Professor Teresa Cremin is a Professor of Education (Literacy) and Co-Director of the Literacy and Social Justice Centre at The Open University in the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies.
Professor Cremin is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences,(AcSS) the Royal Society of the Arts (RSA) and the English Association (EA). Additionally, she is a Trustee of the UK Literacy Association (UKLA), a Board member of the Reading Agency, a DfE expert on reading for pleasure, a member of the ESRC Peer Review College, and chair of the Advisory Group for the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Teacher Development Fund for the Arts. Previously she has served as President of the UK Reading Association and the UKLA, as a Director of the Cambridge Primary Review Trust (CPRT) and a Trustee of the Poetry Archive and SES. Teresa has also served as a visiting Professor at Edge Hill University, a Board Member of BookTrust and the Poetry Archive and as editor of the Journal Literacy and co-editor of the journal Thinking Skills and Creativity.
Teresa has been a practising primary teacher, a staff development co-ordinator in a local authority, and has worked extensively in Higher Education, both with initial teacher education students and with practising professionals. Her current work mainly focuses on research and knowledge exchange, although she is also involved in teaching and consultancy, leadership and management.
Teresa gained a Psychology degree at Bristol University, a PGCE at Homerton College, Cambridge, a Masters Degree at the Institute of Education, London and her PhD through the University of Kent at Canterbury.
Professor Cremin’s socio-cultural research focuses on teachers' literate identities and practices, the pedagogies associated with children's volitional reading and writing (within and beyond the classroom), and creative teaching and learning from the early years through to Higher Education.
Teresa is interested in the aesthetic and artistic nature of language and literacy learning and the role and use of creativity in and through language. In particular she has documented primary teachers’ knowledge and use of children’s literature and the concept of Reading Teachers - teachers who read and readers who teach (Commeyras et al., 2004) as well as teachers' identities as writers. Teresa is interested in the consequences of teachers' literate identity positioning on their pedagogic practices and the identity positions made available to younger readers and writers in the classroom.She has also explored children’s imaginative development and the characteristics of ‘possibility thinking’ manifest in the learning engagement of children and the pedagogical strategies of their teachers, as well as the relationship between drama and other forms of oral engagement and children’s voice in writing.
Teresa predominantly works with teachers as co-participant researchers, supporting them to engage with an ethnographic eye and research children's literacy lives and practices, as well as document their own identity enactments as literacy educators and creative professionals.
Current and recent externally funded research projects with colleagues from the OU and other universities include:
The Role of Talk in Reading and Writing for pleasure (2024-2029)
Utilising Digital Texts to foster Volitional, Proficient Readers, ARC (2024-2028)
Magazines as a Tool for Motivating Readers (2024-2025)
Attitudes to Reading at KS3: CODE (2024-2025)
Interventions with reading volunteers (2024-2025)
Reading for Pleasure and Children's Wellbeing (2022-2023)
Informal Book Talk in the Early Years (2022-2023)
Book Clubs in Schools (2022-2025)
Reading and Writing for Pleasure (2020-2023)
Seeing Beneath the Surface: The Picture Fiction Framework (2020-2023)
Student Teachers as Readers (2019-2025)
Representing Children’s Rights from Discussion through to Illustration and Interpretation (2018-2019)
Daily Supported Reading and Destination Reader Programmes (2017-2020)
Developing the Craft of Writing (2017-2019)
Reading Road Map (2018-2019)
International Cross-cultural Play and Learning Study: Children's and Adults' Perceptions (2016-2019)
Teachers as Writers (2015-2017)
Disadvantaged 'Struggling' Boy Readers' (dis)engagement with Reading (2015-2016)
Creative Early Years Scientists (CEYS) EU Erasmus Plus (2014-2017)
Create to Learn (C2Learn) EU (2013-2015)
Immersive Theatre and Literacy Learning (2014-2015)
Knowledge Transfer Partnership with BookTrust on Digital Texts (2014)
Professional Writers' Identities and Composing Practices (2014-2015)
Creative Little Scientists (CLS) FP7 EU (2011-2014)
Storytelling and Story-acting in the Early Years (2012-2013)
Creative Primary Schools and their Pedagogic Practice (2011-12)
Teachers as Readers: Building Communities of Engaged Readers (2009-11)
Extracurricular Literary Reading in the CKG Shadowing Scheme (2011)
Building Communities: Researching Literacy Lives (2009-2010).
Teachers’ Identities as Writers (2009-2011)
Possibility Thinking in Primary Practice (2009-2014)
Conceptions of Independence in Writing (2009-2010)
Professor Cremin is interested in creative teaching and learning in literacy and other domains. She has taught extensively on Masters courses, both at Canterbury Christchurch University and the OU, related to research methods, literacy, literature and creativity. She has been an External Examiner at Masters level at the Universities of Cambridge, Glasgow, and the University of Western England and for undergraduate courses at the University of Cambridge and Nottingham Trent University. Teresa undertakes considerable PhD supervision and examining in the UK and internationally.
Teresa is also extensively engaged in facilitating teacher professional development through work with Federations, MATs, DfE English Hubs, and organisations such as the NUT, NLT, NAAE, NATE, NAPE,The Princes Foundation, The Cheltenham Literature Festival, Empathy Lab and UKLA. In this work she leads bespoke continuing professional development for teachers, writers, subject specialists and head teachers. Additionally, she is involved in teaching in multiple other contexts, in the UK and internationally on graduate and undergraduate programmes and in conference keynotes. Recently, Teresa was involved in creating an internationally available OU reading for pleasure badged online course with colleagues.
Professor Cremin is extensively involved in developing the reach and significance of her Open University research. She advises the DfE on reading for pleasure and leads the OU Reading for Pleasure Research and Practice Coalition to share the findings from her own and the wider team's ongoing studies in this area.
The accompanying website has over 950 examples of teachers' research informed practice, and diverse resources to enable educators to widen their knowledge and practice, and make more of an impact upon the potentially life-changing habit of reading in childhood. The monthly RfP newsletter has over 45,000 subscribers. Reading For Pleasure - Reading for Pleasure (
In addition, the OU RfP team that Teresa leads, supports over 100 OU/ UKLA Teachers Reading Groups annually (CPD for RfP, led by trained volunteers nationally) and has 39 Higher Education Partners who are supported to work with student teachers to develop their knowledge and skill in nurturing children's recreational reading. The OU Reading Schools Programme: Building a Culture of Reading is also evidence informed and has enabled over 400 schools to transform their reading cultures and impact on both the skill and the will to read. Her wider work includes for example, the annual RfP Awards (in partnership with Farshore and UKLA), the annual Teachers' Reading Challenge (in partnership with The Reading Agency) and the RfP Quality Mark (in partnership with UKLA).
This work has, since its inception, made an impact on policy and practice and on the lives of thousands of children. Reading for pleasure is recognised as a tool for social justice and is associated with significant cognitive, social and emotional benefits.
Professor Cremin is involved in a number of external organisations in diverse roles.
She is a Trustee of the UK Literacy Association; a Board member of the Reading Agency, Patron of the National Association of Primary Education, and Chair of the Advisory Group of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Teacher Development Fund. In addition, she is a Member of the ESRC Peer Review College and reviews bids for this and other funding organisations, nationally and internationally.
Professor Cremin has been President of the UK Reading Association and the UK Literacy Association. She was also previously a Director of the Cambridge Primary Review Trust, and a Board member of the Poetry Archive, of BookTrust and a Trustee of the Society for Education Studies.
Professor Cremin is on the Board of 8 academic journals, was co-editor of the Elseveir journal Thinking Skiills and Creativity and the Editor of the Wiley Blackwell journal Literacy. She has chaired the International Reading Association’s Dissertation Award committee and sits on multiple advisory groups for diverse reserach projects and is currently a member of the UKLA Conference committee, in which capacity she organises volitional reading symposia and practitioner conferences.
In addition she works with multiple organisations in various roles, including for example: the National Literacy Trust (NLT); the Royal Society for the Arts (RSA); The Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE); the Paul Hamlyn Foundation (PHF); Empathy Lab; the Princes Foundation; the Centre for Librarians and Information Professionals, (CILIP); Cheltenham Literature Festival , the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, (CLPE), Book Clubs in Schools (BCSIS), the School Library Association (SLA), Coram Beanstalk, Chapter One, Brittanica, and MakeBelieve Arts (MBA).
Professor Cremin has strong international links with colleagues likewise interested in the language arts, literature and creativity. She has also worked with policy makers, university researchers and practitioners in a number of different countries, including for example, Finland, Australia, USA, Italy, New Zealand, Singapore, Korea, Canada, Taiwan, the Czech Republic and Norway.
Name | Type | Parent Unit |
CREET: Educational Studies Research Cluster | Cluster | Faculty of Education and Language Studies |
Children’s and mothers’ understanding of play and learning: Repertoires across five cultures (2024-12)
Bugallo, Lucía; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Scheuer, Nora; Cremin, Teresa; Montoro, Virginia; Golinkoff, Roberta; Preston, Marcia; Wah Cheng, Doris Pui and Popp, Jill
Learning and Instruction, 94, Article 101981
Distilling playful stances to learning: Looking across cultures, contexts, roles and generations (2024-11)
Scheuer, Nora and Cremin, Teresa
Learning and Instruction, Article 102039
Developing readers who choose to read (2024-10)
Cremin, Teresa
Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 29(3) (pp. 10-13)
Funds of courage: advancing social justice in children’s reading for pleasure (2024-07-05)
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa
Cambridge Journal of Education, 54(4) (pp. 437-454)
Reading for Pleasure: A catalyst for connection (2024-02)
Ashley, Kelly; Cremin, Teresa; Jealous, Jenni and Jordan, Curtis
Impact: Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching, 20 (pp. 50-53)
Widening Teachers' Reading Repertoires: Moving beyond a Popular Childhood Canon (2024)
Cremin, Teresa; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane; Aerila, Juli‐Anna; Kauppinen, Merja; Siipola, Mari and Lähteelä, Johanna
The Reading Teacher, 77(6) (pp. 833-841)
Reading for pleasure: scrutinising the evidence base – benefits, tensions and recommendations (2024)
Cremin, Teresa and Scholes, Laura
Language and Education, 38(4) (pp. 537-559)
Editorial (2024)
Cremin, Teresa and Hendry, Helen
Education 3-13, 52(7) (pp. 911-915)
Informal book talk: digging beneath the surface (2024)
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Hulston, Samantha Jayne
Education 3-13, 52(7) (pp. 930-945)
Editorial: What is the future of young people’s volitional reading? Exploring diverse perspectives (2024)
Loh, Chin Ee; Cremin, Teresa and Scholes, Laura
Language and Education, 38(4) (pp. 531-536)
Reading for pleasure: Recent research insights (2023-02)
Cremin, Teresa
School Libraries in View (SLIV)(47) (pp. 6-12)
Writing as a craft: Re-considering teacher subject content knowledge for teaching writing (2023)
Myhill, Debra; Cremin, Teresa and Oliver, Lucy
Research Papers in Education, 38(3) (pp. 403-425)
Conceptions of play by children in five countries: towards an understanding of playfulness (Las concepciones acerca del juego de niños de cinco países: hacia un mejor conocimiento de la actividad lúdica) (2023)
Mukherjee, Sarah J.; Bugallo, Lucía; Scheuer, Nora; Cremin, Teresa; Montoro, Virginia; Ferrero, Martha; Preston, Marcia; Cheng, Doris; Golinkoff, Roberta and Popp, Jill
Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 46(1) (pp. 109-153)
The impact of a changed writing environment on students' motivation to write (2023)
Myhill, Debra; Cremin, Teresa and Oliver, Lucy
Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1212940
Student teachers as readers: the reading experiences and reading pedagogy of Finnish and British student teachers (2023)
Aerila, Juli-Anna; Kauppinen, Merja; Cremin, Teresa; Siipola, Mari; Mukherjee, Sarah Jane and Lahteela, Johanna
Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 48(9) (pp. 86-99)
Motivation and reading: Focusing on disengaged readers (2023)
Cremin, Teresa
Teaching English(32) (pp. 32-36)
The impact of a changed writing environment on students' motivation to write (2023)
Myhill, Debra; Cremin, Teresa and Oliver, Lucy
Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1212940
Literacy histories as opportunities for learning: Reflecting, connecting, and learning from Margaret Meek Spencer (2022-07)
Cremin, Teresa and Hendry, Helen
English in Education, 56(3) (pp. 209-221)
Different fiction genres take children’s memories to different places (2022)
Kuzmičová, Anežka and Cremin, Teresa
Cambridge Journal of Education, 52(1) (pp. 37-53)
Responsible Reading: Children’s Literature and Social Justice (2022)
Simpson, Alyson and Cremin, Teresa Mary
Education Sciences, 12, Article e264(4)
Creative pedagogies: a systematic review (2021)
Cremin, Teresa and Chappell, Kerry
Research Papers in Education, 36(3) (pp. 299-331)
Teachers as writers: Learning together with others (2020-05)
Cremin, Teresa; Myhill, Debra; Eyres, Ian; Wilson, Anthony; Oliver, Lucy and Nash, Tricia
Literacy, 54(2) (pp. 49-59)
Creative collaboration: teachers and writers working together (2019-09)
Myhill, Debra and Cremin, Teresa
Impact(7) (pp. 61-65)
Our foot's in the door: Editorial to Special Issue on Creativity, Arts and Cultural Education (2019-09)
Cremin, Teresa
Impact(7) (pp. 1-3)
Fostering Inquiry and Creativity in Early Years STEM Education: Policy Recommendations from the Creative Little Scientists Project (2018-09)
Stylianidou, Fani; Glauert, Esme; Rossis, Dimitris; Compton, Ashley; Cremin, Teresa; Craft, Anna and Havu-Nututinen, Sari
European Journal of STEM Education, 3, Article 15(3)
[Editorial] Reading for pleasure: supporting reader engagement (2018-05-08)
Cremin, Teresa and Moss, Gemma
Literacy, 52(2) (pp. 59-61)
Storytelling and story-acting: co-construction in action (2018-03-01)
Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Swann, Joan; Faulkner, Dorothy and Kucirkova, Natalia
Journal of Early Childhood Research, 16(1) (pp. 3-17)
Personalised reading for pleasure with digital libraries: Towards a pedagogy of practice and design (2018)
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa
Cambridge Journal of Education, 48(5) (pp. 571-589)
Young children’s reading for pleasure with digital books: six key facets of engagement (2017)
Kucirkova, Natalia; Littleton, Karen and Cremin, Teresa
Cambridge Journal of Education, 47(1) (pp. 67-84)
Teachers as writers: a systematic review (2017)
Cremin, Teresa and Oliver, Lucy
Research Papers in Education, 32(3) (pp. 269-295)
Open Dialogue peer review: A response to Claxton and Lucas (2016-06)
Cremin, Teresa
The Psychology of Education Review, 40(1) (pp. 17-21)
Creative little scientists: exploring pedagogical synergies between inquiry-based and creative approaches in Early Years science (2015)
Cremin, Teresa; Glauert, Esme; Craft, Anna; Compton, Ashley and Styliandou, Fani
Education 3-13, 43(4) (pp. 404-419)
Editorial: Perspectives on creative pedagogy: exploring challenges, possibilities and potential (2015)
Cremin, Teresa
Education 3-13, 43(4) (pp. 353-359)
Exploring the discursively constructed identities of a teacher-writer teaching writing (2014-12-18)
Cremin, Teresa and Baker, Sally
English Teaching Practice and Critique, 13(3) (pp. 30-55)
Spot the Dog; with iPads: spot the difference! (2014-07)
Kucirkova, Natalia; Willans, Deb and Cremin, Teresa
English 4-11, 51 (pp. 11-14)
Creative primary schools: developing and maintaining pedagogy for creativity (2014)
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Hay, Penny and Clack, Jim
Ethnography and Education, 9(1) (pp. 16-34)
Reciprocity between narrative, questioning and imagination in the early and primary years: examining the role of narrative in possibility thinking (2013-08)
Cremin, Teresa; Chappell, Kerry and Craft, Anna
Thinking Skills and Creativity, 9 (pp. 135-151)
Language learning at Key Stage 2: findings from a longitudinal study (2012-09)
Cable, Carrie; Driscoll, Patricia; Mitchell, Rosamond; Sing, Sue; Cremin, Teresa; Earl, Justine; Eyres, Ian; Holmes, Bernadette; Martin, Cynthia and Hiens, Barbara
Education 3-13, 40(4) (pp. 363-378)
Building communities: teachers researching literacy lives (2012-07-01)
Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona; Powell, Sacha and Drury, Rose
Improving Schools, 15(2) (pp. 101-115)
Possibility thinking: culminative studies of an evidence-based concept driving creativity? (2012)
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Burnard, Pamela; Dragovic, Tatjana and Chappell, Kerry
Education 3-13, 41(5) (pp. 538-556)
The nature of creativity: cognitive and confluence perspectives (2012)
Megalakiki, Olga; Craft, Anna and Cremin, Teresa
Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 10(3) (pp. 1035-1056)
Exploring teacher-writer identities in the classroom: Conceptualising the struggle (2010-12)
Cremin, Teresa and Baker, Sally
English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 9(3) (pp. 8-25)
Teachers as readers: building communities of readers (2009-04)
Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona; Powell, Sacha and Safford, Kimberly
Literacy, 43(1) (pp. 11-19)
Exploring teachers' knowledge of children's literature (2008-12)
Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Bearne, Eve and Goodwin, Prue
Cambridge Journal of Education, 38(4) (pp. 449-464)
Question-posing and question-responding: the heart of 'Possibility Thinking' in the early years (2008-10)
Chappell, Kerry; Craft, Anna; Burnard, Pamela and Cremin, Teresa
Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 28(3) (pp. 267-286)
Primary teachers as readers (2008-04)
Cremin, Teresa; Bearne, Eve; Mottram, Marilyn and Goodwin, Prue
English in Education, 42(1) (pp. 8-23)
Teacher stance in creative learning: A study of progression (2007-11)
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Burnard, Pamela and Chappell, Kerry
Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2(2) (pp. 136-147)
Pedagogy and possibility thinking in the early years (2006-11)
Cremin, Teresa; Burnard, Pamela and Craft, Anna
Thinking Skills and Creativity, 1(2) (pp. 108-119)
Documenting ‘possibility thinking': a journey of collaborative enquiry (2006-10)
Burnard, Pamela; Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Duffy, Bernadette; Hanson, Ruth; Keene, Jean; Haynes, Lindsay and Burns, Dawn
International Journal of Early Years Education, 14(3) (pp. 243-262)
Creativity, uncertainty and discomfort: teachers as writers (2006-09)
Cremin, Teresa
Cambridge Journal of Education, 36(3) (pp. 415-433)
Connecting drama and writing: seizing the moment to write (2006)
Cremin, Teresa; Goouch, Kathy; Blakemore, Louise; Goff, Emma and Macdonald, Roger
Research In Drama in Education, 11(3) (pp. 273-291)
Teachers as writers: learning together (2005)
Grainger, Teresa
English in Education, 39(1) (pp. 75-87)
Short, sweet and potent: Short stories in literacy learning (2005)
Grainger, Teresa
Primary English Magazine, 10(5) (pp. 25-29)
A creative cocktail: creative teaching in initial teacher education (2004-11)
Grainger, Teresa; Barnes, Jonathon and Scoffham, Stephen
Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy, 30(3) (pp. 243-253)
Research in Progress - Raising boys' achievements in writing: joint PNS/UKLA pilot research project (2004)
Bearne, Eve and Grainger, Teresa
Literacy, 38(3) (pp. 156-158)
Creative teachers and the language arts: Possibilities and potential (2003-03)
Grainger, Teresa
Education 3-13, 31(1) (pp. 43-48)
Drama and Spirituality: reflective connections (2003)
Grainger, Teresa and Kendall-Seatter, Sue
International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 8(1) (pp. 25-32)
'Playing the game called writing': children's views and voices (2003)
Grainger, Teresa; Goouch, Kathy and Lambirth, Andrew
English in Education, 37(2) (pp. 4-15)
Editorial: a retrospective (2003)
Grainger, Teresa
Literacy, 37(3) (pp. 95-97)
Let drama build bridges between the subjects (2003)
Grainger, Teresa
Primary English Magazine, 9(1) (pp. 8-12)
Bridging between drama and non-fiction writing (2003)
Grainger, Teresa
Primary English Magazine, 9(2) (pp. 19-23)
Reading Teachers: Nurturing Reading for Pleasure (2023)
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Kucirkova, Natalia
ISBN : 9781032105024 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Children Reading for Pleasure in the Digital Age: Mapping Reader Engagement (2020-07)
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa
ISBN : 9781526436627 | Publisher : SAGE
Teaching Writing Effectively: Reviewing Practice (2nd edition) (2016-12-01)
Bearne, Eve; Chamberlain, Liz; Cremin, Teresa and Mottram, Marilyn
Ideas in practice
ISBN : 9781910543764 | Publisher : UKLA | Published : Leicester
Researching Literacy Lives: Building Communities between Home and School (2014-11-25)
Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona M.; Powell, Sacha and Drury, Rose
ISBN : 978-1-138-77720-0 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Building Communities of Engaged Readers: Reading for pleasure (2014)
Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona M.; Powell, Sacha and Safford, Kimberly
ISBN : 978-1-13-877747-7 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Writing Voices: Creating Communities of Writers (2011-09-08)
Cremin, Teresa and Myhill, Debra
ISBN : 978-0-415-57981-0 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Teaching Writing Effectively: Reviewing Practice (2011)
Bearne, Eve; Chamberlain, Liz; Cremin, Teresa and Mottram, Marilyn
ISBN : 9781897638583 | Publisher : UKLA | Published : Leicester
Teaching English Creatively (2009-06-26)
Cremin, Teresa
Learning to Teach in the Primary School Series
ISBN : 9780415435024 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Creative Teaching for Tomorrow: Fostering a Creative State of Mind Deal (2009)
Cremin, Teresa; Barnes, Jonathan and Scoffham, Stephen
ISBN : 9781907135002 | Publisher : Future Creative | Published : Kent, UK
Building Communities of Readers (2008-10)
Cremin, Teresa; Mottram, Marilyn; Collins, Fiona and Powell, Sacha
ISBN : 9781897638460 | Publisher : PNS/United Kingdom Literacy Association | Published : Leicester, UK
Creative learning 3-11: and how we document it (2007-12)
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela
ISBN : 9781858564104 | Publisher : Trentham | Published : UK
Handbook of Primary English in Initial Teacher Education (2007)
Cremin, Teresa and Dombey, Henrietta
ISBN : 9781897638371 | Publisher : NATE and UKLA | Published : Cambridge
Creativity and writing: developing voice and verve in the classroom (2005-12)
Grainger, Teresa; Goouch, Kathy and Lambirth, Andrew
ISBN : 0 415 32885 3 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Oxfordshire,UK
The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Language and Literacy (2004)
Grainger, Teresa
ISBN : 978-0-415-32767-1 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, UK
Drama, Reading and Writing and talking our way forwards (2004)
Grainger, Teresa and Pickard, Angela
ISBN : 1 897638 32 9 | Publisher : UKLA Publications | Published : Cambridge, UK
Creative Activities for Plot, Character and Setting, 5-7 (2004)
Grainger, Teresa; Goouch, Kathy and Lambirth, Andrew
ISBN : 9780439971119 | Publisher : Scholastic | Published : Milton Keynes
Classroom Interactions in Literacy (2003-11)
Bearne, Eve; Dombey, Henrietta and Grainger, Teresa
ISBN : 9780335213856 | Publisher : Open University Press | Published : Buckingham, UK
Creative Pedagogies in school (2025)
Chappell, Kerry; Cremin, Teresa and Crickmay, Ursula
In: Lucas, Bill ed. Handbook of Creativity in Schools
Publisher : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited [In Press] | Published : Cheltenham, UK
Reading aloud (2023)
Cremin, Teresa; Harris, Ben and Courtney, Matthew
In: Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Kucirkova, Natalia eds. Reading Teachers: Nurturing Reading for Pleasure (pp. 73-86)
ISBN : 9781003215615 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Reading places (2023)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez Leon, Lucy and Kucirkova, Natalia eds. Reading Teachers: Nurturing Reading for Pleasure (pp. 188-192)
ISBN : 9781003215615 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Conclusion : Reading Teachers of tomorrow (2023)
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Kucirkova, Natalia
In: Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Kucirkova, Natalia eds. Reading Teachers (pp. 193-197)
ISBN : 9781003215615 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Reading Teachers and reading aloud (2023)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Batini,, Federico; Guisti, S and Mattiacci, G eds. Shared Reading Aloud: A method in the direction of equity
Publisher : Perugia: Il Mulin (In press)
Teachers as Readers and Writers (2021)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Bower, Virginia ed. Debates in Primary Education
ISBN : 9781003091028 | Publisher : Routledge
Inspiring a love of reading: Professional learning to develop a culture of reading for pleasure (2020)
Cremin, Teresa and Durning, Aimee
In: Hargreaves, Eleanore and Rolls, Luke eds. Reimagining Professional Development in Schools
ISBN : 9780429293337 | Publisher : Routledge
Reading for Pleasure: challenges and opportunities (2020)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Davison, Jon and Daly, Caroline eds. Debates in English Teaching. Debates in Subject Teaching
ISBN : 9781138581159 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
The Personal in the Professional (2019-06)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Ogier, Susan ed. A Broad and Balanced Curriculum in Primary Schools: Educating the whole child. Exploring the Primary Curriculum (pp. 219-229)
ISBN : 9781526469434 | Publisher : Sage
Creative writers as arts educators (2019-03)
Cremin, Teresa and Myhill, Debra
In: Noblit, George ed. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education
Publisher : Oxford University Press | Published : New York
Creativity and Creative teaching and Learning (2018)
Cremin, T. and Barnes, J.
In: Cremin, T. and Burnett, C. eds. Learning to Teach in the Primary School (4th edition)
Publisher : Routledge
Motivating children to write with purpose and passion (2017-08-01)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Goodwin, Prue ed. The Literate Classroom (4th ed.) (pp. 131-140)
ISBN : 9781138282605 | Publisher : Routledge
School Librarians as Leaders of Extracurricular Reading Groups (2017-01-01)
Cremin, Teresa and Swann, Joan
In: Pihl, Joron; van der Kooij, Kristin Skinstad and Carlsten, Tone Cecilie eds. Teacher and Librarian Partnerships in Literacy Education in the 21st Century. New Research – New Voices (6) (pp. 119-137)
ISBN : 978-94-6300-898-3 | Publisher : Sense Publishers | Published : Rotterdam
Laying the foundations: Narrative and early learning (2016-12-08)
Cremin, Teresa and Flewitt, Rosie
In: Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Mardell, Ben and Swann, Joan eds. Storytelling in Early Childhood: Enriching language, literacy and classroom culture
ISBN : 9781138932135 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Paley’s approach to storytelling and story acting: Research and practice (2016-12-08)
Flewitt, Rosie; Cremin, Teresa and Mardell, Ben
In: Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Mardell, Ben and Swann, Joan eds. Storytelling in Early Childhood: Enriching language, literacy and classroom culture
ISBN : 9781138932135 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Introduction (2016-12-08)
Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Mardell, Ben and Swann, Joan
In: Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Mardell, Ben and Swann, Joan eds. Storytelling in Early Childhood: Enriching language, literacy and classroom culture
ISBN : 9781138932135 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Apprentice story writers: Exploring young children’s print awareness and agency in early story authoring (2016-12-08)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Martell, Ben and Swann, Joan eds. Storytelling in Early Childhood: Enriching language, literacy and classroom culture (pp. 67-84)
ISBN : 9781138932135 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Teachers’ identities as writers: teacher, support staff and pupils’ accounts of the role of emotion in the writing classroom (2016-11-23)
Baker, Sally and Cremin, Teresa
In: Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry eds. Writer Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing (pp. 98-114)
ISBN : 9781138945715 | Publisher : Routledge
Introduction to "Writer Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing" (2016-11-22)
Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry
In: Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry eds. Writer Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing (xvii-xxxi)
Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Afterword to "Writer Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing" (2016-11-22)
Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry
In: Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry eds. Writer Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing
ISBN : 9781138945715 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Professional writers’ identities: the perceived influence of formal education and early learning (2016-11-22)
Cremin, Teresa; Lillis, Theresa; Myhill, Debra and Eyres, Ian
In: Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry eds. Writer Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing (pp. 19-36)
ISBN : 9781138945715 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Creative Exploration (2016-08-15)
Milne, Ian and Cremin, Teresa
In: Davies, Dan and McGregor, Deb eds. Teaching Science Creatively Second Edition. Learning to teach in the primary school series (pp. 77-90)
ISBN : 9781138909779 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Introduction – Creativity and creative pedagogies: Exploring challenges, possibilities and potential (2016-07-26)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Cremin, Teresa ed. Creativity and Creative Pedagogies in the Early and Primary Years (xvii-xxvii)
ISBN : 9781138670945 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Literature in Common: Reading for Pleasure in School Reading Groups (2016)
Cremin, Teresa and Swann, Joan
In: Rothbauer, Paulette M; Skjerdingstad, Kjell Ivar; McKechnie, Lynne (E.F.) and Oterholm, Knut eds. Plotting the Reading Experience: Theory/Practice/ Politics. (pp. 279-300)
ISBN : 9781771121729 | Publisher : Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Teaching creatively and teaching for creativity (2016)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Breeze, Ruth and Sancho Guinda, Carmen eds. Essential Competencies for English Medium University Teaching,. Educational Linguistics (pp. 99-110)
ISBN : 978-3-319-40956-6 | Publisher : Springer | Published : Dordrecht
Creative teaching and creative teachers (2015)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Wilson, Anthony ed. Creativity in Primary Education (3rd ed). Achieving QTS (pp. 33-44)
ISBN : 978-1-4462-8064-5 | Publisher : SAGE | Published : London
Exploring teachers’ identity positions as teacher-writers and writer-teachers in the classroom (2015)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Turnbull, Jan; Barton, Georgina and Brock, Cynthia eds. Teaching Writing in Today's Classroom: Looking Back to Looking Forward (pp. 51-68)
ISBN : 978-0-9775468-5-5 | Publisher : Australian Literacy Educators' Association (ALEA) | Published : Sydney
Teachers researching literacy lives (2013-09-16)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Goodwyn, Andrew; Reid, Louann and Durrant, Cal eds. International Perspectives on Teaching English in a Globalised World (pp. 40-52)
ISBN : 978015504478 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Children and teachers' creativity in and through language (2013-04-19)
Cremin, Teresa and Maybin, Janet
In: Hall, Kathy; Cremin, Teresa; Comber, Barbara and Moll, Luis eds. The Wiley Blackwell International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning and Culture (pp. 275-290)
ISBN : 978-0-470-97597-8 | Publisher : Wiley Blackwell | Published : Oxford
Drama (2013-01-11)
Cremin, Teresa and McDonald, Roger
In: Jones, Russell and Wyse, Dominic eds. Creativity in the Primary Curriculum Second Edition (pp. 83-97)
ISBN : 9780415675475 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Exploring Teachers’ Positions and Practices (2013)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Dymoke, Sue; Lambirth, Andrew and Wilson, Anthony eds. Making Poetry Matter: International Research on Poetry Pedagogy (pp. 9-19)
ISBN : 9781441101471 | Publisher : Bloomsbury | Published : London
Developing creativity through drama (2013)
Cremin, Teresa and Macdonald, Roger
In: Jones, Russell and Wyse, Dominic eds. Creativity in the Primary Curriculum (pp. 83-97)
ISBN : 9780415675475 | Publisher : Routledge
Motivating children to read through literature (2010)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Fletcher, J.; Parkhill, F. and Gillon, G. eds. Motivating Literacy Learners in Today's World (pp. 11-22)
ISBN : 978-1-877398-65-0 | Publisher : New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) | Published : Wellington
Poetry teachers: teachers who read and readers who teach poetry (2010)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Styles, Morag; Joy, Louise and Whitley, David eds. Poetry and Childhood
ISBN : 9781858564722 | Publisher : Trentham | Published : London
Reconceptualising reading in the 21st Century (2010)
Cremin, T.
In: McCannon, T. ed. Reading in the 21st Century
Publisher : Reading Association of Ireland | Published : Dublin
Creativity in the curriculum (2010)
Cremin, Teresa and Barnes, Jonathan
In: Arthur, James and Cremin, Teresa eds. Learning to Teach in the Primary School (2nd ed.) (pp. 357-373)
ISBN : 978-0-415-57492-1 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Motivating children to write with purpose and passion (2010)
Cremin, T
In: Goodwin, P ed. The Literate Classroom (3rd ed.)
ISBN : 978-0-415-58407-4 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Teachers as readers in the 21st Century (2009)
Cremin, Teresa; Bearne, Eve; Mottram, Marilyn and Goodwin, Prue
In: Styles, Morag and Arizpe, Evelyn eds. Acts of Reading: teachers, text and childhood (pp. 201-218)
ISBN : 9781858564388 | Publisher : Trentham Books | Published : Staffordshire, UK
Creative teachers and creative teaching (2009)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Wilson, Anthony ed. Creativity in Primary Education (2nd ed.). Achieving QTS Cross-Curricular Strand (pp. 36-46)
ISBN : 9781844451982 | Publisher : Learning Matters | Published : Exeter
Creative learning: an emergent concept (2008)
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela
In: Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela eds. Creative Learning 3-11 and How We Document It
ISBN : 9781858564104 | Publisher : Trentham Books Ltd. | Published : Stoke on Trent
Possibility thinking with children in England aged 3-7 (2008)
Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Burnard, Pamela and Chappell, Kerry
In: Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela eds. Creative Learning 3-11 and How We Document It (pp. 65-74)
ISBN : 9781858564104 | Publisher : Trentham Books Ltd. | Published : Stoke-on-Trent
Revisiting reading for pleasure: Delight, desire and diversity (2007)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Goouch, Kathy and Lambirth, Andrew eds. Understanding Phonics and the Teaching of Reading: A Critical Perspective (pp. 166-190)
ISBN : 335222277 | Publisher : McGraw Hill | Published : Berkshire, UK
Developing creative learning through possibility thinking with children aged 3-7 (2007)
Craft, A.; Cremin, T.; Burnard, P. and Chappell, K.
In: Craft, A.; Cremin, T. and Burnard, P. eds. Creative Learning 3-11 and How We Document It
ISBN : 9781858564104 | Publisher : Trentham | Published : London, UK
Drama teaching (2007)
Cremin, Teresa
In: Cremin, Teresa and Dombey, Henrietta eds. Handbook of Primary English in Initial Teacher Education (pp. 115-128)
ISBN : 9781897638371 | Publisher : UKLA/NATE | Published : Cambridge, UK
Planning with short stories (2006-01)
Grainger, Teresa
In: Lambirth, Andrew ed. Planning Creative Literacy Lessons (pp. 46-64)
ISBN : 978-1-84312-280-7 | Publisher : David Fulton | Published : London, UK
Creativity in the primary curriculum (2006)
Grainger, Teresa and Barnes, Jonathan
In: Arthur, James; Grainger, Teresa and Wray, David eds. Learning to Teach in the Primary School (pp. 209-225)
ISBN : 978-0-415-35928-3 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, UK
Creativity in the Curriculum (2006)
Grainger, Teresa and Barnes, Jonathan
In: Arthur, James and Grainger, Teresa eds. Learning to Teach in the Primary School (pp. 209-225)
ISBN : 978-0-415-35928-3 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, UK
Teachers as Writers (2005)
Grainger, Teresa
In: Pandis, M.; Ward, A. and Matthews, S. R. eds. Reading, Writing and Thinking: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference On Reading (pp. 87-99)
ISBN : 087207594X | Publisher : International Reading Association | Published : Estonia
Motivating young writers to write with purpose and pleasure (2005)
Grainger, Teresa
In: Goodwin, Prue ed. The Literate Classroom (pp. 79-89)
ISBN : 978-1-84312-318-7 | Publisher : David Fulton | Published : London, UK
Drama and writing: enlivening their prose (2004-01-01)
Grainger, Teresa
In: Goodwin, Prue ed. Literacy through Creativity (pp. 91-104)
ISBN : 978-1-84312-087-2 | Publisher : David Fulton | Published : London, UK
Drama and spiritual development (2004)
Grainger, T. and Kendall-Seatter, S.
In: Dowling, C. and Scarlett, G. eds. Encyclopaedia of Spiritual and Religious Development in Childhood and adolescence (pp. 272-280)
ISBN : 761928839 | Publisher : Sage | Published : Thousand Oaks
Exploring the Unknown: drama, ambiguity and meaning making (2003)
Grainger, Teresa
In: Bearne, Eve; Dombey, Henrietta and Grainger, Teresa eds. Classroom Interactions in Literacy (pp. 105-114)
ISBN : 978-0-335-21385-6 | Publisher : Open University Press | Published : Buckingham, UK
Storytelling: the missing link in storywriting (2002)
Grainger, Teresa
In: Ellis, Sue and Mills, Colin eds. Connecting, Creating: New Ideas in Teaching Writing (pp. 21-34)
ISBN : 9781897638262 | Publisher : United Kingdom Reading Association | Published : Royston
Storytelling in Early Childhood: Enriching language, literacy, and classroom culture (2016-12-08)
Cremin, Teresa; Flewitt, Rosie; Mardell, Ben and Swann, Joan eds.
ISBN : 9781138932135 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Writer Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing (2016-11-22)
Cremin, Teresa and Locke, Terry eds.
ISBN : 9781138945715 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London and New York
Creativity and Creative Pedagogies in the Early and Primary Years (2016-08-01)
Cremin, Teresa ed.
ISBN : 9781138670945 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Creativity, Education and Society: Writings of Anna Craft (2015-10-10)
Chappell, Kerry; Cremin, Teresa and Jeffrey, Robert eds.
ISBN : 978-1-85856-666-5 | Publisher : Trentham Books | Published : London
Teaching English Creatively (2nd edition) (2015-04-29)
Cremin, Teresa ed.
Learning to Teach in the Primary School Series
ISBN : 978-1-13-878701-8 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Learning to Teach in the Primary School (3rd edition) (2014-02-26)
Cremin, Teresa and Arthur, James eds.
ISBN : 978-0-415-81818-6 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning and Culture (2013-04-19)
Hall, K.; Cremin, T.; Comber, B. and Moll, L. eds.
ISBN : 9780470975978 | Publisher : Wiley | Published : Oxford
Learning to Teach in the Primary School (2nd edition) (2010-03-29)
Arthur, James and Cremin, Teresa eds.
ISBN : 978-0-415-48790-0 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London
Learning to Teach in the Primary School (2006-06)
Arthur, James and Grainger, Teresa eds.
ISBN : 978-0-415-35928-3 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London, UK
Exploring aspects of being and becoming writers: A symposium exploring notions of being a writer, from a sociocultural perspective (2023-06)
Cremin, Teresa; Chamberlain, Liz; Rowe, Deborah and Gardner, Paul
In : Writing Matters. UKLA International Conference (23-25 Jun 2023, Exeter, UK)
Reciprocal reading for pleasure in online and offline reading communities (2021)
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa
In : UKLA International Conference (2-4 Jul 2021, Online)
Peering out the children’s literature window into children’s engagement with multimedia texts (2021)
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa
In : International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature International Conference (23-26 Jun 2021, Online)
Readers, Texts and Talk: A Symposium for UKLA - Overcoming adversity through hope: Discussing picture fiction (2021)
Mukherjee, Sarah Jane and Cremin, Teresa
In : UKLA 56th International Conference - We need to talk about Literacy: Why spoken language matters in literacy learning and teaching. (Fri 2 - Sun 4 Jul 2021, Online)
Examining possibility thinking in action in early years settings (2007)
Grainger, Teresa; Craft, Anna and Burnard, Pamela
In : Imaginative Education Research Symposium (12-15 Jul 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Reading attitudes matter: Do you know what your students think? (2024-10-07)
Cremin, Teresa
Let’s talk about it: Reading for Pleasure and book talk (2024-06-20)
Cremin, Teresa
Collins, Book Squad website.
Writing poetry for pleasure (2024-05-16)
Cremin, Teresa
Children's Poetry Summit
The Open University literacy research (2024-04-05)
Cremin, Teresa
Doorstep Library
Approaches to Reading and Writing for Pleasure: An Executive Summary of the Research (2023-12-06)
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Chamberlain, Liz and Hulston, Samantha
The Mercers' Company, London.
Reading and Writing for Pleasure: A Framework for Practice (2023-12-06)
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen and Chamberlain, Liz
The Mercers' Company, London.
Reading for pleasure and its impact on student outcomes (2023-10-03)
Cremin, Teresa
Evaluation of Hackney Learning Trust's Reading Programmes (2020-06)
Hempel-Jorgensen, Amelia; Swann, Joan; Plowright-Pepper, Linda; Cremin, Teresa; Safford, Kimberly; Mittelmeier, Jenna and Canning, Natalie
The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Poetry, Pleasure and Play (2019-09)
Cremin, Teresa
The Children's poetry summit
Reading communities: why, what and how? (2019-05)
Cremin, Teresa
NATE, Primary Matters Magazine.
Reading communities: why, what and how? (2019-05)
Cremin, Teresa
NATE, Sheffield.
Teachers’ knowledge of children’s literature: the cornerstone of reading for pleasure (2019-03)
Cremin, Teresa
Scottish Book Trust
Less is More – focusing on feedback (2019-02-07)
Cremin, Teresa and Twiner, Alison
Teachers as Writers
Helping teachers develop their knowledge of children’s literature and other texts (2019-01)
Cremin, Teresa
Books for keeps
How well do you know your teachers as readers? (2018-09-28)
Cremin, Teresa
School Library Association
Living the Craft of Writing (2018-06-26)
Cremin, Teresa
Teachers As Writers, Arvon Foundation, Arvon website.
Do children have agency as authors? (2018-01-31)
Cremin, Teresa
Teachers As Writers, Arvon Foundation
Top Tips for reading aloud (2018-01-31)
Cremin, Teresa
The Open University
Do children have agency as authors? (2018-01-31)
Cremin, Teresa
Teachers As Writers, Arvon Foundation
Building reading communities and ‘books in common’ (2018-01)
Cremin, Teresa
Teachers as Writers research report (2018)
Cremin, Teresa; Myhill, Debra; Eyres, Ian; Nash, Tricia; Wilson, Anthony and Oliver, Lucy
How to become a reading role model (2018)
Cremin, Teresa
Maze media
Reading communities and books in common (2018)
Cremin, Teresa
NAAE - The National Association of Advisers in English, UK.
How can digital library systems help teachers support-children's reading for pleasure (2017-10-09)
Kucirkova, Natalia and Cremin, Teresa
IOE London Blog, UCL, London.
What do you know about your writers? (2017-09-20)
Cremin, Teresa
Teachers As Writers, Arvon Foundation
Just enough writing time? (2017-07-05)
Cremin, Teresa
Teachers As Writers, Arvon Foundation
Evaluation Report of Prospero’s Island: an Immersive Approach to Literacy at Key Stage 3. (2016-02-25)
Cremin, Teresa; Swann, Joan; Colvert, Angela and Oliver, Lucy
Hackney Learning Trust, London.
Teachers as Writers: Implications for Identity (2014-07)
Cremin, Teresa and Baker, Sally
PETAA, Sydney: Australia.
Evaluation Report of MakeBelieve Arts Helicopter Technique of Storytelling and Storyacting (2013-07-14)
Cremin, Teresa; Swann, Joan; Flewitt, Rosie; Faulkner, Dorothy and Kucirkova, Natalia
MakeBelieveArts/The Open University
Report to Carnegie UK Trust and CILIP on a two-stage study of the Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Shadowing Scheme (2012-11)
Cremin, Teresa and Swann, Joan
Languages and Learning at Key Stage 2: A Longitudinal Study Final Report (2010-01)
Cable, C.; Driscoll, P.; Mitchell, R.; Sing, S.; Cremin, T.; Earl, J.; Eyres, I.; Holmes, B.; Martin, C. and Heins, B.
Department for Children, Schools and Families, UK.
Teachers as readers: Building communities of readers (2009)
Cremin, T.; Mottram, M.; Collins, F.; Powell, S. and Safford, K.