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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

Listings for Author:  

Carlo Maria Maggi


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Carlo Maria Maggi : Sonnet 'Care dell'alma stanca Albengatrici...'

Catherine Talbot to Elizabeth Carter, 10 June 1754: 'I will send you a sonnet that I am extremely fond of, from no modern author, but from one whom I am sure you never met with, because you never mentioned him, Carlo Maria Maggi [...] [reproduces sonnet opening "Care dell'alma stanca Albengatrici..."] Is not this sonnet perfect in its way? And is it not utterly untranslatable?'

Century: 1700-1799     Reader/Listener/Group: Catherine Talbot      


Carlo Maria Maggi : Sonnet 'Care dell'alma stanca Albengatrici...'

Elizabeth Carter to Catherine Talbot, 10 July 1754: 'I am beyond description charmed with the Italian sonnet you sent me. I am afraid your opinion is too well grounded of its being absolutely untranslatable, at least into our Gothic language.'

Century: 1700-1799     Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Carter      Manuscript: Letter, Transcribed by Catherine Talbot in letter of 10 June 1754.


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