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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1800-1849Biographical Notices of Painters were eagerly sought at this period; but my reading, upon the whole, was rather a desultory nature, being fond of variety; accordingly a v...John Cole  Print: Book
1800-1849Biographical Notices of Painters were eagerly sought at this period; but my reading, upon the whole, was rather a desultory nature, being fond of variety; accordingly a v...John Cole  Print: Book
1800-1849During this Spring read Shakspeare [sic] regularly through, and studied the characters of Hamlet, Douglas, Osman in 'Zara', Sir Charles Racket &c and purchased & read a g...John Cole  Print: Book
1800-1849During this Spring read Shakspeare [sic] regularly through, and studied the characters of Hamlet, Douglas, Osman in 'Zara', Sir Charles Racket &c and purchased & read a g...John Cole  Print: Book
1800-1849One of my many visitors this summer, - R.M. Milnes, made earnest enquiry for you. I do hope you like his poetry almost as much as he likes yours. I keep a vol. of his a...Harriet Martineau R.M. Milnes Print: Book
1800-1849'[Balzac's] short works although not new are exquisite - La Recherche de L'Absolu- Eugenie Grandet- Modeste Mignon- The last good cheap English books that I remember were...Mary Russell Mitford Mirabeau Print: Book
1850-1899?the snow left off a bit after lunch & we strolled out for a walk? so after pounding a mile or two out & home along slushy snow-paths we came home rather disgusted & boug...Leslie Stephen Plato Print: Book
1900-1945'As a boy V.S. Pritchett read Oliver Twist "in a state of hot horror, It seized me because it was about London and the fears of the London streets. There were big boys at...Victor Sawdon Pritchett William Makepeace Thackeray Print: Book
'Pope happened to be the first English poet that [Robert] Story discovered, so he provided the template from which the herd-boy minted pastorals "delightfully free from e...Robert Story Alexander Pope Print: Book
1800-1849'Robert White... had somewhat more progressive tastes [than Robert Story], which extended to Shelley, Keats, Childe Harold, and The Lady of the Lake. But his reading stop...Robert White Percy Bysshe Shelley Print: Book
1800-1849'Robert White... had somewhat more progressive tastes [than Robert Story], which extended to Shelley, Keats, Childe Harold, and The Lady of the Lake. But his reading stop...Robert White John Keats Print: Book
1850-1899'Robert White... had somewhat more progressive tastes [than Robert Story], which extended to Shelley, Keats, Childe Harold, and The Lady of the Lake. But his reading stop...Robert White Alfred Lord Tennyson Print: Book
1850-1899'Robert White... had somewhat more progressive tastes [than Robert Story], which extended to Shelley, Keats, Childe Harold, and The Lady of the Lake. But his reading stop...Robert White Henry Fielding Print: Book
1850-1899'Robert White... had somewhat more progressive tastes [than Robert Story], which extended to Shelley, Keats, Childe Harold, and The Lady of the Lake. But his reading stop...Robert White Tobias Smollett Print: Book
1850-1899'Robert White... had somewhat more progressive tastes [than Robert Story], which extended to Shelley, Keats, Childe Harold, and The Lady of the Lake. But his reading stop...Robert White Walter Scott Print: Book
1800-1849'[Hugh Miller's] literary style was out of date: in 1834 he alluded to "my having kept company with the older English writers - the Addisons, Popes and Robertsons of the ...Hugh Miller Joseph Addison Print: Book, Serial / periodical
1800-1849'[Hugh Miller's] literary style was out of date: in 1834 he alluded to "my having kept company with the older English writers - the Addisons, Popes and Robertsons of the ...Hugh Miller Alexander Pope Print: Book
1800-1849'[Hugh Miller's] literary style was out of date: in 1834 he alluded to "my having kept company with the older English writers - the Addisons, Popes and Robertsons of the ...Hugh Miller [probably William] Robertson Print: Book
1600-1699And a Sermon of Mr. H. Hickman's at Oxford, much moved her (on Isa. 27. 11. It is a people of no understanding, therefore he that made them will not save them, &c.) The D...Margaret Charlton  Unknown
1900-1945'In the 1920s Janet Hitchman acquired her literary education among the derelict bookshelves of an orphanage, which included a huge collection of "drunken father deathbed ...Janet Hitchman Charles Dickens Print: Book

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