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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Name of reader: Samuel Johnson

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451 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1700-1799'[referring to his translation of Lobo's "Voyage to Abyssinia"] Johnson upon this exerted the powers of his mind, though his body was relaxed. He lay in bed with the book...Samuel Johnson Jeronimo LoboVoyage to Abyssinia , APrint: Book
1700-1799'Next morning at breakfast, [10th June 1784] he pointed out a passage in Savage's "Wanderer", saying, "These are fine verses". "If (said he) I had written with hostility ...Samuel Johnson Richard SavageWanderer, ThePrint: Book
1700-1799'"Sunday (said he) was a heavy day to me when I was a boy. My mother confined me on that day, and made me read "The Whole Duty of Man", from a great part of which I could...Samuel Johnson Richard AllestreeWhole Duty of Man, ThePrint: Book
1850-1899I mentioned the periodical paper called "The Connoisseur." He said it wanted matter. No doubt it has not the deep thinking of Johnson's writings. But surely it has just v...Samuel Johnson [n/a]World, ThePrint: Serial / periodical
1700-1799'[from an account by Dr Maxwell, an Irish london-based priest friend of Johnson] Speaking of Mr. Harte, Canon of Windsor, and writer of "The History of Gustavus Adolphus"...Samuel Johnson [unknown]['black letter', ie gothic text books - medieval t...Print: Book
1700-1799'I have read the Italian - nothing in it is well' Samuel Johnson [unknown]['The Italian' - unknown text]Unknown
1700-1799'When I pointed out to him in the newspaper one of Mr. Grattan's animated and glowing speeches, in favour of the freedom of Ireland, in which this expression occurred (I ...Samuel Johnson [a newspaper]Print: Newspaper
1700-1799'Lord Hailes had sent him a present of a curious little printed poem, on repairing the University of Aberdeen, by David [italics] Malloch [end italics], which he thought ...Samuel Johnson David Mallet[a poem about Aberdeen]Print: Unknown
1700-1799'Mr. Elphinston talked of a new book that was much admired, and asked Dr. Johnson if he had read it. Johnson. "I have looked into it." "What (said Elphinston), have you n...Samuel Johnson [unknown][a recently published book]Print: Book
1700-1799' [publisher Mr Strahan] received from Johnson on Christmas-eve, a note in which was the following paragraph: "I have read over Dr. Blair's first sermon with more tha...Samuel Johnson Hugh Blair[a sermon]Manuscript: Unknown
1700-1799' [letter from Johnson to Boswell] Dr. Blair is printing some sermons. If they are all like the first, which I have read, they are [italics] sermones aurei, ac auro magis...Samuel Johnson Hugh Blair[A Sermon]Manuscript: Unknown
1700-1799'[Johnson said] He [Colley Cibber] abused Pindar to me, and then shewed me an Ode of his own, with an absurd couplet, making a linnet soar on an eagle's wing. I told him ...Samuel Johnson Colley Cibber[an Ode]Manuscript: Unknown
1700-1799'On Saturday, April 3, the day after my arrival in London this year, I went to his house late in the evening, and sat with Mrs. Williams till he came home. I found in the...Samuel Johnson Oliver Goldsmith[apology for beating a bookseller]Unknown
1700-1799'I asked him whether he would advise me to read the Bible with a commentary, and what commentaries he would recommend. JOHNSON. "To be sure, Sir, I would have you read th...Samuel Johnson William Lowth[biblical commentaries - old testament]Print: Book
1700-1799'I asked him whether he would advise me to read the Bible with a commentary, and what commentaries he would recommend. JOHNSON. "To be sure, Sir, I would have you read th...Samuel Johnson Patrick[biblical commentaries - old testament]Print: Book
1700-1799'A propos to Gardening he once advised me to buy myself some famous Book upon the Subject, and read it says he attentively, but do not believe it' Samuel Johnson [book on gardening]Print: Book
1700-1799'When I talked of our [the Scots'] advancement in literature, "Sir, (said he,) you have learnt a little from us, and you think yourselves very great men. Hume would never...Samuel Johnson Voltaire[books of history]Print: Book
1700-1799' [Johnson said of Goldsmith] "Take him as a poet, his 'Traveller' is a very fine performance; ay, and so is his 'Deserted Village,' were it not sometimes too much the ec...Samuel Johnson David Dalrymple[books of history]Print: Book
1700-1799'Here was an excellent library; particularly, a valuable collection of books in Northern literature, with which Johnson was often very busy. One day Mr Wise read to us a ...Samuel Johnson [unknown][books of Northern literature]Print: Book
1700-1799'These Voyages, (pointing to the three large volumes of "Voyages to the South Sea", which were just come out) who will read them through? A man had better work his way be...Samuel Johnson [books of Voyages to the South Seas]Print: Book

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