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Theory of Change Workshop

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 11:00 to 12:30

Praxis colleagues are invited to a Theory of Change (ToC) workshop that will support the design, monitoring and reporting of research and scholarship projects. The workshop will explore some simple models, apply these to specific examples, then provide you with space and support to identify how you might add them into your own projects.

We welcome the following hosts

  • Alison Brown - Director of Community and External Engagement, WELS
  • Gareth Davies - Research Impact Evidence Manager, RES

A ToC captures crucial details about why a research project is happening, and what it aims to achieve. Mapping out pathways to impact through a ToC model can help instil confidence in a funder that the time and money invested in generating outputs will lead to outcomes and result in the desired change.  A ToC also lays the foundation for evaluation to test whether the project has achieved what was intended, enables you to recognise and start to address any uncertainties or risks in your plans, and ensures everyone involved in the project is on the same page.

This is an internal event and if you would like to join us, please sign up here. Please note you will need an OU login to sign up for this event.