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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Author: Austen

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299 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1800-1849'Mrs Digweed - did not like it ["Emma"] so well as the others...'[Mrs] Digweed Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book
1800-1849'Mrs Brandreth - thought the 3d vol: [of "Mansfield Park"] superior to anything I had ever written - quite beautiful!'[Mrs] Brandreth Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book
1850-1899'There was a novel about young women, which I think now must have been "Sense and Sensibility": I could make nothing of it, but this did not keep me from reading it.'Edwin Muir Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book
1800-1849'Your late Works, Madam, and in particular Mansfield Park reflect the highest honour on your Genius & your Principles; in every new work your mind seems to increase its e...Prince Regent Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book
1800-1849'I have been most anxiously waiting for an introduction to Emma, & am infinitely obliged to you for your kind recollection of me, which will procure me the pleasure of he...Countess of Morley Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book
1900-1945Sunday 31 March 1940: 'S[ense]. & S[ensibility]. all scenes. very sharp. Surprises. masterly [...] Very dramatic. Plot from the 18th Century. Mistressly in her winding up...Virginia Woolf Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book

Meeting held at 30 Northcourt Avenue: 21.4.37.

  Ethel C. Stevens in the Chair.

1. Minutes of last read & approved

Mary Pollard Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book

Meeting held at 30 Northcourt Avenue: 21.4.37.

  Ethel C. Stevens in the Chair.

1. Minutes of last read & approved

Francis E. Pollard Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book
1900-1945'I am now engaged in reading "Sense & Sensibility'. It is, undoubtedly, one of her best. Do you remember the Palmer family?'Clive Staples Lewis Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book
1900-1945'In the mornings in bed I am going over "Sense and Sensibility" again — which I had nearly forgotten. Do you remember Mrs Jennings and Marianne Dashwood and the rest?'Clive Staples Lewis Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book
1900-1945I have read the whole of Jane Austen and think of beginning over again. What a perfect woman - not only a writer - and what a sham she makes all this female emancip...Freya Stark Jane AustenSense and SensibilityPrint: Book
1800-1849'Uncle Henry writes very superior Sermons. You & I must try to get hold of one or two & put them into our Novels; it would be a fine help to a volume; & we could make our...Jane Austen Henry AustenSermonsPrint: Book
1800-1849'I am gratified by her [Fanny Knight] having pleasure in what I write - but I wish the knowledge of my being exposed to her discerning Criticism, may not hurt my stile [s...Fanny Knight Jane Austenunidentified work in MSManuscript: novel in MS
'As one participant recalled, "Many exceptional debates come back to mind on such subjects as Jane Austen, Charles Lamb, Victorian Novelists, George Eliot, Meredith, Pepy...Ladies' Edinburgh Debating SocietyJane AustenunknownPrint: Book
1800-1849'There is no book which that word ["vulgaire"] would suit so little... Every village could furnish matter for a novel to Jane Austen. She did not need the common material...Sir James Mackintosh Jane AustenunknownPrint: Book
1800-1849'You mention Miss Austen; her novels are more true to nature, and have (for my sympathies) passages of finer feeling than any others of this age.'Robert Southey Jane AustenunknownPrint: Book
1800-1849'...Jane Austen, who, if not the greatest, is surely the most faultless of female novelists. My uncle Southey and my father had an equally high opinion of her merits, bu...Samuel Taylor Coleridge Jane AustenunknownPrint: Book
1800-1849'...Jane Austen, who, if not the greatest, is surely the most faultless of female novelists. My uncle Southey and my father had an equally high opinion of her merits, bu...William Wordsworth Jane AustenunknownPrint: Book
1850-1899'She [Emma Darwin] was especially devoted to Jane Austen's novels and almost knew them by heart... Scott was also a perennial favourite, especially ''The Antiquary''. Mrs...Emma Darwin Jane AustenunknownPrint: Book
1800-1849'[James Edward Austen] read his two Chapters to us the first Evening; - both good - but especially the last in our opinion. We think it has more of the Spirit & Entertain...James Edward Austen James Edward Austenunpublished manuscript storyManuscript: Sheet

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