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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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30503 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
'Johnson says the following 8 lines of Burney are actually sublime - they are the End of a dull copy of Verses enough, but the Lines themselves are most excellent' [the l...Hester Lynch Thrale Charles Burney[verses on death]Manuscript: Unknown
'Johnson says the following 8 lines of Burney are actually sublime - they are the End of a dull copy of Verses enough, but the Lines themselves are most excellent' [the l...Samuel Johnson Charles Burney[verses on death]Manuscript: Unknown
1700-1799'Dr Franklyn, the famous Franklyn contrived a Stove in such a Manner as to make the Flame descend instead of rising upward. it was in the Form of an Urn: here are some pr...Hester Lynch Thrale Jonathan Odell[verses on Franklin's stove]Manuscript: Unknown
1700-1799'Dr Franklyn, the famous Franklyn contrived a Stove in such a Manner as to make the Flame descend instead of rising upward. it was in the Form of an Urn: here are some pr...Samuel Johnson Jonathan Odell[verses on Franklin's stove]Manuscript: Unknown
1700-1799'I used to like following Verses vastly upon Garrick and Barry's playing King Lear a l'envie till I heard from good authority That Garrick wrote them himself: The Town...Hester Lynch Thrale [verses on Garrick's Lear]Unknown
1700-1799'[Mr Pepys] is admirably described by the same Words with which Menage describes Mr de Costar; C'est (dit il), le Galant le plus Pedant, et le Pedant le plus galant qu'on...Hester Lynch Thrale Mr Pepys[verses on Mrs Greville and Mrs Crewe]Unknown
1700-1799'Some body shewed my Mother the Verses written by Moses Franks upon Mrs Pitt bathing at Brighthelmstone - These says She were written by Moses [italics] uninspired [end i...Hester Maria Salusbury Moses Franks[verses on Mrs Pitt bathing]Unknown
1700-1799Horace Walpole to Mary Berry, 10 July 1789: 'I enclose a most beautiful copy of verses which Miss H[annah]. More wrote very lately when she was with [the Bishop of London...Horace Walpole Hannah More[verses on opening of walk by Bishop of London]Manuscript: Unknown
1700-1799'[speaking of some verses in the notes to Pope's Dunciad, Boswell and Miss Seward wonder who they are by] He was prompt with his answer: "Why, Sir, they were written by o...Samuel Johnson Mr Lewis[verses on Pope in notes to the 'Dunciad']Print: Book
1700-1799'one Day in the Year 1768 I saw some Verses with his name in a Magazine these are they [the poem follows] I thought they were not his so I asked him; A young fellow repli...Hester Lynch Thrale Samuel Johnson[verses printed in the Gentleman's Magazine]Print: Serial / periodical
1700-1799'I saw there [at Hampton] likewise a sweet pretty little Copy of Verses from a Gentleman to his Wife on the Subject of his giving her an elegant Penknife as a Present. I ...Hester Lynch Thrale [verses to a wife, about a penknife]Manuscript: Unknown
From the Commonplace book of Mrs Austen of Ensbury: Transcription of 'By Mr B Sheridan Esq to his Wife'.Catherine Austen Sheridan[verses to his wife]Unknown
1700-1799'[Dr Parker] shewed me a little Poem written to himself by an old Clergyman of sixty nine Years old just upon the Accession of the present King, or about the time of his ...Hester Lynch Thrale [verses written to Dr Parker by a clergyman]Manuscript: Unknown
1700-1799'[at a gathering on the Isle of Wight] it fell to Paterson's Share [in a rhyming contest] it seems to celebrate Kitty Parker, then a reigning Beauty: he promised not to l...Mr Paterson Mr Paterson[verses written to Kitty Parker]Manuscript: Unknown
1850-1899'By the bye, how good and clever his (Major Lockhart's) verses are which you sent me...'Margaret Oliphant Major Lockhart[verses]Unknown
1850-1899'I return to you these verses (of which I have taken a copy) with many thanks. I am always glad of your scraps of intelligence, which come, with their pleasant [italics] ...Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell [verses]Unknown
1700-1799'Mary Leadbeter! - Yes indeed I do well remember You! not Leadbeter then, but a pretty demure Lass, standing a timid Auditor while her own Verses were read by a kind Frie...Mary Shackleton Mary Shackleton[verses]Unknown
1800-1849'I assure you she [Mrs Murray] was a Shield to me on the Night when I read my Verses.' [to Murray and others, prior to agreeing on their publication]George Crabbe George Crabbe[verses]Manuscript: Unknown
1850-1899'There was also a thick volume bound in calf and containing a verbatim report of a controversy between a Protestant divine and a Roman Catholic priest some time about the...Edwin Muir [unknown][volume about theological debate]Print: Book
1850-1899'My mother then received from her earlier home certain volumes, among which was a gaudy gift-book of some kind, containing a few steel engravings of statues. These attrac...Edmund Gosse [unknown][volume of engravings]Print: Book

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