'Macaulay began with the frontispiece, if the book possessed one. "Said to be very like, and certainly full of the character. Energy, acuteness, tyranny, and audacity in every line of the face." Those words are writen above the portrait of Richard Bentley, in Bishop Monk's biography of that famous writer.'
Century: 1800-1849 / 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Babington Macaulay Print: Book
'As the writer of the recent article upon you in the 'Academy' I venture upon the intrusion of telling you personally that I was much impressed by your remarkable novel.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Arnold Bennett Print: Book
'I read with the greatest pleasure what you say about Trollope. I made his acquaintance full thirty years ago and made up my mind about his value then, as a writer of remarkable talent for imaginative rendering of the social life of his time, with its activities and interests and incipient thoughts.[ ...] I was considerably impressed with them [The "Palliser" novels] in the early eighties when I chanced upon a novel entitled "Phineas Finn". Haven't seen them since, to tell you the truth [...]'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad Print: Newspaper
'The play arrived yesterday and I read it in the evening (the proper time for plays) with the greatest appreciation.' [...] Some day — if you permit me — I'll send you the copy so you may write your name and mine on the flyleaf.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad Print: Book, playscript