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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Author: Austen

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299 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1800-1849'I have been going through a course of novels by lady authors, beginning with Mrs Brooke and ending with Miss Austen, who is my especial favourite. I had always wished, ...Catherine Hutton Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1900-1945'The novel can't just leave the war out [...] What has been - stands - but Jane Austen could not write Northanger Abbey now - or if she did I'd have none of her'.Katherine Mansfield Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1800-1849'I went on with "Persuasion", finished it, began "Northanger Abbey", which I have now finished. These two novels have sadly reduced my estimation of Miss Austen. They a...Henry Crabb Robinson Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1800-1849'After dinner read a part of "Northanger Abbey", which I do not much like. Heavy, and too long a strain of irony on one topic.'William Charles Macready Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1800-1849'Annabella could read the new novels, "Northanger Abbey" and "Persuasion" (recommended by Augusta, and contrast that kind of real life with the kind she had learned to kn...Anne Isabella (Annabella), Baroness Byron Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1800-1849Harriet Martineau, Journal, 11 January 1838: 'Read "Northanger Abbey." Capital: found two touches of pathos.'Harriet Martineau Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1850-1899E. M. Forster to Laura Mary Forster, 3 March 1898: 'I will tell how I spent my prize money. I got Browning's Poems in two volumes, two volumes of Jebb's Sophocles, Kug...Edward Morgan Forster Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1900-1945E. M. Forster to Arthur Cole, 7 July 1905, following satirical account of English travellers met the previous day: 'These then are my thoughts [...] My books are equal...Edward Morgan Forster Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1800-1849'[From New Year, 1818] Annabella could read the new novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion (recommended by Augusta [Leigh]), and contrast that kind of real life with the...Anne Isabella Lady Byron Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1800-1849'[J. G.] Lockhart says that [Scott] used to read aloud from Emma and Northanger Abbey to the family circle.'Walter Scott Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1850-18991 July 1876, from Brussels: 'I have been studiously reading four of Miss Austen's novels, incited thereto by Macaulay's praise, Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, ...Lady Charlotte Schreiber Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book

Meeting held at 30 Northcourt Avenue: 21.4.37.

  Ethel C. Stevens in the Chair.

1. Minutes of last read & approved

Celia Burrow Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
1900-1945I have read the whole of Jane Austen and think of beginning over again. What a perfect woman - not only a writer - and what a sham she makes all this female emancip...Freya Stark Jane AustenNorthanger AbbeyPrint: Book
" ... Macaulay ... did not annotate his copies of Jane Austen except to record the dates of reading and to correct a very small number of typographical errors."Thomas Babington Macaulay Jane AustennovelsPrint: Book
1850-1899The elderly Harriet Martineau reflects upon her altered reading capacity: 'I could not now read "Lalla Rookh" through before breakfast, as I did when it appeared. I cann...Harriet Martineau Jane AustennovelsPrint: Book
1800-1849'Do not oblige him to read any more. - Have mercy on him and tell him the truth [about the authorship of Austen's novels] & make him an apology...he deserves better treat...Mr Wildman Jane AustennovelsPrint: Book
1850-1899'He [Tennyson] would always talk of Thackeray's novels, Esmond, Pendennis, and The Newcomes as being "delicious; they are so mature. But now the days are so full of false...Alfred Tennyson Jane Austennovels Print: Book
1800-1849The Marchioness of Abercorn to John Murray (1817-18): 'Pray send us Miss Austen's novels the moment you can. Lord Abercorn thinks them next to W. Scott's (if they [i.e...Lord Abercorn Jane AustennovelsPrint: Book
1900-1945I meanwhile have been doing nothing except read Jane Austen. I have stopped seeing people for a week, as it hurts the voice to talk much, but had one visit from the...Freya Stark Jane AustenNovelsPrint: Book
1900-1945'As a summer relaxation in 1920, Thomas Hardy and his wife - he 80 years old, she half his age -- moved on to "Emma", after reading together "Persuasion" and "Northanger ...Thomas and Florence HardyJane AustenPersuasionPrint: Book

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