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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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30503 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1850-1899[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse h...Joseph Keating Jonathan Swift Print: Book
1850-1899[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse h...Joseph Keating Alexander Pope Print: Book
1850-1899[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse h...Joseph Keating Henry Fielding Print: Book
1850-1899[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse h...Joseph Keating Samuel Richardson Print: Book
1850-1899[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse h...Joseph Keating Tobias Smollett Print: Book
1850-1899[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse h...Joseph Keating Oliver Goldsmith Print: Book
1800-1849[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse h...Joseph Keating Richard Brinsley Sheridan Print: Book
1850-1899[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse h...Joseph Keating John Keats Print: Book
1850-1899[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] 'Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse ...Joseph Keating George Gordon, Lord Byron Print: Book
1850-1899[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse h...Joseph Keating Percy Bysshe Shelley Print: Book
1850-1899[due to the fact that books in working class communities were generally cheap out of copyright reprints, not new works] Welsh collier Joseph Keating was able to immerse h...Joseph Keating Charles Dickens Print: Book
1900-1945'From a classroom library of perhaps two dozen volumes [Richard Hillyer] borrowed one by Tennyson, simply because it had 'Poet Laureate' printed on the title page: the co...Richard Hillyer Alfred Lord Tennyson Print: Book
1850-1899'orphanage boy Thomas Burke... devoured books until "my mind became a lumber room". Inevitably, "criticism was beyond me; the hungry man has no time for the fastidiousnes...Thomas Burke Alexander Pope Print: Unknown
1850-1899'orphanage boy Thomas Burke... devoured books until "my mind became a lumber room". Inevitably, "criticism was beyond me; the hungry man has no time for the fastidiousnes...Thomas Burke William Cowper Print: Unknown
1850-1899'orphanage boy Thomas Burke... devoured books until "my mind became a lumber room". Inevitably, "criticism was beyond me; the hungry man has no time for the fastidiousnes...Thomas Burke Kirke White Print: Unknown
1850-1899'orphanage boy Thomas Burke... devoured books until "my mind became a lumber room". Inevitably, "criticism was beyond me; the hungry man has no time for the fastidiousnes...Thomas Burke Felicia Hemans Print: Unknown
1850-1899'orphanage boy Thomas Burke... devoured books until "my mind became a lumber room". Inevitably, "criticism was beyond me; the hungry man has no time for the fastidiousnes...Thomas Burke Samuel Rogers Print: Unknown
1850-1899'As for Mona Maclean I am afraid I could not say more than that it is a cleverish very youthful book, the author of which if she comes to anything will probably much regr...Margaret Oliphant F Marion Crawford Print: Book, Serial / periodical
1850-1899'I see in the papers that that man Walter Scott is going to bring out shortly a collection of Anglicized versions of early Scotch poetry such as Dunbar, Henryson, &c.'Margaret Oliphant  Print: Advertisement, Newspaper
1850-1899'[...] how extremely sorry I am for your great loss in Mr. Henderson. I saw a mention of him [Mr. Henderson] in the Athenaeum last Saturday with the greatest regret'.Margaret Oliphant  Print: Advertisement, Newspaper, Serial / periodical

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