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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Genre(s): Bible

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940 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1700-1799'When radical weaver Samuel Bamford first discovered Pilgrim's Progress, it impressed him as a thrilling illustrated romance: woodcuts of Christian's fight with Apollyon ...Samuel Bamford [The New Testament]Print: Book
1700-1799School hours were from 9 to 12 and from 2 to 5. The mode of teaching was this. Each of the boys had a column or half a column of spelling to learn by heart every morning ...Francis Place BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799I had read a book, at that time openly sold, on every stall, called Aristotle's Master Piece, it was a thick 18 mo, with a number of badly drawn cuts in it explanatory of...Francis Place BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799Byron to John Murray, 9 October 1821, having requested that he send a Bible: 'I am a great reader and admirer of those books -- and had read them through and through befo...George Gordon Lord Byron Books of Old TestamentPrint: Book
1700-1799Sarah Osborn recalls nursing eldest son in sickness: 'I endeavoured to improve every opportunity to discourse with him, and read to him such portions of Scripture as I th...Sarah Osborn Bible passagesPrint: Book
1700-1799H. J. Jackson discusses Edmund Law's annotations to family Bible, which includes both original and copied commentary, as well as glosses. Edmund Law The BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799'Gifford had read only some ballads, the black-letter romance Parismus and Parismenus, some odd loose magazines of his mother's, the Bible (which he studied with his gran...William Gifford [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799'While their [her daughters'] Father's Life preserv'd my Authority entire, I used it [italics] all & only [end italics] for their Improvement; & since it expired with him...Hester Lynch Thrale and her daughters Hester, Susanna and Sophia BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799??now, being able to read, I had almost continually the Testament in my hand. I had all the wondrous accounts in the Revelations, and my father, not a little pleased, wou...Samuel Bamford [n/a]New TestamentPrint: Book
1700-1799?My Godmother sone [sic] provided me a testament but my mother not being able to Read the first Chapter of St Matthews Gospel I began the second and read it through as we...Joseph Mayett [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799?I Remembered when I was about 8 or 9 years of age my mother had been Correcting me for something I had done wrong and I thought I would be revenged on her I had been rea...Joseph Mayett [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799'She [his aunt] did not allow me to be idle, but alternately employed me in helping to knit stockings and in reading. While I was unemployed I found a never-failing sourc...Thomas Carter [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799'Here I also met with some books of a higher order, but which were then far beyond any comprehension. Among these were Hervey's "Meditations", "The Pilgrim's Progress", a...Thomas Carter [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799'But these extraordinary accounts and discourses, together with the controversies between the mother and sons, made me think that they know many matters of which I was to...James Lackington unknownvariousUnknown
1700-1799?The enthusiastic notions which I had imbibed, and the desire I had to be talking about religious mysteries, etc answered one valuable purpose; as it caused me to embrace...James Lackington BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799Mary Berry, 'Notes of Early Life': 'My dear grandmother [...] made me read the Psalms and chapters to her every morning; but, as neither explanation nor comment was made ...Mary Berry Psalms and chaptersPrint: Book
1700-1799'Next year my parents took me home during the winter quarter, and put me to school with a lad named Ker, who was teaching the children of a neighbouring farmer. Here I ad...James Hogg BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799'At other times we studied Shakespeare, Milton and some other English poets as well as some of the Italians. We took long walks and often drew from nature. We read with g...Elizabeth Smith [n/a]New TestamentPrint: Book
1700-1799'I read at night in the G[reek or Great]Testament but for a very short while'.John Jones [n/a][Greek or Great?] TestamentPrint: Book
1700-1799[Marginalia] Samuel Taylor Coleridge [n/a]The Holy BiblePrint: Book

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