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This project is collaboratively run by all project partners, and involves close international engagement with our main stakeholders in the health and industrial systems. Our research design exploits extensive existing India-East Africa-UK ties in health-linked industrial investment, technology transfer and innovative business models as well as in research. The project collaborators bring a wide range of skills, context and experience: Tanzania and Kenya provide contrasting levels of industrial development and different institutional health sector characteristics. India is a leader in innovation for low-cost medicines and diagnostics, while the UK team brings relevant scientific and business evidence and skills in scenario building.

Building on existing cross-country research partnerships, the research design was led by African and Indian colleagues and developed in discussion with the team’s networks of private and public sector stakeholders at national, regional and international levels. Our core hypothesis is that access to cancer care can be sustainably widened, and industrial innovation promoted, through a strategy that links health sector innovation to local industrial investment, innovation and technological upgrading, supported by active India-Africa-UK collaboration.