, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA)

Curiosity at Gale Crater's Hematite Ridge: High Mn and P Near the Ridge show Chemical Evidence for Generation by an Oxidation Front (2017)
Wiens, Roger; Meslin, Pierre-Yves; Lanza, Nina; Frydenvang, Jens; Mangold, Nicolas; Johnson, Jeffrey; Fraeman, Abigail; Horgan, Briony; Bedford, Candice; Blaney, Diana; Bridges, John; Cousin, Agnes; Ehlmann, Bethany; Forni, Olivier; Gasda, Patrick; Gasnault, Olivier; Gellert, Ralf; Johnstone, Steve; Lamm, Sarah; Lasue, Jeremie; Le Mouelic, Stephane; Maurice, Sylvestre; Newsome, Horton; Ollila, Ann; Payre, Valerie; Rapin, William; Salvatore, Mark; Schwenzer, Susanne; Thomas, Nancy and Vasavada, Ashwin
In : AGU Fall Meeting (11-15 Dec 2017, New Orleans, USA)

Curiosity at Vera Rubin Ridge: Testable Hypotheses, First Results, and Implications for Habitability (2017)
Fraeman, Abigail; Bedford, Candice; Bridges, John; Edgar, Lauren; Hardgrove, Craig; Horgan, Briony; Gabriel, Travis; Grotzinger, John; Gupta, Sanjeev; Johnson, Jeffrey; Rampe, Elizabeth; Morris, Richard; Salvatore, Mark; Schwenzer, Susanne; Stack, Kathryn; Pinet, Patrick; Rubin, David; Weltz, Catherine; Wellington, Danika; Wiens, Roger; Williams, Amy and Vasavada, Ashwin
In : AGU Fall Meeting (11-15 Dec 2017, New Orleans, USA)

Evolved Igneous Materials in Gale crater, Mars (2017)
Gasda, P. J.; Bridges, J. C.; Sautter, V.; Thompson, L.; Cousin, A.; Mangold, N.; Maurice, S.; Wiens, R. C.; Bedford, C. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 2017 (23-28 Jul 2017, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)

The impact of martian brine chemistry on the growth of microorganisms (2017)
Macey, Michael C.; Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : 1st British Planetary Science Congress (3-5 Dec 2017, Glasgow)

The impact of martian chemistry on the metabolism of methanogenic archaea (2017)
Macey, Michael C.; Ramkissoon, Nisha K.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Pearson, Victoria K. and Olsson-Francis, Karen
In : 7th Astrobiology Society of Britain Conference (13-14 Sep 2017, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)

Compositional End Members in Gale Crater, Mars (2016-08-07)
Bedford, C.C.; Bridges, J.C.; Schwenzer, S.P.; Cousin, A. and Wiens, R.C.
In : 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (7-12 Aug 2016, Berlin, Germany)

Fractionated noble gases in the nakhlite Martian meteorites (2016-04)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Ott, U.; Hicks, L. J.; Bridges, J. C.; Barnes, G.; Treiman, A. H. and Swindle, T. D.
In : Developments In Noble Gas Understanding and Expertise #4 (13-15 Apr 2016, CRPG, Nancy, France)

Modeling of sulphide environments on Mars (2016-02-05)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C.; McAdam, A.; Steer, E. D.; Conrad, P. G.; Kelley, S. P.; Wiens, R. C.; Mangold, N.; Grotzinger, J.; Eigenbrode, J. L.; Franz, H. B. and Sutter, B.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (21-25 Mar 2016, Houston, Texas)

Noble gas fractionation in hydrous rock alteration under diagenetic pressure and temperature conditions (2016-02-05)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Bullock, M. A.; Bridges, J. C.; Chavez, C. L.; Filiberto, J.; Hicks, L. J.; Kelley, S. P.; Miller, M. A.; Moore, J. M.; Smith, H. D.; Swindle, T. D. and Treiman, A. H.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (21-25 Mar 2016, Houston, Texas)

Igneous differentiation on Mars: Trachybasalts in Gale Crater (2016-02-05)
Bridges, J. C.; Edwards, P. H.; Anderson, R.; Dyar, M. D.; Fisk, M.; Thompson, L.; Gasada, P.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Goetz, W.; Blaney, D.; Filiberto, J. and Wiens, R. C.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (21-25 Mar 2016, Houston, Texas)

High-Temperature, Perhaps Silicic, Volcanism on Mars Evidenced by Tridymite Detection in High-SiO2 Sedimentary Rock at Gale Crater, Mars (2016-02-05)
Morris, R. V.; Vaniman, D. T.; Blake, D. F.; Gellert, R.; Chipera, S. J.; Ming, D. W.; Morrison, S. M.; Downs, R. T.; Rampe, E. B.; Treiman, A. H.; Yen, A. S.; Achilles, C. N.; Bristow, T. F.; Fendrich, K.; Crisp, J. A.; Des Marais, D. J.; Farmer, J. D.; Grotzinger, J. P.; Morookian, J. M. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (21-25 Mar 2016, Houston, Texas)

Fluorine in the Pahrump outcrop, Gale Crater: Implications for fluid circulation and alteration (2016-02-05)
Forni, O.; Nachon, M.; Mangold, N.; Blaney, D. L.; Wiens, R. C.; Clegg, S. M.; Meslin, P.-Y.; Gasnault, O.; Maurice, S.; Cousin, A.; Frydenvand, J.; Schwenzer, S. and Eigenbrode, J. L.
In : 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (21-25 Mar 2016, Houston, Texas)

An Investigation into Fluorine within Gale Crater and its Implications for Martian Geology (2016-01-22)
Bedford, C.C.; Schwenzer, S.P. and Bridges, J.C.
In : UKPF 13th Annual Early Career Scientists' Meetings (22 Jan 2016, University of Leicester)

Compositional End Members in Gale Crater, Mars (2016)
Bedford, Candice; Bridges, John; Schwenzer, Susanne and Wiens, Roger
In : Extraterrestrial Materials Research Meeting (1 Nov 2016, Manchester, UK)

Compositional End Members in Gale Crater, Mars (2016)
Bedford, Candice; Bridges, John; Schwenzer, Susanne and Wiens, Roger
In : Crustal Differentiation on Mars: A new View of the Red Planet Forty Years after Viking (11 Nov 2016, London, UK)

Relationships Between Shock and Fluid Processes (2015-06)
Steer, Elisabeth; Schwenzer, Susanne; Wright, Ian and Grady, Monica
In : National Astronomical Meeting 2015 (5-9 Jul 2015, Llandudno, Wales)

Weathering as controlled by shock processes (2015-05)
Steer, Elisabeth; Schwenzer, Susanne; Wright, Ian and Grady, Monica
In : 4th UK in Aurora Community Meeting (15 May 2015, London)

The anaerobic community of an estuarine environment: an analogue for life on Mars. (2015-04)
Curtis-Harper, Elliot; Olsson-Francis, Karen; Schwenzer, Susanne and Pearson, Victoria
In : 4th UK in Aurora Programme Meeting (15 May 2015, London)

Trace element mobility in cold desert alteration systems (2015-03)
Steer, E. D.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P. and Grady, M. M.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, Texas, USA)

Cold desert weathering effects on magnetic properties of L6 chondrites (2015-03)
Steer, E. D.; Gattacceca, J.; Rochette, P.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P. and Grady, M. M.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, Texas, USA)

Hematite formation in Gale Crater (2015-03)
Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Leveille, R.; Wiens, R. C.; McAdam, A.; Conrad, P. and Kelley, S. P.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Noble gas fractionation during low temperature alteration: an experimental approach. (2015-03)
bullock, M. A.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C.; Chavez, C.; Filiberto, J.; Kelley, S. P.; Miller, M.; Moore, J. M.; Smith, H.; Swindle, T. D. and Treiman, A. H.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Constraints, questions, and future directions on volatiles in the martian interior: a summary of the Workshop (2015-03)
Filiberto, J.; Baratoux, D.; Beaty, D.; Breuer, D.; Farcy, B. J.; Grott, M.; Jones, J. H.; Kieffer, W. S.; Mane, P.; McCubbin, F. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Rochechouart hydrothermal overprint: disentangling the timing of events through Ar-Ar dating (2015-03)
Kelley, S. P.; Lambert, P. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Fluids, evaporation and precipitates at Gale Crater (2015-03)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C.; Leveille, R.; Wiens, R. C.; Mangold, N.; McAdam, A.; Conrad, P.; Kelley, S. P.; Westall, F.; Martín-Torres, F. and Zorzano, M.-P.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Containers, sensors and samples to understand desert weathering (2015-03)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Barnes, J. J.; Charlier, B. L.; Grady, M. M.; Hall, C.; Melwani Daswani, M.; Morse, A.; Olsson-Francis, K.; Patel, M.; Pearson, V.; Pillinger, J. M.; Preston, L. J.; Sheridan, S.; Sherlock, S. C.; Steer, E. D.; Summers, S.; Verchovsky, S.; Dove-Jay, A. S.; Jewell, S. and Musilova, M.
In : 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

The anaerobic community of an estuarine environment: an analogue for life on Mars (2014-10)
Curtis-Harper, E.; Pearson, V.; Schwenzer, S. and Olsson-Francis, K.
In : 14th European Workshop on Astrobiology: Signatures of life: from gases to fossils (EANA14) (13-16 Oct 2014, Edinburgh) (p 94)

Mineralogical controls on cold desert weathering (2014-09-13)
Steer, Elisabeth; Schwenzer, Susanne; Wright, Ian and Grady, Monica
In : 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (MetSoc 2014) (8-13 Sep 2014, Casablanca, Morocco)

Chilling in Antarctica - meteorites weathering the cold (2014-06)
Steer, E. D.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P. and Grady, M. M.
In : National Astronomical Meeting 2014 (23-26 Jun 2014, Portsmouth)

The anaerobic community of an estuarine environment: an analogue for life on Mars (2014-01)
Curtis-Harper, E.; Pearson, V. K.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Olsson-Francis, K.
In : 12th Early Career Planetary Scientists’ Meeting (19-20 Feb 2015, University of Kent)

Evaluating potential alteration products of NWA7034: expanding our knowledge of Martian crustal alteration assemblages (2014)
Schwenzer, Susanne P.
In : 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Gale Crater and impact processes from Curiosity (2014)
Newsom, H. E.; Kah, L. C .; Mangold, N.; Williams, J. M .; Ollila, A. M.; Arvidson, R. E.; Stein, N.; Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Spray, J. G.; Grant, J. A .; Calef, F. J.; King, P. L.; Bridges, N. T.; Wiens, R. C. and Vaniman, D. T.
In : 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

The mantle, crust and atmosphere of Mars as illuminated by the light element geochemistry of NWA 7034 (2014)
Grady, M. M.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Verchovsky, A. B.
In : 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Fluid composition and mineral reactions at Yellowknife Bay, Mars (2014)
Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Leveille, R.; Westall, F.; Ollila, A.; Wiens, R.; Mangold, N.; Berger, G. and McAdam, A. C.
In : 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Moons: a MOOC and open education resource with games and a microscope (2014)
Kelley, S. P.; Rothery, D. A. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Carbonate precipitation driven by clay leachates on Early Mars (2014)
Melwani Daswani, M.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Reed, M. H.; Wright, I. P. and Grady, M. M.
In : 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Spatial correlations between silicate and metal weathering in Antarctic chondrites (2014)
Steer, E. D.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P. and Grady, M. M.
In : 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

SAM measurement of krypton and xenon on Mars (2014)
Conrad, P. G.; Malespin, C.; Franz, H.; Trainer, M. G.; Brunner, A.; Manning, H.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Atreya, S.; Jones, J.; Mahaffy, P. M.; Owen, T.; Pepin, R. O. and Wong, M. H.
In : 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (17-21 Mar 2014, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Clay and magnetite formation at Yellowknife Bay, Mars (2014)
Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Leveille, R.; Westall, F.; Wiens, R. C.; Mangold, N.; Bristow, T.; Edwards, P. and Berger, G.
In : 77th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting (2014) (8-13 Sep 2014, Casablanca, Morocco)

SAFER: The promising results of the Mars mission simulation campaign in Atacama, Chile (2014)
Gunes-Lasnet, Sev; Kisidi, A.; van Winnendael, Michel; Josset, J.-L.; Ciarletti, V.; Barnes, D.; Griffiths, A.; Paar, G.; Schwenzer, Susanne; Pullan, Derek; Allouis, E.; Waugh, L.; Woods, M.; Shaw, A. and Chong Diaz, Guillermo
In : I-SAIRAS 2014: 12th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (17-19 Jun 2014, Montreal, Canada)

MSL/SAM measurements of volatile isotopes, and their implications for atmospheric loss (2014)
Artreya, Sushil K.; Mahaffy, Paul; Webster, Christopher; Wong, Michael; Conrad, Pamela; Franz, Heather; Grotzinger, John; Jones, John; Leshin, Laurie; Malespin, Charles; Manning, Heidi; Navarro-Gonzales, Raphael; Owen, Tobias; Pepin, Robert; Schwenzer, Susanne and Trainer, Melissa
In : EGU General Assembly 2014 (27 Apr - 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria)

Curiosity’s mastcam images reveal conglomerate outcrops with water-transported pebbles (2013)
Williams, R. M. E.; Dietrich, W. E.; Grotzinger, J. P.; Gupta, S; Malin, M. C.; Palucis, M. C.; Rubin, D.; Stack, K.; Sumner, D. Y.; Yingst, R. A.; Bridges, J. C.; Goetz, W.; Koefoed, A.; Jensen, J. K.; Madsen, M. B.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Deen, R. G. and Pariser, O.
In : 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2013, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Gale Crater’s Bathurst Inlet and Rocknest_3 compositions (2013)
Bridges, J. C; Schwenzer, S. P.; Westall, F. and Dyar, M. D.
In : 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2013, Houston, TX, USA)

Heavy noble gas measurements on Mars with SAM (2013)
Conrad, P. G.; Malespin, C.; Manning, H.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Artreya, S.; Brinckerhoff, W. B.; Eigenbrode, J.; Farley, K.; Franz, H.; Glavin, D. P.; Jones, J.; Mahaffy, P. M.; Owen, T.; Pepin, R. O.; Steele, A.; Treiman, A.; Wong, M. and the MSL Science Team,
In : 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2013, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Modeling alteration minerals on Mars – investigating the high temperature component (2013)
Schwenzer, S. P. and Reed, Mark H.
In : 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2013, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Low temperature near-surface thermochemical modelling of the alteration assemblage in Martian meteorite ALH84001 (2013)
Melwani Daswani, M.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P. and Grady, M. M.
In : 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2013, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Preliminary interpretations of atmospheric stable isotopes and argon from Mars Science Laboratory (SAM) (2013)
Jones, J. H.; Niles, P. B.; Webster, C. R.; Mahaffy, P. R.; Flesch, G. J.; Christensen, L. E.; Leshin, L. A.; Franz, H.; Wong, M.; Atreya, S. K.; Conrad, P. G.; Manning, H.; Navarro-Gonzalez, R.; Owen, T.; Pepin, B.; Stern, J. C.; Trainer, M.; Schwenzer, S. P. and the MSL Science Team,
In : 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (18-22 Mar 2013, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

The nakhlite hydrothermal brine on Mars (2013)
Bridges, J. C. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : The 3rd UK in Aurora Meeting: Advances in Mars Research (8 Feb 2013, London, UK)

Thermochemical modelling of the alteration assemblage in Martian Meteorite ALH84001 at low temperature (15–25 °C) (2013)
Melwani Daswani, M.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P. and Grady, M. M.
In : The 3rd UK in Aurora Meeting: Advances in Mars Science (8 Feb 2013, London, UK)

Antarctic alteration as an analogue for processes on Mars – the noble gas perspective (2013)
Steer, E. D.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P.; Ott, U. and Grady, M. M.
In : The 3rd UK in Aurora Meeting: Advances in Mars Science: (8 Feb 2013, London, UK)

Modelling fluids associated with sulfate veining in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater (2013)
Bridges, J. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Berger, G.; Mangold, N.; Wiens, R. C.; Westall, F. W.; Oehler, D. Z. and Leveille, R.
In : Europen Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2013 (8-13 Sep 2013, London, UK)

The nakhlite alteration and habitability - mobility and quantification of essential elements (2013)
Schwenzer, S. P. and Bridges, J. C.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2013 (8-13 Sep 2013, London, UK)

Leachates formed carbonates in ALH84001 and on early Mars (2013)
Melwani Daswani, M.; Grady, M. M.; Schwenzer, S. P. and Wright, I. P.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2013 (8-13 Sep 2013, London, UK)

Linking alteration of noble gas inventories with secondary petrographic features in Antarctic meteorites - an analogue (2013)
Steer, E. D.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Wright, I. P.; Ott, U. and Grady, M. M.
In : European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2013 (8-13 Sep 2013, London, UK)

Thermochemical constraints for the formation conditions of the hydrothermal alteration mineralogy of Home Plate and Columbia Hills (2012-12)
Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
In : American Geophysical Union’s 45th Annual Fall Meeting (3-7 Dec 2012, San Francisco, CA, USA)

Lafayette, a case study for quantitative determination of P, T and X of a Martian subsurface fluid – and application to orbiter and lander data (2012-12)
Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Bridges, John
In : American Geophysical Union’s 45th Annual Fall Meeting (3-7 Dec 2012, San Francisco, CA, USA)

Geochemistry of intermediate olivine-phyric shergottite Northwest Africa 6234 (2012)
Filiberto, Justin; Chin, Emily; Day, James M. D.; Gross, Juliane; Penniston-Dorland, Sarah C.; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Treiman, Allan H.
In : 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, US)

Cold desert alteration of Martian meteorites: mixed news from noble gases, trace elements and oxygen isotopes (2012)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Gibson, J. M.; Greenwood, R. C.; Hammond, S.; Haubold, R.; Herrmann, S.; Kelley, S. P.; Ott, U. and Tindle, A. G.
In : 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

The nakhlite hydrothermal brine (2012)
Bridges, J. C. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Petrography, mineral chemistry, and crystallization history of olivine-phyric shergottite NWA6234: a new intermediate melt composition (2012)
Gross, J.; Filiberto, J.; Treiman, A. H.; Herd, C. D. K.; Melwani Daswani, M. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, USA)

Acidic, high D/H magmatic fluids in the deep Martian interior: evidence from Martian amphibole and glass compositions (2012)
Giesting, Paul A.; Filiberto, Justin; Starkey, Natalie; Franchi, Ian; Schwenzer, Susanne; Tindle, Andy and Treiman, Allan
In : GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition (4-7 Nov 2012, Charlotte, NC, USA)

Quantifying low temperature production of methane on Mars (2011-03)
Schwenzer, Susanne
In : 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (7-11 Mar 2011, Houston, TX, USA)

The Open University-NASA Apollo Virtual Microscope – a tool for Education and Outreach (2011-03)
Kelley, Simon; Tindle, Andrew; Anand, Mahesh; Whalley, Peter; Hogan, Paul; Valentine, Chris; Pillinger, Colin; Gibson, Everett and Schwenzer, Susanne
In : 42th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (7-11 Mar 2011, Houston, TX, USA)

Cosmic ray exposure ages of nakhlites - Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares - and Chassigny: one ejection event? (2011-03)
Korochantseva, E. V.; Schwenzer, S.; Buikin, A. I.; Hopp, J.; Ott, U. and Trieloff, M.
In : 42nd Lunar and Planetary Conference (7-11 Mar 2011, Houston, TX, USA)

Hydrothermal alteration mineralogy of Home Plate: thermochemical contstraints for their formation conditions (2011-03)
Filiberto, Justin and Schwenzer, Susanne
In : 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (7-11 Mar 2011, Houston, TX, USA)

The nakhlite impact hydrothemal cell: mineralogy, fluid and habitability (2011)
Bridges, J. C. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : Exploring Mars Habitability (13-15 Jun 2011, Lisbon, Portugal)

The secondary mineral forming fluid in the nakhlites (2011)
Schwenzer, S. P. and Bridges, J C.
In : 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK)

ALHA77005: monitor for terrestrial influence on noble gases and analogue for Mars (2011)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Schwanethal, J.; Ott, U.; Tindle, A. G.; Anand, M. and Kelley, S. P.
In : 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK)

Tracking fluid action in Little Sark Pluton (Channel Islands, UK): a UV laserprobe Ar/Ar study of excess 40Ar (2011)
Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Schwanethal, James; Tindle, Andrew G.; Kelley, Simon Peter and Sherlock, Sarah C.
In : AGU Fall Meeting (5-9 Dec 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA)

Beagle I and II Voyages: Charles Darwin’s rocks and the quest for Mars rock; the Open University’s virtual microscope has both (2011)
Schwenzer, Susanne; Tindle, Andrew G.; Anand, Mahesh; Gibson, Everett K.; Pearson, Vic K.; Pemberton, Dan; Pillinger, Colin; Smith, Caroline L.; Whalley, Peter and Kelley, Simon Peter
In : AGU Fall Meeting (5-9 Dec 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA)

The nakhlite secondary mineralogy and fluid (invited) (2011)
Bridges, John and Schwenzer, Susanne P.
In : AGU Fall Meeting (5-9 Dec 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA)

Maximizing the science return from 3.3 g of Martian meteorite: a consortium study of olivine-phyric shergottite NorthWest Africa 6234 (2011)
Filiberto, Justin; Abernethy, Feargus; Butler, Ian B.; Carthwright, Julia; Chin, Emily J.; Day, James M.; Goodrich, Cyrena; Grady, Monica; Gross, Julianne; Franchi, Ian; Herd, Christopher D. K.; Kelley, Simon Peter; Ott, Ulrich; Penninston-Dorland, Sarah C.; Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Treiman, Allan H.
In : AGU Fall Meeting (5-9 Dec 2011, San Francisco)

Exploring Martian impact craters: what they can reveal about the subsurface and why they are important in the search for life (2010)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Abramov, O.; Allen, C. C.; Clifford, S.; Filiberto, J.; Kring, D. A.; Lasue, J.; McGovern, P. J.; Newsom, H. E.; Treiman, A.; Vaniman, D. T.; Wiens, R. C. and Wittmann, A.
In : 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (01-05 Mar 2010, Houston, TX, USA)

Evaluating the effect of sulfur on alteration assemblages in impact cratered terrains on Mars (2010)
Schwenzer, S. P. and Kring, D. A.
In : 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (01-05 Mar 2010, Houston, TX, USA)

Exploring Martian impact craters: why they are important for the search for life (2010)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Abramov, O.; Allen, C. C.; Clifford, S.; Filiberto, J.; Kring, D. A.; Lasue, J.; MvGovern, P. J.; Newsom, H. E.; Treiman, A. H.; Vaniman, D. T.; Wiens, R. C. and Wittmann, A.
In : Astrobiology Science Conference 2010 (26-29 Apr 2010, League City, TX, USA)

Alteration mineral in impact-generated hydrothermal systems. Which, where, when – and how important? (2010)
Schwenzer, S. P. and Kring, D. A.
In : Planet Mars 3 (28 Mar - 2 Apr 2010, Les Houches, France)

From Lahn to Hudson river: Lahnmarmor as precious dimension stone and national heritage (2010)
Kirnbauer, T. and Schwenzer, S.
In : 14th Internationale Tagung GeoTop (29 May - 2 Jun 2010, Hagen, Germany)

Spatial evaluation of Ar-systematics in rocks from the British Channel Islands: a UV laserprobe Ar/Ar study of excess 40Ar (2010)
Schwenzer, Susanne; Sherlock, Sarah and Kelley, Simon
In : AGU Fall Meeting (13-17 Dec 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA)

Impact-generated hydrothermal systems on Noachian Mars: clays, carbonates and more (2010)
Schwenzer, S. and Abramov, O.
In : AGU Fall Meeting (13-17 Dec 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA)

Basalt–atmosphere interaction on Venus: preliminary results on weathering of minerals and bulk rock (2009)
Treiman, A. H. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : Venus geochemistry: progress, prospects, and new missions (26-27 Feb 2009, Houston, TX, USA)

Impact-generated hydrothermal alteration on Mars: clay minerals, oxides, zeolites, and more (2009)
Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Kring, David A.
In : 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, TX, USA)

Impact-generated hydrothermal systems on Noachian Mars: the path of water (2009)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Abramov, O. and Kring, D. A.
In : 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (23-27 Mar 2009, Houston, TX, USA)

Impact-generated hydrothermal systems in mafic to ultramafic Noachian crust of Mars (2009)
Schwenzer, S. P. and Kring, D. A.
In : Workshop on Modeling Martian Hydrous Environments (1-3 Jun 2009, Houston, TX, USA)

Impact-generated hydrothermal alteration on Early Mars in presence of CO2 (2009)
Schwenzer, S. P. and Kring, D. A.
In : 72nd Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting (13-18 Jul 2009, Nancy, France)

Landing site selection and Miyamoto crater, Mars – why no hydrothermal deposits? (2009)
Newsom, H. E.; Lanza, N. L.; Ollila, A. M.; Wiseman, S. M.; Roush, T. L.; Marzo, G. A.; Tornabene, L. L.; Crumpler, L. S.; Okubo, C. H.; Osterloo, M. M.; Hamilton, V. E. and Schwenzer, S. P.
In : 12th MARS CRATER CONSORTIUM MEETING (29-30 Sep 2009, US Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ, USA)

Inferred impact-generated hydrothermal mineral assemblages in basaltic regions of Mars (2008)
Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Kring, David A.
In : Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX (10. - 14. Mar 2008, Houston, TX)

Trapped noble gases in the Isheyevo CH/CB chondrite (2008)
Nakashima, D.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Ott, U. and Ivanova, M. A.
In : Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX (10-14 Mar 2008, Houston, TX)

Noble gases in two shergottites and a nakhlite from Antarctica: Y000027, Y000097, and Y000593 (2008)
Schwenzer, S.; Herrmann, S. and Ott, U.
In : 71st Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting (28 Jul - 01 Aug 2008, Matsue, Japan)

Secondary minerals formed by impact-generated hydrothermal systems on Mars – a modeling approach (2008)
Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Kring, David A.
In : Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (5-9 Oct 2008, Houston TX)

High-Fe, low-Al basalts: evidence of extensive mantle processing on Earth, Moon, Mars, Vesta, Venus, and Io (2008)
Filiberto, Justin; Kirchoff, Michelle R.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Kieffer, Walter S. and Treiman, Allan H.
In : Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (5-9 Oct 2008, Houston TX)

After the dust has settled: hydrothermally-driven chemical and mineralogical changes in planetary crust following impact events (2008)
Schwenzer, Susanne and Kring, DA
In : Workshop on Early Solar System Impact Bombardment (19-20 Nov 2008, Houston, TX)

Phyllosilicates produced by impact-generated hydrothermal systems on Mars (2008)
Schwenzer, Susanne P. and Kring, David A.
In : Workshop on Martian Phyllosilicates: Recorders of Aqueous Processes (21-23 Oct 2008, Paris, France)

Hydrothermal alteration in the Frankenstein gabbro Martian analogue: first models
Seidel, R. G. W.; Sherlock, S. C.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Bridges, J. C. and Kirnbauer, T.
In : 2nd British Planetary Science Conference (13-15 Jan 2020, Oxford, UK)

The importance of (Noachian) impact craters as windows to the subsurface and as potential hosts of life (2009)
Schwenzer, S. P.; Abramov, O.; Allen, C. C.; Clifford, S.; Filiberto, J.; Kring, D. A.; Lasue, J.; McGovern, P. J.; Newsom, H. E.; Treiman, A. H. and Wittmann, A.

Groundbreaking sample return from Mars: the next giant leap in understanding the red planet (2009)
Treiman, Allan H.; Wadhwa, Meenakshi; Shearer, Charles K.; McPherson, Glenn J.; Papike, James J.; Wasserburg, Gerald J.; Floss, Christine; Rutherford, Malcolm J.; Flynn, George J.; Papanastassiou, Dimitri; Westphal, Andrew; Neal, Clive; Jones, John H.; Harvey, Ralph H. and Schwenzer, Susanne