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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1600-1699'To the hall, and there find the boy's verses "De peste"; it being their custom to make verses at Shrovetide. I read several, and very good they were, and better I think ...Samuel Pepys [boys in the upper forms at Eaton] De pests [Bacchus verses]Manuscript: Unknown
1850-1899'So in time she was able to read Grimms' "Fairy Tales", "Gulliver's Travels", "The Daisy Chain" and Mrs. Molesworth's "Cuckoo Clock" and "Carrots".'Flora Thompson [Brothers] Grimm[Fairy Tales]Print: Book
1800-1849'If you want to read an agreeable book, read Galownin's narrative of his confinement in and escape from Japan; and I think it may do very well for reading out, which I be...Sydney Smith [Captain] GollowninRecollections of Japan, by Capt. Gollownin of the ...Print: Book
1800-1849'I strongly recommend to you Captain Golownin's narrative of his imprisonment in Japan; it is one of the most entertaining books I have read for a long time.'Sydney Smith [Captain] GollowninRecollections of Japan, by Capt. Gollownin of the ...Print: Book
1600-1699'Up and by water with Mr Tooker (to Woolwich first, to do several businesses of the King's); and then on board Captain Fisher's ship, which we hire to carry goods to Tang...Samuel Pepys [Captain] [Fisher?][papers]Manuscript: Sheet
1800-1849'I have read since last October a good deal of the history relating to the East ...: not much of books not connected with India [but included] Denina's "Revolutions of Li...Mountstuart Elphinstone [Carlo] DeninaRevolutions of LiteraturePrint: Book
1800-1849'I have read since last October a good deal ot the history relating to the East ...: not much of books not connected with India [but included] Middleton's "Free Enquiry" ...Mountstuart Elphinstone [Conyers] MiddletonA free enquiryPrint: Book
1800-1849'I have read since last October a good deal of the history relating to the East ...: not much of books not connected with India [but included] Middleton's "Free Enquiry" ...Mountstuart Elphinstone [Conyers] MiddletonA letter from RomePrint: Book
1800-1849'I have read since last October a good deal ot the history relating to the East ...: not much of books not connected with India [but included] Middleton's "Free Enquiry" ...Mountstuart Elphinstone [Conyers] Middleton[Dissertations in Latin and English]Print: Book
1800-1849'I have read since last October a good deal of the history relating to the East ...: not much of books not connected with India [but included] Middleton's "Free Enquiry" ...Mountstuart Elphinstone [Conyers] Middleton[Cicero]Print: Book
1800-1849'I have read since last October a good deal of the history relating to the East...: not much of books not connected with India. ...;[but includes] Hume's "Dialogue on Na...Mountstuart Elphinstone [David] HumeDialogue on natural religionPrint: Book
1800-1849'I have read since last October a good deal of the history relating to the East...: not much of books not connected with India [but included] ...; Ramsay's "Revolution of...Mountstuart Elphinstone [David] RamsayRevolution of South Carolina [The history of the]Print: Book
1850-1899'Read Dr Fischer's pamphlet'.George Eliot [pseud] [Dr] Fischer[a pamphlet]Print: PamphletManuscript: Unknown
1700-1799Letter to Miss Ewing October 3 1778 'He is an uncommon, indeed I may say, an exalted character; one of those of whom Pope says ?Great souls there are, who touch?d with w...Anne Grant [nee MacVicar] [Edward?] [Young?][Satire VI?]Print: Book
1700-1799Letter to Miss Ourry July 13, 1779 'The sublime and solid consolations which true religion and right reason afford, are all your own and, tho? well assured that there is ...Anne Grant [nee MacVicar] [Edward?] [Young?][?Night Thoughts]Print: Book
[Item transcribed into a commonplace book]: [Title] 'To one at rest/ by the author of/ the Three Wakings'; [Text] 'And needest thou our prayers no more, Safe folded mid t...Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine [Elizabeth Rundle] [Charles]To one at restPrint: Unknown
1800-1849'I have read since last October a good deal of the history relating to the East...: not much of books not connected with India [but included] ... In poetry, ... Darwin's ...Mountstuart Elphinstone [Erasmus] DarwinBotanic GardenPrint: Book
1800-1849'Read Armata, said to be Lord Erskine's, very unworthy of his name 'tho his politics are displayed which are pretty nearly my opinions and I should therefore be more incl...Benjamin Newton [Erskine or T.E.] Armata, a FragmentPrint: Book
[Item transcribed into a commonplace book]: [Title] 'The grave of a poetess (Mrs` Tighe at Woodstock near Kilkenny)'; [text] 'I stood beside thy lowly grave;/ Spring-odou...Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine [Felicia Dorothea Browne] [Hemans]The grave of a poetessPrint: Unknown
[Item transcribed into a commonplace book]: [Untitled]; [Text]' ?Oh! ask not, hope not thou too much/ of sympathy below/ For are the hearts whence one same touch/ Bids th...Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine [Felicia Dorothea Browne] [Hemans][Kindred hearts]Print: Unknown

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