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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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30503 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1800-1849Diary entry. June 16th, 1831: "I heard Stormy & Georgie read Homer & Xenophon — as usual, — tho’ I have not yet commemorated them here"Elizabeth Barrett Browning Xenophon[unknown]Unknown
1800-1849Diary entry. July 9th, 1831: "After breakfast, heard the boys read Homer & Zenophon"Elizabeth Barrett Browning Xenophon[unknown]Unknown
1800-1849Diary entry. July 9th, 1831: "After breakfast, heard the boys read Homer & Zenophon"Elizabeth Barrett Browning Homer[unknown]Unknown
1800-1849Diary entry. August 4th, 1831: "After nearly 3 quarters of an hour, Mrs. Boyd advised me to go in to him. I went. Heard him repeat some passages from Aeschylus, which h...Elizabeth Barrett Browning Aeschylus[unknown]Unknown
1800-1849Diary entry. August 8th, 1831: "I have written a letter to Papa, read the first vol: of the Last man, which Mrs. Martin has sent me at last —& read the whole of the 8th...Elizabeth Barrett Browning Homer[unknown]Unknown
1800-1849Diary entry. August 8th, 1831: "I have written a letter to Papa, read the first vol: of the Last man, which Mrs. Martin has sent me at last —& read the whole of the 8th...Elizabeth Barrett Browning Xenophon[unknown]Unknown
1800-1849Letter 433. December 1st, 1831: "I both Simpson’s & Hutchinson’s editions of Zenophon, the double tau takes the place of the double sigma, — and sun of ksun."Elizabeth Barrett Browning Xenophon[unknown]Print: Book
1800-1849Letter 433. December 1st, 1831: "You know my Isocrates is a bad edition. In it, there is sometimes a double tau & sometimes a double sigma quite ad libitum. For insta...Elizabeth Barrett Browning Isocrates[unknown]Print: Book
1800-1849Letter 443. March, 29, 1832: "Nonnus appears to have few instances of hiatus. I have observed— αυτοθι εμπεδα...Elizabeth Barrett Browning Nonnus of Panopolis[unknown]Print: Book
1850-1899'I would not, I could not, give up the rides and rambles that took up so much of my time, but I would try to overcome my disinclination to serious reading. There we...William Henry Hudson [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Book
1850-1899'One of the books I read then for the first time was White's "Selborne", given to me by an old friend of the family, a merchant in Buenos Ayres [sic], who had been ...William Henry Hudson Anon Anon[unknown]Print: Book
1800-1849‘I have employ’d the last term chiefly in making myself master of Pindar...I have not found the former very difficult, any further than as deep thinking and conceal’d c...Hartley Coleridge Pindar[unknown]Print: Book, university set text
1800-1849‘So true is Wordsworth’s observation (somebody has borrow’d my Wordsworth, and I’m like a Jack Tar without his tobacco pouch) that the older we grow, the more we become...Hartley Coleridge William Wordsworth[unknown]Print: Book
1900-1945'By the time my wife goes to bed at 9 or soon after, I feel too tired to do anything except sit by the fire and read a little poetry, then go to bed myself—without ...William Henry Hudson [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Book
1800-1849‘As to the Thucydides, I cannot think it exactly the book for me - considering how little access I have at present to classical books, and how little I know of those cr...Hartley Coleridge Thucydides[unknown]Print: Book
1900-1945'Eleanor in great pain. Very brave but collapsed—throat ghastly. O Henry ... no good as a pick-me-up. Tried gramophone—better ... One feels so isolated all alone wi...Mary Franeis Butts O. Henry (pseud)[unknown]Print: Book
1900-1945'...and in the little bays I have damaged myself on rocks. I had been reading there on a cliff seat I constructed for about 5 hours on Sunday afternoon, when I woke u...Thomas Edward Lawrence [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Book, 'books' 'with all my books in my hand'
1900-1945'To fill up this rather mixed letter I will give you a sketch of one of my days here. I wake at 7. and get up at 7.30. At eight I take "petit dejuner", and after insp...Thomas Edward Lawrence [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945'"The day was fair and sunny, sea and sky "Drank its inspiring radiance, and the wind "Swept strongly from the shore, blackening the waves." I went to my seat on the c...Thomas Edward Lawrence [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945'While walking about there before continuing my reading I fell into a little lake, between two rocks, and I wet all my legs. It was "A still salt pool, locked in wi...Thomas Edward Lawrence [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown

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