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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Genre(s): Bible

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940 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1850-1899'For Tom Barclay, son of a Catholic rag-and-bone collector, the erotic episodes in the Douay Bible "aroused my curiosity as to sexual matters". He found some answers in s...Tom Barclay n/aBiblePrint: Book
1800-1849'George Dilwyn said, for our encouragement this morning, that he had seen, since he had been with us, the efficacy of reading in the Bible the first thing: he thought it ...Elizabeth Fry [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799'Gifford had read only some ballads, the black-letter romance Parismus and Parismenus, some odd loose magazines of his mother's, the Bible (which he studied with his gran...William Gifford [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1850-1899'Glad to get back to my Testament'John Ruskin [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799'god was Merciful & spoke Peace to my Soul, & now I found that with god which Passeth all understanding, & rejoiced all the day long, & saw everything in a new light ... ...Benjamin Shaw [n/a]Bible ['the scriptures']Print: Book
1850-1899'Going to bed, I take up the Inn-table New Testament. It opens at "A little while and ye shall not see me, and again a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to ...John Ruskin [n/a]New TestamentPrint: Book
1900-1945'Greek with Eva Rev 15 to end.'Harriet Bickersteth Cook Revelations 15Print: BookUnknown
1850-1899'H. M. Swanwick, in the late 1870s, absorbed what she could from any available scientific books and medical journals, and puzzled over the Bible, Shakespeare, Chaucer, La...Helena Maria Lucy Swanwick The BiblePrint: Book
1850-1899'H.M. Tomlinson, a successful author and dockworker's son, credited his East End Board school with encouraging free expression in composition classes and giving him a sol...H.M. Tomlinson BiblePrint: Book
1850-1899'Had a good breakfast sent into the mine & a good dinner. When I came out read a good bit of the Cornwall Gazette. Went out to see the old man. I then had my tea & ...James Bennetts Williams [n/a] [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1900-1945'Had an earnest talk with Outram — said he still had the text book I gave him years ago, but had no time for religion. Often took up his bible but was interrupted.' BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699'hard Kate read a chapter'Kate [n/a]Bible [?]Print: Book
1800-1849'Having poured forth my soul in prayer, and having exhorted my household to live in the love and fear of the Lord, I have attained some mental relief upon entering a New ...Elizabeth Fry [n/a]Bible (Esther)Print: Book
1800-1849'He (Mr Scott) prays and reads a chapter and then speaks his discourse, which is certainly a very striking piece of oratory.'Elizabeth Wedgwood The BiblePrint: Book
1800-1849'He (Mr Scott) prays and reads a chapter and then speaks his discourse, which is certainly a very striking piece of oratory.' The BiblePrint: Book
'He continued in the Colledge for the space of nine years, and in all that time (except he went forth a Town to his friends) he was never absent from morning Prayers in t...William Gouge ScripturesPrint: Book
1700-1799'He was first taught to read English by Dame Oliver, a widow, who kept a school for young children in Lichfield. He told me she could read the black letter, and asked him...Dame Oliver Bible Print: Book
1850-1899'He [Conrad] one or twice said that when he was going down Ratcliffe Highway [from the City to Limehouse, East End of London] he was jumped out at from a doorway by a gen...Joseph Conrad The BiblePrint: Book
1800-1849'He [the new apprentice] made selections from the Old and New Testament history, which he read aloud, and upon which he dilated with a force and eloquence that would have...Martin n/aOld and New TestamentPrint: Book
1700-1799'Here I also met with some books of a higher order, but which were then far beyond any comprehension. Among these were Hervey's "Meditations", "The Pilgrim's Progress", a...Thomas Carter [n/a]BiblePrint: Book

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