Record Number: 1561
Reading Experience:
Evidence of William Edward Hickson to Select Committee on Newspaper stamps: "I formed in the village where I am now living, when I first went there, an evening class of adult labourers, and as I was then very much interested in some very able articles that were being published in the 'Times', I thought I would read them to them in the evening; but I found that we did not get on at all; and upon cross-examination of some of my auditors afterwards, I discovered, to my surprise, that I could not read 20 lines of the leading article of the 'Times' without finding that there were 20 words in it which none of my auditors understood. I remember one passage which not one of the agricultural labourers to whom I was reading understood at all. The editor was speaking of some operation of our fleet in the channel; the word 'operations' puzzled them, the word 'fleet' puzzled them; they did not know what a fleet was, and they had not the slightest idea of what the channel meant."
Date:Between 1 Jan 1830 and 31 Dec 1849
Timeevening: evening
Type of Experience(Reader):
silent aloud unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
passive reactive unknown
single serial unknown
Reader / Listener / Reading Group:
Reader: Age:Adult (18-100+)
Date of Birth:n/a
Socio-Economic Group:Clerk / tradesman / artisan / smallholder
Occupation:buyer of stock, member of board of guardians, involvement in hand loom enquiry
Country of Origin:England
Country of Experience:England
Listeners present if any:e.g family, servants, friends
adult labourers in the village
Additional Comments:
Text Being Read:
Author: Title:The Times
Form of Text:Print: Newspaper
Publication Detailsn/a
Provenancereading group
Source Information:
Record ID:1561
Source - Manuscript:Other
Parliamentary Papers, Select Committee on Newspaper Stamps [Commons] 1851 (facsimile edition, Irish University Press, Shannon, 1969), p. 468
Additional Information:
Parliamentary Papers, Select Committee on Newspaper Stamps [Commons] 1851 (facsimile edition, Irish University Press, Shannon, 1969), p. 468,, accessed: 07 September 2024
Additional Comments: