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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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30503 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1600-1699'So home and my wife and I together all the evening, discoursing; and then after reading my vowes to myself... we hastened to supper and to bed.'Samuel Pepys [unknown][vowes]Unknown
1600-1699'So home to prayers, and then to read my vowes and to bed.'Samuel Pepys [unknown][vowes]Unknown
1600-1699'To church; where after sermon, home and to my office before dinner, reading my vowes;'Samuel Pepys [unknown][vowes]Unknown
1600-1699'I was at it till past 2 a-clock on Monday morning, and then read my vows and to bed'Samuel Pepys [vowes]Unknown
1600-1699'And I to my closet, there to read and agree upon my vowes for next year; and so to bed - and slept mighty well.'Samuel Pepys [vowes]Unknown
'Milton established a habit of serious reading, which brought Bamford to Homer, Virgil, Shakespeare, the great poets, classic histories and voyages and, ultimately, Willi...Samuel Bamford [voyages]Print: Book
1900-1945'Growing up in a family that read newspapers only for sport and scandal, Vernon Scannell knew all the great prize fighters by age thirteen, "but I could not have named th...Vernon Scannell Siegfried Sassoon[war poems]Print: Book
1900-1945'Growing up in a family that read newspapers only for sport and scandal, Vernon Scannell knew all the great prize fighters by age thirteen, "but I could not have named th...Vernon Scannell Wilfred Owen[war poems]Print: Book
1900-1945'Later in my teens, on a first visit to London, I bought for one-and-six in the Charing Cross Road, a red-covered copy of "The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon". it was my ...Charles Causley Robert Graves[war poetry]Print: Book
1900-1945'Later in my teens, on a first visit to London, I bought for one-and-six in the Charing Cross Road, a red-covered copy of "The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon". it was my ...Charles Causley Edmund Blunden[war poetry]Print: Book
1900-1945'Later in my teens, on a first visit to London, I bought for one-and-six in the Charing Cross Road, a red-covered copy of "The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon". it was my ...Charles Causley Wilfred Owen[war poetry]Print: Book
1900-1945'Meeting held at School House, Leighton Park. Jan 27th 1942 J. Knox Taylor in the Chair.
1. In the absence of the Secretary the minutes of the last meeting wer...
[a member of the XII Book Club – one of Isabel Taylor, Roger Moore, Margaret Dilks, A. G. Joselin, or F. E. Pollard] Wilfred Owen[war poetry]Print: Book
'East End socialist Walter Southgate remembered that Dick Turpin and Buffalo Bill stories "were condemned by our teachers (all from middle class backgrounds) who would co...Walter Southgate Walter Scott[Waverley Novels]Print: Book
1850-1899'By the age of ten he had gone through E.W. Lane's three-volume translation of "The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night", Scott's Waverley novels, Carroll's "Alice ...William Somerset Maugham Walter Scott[Waverley novels]Print: Book
1800-1849'Your observation on the Waverley novels is perfectly just; instead of misleading one concerning the true history, or giving one a distaste for it, they make one relish i...Louisa, Lady Stuart Walter Scott[Waverley Novels]Print: Book
1800-1849'Your observation on the Waverley novels is perfectly just; instead of misleading one concerning the true history, or giving one a distaste for it, they make one relish i...Louisa Clinton Walter Scott[Waverley Novels]Print: Book
1800-1849'Mrs Scott (here) is as thorough-paced a lover of those books [The Waverley Novels] as either of us. I have been looking over the Ayrshire Legatees, which I do not like a...Mrs Scott Walter Scott[Waverley Novels]Print: Book
1850-1899'so went to the Club. There I glanced over the Weeklies & then came home'John Buckley Castieau [n/a][weekly newspapers]Print: Newspaper
1850-1899'[Chester Armstrong's] political consciousness was awakened when his father, a self-help Radical, read aloud the weekly paper, which brought home the horrors of the Afgha... [weekly paper]Print: Newspaper
1850-1899'[On Sunday] After breakfast I had taken up the "Weekly Examiner", and was intent upon a more than usually scurrilous and illogical leading article, when the paper was su...Thomas Wright [n/a][Weekly Screamer]Print: Newspaper

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