At breakfast, my parcel of books from Eaton came up the road. Fresh from the carrier. Unpacked it eagerly, & read the title pages of Barnes?s Euripides, Marcus Antoninus, Callimachus, the Anthologia, Epictetus, Isocrates, & Da Vinci?s Painting. The last I had sent for, for Eliza Cliffe, but the externals are so shabby that I have a mind to send it back again. Finished my dream about Udolpho; - & began Destiny, a novel by the author of the Inheritance [Susan Ferrier] which Miss Peyton lent me. I liked the Inheritance so much that my desires respecting this book were ?all alive?. I forgot to say that I don?t like the conclusion of the Mysteries. It is ?long drawn out? & not ?in linked sweetness?. Read some of the Alcestis. Mr. Boyd wishes me to read it; & I wished so too.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Barrett Print: Book
They did not return until past nine; & I meanwhile was hard at work at Antoninus. Finished his 5th book ? read 7 chap: in the Bible, & then went out to walk in the dark.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Barrett Print: Book
I read half the 6th book of Antoninus today ? so I can?t say, after all, perdidi diem [I have lost a day].
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Barrett Print: Book
I read the other half of Antoninus?s sixth book, - & half his seventh, besides. What a creature I am ? to spend my time in this way, between philosophy & folly. Anoninus wd. not be well pleased, if he could know whom he has for a reader!
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Barrett Print: Book
On Wednesday before breakfast, I read the beginning of Antoninus?s 10th. book, & I went on with it today, but not the end. My energies felt dead within me: & how could I do anything without them? Nothing but reading the 3d. vol: of Mrs. Shelley, which I despatched in two hours ? (which did come at last!! - ) No going out today. Marcus Antoninus after Mrs. Shelly [sic], and drinking tea after Marcus.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Barrett Print: Book
On Wednesday before breakfast, I read the beginning of Antoninus?s 10th. book, & I went on with it today, but not the end. My energies felt dead within me: & how could I do anything without them? Nothing but reading the 3d. vol: of Mrs. Shelley, which I despatched in two hours ? (which did come at last!! - ) No going out today. Marcus Antoninus after Mrs. Shelly [sic], and drinking tea after Marcus.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Barrett Print: Book
" ... to the coda of his copy of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 'depart, therefore, contented and in good humour ...' [Leigh] Hunt courteously adds, 'Thanks, and love to you, excellent Antoninus. L. H. Feb. 7th 1853. His second regular perusal.'"
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: James Henry Leigh Hunt Print: Book
mainly 1804-1811; a few notes added up to 1818-1819, one note is as late as 1826 or later
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Taylor Coleridge Print: Book