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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Author: austen
Title of text being read: mansfield park

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66 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1800-1849'Adml Foote - surprised that I had the power of drawing the Portsmouth-Scenes so well.'[Admiral] Foote Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Alethea Bigg. - "I have read M.P. & heard it very much talked of, very much praised. I like it myself & think it very good indeed, but as I never say what I do not thin...Alethea Bigg Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Anna liked it better than P.& P. - but not so well as S.&S. - could not bear Fanny. - Delighted with Mrs Norris, the scene at Portsmouth, & all the humourous [sic] parts...Anna Lefroy Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Cassandra - thought it quite as clever, tho' not so brilliant as P. & P. - Fond of Fanny. - Delighted much in Mr Rushworth's stupidity.'Cassandra Elizabeth Austen Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Charles - did not like it near so well as P. & P. - thought it wanted Incident.'Charles Austen Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Edward & George. - Not liked it near so well as P.& P. - Edward admired Fanny - George disliked her. - George interested by nobody but Mary Crawford. - Edward pleased wi...Edward Knight Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Edward & George. - Not liked it near so well as P.& P. - Edward admired Fanny - George disliked her. - George interested by nobody but Mary Crawford. - Edward pleased wi...George Knight Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Edward - Much like his Father. - Objected to Mrs Rushworth's Elopement as unnatural'.James Edward Austen-Leigh Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Fanny Cage - did not much like it - not to be compared to P. & P. - nothing interesting in the Characters - Language poor. - Characters natural & well supported - Improv...Fanny Cage Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Fanny Knight. - Liked it, in many parts, very much indeed, delighted with Fanny; - but not satisfied with the end - wanting more Love between her & Edmund - & could not ...Fanny Knight Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Finished "Mansfield Park", which hurried with a very inartificial [sic] and disagreeable rapidity to its conclusion, leaving some opportunities for most interesting and ...William Charles Macready Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1900-1945'Finished reading Mansfield Park, which more than ever convinces me that Jane Austen is trivial, facetious and commonplace.'James Lees-Milne Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'Henry has finished Mansfield Park, & his approbation has not lessened. He found the last half of the last volume [italics] extremely interesting [end italics].'Henry Austen Jane AustenMansfield Park (last half of last volume)Manuscript: Sheet, proof sheets
1800-1849'Henry has this moment said that he likes my M[ansfield] P[ark] better & better; - he is in the 3d vol. - I beleive [sic] now he has changed his mind as to foreseeing the...Henry Austen Jane AustenMansfield Park (3rd volume)Manuscript: Sheet, proof sheets
1800-1849'Henry is going on with Mansfield Park; he admires H. Crawford - I mean properly - as a clever, pleasant Man.'Henry Austen Jane AustenMansfield ParkManuscript: Sheet, proof sheets
1800-1849'I have been going through a course of novels by lady authors, beginning with Mrs Brooke and ending with Miss Austen, who is my especial favourite. I had always wished, ...Catherine Hutton Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'I have been most anxiously waiting for an introduction to Emma, & am infinitely obliged to you for your kind recollection of me, which will procure me the pleasure of he...Countess of Morley Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1900-1945'I read "Mansfield Park" [Jane Austen]. Proust applied to la petite noblesse de campagne. I also read Aristotle's Ethics, feeling that it was really high time, before I...Harold Nicolson Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'In addition to their [Mr and Mrs Cooke's] standing claims on me, they admire Mansfield Park exceedingly. Mr Cooke says "It is the most sensible Novel he ever read" - an...Mr and Mrs CookeJane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book
1800-1849'It is a long argument ? but I have been reading quite lately & for your sake & for the third time, her two best works ? Persuasion & Mansfield Park: & really my impressi...Elizabeth Barrett Jane AustenMansfield ParkPrint: Book

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