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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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30503 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1900-1945I sat on my roof and went on with my manuscripts, distracted by bevies of women wanting medicines for what they call 'wind', i.e. pains from sitting in their perpet...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon][unidentified Yemeni manuscripts]Manuscript: Unknown
1900-1945I am getting hold of a copyist as there are various exciting manuscripts here and I can't deal with all myself. I have nearly finished one and it is full of useful ...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon][unidentified Yemen manuscript]Manuscript: Unknown
1900-1945'...and in the little bays I have damaged myself on rocks. I had been reading there on a cliff seat I constructed for about 5 hours on Sunday afternoon, when I woke u...Thomas Edward Lawrence [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Book, 'books' 'with all my books in my hand'
1900-1945'To fill up this rather mixed letter I will give you a sketch of one of my days here. I wake at 7. and get up at 7.30. At eight I take "petit dejuner", and after insp...Thomas Edward Lawrence [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945'"The day was fair and sunny, sea and sky "Drank its inspiring radiance, and the wind "Swept strongly from the shore, blackening the waves." I went to my seat on the c...Thomas Edward Lawrence [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945'While walking about there before continuing my reading I fell into a little lake, between two rocks, and I wet all my legs. It was "A still salt pool, locked in wi...Thomas Edward Lawrence [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945'I rode to Montbard...and thence here, which is a tiny village about 15 miles from Vezelay "the grandest Norman church in Europe" (or outside it I presume) the guide-...Thomas Edward Lawrence [Anon] [Anon][guide book]Print: Book
1900-1945I sat at my table and studied verbs and nouns, wrapped in more clothes than I wore to climb the Matterhorn, and looked with a wary eye at the sunshine outside, dazz...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon][unknown Arabic language primer]Print: Book
1900-1945I am grateful for the leisure of my years, whether voluntary or enforced — for long stretches of sickness or of holiday, and also for small snippets like those prod...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945I am grateful for the leisure of my years, whether voluntary or enforced — for long stretches of sickness or of holiday, and also for small snippets like those prod...Flora Stark [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945I am grateful for the leisure of my years, whether voluntary or enforced — for long stretches of sickness or of holiday, and also for small snippets like those prod...Herbert Young [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945'I have lately re-read here the complete works of Conrad and Henry James and am engaged on reading all the books of Stephen Crane that I can lay my hands on—for the to ...Ford Madox Ford [Anon] [Anon][biography of Robert E. Lee]Print: Book
1900-1945'I have lately re-read here the complete works of Conrad and Henry James and am engaged on reading all the books of Stephen Crane that I can lay my hands on—for the to ...Ford Madox Ford [Anon] [Anon][biography of Stonewall Jackson]Print: Book
1900-1945'I have lately re-read here the complete works of Conrad and Henry James and am engaged on reading all the books of Stephen Crane that I can lay my hands on—for the to ...Ford Madox Ford [Anon] [Anon][biography of Davy Crockett]Print: Book
1900-1945'I have lately re-read here the complete works of Conrad and Henry James and am engaged on reading all the books of Stephen Crane that I can lay my hands on—for the to ...Ford Madox Ford [Anon] [Anon][biography of Daniel Boone]Print: Book
1850-1899'Notes on Colossians'Sarah Good [Anon] [Anon][Notes on Colossians]Print: Unknown
1850-1899'Notes on Thessalonians'Sarah Good [Anon] [Anon][Notes on Thessalonians]Print: Unknown
1850-1899'David Watson, M.A. of St. Andrews University, used to spend every spare moment of his day and whole Sundays on end with this writer [Ford] standing beside him at his p...Ford Madox Ford [Anon] [Anon]La Vida de Lazarillo de TormesPrint: Book
1900-1945'Lottie's kind of reading, though I could manage it, was not mine; it was usually fiction conducive of the domestic virtues. At the club, my father discovered a...Charlotte Margaret Blunden [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Book
1800-1849'Before I forget again?have you looked into the "History of a Flirt"? [The History of a Flirt, related by Herself ? by the author of "The Manoeuvring Mother"] The name m...Elizabeth Barrett [author of "The Manoeuvering Mother"] anonHistory of a Flirt, ThePrint: Book

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