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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Genre(s): Bible

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940 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1850-1899'I attended Sunday school with the daughter of the house, finding my enforced study of the Bible very valuable to me.'Hannah Mitchell [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1850-1899'I read the Bible everyday, and at much length; also, -with what I cannot but think some praiseworthy patience, - a book of incommunicable dreariness, called Newton's "Th...Edmund Gosse [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1500-1599'after I wrought, reed of the bible and praied, and then went to dinner'Margaret Hoby [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1500-1599'after, to supper, then to work, and hard readinge of the bible'Margaret Hoby [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1500-1599After priuat praers I did read of the bible'Margaret Hoby [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1850-1899'His lesson consisted of Bible reading, turn and turn round the class, of reciting from memory the names of the kings of Israel and repeating the Church Catechism.'Flora Thompson BiblePrint: Book
1850-1899'This summer, as my eighth year advanced, we read the "Epistle to the Hebrews", with very great deliberation, stopping every moment, that my Father might expound it, vers...Philip Gosse [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1850-1899'In our lighter moods, we turned to the "Book of Revelation", and chased the phantom of Popery through its fuliginous pages.'Philip Gosse [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
'She rose about eight o'clock; and, before she came down stairs, read herself a chapter in the Bible or New Testament, and that with active attention, as she frequently m...Mary Birch [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1900-1945[Given 'a handsome and well-illustrated volume called the Prize Bible' by his grandmother] '...the surprise they got when I actually read the thing, right through, cover ...Jack Common [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1850-1899'There is a book you may have come across, and that was read a lot when I was young, called the Bible. I used to read it, too, when I learned to read; it is a bit old fas...Joseph Stamper [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699'Home, and at night had a chapter read; and I read prayers out of the Common Prayer book, the first time that ever I read prayers in this house. So to bed.'Samuel Pepys [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699'So after supper and reading of some chapters, I went to bed.'Samuel Pepys [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699'After a good supper with my wife, and hearing on the maids read in the Bible, we to prayers and to bed.'maids of Samuel Pepys [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1900-1945'Let me say that the things that first made me love language and want to work [italics] in [end italics] it and [italics] for [end italics] it were nursery rhymes and fol...Dylan Thomas BiblePrint: Book
1800-1849'Mrs Hannah More's "Practical piety" is a very useful book I think, perhaps you have read it if you think of any [underlined] you wish me to read my dear Susan please to ...Elizabeth Marshall BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699Eve Cohan is taken to church by her Christian music master to hear the organ; a New Testament is 'secretly conveyed to her' and 'she took great delight in reading in it',...Eve Cohan BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699'Even while she spelled words and syllables, she spelled out Christ; for if she met with a free promise, or some good sentence, holding out Gods love to man, she would sa...Martha Hatfeild BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699'il resolut de lire encore l'Evangile' (he resolved to read the Gospel again): is converted to Christianity and baptised in London.'Le Juif baptise' (The Baptised Jew) BiblePrint: Book
1600-1699'She spent much time in reading the Scripture, and a Book called The best friend in the worst of times ... Another Book that she was much delighted with, was Mr Swinnock'...Sarah Howley BiblePrint: Book

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