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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Author: Austen

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299 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1800-1849'Mrs Digweed - did not like it ["Emma"] so well as the others...'[Mrs] Digweed Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Miss Harriet Moore - admired it ["Emma"] very much, but M.P. still her favourite of all'.Harriet Moore Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Mrs Brandreth - thought the 3d vol: [of "Mansfield Park"] superior to anything I had ever written - quite beautiful!'[Mrs] Brandreth Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Mrs Lefroy - preferred it ["Emma"] to M.P - but like[d] M.P. least of all.'[Mrs] Lefroy Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Mrs Lutley Sclater - liked it ["Emma"] very much, better than M.P.'[Mrs] Lutley Sclater Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Henry is going on with Mansfield Park; he admires H. Crawford - I mean properly - as a clever, pleasant Man.'Henry Austen Jane AustenMansfield ParkManuscript: Sheet, proof sheets
1800-1849'In addition to their [Mr and Mrs Cooke's] standing claims on me, they admire Mansfield Park exceedingly. Mr Cooke says "It is the most sensible Novel he ever read" - an...Mr and Mrs CookeJane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'We have called upon Miss Dusautoy and Miss Papillon & been very pretty. - Miss D. has a great idea of being Fanny Price [the heroine of JA's novel, "Mansfield Park"], sh...[Miss] Dusautoy Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Your late Works, Madam, and in particular Mansfield Park reflect the highest honour on your Genius & your Principles; in every new work your mind seems to increase its e...Prince Regent Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'I have been most anxiously waiting for an introduction to Emma, & am infinitely obliged to you for your kind recollection of me, which will procure me the pleasure of he...Countess of Morley Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1900-1945'January 2...What I chiefly admire in Jane Austen is that what she promises, she performs, i.e. if Sir T. is to arrive, we have his arrival at length, and it's excellent ...Katherine Mansfield Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1900-1945'January 5... J. and I read "Mansfield Park" with great enjoyment. I wonder if J. [Middleton Murry] is as content as he appears? It seems too good to be true.'Katherine Mansfield Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1900-1945'Finished reading Mansfield Park, which more than ever convinces me that Jane Austen is trivial, facetious and commonplace.'James Lees-Milne Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1900-1945'I read "Mansfield Park" [Jane Austen]. Proust applied to la petite noblesse de campagne. I also read Aristotle's Ethics, feeling that it was really high time, before I...Harold Nicolson Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1850-18991 July 1876, from Brussels: 'I have been studiously reading four of Miss Austen's novels, incited thereto by Macaulay's praise, Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, ...Lady Charlotte Schreiber Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1900-1945I have read the whole of Jane Austen and think of beginning over again. What a perfect woman - not only a writer - and what a sham she makes all this female emancip...Freya Stark Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Henry has this moment said that he likes my M[ansfield] P[ark] better & better; - he is in the 3d vol. - I beleive [sic] now he has changed his mind as to foreseeing the...Henry Austen Jane AustenMansfield Park (3rd volume)Manuscript: Sheet, proof sheets
1800-1849'Henry has finished Mansfield Park, & his approbation has not lessened. He found the last half of the last volume [italics] extremely interesting [end italics].'Henry Austen Jane AustenMansfield Park (last half of last volume)Manuscript: Sheet, proof sheets
1900-1945'I am reading, ... Layard's Nineveh.'Virginia Woolf Austen Henry LayardNinevehPrint: Book
1900-1945'As a summer relaxation in 1920, Thomas Hardy and his wife - he 80 years old, she half his age -- moved on to "Emma", after reading together "Persuasion" and "Northanger ...Thomas and Florence HardyJane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book

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