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ICCA research at London Global Cancer Week

ICCA is holding two virtual events at London Global Cancer Week 2021 on the 17th November. 

Updating the Economics of the War on Cancer is hosted by our colleagues at the National Council for Biological Sciences, India, at 9am GMT, 17th November 2021. Register here.

Since the 1970s U.S. 'War on Cancer', there have been a series of global and national public efforts to reduce the incidence and severity of cancer. The economics behind cancer incidence and treatment however needs rethinking to accommodate its dynamic industrial organisation. This panel presents research toward updating the economics of cancer, from early findings that have emerged from the India research team at NCBS-TIFR of the Innovation for Cancer Care in Africa project (ICCA). It also includes a discussion with 3 leading Indians: a cancer scientist, clinician, and scientist-CEO, on bridging their own experiences with multidisciplinary approaches to addressing cancer. 


Professor Dimple Notani, Associate Professor, National Centre of Biological Sciences – Tata Institute of Fundamental Research  (India)

Dr Pawan Mehrotra, Founding Endeavourer, Aarna Biomedical Products (India)

Dr Ravi Kannan, Director, Cachar Cancer Hospital (India)

Prof. Smita Srinivas, India Lead, and Co-I, Innovation for Cancer Care in Africa Project (ICCA) – The Open University UK; Visiting Professor and National Centre for Biological Sciences – Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (NCBS-TIFR) (India)


Cancer Care and Social inclusion: Innovative perspectives from East Africa is hosted by our colleagues at the Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya, at 10am GMT (1pm EAT), 17th November 2021. Register here.

Cancer is an increasing source of illness and mortality in East Africa. Diagnosis is often late, and treatment is expensive for health systems and patients. More socially inclusive care is urgently needed, including faster and cheaper diagnosis and more affordable treatment. This session reports and discusses new evidence from Kenya and Tanzania on cancer patients’ experiences; the perspectives of health professionals and care-givers; and on the scope for innovative approaches to achieving more inclusive care.


Dr Veronica Manduku, Director Centre for Clinical Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya 

Dr Mercy Karimi Njeru, Principal Research Scientist, Centre for Public Health Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya

Professor Fortunata Songora Makene, Head of Strategic Research and Publications, Economic and Social Research Foundation, Tanzania