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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Genre(s): Bible

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940 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1700-1799Robert Southey to Grosvenor Charles Bedford, 31 July-2 August 1796: 'In the second chapter of the Wisdom of Solomon & at the 23rd verse are these words: For GOD created ...Robert Southey Wisdom of Solomon 2:23Print: Book
Benjamin Jowett to Alfred Tennyson [1858]: 'I have great pleasure in sending some books which I hope you will accept, the best books in the world (except the Bible), H...Benjamin Jowett Bunsenwork on BiblePrint: Book
'That my father was a student of the Bible, those who have read "In Memoriam" know. He also eagerly read all notable works within his reach relating to the Bible, and tra...Alfred Tennyson works on BiblePrint: Book
Religion is such a consolation to a drooping spirit,that I could wish thou wouldest seek for comfort and cheerfulness in it; for God never forsakes those who turn to him....Ellen Weeton ['Psalms']Print: Book
'In the latter part of her life devoted the most of her secret and leisure hours to Mr Henrys Annotations which she would often say were the most plain, profitable and pl...Elizabeth Bury Henry[Annotations]Print: Book
1900-1945'Despite the disapproval of her comrade Palme Dutt, Helen Crawfurd found Communist propaganda in Scripture... According to her unauthorized version, "the Lamb dumb before...Helen Crawfurd [Bible - Psalms]Print: Book
1850-1899Sunday 18 October: 'we had service on the poop the Shoole master held it then was a box on board with books ther was bibles and prayer books and hyme books so it was ope...Maria Steley [n/a][Bible or Prayer Books or Hymn Books]Print: Book
1800-1849'The following particulars relating to a poor woman named Amelia Roberts, who has hanged for robbing her master's house, are so instructive both to masters and servants.....Lady E.K. [unknown][Bible probably]Print: Book
1800-1849[reading the Bible], Robert Story, an early nineteenth century shepherd-poet, described the experience: "The unconsumed bush burned before me - the successive plagues tha...Robert Story [Bible]Print: Book
'When young, Frederick Rogers read not only the Bible as a thriler ("the men and women of the sacred books were as familiar to me as the men and women of Alexander Dumas"...Frederick Rogers [Bible]Print: Book
1900-1945'Jailed for sufragette disruptions, millworker Annie Kenney rediscovered the Bible, "and I interpreted it quite differently in prison to the way I had interpreted it outs...Annie Kenney [Bible]Print: Book
1850-1899School for female prisoners at Holloway: 'On a subsequent day we visited the class with the matron, which was then engaged with the Bible lesson. Most of the prisoners ...female prisoners at Holloway [n/a][Bible]Print: Book
1850-1899'Yesterday a good day; finding money in drawers, and liking my drawings, and getting comfort out of letters and above all out of my brown book.'John Ruskin [n/a][Biblical verses]Unknown
1850-1899'Morning text bad - "be not high-minded": the last text in the world for me, always ashamed of myself. But texts can't be always what one needs.'John Ruskin [n/a][Biblical verses]Unknown
1850-1899'Today, much helped by my brown book'John Ruskin [n/a][Biblical verses]Unknown
1850-1899'My week melting away fast, wholly in black cloud and east wind. But the verse for the 25th, in my brown book, did me much good yesterday.'John Ruskin [n/a][Biblical verse]Unknown
'RAMSAY. "I suppose Homer's 'Iliad' to be a collection of pieces which had been written before his time. I should like to see a translation of it in poetical prose like t...Allan Ramsay [books of Job and Ruth]Print: Book
1850-1899Monday 26 October 'we are sailing this Morning 9 miles a hour if we go on at that rate we shall soone be ther i Don't care how soon, we get ther A child died today it is...anon [n/a][funeral service]Print: Book
1800-1849'I like - I admire the Italian translation of the Gospels & Psalms, which are what I have hitherto read. If the Prophetical books are not so well rendered, I will abide b...Sarah Harriet Burney [Gospels and Psalms]Print: Book
1900-1945'One is driven back to the Gospels and one does not know how to interpret them' [writing of her desire to understand the nature of Catholicism]Antonia White [n/a][Gospels]Print: Book

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